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(S)extending the Curriculum


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"No, tell me," she replied, clearly skeptical.

"Not being in this office. I think I'd be a lot more productive and successful if we could do this away from school."

"Mr. Irwin," she said formally, "Even if I believed that, the school has rules that I don't intend to break that prevent me from having any sort of private contact with student outside of school hours.

"Rules? Didn't someone say that they're meant to be broken? If it makes you feel better we could enter into a financial arrangement, make it a professional service. Surely if you're being paid they can't worry about it?"

"Mr. Irwin, you may think that money is the answer to all of your problems, but I assure you its not the biggest motivator for everyone in the world."

"That's quite cute Ms. Masters, but I don't think its true. I think everyone has a price, especially people that don't have very much money to start with. I'm sure that there's a few nice things that you'd like to buy that your salary doesn't quite cover."

"You can stop right there Mr. Irwin," she said angrily. "This is officially over. You can leave my office right now and I will see you in class. And so that you're aware, yes, I will be reporting this to the Principal."

Pete met her gaze evenly. He was frustrated. Patience had failed him and now he'd fucked up. With an exercise of will that he hadn't realised he had, he calmly collected his things and packed his bag.

"This isn't over," he said.

"Yes it is Mr. Irwin, now leave."

Pete strode from her office, already plotting his next move. Time to call in a favour from father.


"I understand your objections Ms. Masters and I fully support them, but this is one of those moments in life where you have to make a choice and you may not like having to make it or even the result of that choice."

Vicky stared in disbelief at the Principal.

"But it goes against all the rules and everything Bob," she replied.

"Look, there are always exceptions made to rules. They get bent, moved, erased and broken all the time and where money is involved, not to mention the future of the school, that's when they get abused the most. It's not like you're being asked to do anything all that bad. A little off-property tutoring isn't exactly the end of the world. It wouldn't be the first time that it's happened by any strech of the imagination. Hell if more of these rich little brats went to this much trouble to learn we'd be in a far better place.

"You're saying that I should do it Bob?"

"Yes Ms. Masters. Tutor him, take his money, do something nice for yourself with it. You've notified us and so it is now a school-sanctioned activity, so you need not worry about your employment or the board. You're a great teacher Ms. Watson and a credit to this school. I'd hate to lose you over tutoring a student and helping to further his education."

"Can I have some time to think about it please?" Vicky replied, trying to process what she'd just been told.

"Of course you can and don't take this as a threat, because its not intended to be one, but please consider the downside of refusing. From a school perspective there would be no consequences, but if people start throwing money and influence around, well sometimes the board takes a more active interest in the running of the school than I'd like. Do you understand?"

"I do, thank you Bob."


"Mr. Irwin, could you please stay a moment after class?"

"Doomed," Joe hissed to his friend as he packed his bag to leave the lesson.

"Somehow I don't think so," Pete replied. He waited for everyone to file out of the classroom and took the time to eye off his teacher again while she was occupied packing her own things. As usual she was in a tight skirt and breast-hugging blouse. He loved her hour-glass figure. He nearly moaned aloud when she bent over to pick something from her desk. He lamented the fact that her skirt was too tight and just long enough to prevent her from exposing anything, but still liked the way the material hugged her womanly ass. As usual, he tried to determine what sort of panty-line it might reveal, but his departing classmates kept interrupting his view.

"So Mr. Irwin, I have been giving some further thought to your proposal to pay me for tutoring services. I have cleared it with the Principal and have decided to accept the offer."

"That's awesome," Pete replied, smiling up at her. Father had indeed come through for him.

"Yes, well that might not be quite how I'd put it, but that's how it is. So, did you have somewhere in mind as to where we will conduct these sessions?"

"Yeah, my house," Pete replied. "We can use my study. Of course, if I'm paying I think that I'm going to need two sessions per week so that I can be sure about getting that grade I need." He watched as she went to reply but bit back the response. He wondered what sort of leverage had been applied and how far he could take it. He decided to try patience again given what happened the last time he had been too presumptive.

"Very well then. Monday and Wednesday. Does that work for you Mr. Irwin?"

"That'd be great thanks Ms. Masters," Pete replied. He scribbled his address down on a piece of paper. He held it out for her so that she'd have to bend over to take it from him. He took full advantage of the view of her cleavage when she did.


Pete glanced around his study one final time to make sure that it was tidy. He'd hate for Ms. Watson to be left with the wrong impression. He peered out the window for what seemed like the thousandth time, but there was no sign of anyone at the gate. Satisfied that the room itself was up to standard he went into his adjoining bedroom and checked his appearance in the mirror. He hadn't dressed up or anything, but that was no reason to get caught out with messy hair or food in his teeth or something.

He was just turning away from the mirror when he heard the buzzer from the intercom. He went to the control panel by the front door and confirmed that it was Ms. Masters arriving. He buzzed her through the front gate and walked outside to meet her on the porch. Her little, functional Mazda rolled to a stop on the gravelled drive way. Pete walked around to the driver's side and as the engine died, opened the door for his teacher.

"Thank you Mr. Irwin," she said to him as she stepped from the car. The view down her cream blouse was priceless as she exited the vehicle. She was dressed as if for teaching, but the angle saw the blouse fall away from the generous swell of her breasts enough to show off a lacy white bra beneath. He quickly glanced away before he was busted for looking, determined to rebuild some trust before he pushed things in the direction that he planned.

"Nice house," Ms. Masters stated as she surveyed the frontage of the large, double-storied mansion.

"Its the only one I've ever lived in to be honest," Pete replied as he lead her to the front door.

"What does your father do?" his teacher asked him.

"He's in business. Property development mostly, but there's some manufacturing interests, as well. I think he sits on a couple of boards as well; schools and education based businesses mostly. He's pretty busy."

"Impressive. And are you 'heir to the empire?'"

"Not quite. I have an older brother and sister and they're headed in that direction. I'm not really sure what I want to do just yet, but if I want it, there's a place for me in the family company as long as I get through college."

"Well then, we should probably get working on hat history grade then, shouldn't we?"

Pete led his teacher into his study, enjoying the wide-eyed stares that she cast about the house. He guessed that the proportions were somewhat beyond what she was used to. He wondered what her living arrangements were. As his teacher took a seat and pulled teaching materials from her bag, Pete pulled the door to his bedroom closed. He saw her glance inside and was glad that he'd taken the time to tidy it up. The maid took care of most of it, but that didn't mean it was always perfect. He pushed down thoughts of what it would be like to have her face down on his bed, presenting her curvaceous ass to him and prepared himself to study. He was determined to get through at least four sessions without giving any hint of his ulterior motives.

"That went well Mr. Irwin," Ms. Masters said to him at the end of the session as he escorted her out.

"Do you think you could call me Pete?" he asked. "I mean, I get the school formality and all, but I really struggle with being called 'Mr. Irwin' here. I keep expecting to see my Father standing behind me."

"I'll give it some thought," she replied.

"Thanks for the help Ms. Masters," he said as he closed her car door for her. "I think its really going to help me."

"See you at school tomorrow Mr. Irwin."


As he'd promised himself, he managed to get through the next four sessions without doing anything more than appreciate his teacher's beauty with the occasional fantasy of MILF sex (even though he didn't actually know if she was a mother or not - she didn't wear a wedding or engagement ring which might have at least given a clue).

The end of the year approached though and he didn't want to leave his run too late. He wanted to nail her before he lost the opportunity. He'd decided that Monday's session would be the start of it. He adjusted his hardened cock as he thought about the possibilities.


Pete decided that it was time. He needed to see how far he would be able to push his teacher. He wanted to know what it would take. If there was one thing that his father had taught him through his business dealings it was that everyone had their price. It was just a matter of getting them to that price without things going to hell on you.

He checked his appearance in the mirror, making sure (as he did before each tutoring session) that he was suitably presentable to receive Ms. Masters. The chime to indicate that someone was at the front gate rang through the house and Pete made his way toward the door. The maid would buzz Ms. Masters through, but Pete liked to make sure that he was there to open the door for her when she pulled up.

He pulled open the door to the Mazda and held out a hand to assist her as she disembarked from the car.

"Thank you Peter," she said as she came to stand on her own. She'd refused to call him Pete. It had taken three sessions just to get her to stop calling him Mr. Irwin, but he'd eventually won that little battle. She claimed that the diminutive form of his name was just a step too familiar for her. He'd asked for permission to call her by her first name, but she'd cut him down at the very suggestion and it was pretty clear that it wasn't going to be a negotiation.

Pete escorted Ms. Masters to his study, letting her take the lead so that he could, as always, eye off her beautiful (and bountiful) ass. He found himself reaching with his hands, palms toward her as if to cup her butt. He snatched them back, knowing that even if he was willing to go through with it that it was too soon. He wondered if he'd ever be able to simply grab her whenever he wanted, or whether as he suspected, it would only be under sufferance resulting from other pressure.

Halfway through the hour, Pete lifted his eyes from the passage that he'd been reading and caught Ms. Masters' eye.

"Can I ask you a question?" he began.

"Of course, you don't learn if you don't ask questions," she replied.

"What do you think was history's greatest love?"

"Oh now that's a bit deep isn't it? And its certainly way off the path of your usual considerations."

"Humour me?" he asked.

"Well its a topic that has been debated many times and by people with a lot more interest in it than I have. Some suggest Cleopatra and Caesar, others Helen of Troy who was stolen away by Paris and started a war. To be honest, its not a topic that I really care enough about to debate. Can I ask why the interest? Is there some great school-based romance that got you thinking about it?"

Pete laughed. "No, there's no great romance. The school-yard debate is usually more about who is the hottest rather than anything deeper. Its pretty much a physical thing too."

"And who is it that they say is the hottest girl in school these days?"

"We'll, the shallow guys who are purely fixated on the physical mostly agree that its Holly Wells, though Missy Angston is either said to be hotter or a very close second depending on who you're talking to. The geekier minded guys who appreciate a bit more intelligence with their beauty mostly agree that its Emma Faringson. Her competition is a close clash between Ashleigh Wu and Yuki Nakamora."

"Interesting and where do you stand on the whole hottest in school debate?"

"Well, I don't think any of them are. I have a preference for women rather than girls." Pete noted that his teacher's eyes narrowed as she waited for him to finish. She was already suspicious. This was where he feared that he'd lose her again. "To me its clear that you're the hottest woman in the school."

She laughed at him. He wondered if she'd been put in such a situation before. He expected that many other boys had had crushes on her over the years. Hell she was sexy now and that wasn't something that developed overnight. Part of her appeal to him was her confidence, the way she seemed totally in control of herself. He hadn't really expected her to laugh though. He expected maybe outrage; perhaps dismissal, possibly a tiny little blush, but not laughter. It threw him off for a moment.

"I'm flattered Peter, but there's no way I'm hotter than those girls. I think that with the evolution of the term MILF there's been something of a renaissance in the desire for an older woman, but trust me, when I undress at night I see all the little flaws that my clothes usually hide away."

"I doubt they're flaws Ms. Masters. I don't think there'd be even one."

"Well you keep that fantasy up Peter, because I'm not about to spoil it with proof."

"That's a shame," Pete replied. "I was hoping to convince you otherwise." He'd said it. It was out there. Silence claimed the room. His teacher looked thoughtful, like she was giving very careful consideration as to what she was going to say next.

"Keep your fantasy. I'm only here to tutor you, nothing else. If you expect otherwise, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to put a stop to these sessions."

"We could come to an arrangement Ms. Masters. I know that you're being well paid to tutor me. That money comes from my father. It's an investment in my education. I have a generous allowance though. I even have some business interests that Father has me look after in order to encourage me to learn more, to appreciate money and to keep me from being a complete sponge. Therefore, I am in a position to offer you money in addition to what he's paying you; a surprising amount of money actually."

"Don't say another word Mr. Irwin," Ms. Masters interrupted him. "I agreed to this despite my better judgment, despite the fact that my instincts told me to turn and walk away. I have even come to appreciate the fact that you're actually putting effort into achieving the grade you supposedly desire. I had even thought that I might have been able to walk away without regret. It appears that that may not be the case."

"Oh come on Ms. Masters, don't be such a stick in the mud. Let me ask you this; are you married?"

"That is hardly the point," she protested.

"But it's a point. I mean, if you were betraying a husband I could perhaps understand some of your reluctance. But you're not married are you? Otherwise you would have simply said yes. In fact, I asked around a bit and no-one even seems to think that you have a boyfriend.

"You asked around?" she asked incredulously.

"Well, kind of, nothing too obvious. Don't worry its not like I tried to find out your sexual history or anything."

"You do realise that relationships between students and teachers are illegal, don't you?" she asked indignantly.

"Its a relationship now?" Pete laughed. "Hell, that's far more than I ever dreamed of. I was thinking more in the short term really."

"Well I think you should be thinking longer term; like your long term future. Nothing good would come of anything between us. So why don't you just drop the whole thought and I'll go back to being your teacher. I'll find a tutor who can help you through the last few weeks until exams and then next year you can snuggle under Daddy's wing and we can laugh about this with our friends in the years to come."

"I think you underestimate my persistence and determination Vicky."

That would be Ms. Masters to you Mr. Irwin," she said cooly.

"But Vicky suits you. It reminds me of that film, Vicky Cristina Barcelona with Angelina Jolie. She nearly has curves to rival yours. Only nearly though."

"Now I know that you're living in a dream," his teacher laughed as she stood to leave.

"You really don't want to walk out of here Ms. Masters. Think about why you agreed to come and tutor me in the first place. I'm sure you received some good advice that helped you to change your mind. Maybe you need to consider if you need to hear that again or not."

"We all have limits Mr. Irwin and I am afraid that I've reached mine." She was half turned to leave and Pete took a chance on checking her out. Her tight black pencil skirt showed off the curve of her ample ass beautifully and the way she was turned pulled her white blouse tight enough against her large tits that he could see the outline of the white bra beneath. He felt himself stirring at the sight. He'd started to harden just from having said as much as he had and from considering that he might have a chance. The vision just sped up the process and it was enough for him to press forward.

"Imagine if I paid you a five hundred dollars just to tutor me with the top two buttons of that blouse undone. Don't tell me you wouldn't be tempted." Pete suggested. There was the slightest hesitation, just enough to give him hope.

"No. It's not a temptation. Do you think I'm a whore? Because its prostitution. I'd be selling myself."

"I think you'll find that its selling yourself for sex that's prostitution."

"The line between them is very thin and its not even well-defined," she retorted.

"Take the money Ms. Masters." Pete pulled his wallet out and counted out five crisp, hundred dollar bills. "Take the money and finish the session. Let's just call it a bonus for the results that you've helped me achieve so far. And you only have to undo two buttons. It's not like I'm asking you to flash me or anything."

She turned and walked out.

Pete jumped from his chair and ran after her, torn between watching her wonderfully fcurved ass as she strode determinedly for the door and trying to talk her into staying. Nothing he said made a difference though. She climbed into her car and drove off. He considered closing the gate to stop her but decided against it. Given the look on her face there was a fair chance that she'd have driven straight through it.


Pete sat in history and didn't even attempt to pay attention. He was angry and struggling for ideas. Maybe he'd watched too much porn. Maybe the girls of his era were simply easier. He knew for a fact that if he offered 90% of his female class mates five hundred dollars that they would have done a lot more than undo two buttons of their blouse. Ms. Masters had dressed differently to normal. She was wearing slacks. It was the first time that he could remember her wearing anything other than a skirt. Her blouse wasn't particularly tight either. It was depressing. The only saving grace was when she'd bend over and the somewhat loose slacks would pull tight against her bum or when the light would shine through her blouse.

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