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Running with Wolves Ch. 22

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When things fall apart.
15.9k words

Part 23 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/20/2016
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"slowly pushes large chunk of meat into lion cage with a long long stick"

Here you go, big and juice, just the way you like it. Please don't eat me.


The hot water cascading down from the rain showerhead was not enough to power through all the dirt and grime caked onto Dominic's skin. He picked up the hand sprayer, putting the jet inches from his body so that the spray could really get to work. Looking down at what was already swirling around the drain, he could see this would not be a quick shower.

He didn't feel too much pressure to be getting back, though. In fact, he was very much dreading it. Day was out there, terrified, while Ben took turns glaring at him and Misty.

The situation in the door way had not been pleasant. Ben had flipped his lib, demanding Day leave while trying to explain to Dominic why he shouldn't have been there. Misty and Day had also jumped in, talking over each other to try and explain the situation from their respective points of view. All Dominic got out of it was "He has the right...", "...already told him...", "...please, Alpha Dominic...", "...pedophile...", and "...ass kicking...".

As they three continued to yell both at him and at each other, Dominic searched deep within himself for the inner peace he needed to get through this emotionally trying day. His wolf was making it extremely difficult by becoming excited and restless. Locking the beast down once more, Dominic had let out a thunderous "Shut up! All of you!" He glared Ben down, silently telling him to be quiet, before turning back to address Day, who was practically on the floor cowering. "Come in and sit down. If I'm going to be dealing with all this crap, I need to shower first."

Ben had not been pleased in the least about Day being allowed in, and had attempted to tell Dominic just how much he didn't like it, but Dominic had shut it down until after his shower. He couldn't focus on the situation while being so filthy.

When he had left for the bathroom, Day had been nervously rubbing his hands together in one of the sitting room chairs, Ben was standing against the far wall with his arms crossed in annoyance, and Misty had curled up between them as calm as can be while also ready to pounce if anything went sideways.

Dominic realized he probably should hurry with his shower.

After thoroughly scrubbing himself down, Dominic stepped out from behind the stone wall to grab his towel. He dried quickly, not caring about his hair so much as he pulled on the clothes he had been wearing before. The droplets of water clung to the ends of his hair, and in a moment of irritation from their cold plops onto his skin, he shook his head vigorously to get them off. They flew everywhere, landing in a spread of tiny rain all over the bathroom floor, counter, and mirror. He continued on out into the bedroom, still contemplating the scenario he had just found himself in, completely focused on the different ways the approaching conversation could go.

Day was still sitting in his seat, but he seemed to have melted into it. Ben's angry gaze had liquefied him into a jittery mess, leaving him in a state of panic and fear. Dominic wasn't sure if he was going to run, cry, vomit, or perhaps do all three simultaneously. There just didn't seem to be any telling.

"Alright, Ben, that's enough. I think he gets it." Dominic said, plopping down on a couch across from the terrified werewolf. It struck him then that, despite being able to turn into a snarling beast, this guy was absolutely petrified of Ben, who for as big and strong as he was, was only human. It was an indication of just where in the hierarchy this kid was.

In lengthening awkward silence, no one was to keen on starting the conversation, so that left Dominic to contemplate the nagging feeling of knowing the man in front of him. He pushed it around in his mind until it finally dawned on him.

"You're Lark's brother. You were there at the trial."

The sudden topic of his brother's trial caught Day off guard, but he nodded without hesitation. "H-he was my brother, yes, but I no longer recognize him as such, just as I do not recognize my father. They were traitors to the pack, planning to push out our Alphas so that they could take control.

"I have re-sworn myself to the Five Rivers Pack. My mom and I had nothing to do with their radicalistic views; we are no threat to you."

Looking to Misty, she nodded in conformation. She would be the one to know if someone from her former pack was trustworthy. Trusting her judgment, but still not happy with it, Dominic put it on the back burner for the time being. There were more important things to worry about.

"What do you mean by Penny being your Destined?"

Misty cut in. "It is no different-"

"I want him to explain." Dominic snapped. His calm demeanor was beginning to slip, his wolf trying to come forward again. He took a deep breath and tried again. "I want to hear his words, not yours. That's the only way I'm going to get what I need."

Misty looked slightly peeved that she had been told to stand down, but did not try to interrupt again. Satisfied, Dominic once again focused on Day, who looked even worse than a moment ago. "W-w-well, I'm uh. I-I mean I'm Penny's... her, um..." Day continued to sink into his chair, unable to form a complete sentence.

"What the freak is trying to say is that three weeks ago when he came in to clean up the Wing, he caught a whiff of Penny and his pervy little heart went a flutter and he snatched her from her crib!" Ben took an aggressive step towards Day, who responded by leaping up and crab crawling over the back of the chair in fear. He was dexterous, landing in a crouch behind the large piece of furniture before huddling behind it.

"Ben! That's enough!" Dominic snarled at his friend, who was too angry to recognize the situation he was in. Dominic could feel his hands beginning to hurt again.

"No! That pedophile came into our home, while we are SLEEPING, picks up Penny and fucking leaves like a thief in the night! We were freaking out for hours trying to find her!"

"I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking! I scented her and my wolf took over without me realizing. I would never hurt her. I love her." Feeling somewhat brave, Day peeked out from around the chair, only to dart back when Ben went for him. Dominic stepped in and shoved Ben back, shouting in his face to go take a walk. His friend sneered back but relented after a brief standoff.

As he stormed out of the bedroom, Dominic sat back down in his seat. Looking over, he spotted Misty in a defensive pose near the chair Day was hiding behind. "He's just pissed. To tell you the truth, so am I." Dominic glared at Day, who was skittishly maneuvering his way back into his seat. "You better start explaining yourself before he gets back. And if I don't like what you have to say, I won't stop Ben from tearing you apart. I'll probably join him. Now, tell me what the hell is going on?"

Once back in his spot, Day continued to have a difficult time getting his words out. He was a stuttering mess, constantly tripping over his own words and trying to back peddle whenever he thought he said something that would make Dominic angry. His attempts to explain were so bad Dominic finally had to step in.

"Day." The man shut his mouth with a snap. "Take a breath. Just tell me what is going on. I promise not to do anything until you have finished your explanation."

Taking in a shuttering breath, Day closed his eyes and focused in on himself. Dominic watched, fascinated, as his skin rippled slightly. It seemed like he was about to shift, but the only thing that changed were his eyes. When he opened them they held a dull glow, barely noticeable unless you were looking directly at him. His posture changed too: his shoulders rolled back and his back straightened. He looked like a completely different boywith those small changes.

"Three weeks ago, I was assigned to clean up duty in the Alpha Wing. It was one of my first large assignments as an Omega of my pack. We were told to leave your rooms be, as they were considered to be the embassy of the Dominic Pack."

Dominic found that surprising, but did not interrupt. It was just something to be thought about later.

"I was wiping down the floorboards when I caught the scent of my mate. I was so excited, I forgot myself and allowed my wolf to take control. I followed her scent and found her in her crib. Without thought, I picked her up and took her to my home on the other side of the Den. My mother was so excited that I had found her, she smiled. It's been a long time since my mom has smiled for real." The sadness in Day's voice was undeniable, but that didn't help to cool Dominic off. He was thoroughly pissed.

Misty made the mistake of trying to play peace keeper. "It is no different than what you and I have, or what Samantha has with the twins. I don't see how she can be opposed to this when she herself has Destineds."

Dominic saw red. "This is COMPLETELY different! Penny is a BABY! She just turned six months old, and you're telling me that our situation and her situation are the same?!" He rose to his feet, glaring at the other two. "If you think I'm going to let this pedophile have his way with Penny-"

Suddenly, Day was on his feet as well. "No, please, you don't understand! This is what I've been trying to tell your pack for the past two weeks; I'm NOT a pedophile."

Dominic stiffened, his eyes slits as he stared Day down. Just then, Ben came back into the room. He still looked angry, but also determined. Seeing his best friend was just as angry about the situation appeared to help ease some of his tension; he knew Dominic was on his side.

They continued on with the conversation. "You just told me she was your Destined. I know what comes with that. Ben and Samantha have both seen how a werewolf responds to those they are Destines with. Even I have been feeling what it is to have a Destined, the way you people do. Don't try and bullshit me and say because you are wolves makes it okay to be with a child."

Still obviously scared, but seeing an opening, Day continued explaining. The slight glow to his eyes was fading. "I-I've read a lot about your culture the past few weeks, trying to understand why you would not let me be with my Destined. It's because you fear for her, because there are those of your kind that would take her to harm her... sexually, and otherwise. You don't even allow your pups to mate legally until they are over the age of 18, which doesn't make any sense, s-since she will become sexually mature at the age of 13..."

Misty had to stop Ben as he lunged forward, cursing and swinging. Day let out a screech of fear and backed way up to the far wall. In his defense, Dominic had taken an aggressive step forward as well, not at all liking where that sentence was going.

"I told you if I didn't like what you had to say, I wouldn't stop Ben from killing you. You better choose your next words very carefully."

Day tried, but whatever courage he had gained from his wolf had left him. He couldn't get the words out, his breathing became shallow and his face paled except for the two bright spots on his cheeks. He was beginning to fall apart.

Watching him break down emotionally, Dominic felt himself sober. Knowing Day was scared of him, truly terrified, did not fill him with a sense of satisfaction as it should have. Instead, he felt the urge to protect. It completely threw him; after all, this man, this werewolf, was attempting to claim an exceptionally young member of his family. But once it was there he could not get rid of it. The impulse he normally only felt for his close friends was too strong. He waved Misty off as he walked up to Day, who slumped back into his seat like a child afraid of a parents coming reprimand.

"Look, Day, I get that this isn't-"


Looking up and behind Day's chair, a most welcome sight stood smiling before him. Samantha was panting hard, one hand on the handle of the open door, the other on her stomach as she tried to catch her breath. She was glowing, her smile wide and eyes bright with moisture. She was dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a flowery blouse he did not recognize, with her black hair pulled back in a messy pony tail. She stood in the doorway, pausing as if trying to make sure what she was seeing was real, before bursting into a sobbing laugh and rushing to embrace her long absent friend. "Dominic! Oh God, I missed you so much."

"Oh, Samantha, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Dominic clutched her to his chest as her sobs continued. He stroked her back in comfort until his words failed him and her sobs ceased. He didn't even register he was letting his own tears fall until she finally pulled back and wiped them away with her small hands.

Samantha sniffed a few times to clear her nose. "Where did you go?" She sounded so sad, so much like an abandoned child, that all he could do was slump his head in shame.

"I lost control of the wolf inside of me. I haven't even been aware until this morning. Misty had to tell me how long I was gone. I swear I never meant to leave you guys on your own-"

She violently embraced him again, choking off his words. He could only laugh and hold her with just as much zeal. He really did love her.

They were broken up by a growl from the doorway. Looking up, Thunder stood where Samantha had been. He was glaring at the back of the chair directly in front of him, the one holding Day. It was as if the wood and upholstery were not even there; his stare centered on the other Were, and Day was obviously aware of it. He held completely still, except for his shaking hands. His eyes were locked in wide terrified spheres of gold and white, the pupil rapidly overtaking his iris.

When Samantha turned around to see what had Thunder so upset, she first saw him, then noticed Day in the chair. The happiness in her eyes instantly evaporated, and Blue came fully to the front in an instant. She was now cold, taking in the situation as she saw it. Day would not look at her, his fear too great for him to risk moving even that inconsequential amount.

"What... is he doing here, Dominic?" Samantha turned to him, her eyes accusing and pleading in the same stare. He met her stare, unapologetic.

"He came here with the intention of explaining himself to me. He asked me permission to see Penny."

"And who the fuck said you had the right to decide that?"

"No one. You know I would never make a decision like that for you, Samantha. Penny is your daughter, and I don't like this situation any more than you. I was blindsided by this, and I'm just trying to figure out what's going on." Dominic kept his voice even. He hadn't done anything wrong, but that did not mean Samantha did not have the right to be upset. This was her six-month-old daughter they were talking about. She was more than within her right to be pissed.

"Please, Samantha, please. I have no intention of doing anything improper with Penny. I just want to see her." Day's words were met with the full fury of Samantha's other self. She spun on her heel and glared down on him, forcing him to shrink in on himself as if he were under a tremendous weight. Behind him, Thunder also made it clear he was not happy with the situation. He came forward, his heavy footsteps causing tiny tremors in the floor. With each step, the shaking in Day's hands increased until it spread to his entire body. He looked about ready to piss himself.

Coming around, Thunder's eyes were bright with intent. They stilled everyone, as no one was immune to the aura of a true predator. He didn't vocally speak, but then again much of the human language is body language, and his was saying some pretty straight forward things.

At the cusp of the entire room bursting, the person who stepped forward to calm the tension was not Dominic, but Misty. She had abandoned Ben, who was no longer the biggest issue, and instead pivoted directly in front of Thunder, their chests almost touching.

"Back. Off." The authority in her voice was unmistakable, as was Thunder's total disregard of it. He would not be talked down by her.

From somewhere inside himself, a feeling of indignation rose up inside of Dominic. How dare Thunder come into his home, with his people, and not back off when confronted. He had no right; this was not his family.

Dominic went and stood shoulder to shoulder with Misty, though he was closer in height to Thunder than he was her. "She said back off." Surprisingly, at least to most of Dominic, Thunder actually backed down. The part of him that had felt indignant let out a silent "damn-fucking-right" and snorted in approval.

He shook that away; he needed to focus on keeping the peace. "I know that everyone is pissed. I'm not happy about this either. But if we don't calm the fuck down the only thing we are going to get done is tearing each other apart." He looked to Ben, then to Samantha and her new shadow. When he received their begrudging agreement, Dominic motioned for everyone to back off. "Day, I think it best you leave."

"No! Alpha Dominic, please..." He was met with stern looks all around. He shrunk back and stood from his seat, heading for the door. As he put his hand on the handle, he paused and turned back to address the room.

"I know... I know I am not the type of wolf you would want for Penny. I am an Omega, and my family has not proven itself to be the most loyal of pack members, but I want you to know that..." there was a catch in Day's voice, "that my mother and I have renounced our family bonds to Lark and Gray. Their blood will no longer be tied to ours. And for those that would still question where our loyalties lie," now his eyes focused solely on Thunder, "we allowed Alpha Orion to raid our minds. He tested and scrutinized our entire consciousness, and found none of my father's or brother's beliefs. I am a loyal member of the Five Rivers Pack, one that has nothing but good intentions for Penny. Please consider this as you make your decision." And with that, he left the room, closing the door with a soft click.

Dominic thought he could smell salt.

There was an almost audible release of tension from the room. Dominic felt it empty his body and he was suddenly exhausted. He went to sit again, plopping down and instantly disliking the couch. It wasn't as comfortable as his had been. "Well that was a shit storm to walk into. Next time, give me a heads up will you?" He smirked at Samantha, trying to lighten her peeved mood.

It worked; she snorted with an added eye roll. "It's not like I had any from you, Dom. I had to hear it from on of the cleaning crew that you were in our old rooms." Samantha moved over to embrace Dominic once again. She stayed sitting next to him, curling up against his side as she did normally. She didn't notice the looks she received from both Misty and Thunder, but neither vocalized their distaste for her action as Thunder turned to address Misty. "May I speak with you for a moment?"

Misty nodded, and with one last glance at Dominic's hand on Samantha's shoulder, they both headed out into the hall to have their private conversation. Dominic did not allow that to bother him either, too happy to have his friend back next to him.

"I'm sorry I disappeared like that. I promise not to let it happen again." He rubbed his face onto the top of her head, enjoying the new sensation of noticing her scent. It was sweet, like flowers, but had an undertone of something gritty, like smoke. It was very much her. He could also recognize the unmistakable smell of baby on her. "Where is Penny?"

Samantha shrugged. "Storm is having some one on one time with her. He can't leave our room until he is fully healed or else the pack will become suspicious. He doesn't want what happened here to become common knowledge. I guess he needs to talk to you about it later. He's been so bored lying around doing nothing, so he has designated himself to be on baby duty until he can go back to his daily training. Penny is really starting to come around to him." She let out a deep breath, securing herself better to his side. "She misses you though. She misses everyone." Samantha's eyes shifted to Ben, who refused to respond. The sudden deep sadness that saturated her tone reminded Dominic that there was so much that needed to be mended before he could rest his tired body.

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