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Rustic Nights in Khokhapur Ch. 01


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"You must send Arjun every day before school and every evening after coming back from school, for at least 2 hours each, for me to take stock of his classes...".

"Thats why I said he's donkey (inept in Hindi) ... Don't you know I love him in more ways than you can ever do... How can I abuse him...".

I am such an imbecile...

She had said it herself. In more ways than I can ever do.

Donkey-dicked you had meant, you lying bitch. Poor Arjun was only 18 then. God...

How could you exploit him like this? You have regularly molested and violated my only son since he was a teen and you have the guts to proudly say you love him!

What freak of a family love like this? How can a mother even imagine to see something of her son?

For four hours each day, I deliberately sent Arjun to his nightmare within a few steps of my house and hardly knew what happened there?

But why did Arjun never complain? Did he also enjoy it with her? Of course, she was what, may be 34 years old with a wild voluptuous horny body but a rejected one, & for a budding teen with raging hormones & free access, that's a fucking wet dream.

Was my son raping her instead of how I had imagined first?

It couldn't be... she was so happy and chirpy whenever Amrit bhai wasn't around, now I realise it was Arjun who was satiating her raving self for hours and hours every day, and it was me who foolishly allowed them that time alone.

I was so naive to even think that she was teaching him when all she did was give access of her lustful holes to a well-built teen.

Even after the daily quota , often Arjun would spend the nights with her saying to me that she was better than me in story telling & she told him stories of kings and queens while he slept.

All that they ever did was to SLEEP with each other!!

How can anyone be so horny?

Her applying milk and honey daily to her white skin to keep it shining and taut, her shaving herself and taking undue care of her lustful body, in spite of almost always being without her husband... Her massaging her heavy tits with exotic herbal oils to keep them from sagging and yet maintain their firmness, in spite of their humongous nature...Never going out to the fields in fear of getting tanned... doing yoga every morning under the pretext of keeping fit and healthy in case she might cure herself of the sterility... all that was an excuse.

It was to keep my son fascinated to her silken ways.

Even after the tuition time, whenever the family gathered, Arjun would always choose to sit close to her rather than his own mother.

Whenever they thought no one was looking, they would be pinching & pushing each other and giggling in each other's ears... Many times, when Sharmila used to be working in the kitchen, Arjun would come behind her and slap her butt merrily and then hug her from behind... I sometimes thought I saw him push his groin too hard into her butt but I thought it was harmless.

He was my innocent kid.

How mistaken I have been... there were all the telltale signs of a young depraved couple in carnal love with each other's endowed body... they were like animals in unceasing heat.

One big question still remains.

How did they do all of it after Arjun passed out from school and then next year, he occupied the main house?

Obviously by then Amritpal had returned back to the village, but that idiot chose to indulge in alcohol than to be with his wife, but still it would have been too much of a risk to continue to visit each other at night if someone else also had seen what they were up to.

Even yesterday, I was awake the whole night, I never thought I saw Sharmila come out of her house, then how could she enter his side of the building without anyone noticing, and successfully keep doing that for 2 years now!

Only Arjun's main house has door towards the outside and inside, all others open only on the inside, and for us to go out, we have to walk across the open aired field between the houses and use a single door on the wall between Saina's house & mine on opposite side from Arjun's door.

To walk that far on the field and that too visible to all the five houses and its members, at odd hours to go out, would have been risky to say the least.

How did they manage it then?

Do they have a secret door joining their houses!

Is it when Arjun moved into the main house. It was summer then and Arjun thought it would be a good idea if he extends the size of his bathroom and install more western fittings for more comfort.

He was the man of the house and who can decline him !

I remember now it was almost a month of hard work for construction to complete, although the fittings were imported and installed in a day or two.

Did they help manage to break the wall & create an opening for them, from his bathroom to Sharmila's side of the joint wall between their houses?

It must have opened on the utility room on Sharmila side, where only junk items were mostly stored and hardly anyone used to go in, and no one is allowed to visit the personal attached bathroom of the main house other than its owner and the head of the family i.e. Arjun.

Wow... it's a truly ingenious way to escape prying eyes, now that I deciphered it.

Arjun and also other members of the household would retire to their side of the compound after dinner, served around 7 in the evening. Arjun had strict instructions not to disturb him after dinner, unless it's really serious, as he would be resting after a tiring day.

I would many times not feel in the mood to sleep and sometimes, when I knocked on Sharmila's door to chat up with her, it took her quite a bit of time to open the latch and let me in... she would always sound short of breath and angered to see me & when I enquired about it, she would avoid it saying she was cleaning the rooms or something like that or having a headache.

Even when we talked, she would be absent minded and it would feel she's in some distant dream, but I always forgave her, thinking she had a deep pain in her heart and the lack of a child is stopping her from becoming a full woman.

That was also a reason why I had allowed her unfettered and exclusive access to Arjun, trying hard to convince myself that it would help her heal that pain and become a mother.

How would I have known Arjun didn't become like her son but replaced the ever absent and grudging man, in her bed.

Which young woman, in her sexual prime & in her time of crisis, wouldn't love to be appreciated by a gorgeous alluring teen with a horse shaft and those tennis ball sized family jewels, and be given special alone time to appreciate her insatiable womanhood.

I have been so gullible and they have taken me for a ride, all these years!


Pretending to have a headache that morning, I didn't come out to have breakfast. I kept thinking these things over & over trying to somehow rationalise the affair between them in my mind and instead blaming myself for failing to be a good mother to Arjun.

As a mother, it was my duty to protect Arjun and to look out for him, if he wanted anything, as a mother I should have provided it instead of pushing him to Sharmila and assume that my motherly duties were over.

I have been a failure as a wife and now as a mother. There's no point blaming others for this catastrophe. It was so depressing to think my whole life has been worthless.

What would I say to my mother-in-law, if she somehow comes to know of it?

How would I face my dead husband in the afterlife?

I was almost on the verge of contemplating suicide, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Bhabhi... It's me, Sharmila...Are you feeling better now? Can I come in?"

I really didn't have the courage to look at her without feeling repulsed or slapping her for this heinous lack of judgment... and yet I couldn't avoid this for long.

After deliberating for a few seconds, I walked to the door and opened it.

I looked at her silently with a questioning glance...

"Bhabhi... oh my god... Are you ok? You look so sick and pale? Please tell me, do I need to inform Arjun?"

Hearing my son's name from her vulgar mouth, somehow broke the dam of civility and I slapped her so tight, I drew blood from her nose.

She looked astounded.

"What did I do Bhabhi?"

Hidden beneath the hurt, I could see a sense of guilt creeping in her eyes, and I managed to smirk at her feigned incredulity.

"You brute of a woman... you painted whore... you very well know why! Just tell me why Arjun? Did you need money or power", saying this I broke into tears and fainted as I collapsed into her arms.


When I opened my eyes, I was on the bed and Sharmila was sitting at my feet, with tears in her eyes and her hands on my feet. My mother-in-law was sitting beside my head and caressing my forehead. It took a second to realise what had happened, and when I did, I jerked my feet away from her filthy hands.

Sharmila felt humiliated. Crying, she ran away to her room and closed the door.

"Badi Bahu (elder daughter-in-law in Hindi) ... that's not how you treat your sister...!" My mother-in-law softly spoke to me.

I raged at her and shouted "If you had seen what I did yesterday... you would have kicked her out... how could she!"

"What did you see? What was so shocking to you? Why is a young loving couple having sex in their privacy so unrepeatable to you? Are they doing it in the open?"

"Don't you crave the same?", my mother-in-law sadly asked me.

"Only a woman can understand another woman's feelings. My son Amrit won't ever go near her when he's here, as he only wanted a child from her but never gave her any pleasure. Most of the year she would be alone in her bed not able to sleep. Don't you feel the same craving after Anand died?"

"How could you deny that Sharmila is always happy in spite of all the birthing troubles and constant barbs she keeps facing from everyone in the village."

"Who is responsible for that happiness? It can only be a true man... it's your son Arjun"

"I am a sixty-five years old woman, and yet I felt attracted to Arjun when I first saw him shove his monstrous shaft into her."

"But my time is gone. She's only 37, still very young, still so attractive. I know how it feels, the hunger, it won't end unless you allow a man to take control of it.", my mother-in-law said blinking her old eyes.


"You might ask how did I come to know?"

"Well... when your father-in-law passed away and it was time for Arjun to become the man of the house, I asked him to consider marriage and he almost immediately rejected on my face."

I kept persisting and one day he confided in me that he's seeing someone since the last 4-5 years and doesn't want to break her heart.

I assumed the girl might be from a poor family and that's why he fears disclosure in the society to avoid loss of reputation.

I comforted him & said, "I will try to convince everyone to arrange his marriage with a poor family but the girl has to be of the same caste."

He just laughed at my suggestion and in a mysterious tone said, "She's from the same caste & extremely rich and incredibly beautiful but we can never marry and have children."

"Please drop the topic as I ain't interested in anyone else and have decided to be like this for the rest of my life."

"If you want a grandson to be the man of the house after me, we can adopt someone from the family and provide him that chance."

"I didn't talk about it anymore as I feared his anger but something kept gnawing at the back of my head.", she kept on.

"After a few days, there was discussion of the family to visit Kailash Mansarovar for a month-long trip and everyone was excited including you, my dear Sangeeta."

"Arjun made his point clear that he needed to stay back to manage the work as it can't be trusted to leave it unsupervised for so long. He insisted all of us should go. But I had to say no as you all know my worse knee condition and Amrit as usual was busy killing himself in drugs and alcohol. "

"So finally, You, Ashwini, Karan, Saina and Sharmila were supposed to travel, but oddly, Sharmila didn't look too happy at the prospect."

"On the very morning of their journey, if you remember, Sharmila had twisted her ankle severely while drawing water from the well. She was writhing in pain and the doctor informed, she needed at least a week's bed rest. Any kind of trips are to be strictly disallowed."

I suddenly remembered. "Arjun asked us not to cancel the trip and to leave back Sharmila and he would take care of you and her".

Kavita Devi continued... "Yeah although I could notice Sharmila's half happy face even in that pain, we all agreed and you guys left in the evening".

"As you know I can't sleep without someone massaging my knees and you weren't there that night, so I was not able to sleep. It was almost midnight when I heard a vessel fall down in the kitchen and then hushed voices."

"I feared thieves might have broken in from the backdoor, and hobbled over to the lighted kitchen area and what I saw I can still remember to this day, vividly."

"Through the half ajar kitchen door, I could clearly see Sharmila lying on the kitchen floor on a mat with her left leg raised in air and the right one wrapped around Arjun's waist. Her clothes were lying here and there on the slabs."

"With her right elbow supporting her weight, she was pressing her hanging boobs in blessed rapture of animalistic sex. Her left hand was over and behind her head trying to grab onto something to balance herself as Arjun was violently thrusting into her."

"Her moans were a mixture of pleasure and pain, which she received, so wantonly, that I couldn't dare to stop them committing this imagined sin."

"I could realise the pain my grandson's massive cock could render, as it pounded its way into Sharmila's tender swollen cunt. "

"The sloshing sound, his tool made with every stroke inside her soaked pussy, echoed inside the room."

"As Arjun was ploughing into her wet pussy ruthlessly, he leaned over her and half licked her on the lips and said, "Thank you Mamma for being so caring about me... I can't fathom the pain you would have felt when you deliberately jumped twisting your ankle on a jagged rock to create a real injury instead of just feigning one to not go away from me... I have always needed you and you submitted yourself for my craving for your body...I will fuck you senseless all these nights as a gift in return.""

"Sharmila smiled sheepishly and said to him "Even I love you... your body is like that of a steam engine and never stops to amaze with your energy... No one can satisfy your mamma's deep pussy like only you can my dear Arjun... I would die for you... this mere temporary pain is nothing... you are the only man who has been there for me always since your childhood and I can willingly kill anyone or even myself if you were to just command it."

"I somehow shuffled back to our room and thought back to what Arjun had said to me."

"Why no children? And that's when it struck me like a thunderbolt. They are in love with each other. "

"Arjun plans to remain childless because of his love for Sharmila."


I silently listened but my mother-in-law's words only increased my frustrated anger...

"What about me... what about my satisfaction and my hunger? Did any of you think about me? I am also widowed... a man hasn't touched me in almost 18 years... my fire hasn't died as well, but I didn't sell out my body to just about anyone."


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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Upload part 5 waiting since forever

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Please Please Please don't take so much time to write. Your updates are eagerly awaited.

PH4R40HPH4R40H8 months ago

I hope Kavita gets some action with Arjun

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