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Safari LV: Alexa Sin

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Fanboy meets the sexy lead singer of his favorite band.
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 02/10/2022
Created 01/08/2022
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Jared walked out of the Las Vegas House of Blues after seeing his favorite band Death Witch as an opening act. The headliner was another great band called Terror Dog but he was such a big fan of Death Witch that he just considered the headliner a bonus and had just slipped out before the encore so he didn't get stuck in the crowd of people trying to leave.

He had been a fan of Death Witch for years and loved the lead singer Alexa Sin. Not only was she insanely gorgeous but she had an incredible voice. Over the past few years, their sound and style had changed a little which he didn't mind as he actually liked the new style of music.

Their last album had a lot more sexually explicit lyrics. It was very unlike their older stuff but he really liked it, especially listening to Alexa talk about all the dirty things she liked to do in the bedroom. In an interview he saw with her online, she had mentioned that a lot of the songs were based on true stories, like his favorite song "Naked in a Hotel Room" which was not only an amazing song to headbang too, but was also sexy as fuck.

As he walked down the Vegas strip he thought about that song as they had performed tonight. He had never heard it live before but watching her sing it, he knew he wasn't the only guy in the building with a raging hard-on.

He was on his way back to his hotel when he noticed a bright neon sign across the street. The sign said Safari with a poster on the front claiming they were celebrating a month-long grand opening. He wasn't tired yet so he decided to spend some cash on checking the place out.

He was a little surprised when he walked in and saw a lot of the employees done up in costume makeup, making them look like wild animals. He saw a leopard woman, a gut with bull horns, a waitress that had scales like a lizard, and much more. The dancer on stage had tiger stripes but still looked insanely hot as he went to the bar and grabbed a beer.

It was loud but after the concert, it didn't bother him that much. He enjoyed his drink and looked around at everyone having a good time and whistling to the girl on stage. He was trying to figure out if he wanted a lap dance or to just grab a seat by the stage and enjoy the show.

"Hey, another whiskey please," a woman's voice yelled to the bartender. Jared noticed the woman standing next to him but didn't look to see who it was until she said something to him. "Hey, nice shirt, did you catch the show tonight?"

"Huh?" He said looking down at his Death Witch shirt before he looked up and was face to face with the Rock Goddess herself, Alexa Sin. "Holy shit!" He blurted out not sure what to say before taking a deep breath and trying to relax before he embarrassed himself too much. "Yeah..... just uh, just got out."

"Nice, big fan of Terror Dog?"

"They're good, but honestly, Death Witch has been my favorite band since high school."

"Oh God, please tell me that was only a few years ago?" She said with an eye roll.

"Well, I'm old enough to drink, so......"

"I'll use my imagination then, so you here alone, with friends, girlfriend?" she asked before the bartender handed her a bottle of whiskey. "Thank you."

"Uh, no, just by myself," he said noticing her attention had turned towards the bottle in her hand as she opened it up and took a swig.

Jared hand's were practically shaking having just gotten to talk to Alexa Sin. Her dark hair resting against her tanned cleavage which was only a foot or two away from him as he tried desperately not to stare at her gorgeous body which was more apparent than ever being this close to him. He also noticed her intoxicating scent, despite the fact she had just performed on stage over an hour ago, she smelled amazing. He was trying to figure out what to say as she stared at her bottle before she would walk away and he would probably never be this close to her again.

"So what's your name?" She suddenly asked turning her attention back towards him.

"Oh, uh, it's Jared."

"So Jared, wanna join me at my table? Tonight's headlining dancer is a friend of mine, you could watch with me," she asked as his mouth dropped not sure how to respond. "I'll take that as a yes," she said grabbing him by the hand and leading him across the room.

Before he knew it he was in a booth with Alexa who was pouring him a glass of whiskey. She was yelling as the next performer was about to walk on stage. Her name was Ne'Kara which Jared thought was a little strange sounding but suddenly the lights began to dim and a song he knew all too well began to play. The slow sensual intro to "Naked in a hotel room" began to play and there was suddenly this gorgeous woman stepping through the curtain, wearing a black dress that left little to the imagination.

"Yeah! You fucking show them, girl," Alexa yelled out taking another swig of her drink. "I'd have her naked in a Hotel room in a heartbeat," she said to Jared who was blown away by what he was watching and who he was watching it with.

"That would be......... yeah, uh, but I think she'd be the lucky one in that situation," he said with a half-smile taking a swig of his drink.

Alexa smiled before refilling his glass. "Well, a lot of people get lucky in Vegas," she said sticking out her tongue which was split down the middle.

Jared still couldn't believe he was sharing drinks with Alexa Sin while another sexy woman dancing on stage to her music. He was trying to hide the obvious excitement in his pants, especially after she showed off her tongue which he had remembered reading an article about how she had gotten that done surgically a few years ago.

Ne'Kara was grinding against the pole in the middle of the stage before she let out what could only be described as a growl while staring into the crowd with what he assumed were contacts to make her eyes look feline. The crowd seemed to love her and he was blown away by sexy this woman was, but his attention seemed to be fixed on Alexa sitting next to him.

As he glanced to his right looking at her, he got a shock as there was a loud thud on the table. Ne'Kara had somehow jumped from the stage and landed on their table. She crawled on all fours towards him before running her hand along the side of his face before she turned towards Alexa and crawled to her. They both shared a smile and a kiss, and not just a quick peck, but a long passionate one before Ne'Kara used her fingernail to rip her bra off and toss it so it landed on Jared's head.

"Holy shit!" He said seeing these two gorgeous women make out for the moment before Ne'Kara finally pulled away.

She looked back at Jared and smile before she stood up and leaped back onto the stage with the power of a large cat. The torn fabric of her bra was still on his head is he was stunned by what he had just seen.

"Great place, isn't it?" Alexa said before pulling the fabric off his head and sliding close next to him as he continued to watch the show. "Wow, don't you just want to fuck her so badly?"

"I uh, I mean, yeah, wow!" He said still in shock.

"Maybe I can introduce you, she's a friend of mine."

"I kinda figured that," he said with a laugh referring to the kiss they had shared. "But I've already met my favorite singer, at a strip club and had a bra thrown at my face, I think my night has peaked."

Alexa turned to him with a devilish grin before she said: "well, maybe not peaked, not yet anyway."

He was a little curious as to what she meant by that but soon everyone was standing and cheering for Ne'Kara as she waved and left the stage after finishing her show. This place was a bit strange but he couldn't deny that they knew how to get people turned on around her.

"Having fun?" Alexa asked before pouring him another whiskey.

"Fuck yeah," he said shooting his drink.

"There we go, you're starting to loosen up, not just acting like a star-struck fan anymore."

"Sorry about that," he said blushing a little.

"Don't be, honestly it's nice meeting fan outside of five seconds you get to talk to someone who's been waiting in line to get an autograph."

"Oh, yeah, Haven't got the chance to do that yet, but I'm sure I will, and when I do, we can skip the small talk?"

"Definitely, or maybe if you're good, you'll get one tonight," she said with a wink. "Mary," she said as Jared turned around and saw Ne'Kara standing there in a robe.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked before sitting down.

Jared was now stuck between Alexa and Ne'Kara in the booth and knew at that moment that this must be what Heaven was like. "Uh, that was a great show," he said trying not to sound nervous."

"Thanks, he a friend of yours Lexi?" Ne'Kara asked.

"He's a fan of my work Mary, we started chatting and he seemed cool so, here we are."

"Mary?" Jared asked confused

"Oh, it's my legal name, very few people know it, but you can call me Mary if you like," she said sliding closer staring at him like a predator toying with her prey.

"Hey hey hey, he's my date for the evening," Alexa said sliding over and throwing her arm around him.

"I bet you'd share if Sasha was here," Ne'Kara said with a grin.

"I've shared with you before, but this one is mine," Alexa said as Jared sat there stuck between these two women, seemingly almost fighting over him as he desperately tried to hide the boner in his pants.

"Ladies, there's plenty of me to go around," he said jokingly.

"Plenty you say?" Alexa said as her hand was suddenly on his leg.

"Holy shit, is this actually happening?" Jared thought to himself as the lead singer of his favorite band, who was also a sexy goddess of rock music was seemingly hitting on him but he knew that there was no way this was going to happen.

"Alright then, he's all yours," Ne'Kara said with a smile. "I've gotta go find my husband, I'm sure he's in quite the mood after the show, and I'm gonna take advantage of that."

As Ne'Kara walked away, Jared looked back at Alexa who was chugging down the rest of her whiskey before she yelled out "Yeah! I love this fucking club!"

"Come here often?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm a friend of the owner, Rak-Sasha."

"Rak-Sasha? I thought Ne'kara, er Mary was the owner?"

"She's Sasha's daughter, she runs this one with her husband, Sasha runs the one in New York."

"Oh cool, just kind of a weird atmosphere, but cool."

"Yeah, I went to the New York one a few years ago, and, wow, Sasha and I had a good time," she said with a grin on her face. "It was one of those nights that changes your life."

"Is that when your style changed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I just noticed that your last album was a bit more....."

"Sexual?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah actually."

"Sex is such a taboo subject, people need to let go. On the last album I really just wanted to sing about sex, and our fans seemed to like it, right?"

"Well yeah, I did," he said taking his glass and drinking the rest of his whiskey. "That song Snake Bite was kind of weird though, I mean you were able to make being eaten by a snake sound sexy, I didn't know what was going on but, wow!"

Alexa smiled at him as her eyes seemed to change for a second. He was sure it was the whiskey screwing with him but she slid a little closer to him.

"Well, some snakes squeeze the life out of their prey, and it gave me an idea, ever heard of autoerotic asphyxiation?"

"Is that where people choke themselves because the lack of air makes the orgasm stronger?"


"Huh, if only snakes were sexy."

"Oh, you don't like snakes?" She asked with a serious look on her face.

"Um, when I was a kid, visiting my cousin in Texas, I was bitten by a rattlesnake, just haven't been a fan since then, but almost dying will do that I guess."

Alexa smiled again leaving across the table towards him and said: "Well, maybe you just haven't had the right experience with a snake," she said looking at him with very hungry eyes. "Tonight was fun, thanks for hanging out with me," she said seemingly drunk.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked as she randomly started laughing.

"Oh please, I'm a rocker, I party hard like this all the time," she said dropping the empty bottle on the floor smashing it. "Whoops."

"Wow, do you need me to call someone?"

"You worry too much fanboy, you're my little fanboy," she said laughing after every sentence. "Okay okay, my hotel's not that far."

"Ok good, I can walk you, if you want?"

"What a gentleman, wait, unless...... are you trying to take advantage of me?"

"What, oh God no, not at all, I mean, I......"

"Ha! I'm just fucking with you Fanboy, now walk me home, like a gentleman," she said exiting the booth and throwing her arm over Jared as he walked her to the door. "Don't look at my cleavage," she said before she laughed again after he blushed.

The walk back to her hotel was a little obnoxious but he honestly did want to make sure she got back okay. He was surprised she didn't have security or other members of the band with her but whatever the reason he wanted to make sure she got to bed, preferably face down so she didn't die in her sleep.

When they finally got to her room she handed him her card and let him open the door for her before helping her in. She fell on the bed, still laughing hysterically. He was so embarrassed but still couldn't stop smiling at the same time as he looked around and saw her tour jacket on the chair and her guitar on the couch.

"Wow, well uh, thanks for a fun night, get some sleep," he said before he turned towards the door to leave.

"Wait a minute, are you really leaving?" She asked sitting up.

"Yeah, you need to get some sleep, and I have a flight to catch tomorrow so....."

"Wow, you are in a hotel room, with the lead singer of your favorite band, who is drunk, and you're just gonna go?"

"Uh, yeah, what else would I do?" He asked confused by what she was trying to say.

"Dammit," she said falling back against the bed.

"What? What did I do wrong?" He asked suddenly nervous that he did something to upset her.

"You're a nice fucking guy aren't you?"

"That's what they tell me?"

"Shit, this changes things," she said getting up apparently not as drunk as she seemed a few moments ago.

"What is going on?" He asked as she stood up from the bed taking off her jacket. "I thought you were drunk?"

"Oh please, I had one bottle of Jack, that's a midnight snack for me," she said walking over and placing her hand on his chest and backing him up against the wall.

Jared's heart was racing as Alexa was practically leaning against him with a sadistic smile on her face. She smelled amazing as he suddenly realized he had no way to escape and was not sure what she wanted until her lips were pressed against his.

"Holy fuck, I'm making out with Alexa Sin," he thought to himself as he placed his arms around her waist.

As she pulled her lips away from his, licking them before she looked him up and down with an insatiable lust in her eyes. "Stay," she said as her eyes looked a little strange again. If he didn't know any better, they almost looked like a reptile.

"I uh......" he said as he started to feel a little strange. "I'll stay."

"Good boy, we're gonna have some fun, because you want to have fun with me, right?"

"Very much so," he said still feeling strange like he couldn't say no to her, but despite that, he didn't want to either.

He suddenly felt his belt being unbuckled as she kissed him again before her hands slid into his pants rubbing the front of his underwear. The feeling of her fingers touching his cock through his underwear was like magic as he let out a moan. He felt her pull the fabric aside revealing his penis to the open air before gently stroking it.

"Fuck!" He blurted out as she pulled her lips away and looked down.

"Oh my, this should be fun," she said examining his member with her fingers.

She grabbed him by his shirt kissing him again before pushing him down on the bed. She pulled off her shirt next, wearing no bra underneath as he got a great look at her perfectly rounded breasts. His cock twitched with excitement as Jared couldn't believe he was in this situation.

She grabbed his pants and yanked them off sending his shoes flying before looking at him again with those strange eyes. "You want this don't you, you want me?"

"More than anything," he said sitting up a little as she placed her hand on his chest and gently pushed him back down against the mattress.

"Just relax," she said with a smile before she began to slide off her pants.

The way she moved her hips almost seemed unnatural as her pants slid down exposing her perfectly shaped ass for him. Something about her made him think of a snake but he wasn't sure why as he stared at her backside noticing she had not been wearing underwear either.

"Oh my God," he said with his jaw practically against his chest.

She bent over and looked back at him, bending her body like he didn't think was possible before she turned around and began to crawl onto the bed. She hovered about his twitching erection before running her finger along his shaft.

"You're gonna be a good Fanboy and cum for me, right?" She said looking up at him as he shook his head in agreement. "Not yet though."

She lowered her face until he could feel her breath on his cock which sent chills through his body. The moment her lips touched the tip of his shaft he was sure he was going to blow right there in her face but he found enough control, almost as if his body was listening to her command when she told him "not yet."

Her lips wrapped around his shaft and she began to suck him off. It felt so good he couldn't even make a sound as he tilted his head back against the pillows wanting to scream but nothing came out. He felt her tongue seem to wrap around his cock in her mouth and squeeze it which didn't seem normal but it felt amazing as he bucked his hips.

"Fuck, you're a fucking Goddess!" He said as she moaned still sucking his cock a few moments longer.

As she release his member and slid her tongue back into her mouth she grinned up at him before she said: "So complimentary, I usually don't meet guys with such good manors," she said before she gently rubbed her lips against the side of his cock making him mona again. "Maybe I'll write a song about this?"

"I uh....... well that would be........" he said suddenly blushing a little feeling nervous.

"Ha," she chuckled a little seeing how nervous he was. "Don't worry, I'll be generous."

She began to slide up towards him like she was ready to fuck him when he said: "wait, uh, may I?"

Alexa raised an eyebrow at his request before she smiled and said: "if you want to."

"Well, I want the song to be a good one, don't you?" He said as she lied down next to him getting comfortable and spreading her legs.

"Give it your best shot Fanboy," she said as Jared stared at the beautiful slit between her legs.

As he approached he could feel his heart racing. He didn't have a lot of experience eating out women but he knew he had to give it his best shot. He began to gently kiss her inner thigh which she seemed to enjoy as he got closer to his prize. He stuck out his tongue and began to tease her clit a little hearing her moan at the sensation so he continued.

He felt her lift her leg rubbing her foot against his back as he started sucking on her little love button as she leaned her head back against the pillow enjoying herself. Jared was really starting to get into it feeling like he had something to prove. He was eating out Alexa Sin, something he had only dreamed about and never believed for a second that it would ever really happen and yet here he was as he buried his face in there wanting her to enjoy herself as much as he was going to.

His tongue slithered down inside her already wet pussy when he noticed something weird. Her pussy seemed tighter than he was expecting and as soon as his tongue slid inside he felt it squeeze around it which was not natural. For a moment his tongue was stuck in there until he had to use a little force to get free.


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