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Salon Feet


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"See. Now we can fit two people to one footstool."

Cat however, who had just lost her foot rub, wasn't as impressed with this new positioning.

"Well that's great for a foot rest but now how is he going to rub anyone's tired feet?"

"Actually I think I have an idea for that. Let me see."

And once again Susan's feet left my back. She stood up and came in front of me and then sat down in a chair that faced between the benches and put her sitting in front of me. She shifted in the seat a moment as if making some sort of calculation and then she dragged the chair forward a little. Then she told me to look forward, and with a smile she began her explanation.

"Now then, what we all want is a good foot rub, right? And it makes sense that for those waiting they have somewhere to rest their feet. But let's not get stuck thinking about this in just one way. What we want is to rub our sore, tired feet; to work out the cramps and make them feel alive again. I propose that we don't need his hands if we're willing to be a little more involved in the process. We just do this..."

I had been listening to her talk and I had bad feelings before she had even begun. And she had already used me as a footstool and referred to me as such. Still I was totally unprepared when she lifted her foot, somewhat longer and larger than Cat's, off the floor and pressed it into my face.

I felt my whole body spasm from the shock of what she had done, but I really had nowhere to go. Katie's heavy feet were still resting on my back and Cat was sitting off to my left. And Susan just kept pressing her foot into my face and as I tried to turn my head or pull back she just followed my face and pushed against it.

As soon as her foot made contact I also heard the gasps and laughs of the other two women. They we're clearly enjoying this new humiliation of mine and Susan wasn't stopping with a quick surprise thrust to the face. No she was pressing and rubbing her foot against my face and soon her other foot joined in as both feet covered me and blocked out most of the light.

Surely I had to do something. This was just too much. I wasn't sure just what would happen next but I felt my body tense and I was willing to let instincts take over. But before I found an escape from this madness Susan surprised me again.

I had of course been trying to avoid her foot from the moment I felt it on my face, but her foot had simply been chasing my face around my limited range of motion. Still I kept fighting her as much as I could and that hadn't set well with her. I suddenly felt a slap on my face and it took me a second to realize Susan had slapped me with her foot.

While it could have been a more serious kick, this wasn't something playful but rather a way to get my attention; and it did. And then with one foot still on my cheek, holding me in place, she did it again.

"Hey! Enough squirming around! Chelsea already told you to behave. You move when I move you, otherwise you keep still."

So of course I got up right then, told her and her friends they had no right, made some disparaging comments about their character, and stormed off out of the salon. Yeah, right. I was shocked, stunned, embarrassed, and more than just a little afraid of Susan and what she might do. So I took the other option. I stopped fighting it.

The other two women had been cheering and laughing and they too were surprised when Susan foot-slapped me, but the laughs and cheers continued when they realized that Susan had won. I stayed still with Susan's foot on my face and her eyes daring me to make a move. And after a few tense seconds she brought that foot back to my face as well and rubbed them back and forth across my features.

"Now then ladies, that is how I propose we rub our feet so that we may all get some use out of our footstool and no one feels left out."

Of course the women weren't going to argue. Katie was most likely to decline this sort of sport in the first place but we were well beyond her chance to complain or leave. So all the women quickly agreed that this new form of foot rub would be to their liking. And Cat was quick to speak up.

"I think it's a great idea Susan but he wasn't finished with my foot rub and I would at least like a little of the foot to face rub."

"That only seems fair. Cat come on over here and I'll go back to my seat while you finish up with him. I'd say you had another five to ten minutes left."

And so Susan's feet which had assaulted me, left my face and she came back to sit down on my right. Her feet soon came to rest once more on my shoulder and Cat was eager to take her place in front of me. I can't fully explain the apprehension I felt at that moment.

Cat's feet came up slowly to my face. I think she was trying to savor the moment. As for me I remained motionless and tried to steel myself for what was to come. But how do you prepare yourself for something like this?

Susan had been a surprise and I was going through a flash of emotions and thoughts. And even after the foot-slapping and my surrender it had all been over rather quickly. But Cat was taking her time. She was enjoying the slow rub of her feet on and into my face.

If I had felt her feet were somewhat sweaty and unappealing before, I had a whole new reason to hate my contact with them. She was more than happy to rub her soles and toes across my nose and over my lips. And then she also began to pinch and pull my cheeks with her toes. And I just took it.

Chapter 3

So Cat had her fun with my face for the next ten minutes or so. I really didn't have a way to check the time, and I doubt it would have made any difference. It only mattered to the next woman in line. Clearly my opinion of the time didn't really come in to play.

I don't know if there were any glances or signals exchanged. Cat simply pulled her feet from my face and placed them on the floor, declaring it was now Susan's turn. Perhaps she was careful not to upset Susan, both because of the grief Susan could cause her as well as not wanting to spoil a good thing.

"Oh goody! My turn!"

Susan sounded a bit playful but she was also excited at her chance to rub her feet in my face. I don't know if she hoped I would be concerned or depressed at her announcement, but I was both. I mean it would be hard to be happy about a woman rubbing her feet in your face like you were nothing more than a doormat.

"Are you ready?"

How could I be ready? I mean while I tried to prepare myself for Susan's turn, what could I really do. She had taken a seat in front of me and her bare feet were on the floor before me. Feet which would soon be on my face, rubbing all over, and hopefully without any more foot slapping.

"I said, are you ready?"

I hadn't expected she really wanted an answer. I assumed it was just her way of teasing me as to what we both knew was to come. One of the women whispered a giggle. But now it seemed Susan wasn't satisfied with that. She wanted to hear me say I was ready, and of course I would be saying it in front of the other women as well. So turning red once more, I replied."


"Where are your manners? Yes what?"

"Yes Ma'am."

Giggling from both women this time, and the chunky heel of Katie's shoe dug into my back as she was getting more comfortable using me as a footstool and less worried about how I might feel. Thankfully Cat was still barefoot. Jeez I was already developing preferences in how I wanted to be used as a footstool!

"Better. But what now are you agreeing to? I asked if you were ready."

"Yes Ma'am, I am ready."

"Almost there. Let's see if we can get it right this time. When I ask if you are ready I expect you to tell me what you are ready for."

Oh god I was turning redder by the second I'm sure and I was actually feeling the heat on my face. She was making me say it out loud. It wasn't enough that Susan was preparing to rub her feet in my face for several minutes with the notion that I could not object. No, now she also wanted me to tell her and everyone else that I was ready for her to do so. I had to take a deep breath first but I knew there was no way of getting out of this.

"Yes Ma'am, I am ready for you to rub your feet in my face."

It wasn't giggling this time. All three women were laughing out loud. I just wanted to crawl into a hole, but alas, no hole would have me. I hung my head and waited for the women to regain their composure.

"Well in that case Footboy, I'm ready too."

And as soon as I looked up her foot collided with my face. For the first few seconds I was frozen solid. The 'footboy' comment wasn't something I expected, and it was like another kick in the face. I had never heard her say anything like that and I didn't know exactly what she meant by that. I figured the other women may be somewhat confused as well. However it was clear that being given such a title showed how little regard they had for me.

I tried to shake it off but I just couldn't seem to manage it. Susan had made it clear; however it had come to this, for tonight, at this moment, I was their 'footboy'. And as such I remained on my hands and knees, two women resting their feet on my back, while another woman, Susan, rubbed her feet back and forth and all over my face.

Cat had experimented a little while I was under her feet. She had done some cheek pinching and she enjoyed running her toes over my lips. But Susan was more aggressive.

She used more pressure as she rubbed her feet across my face. She would press and drag with the ball of her foot and later did so with her heel. And her toe pinching wasn't slight or subtle. She would pinch and pull at my cheeks, my lips, my nose, and even my ears. She even ran her toes up into my hairline so she could pinch and pull some of my hair.

"You know I may have made a mistake."

It was Susan and she shocked me out of my foot-face trance. A mistake? Was she having second thoughts about the way she and the others had been treating me? Might there be an end to this evening; perhaps even an apology?

"While this works well for rubbing and relieving poor, tired, and achy feet, it is also a bit of effort and therefore not as relaxing."

Well okay this wasn't quite what I had hoped for but even a switch back to a basic foot rub would be better than these women rubbing their feet in my face. Maybe Susan was finished even though I'm sure her 'time' wasn't up. But what about Katie? Would she be willing to skip her turn all together?

"So I think the answer is that instead of having to rub our feet across his face...he should have to rub his face against our feet. That makes sense doesn't it?"

Thankfully she wasn't looking to me for an answer. I was too shocked to be able to reply. Cat and Katie sounded as though they agreed. Likely they were as shocked as I was and didn't want to argue with Susan. And again, everything seemed to work to their benefit, so no point in rocking the boat.

"So for the rest of my time, I'm not going to rub my feet, you're going to rub my feet."

It was crazy. I suspected Susan was a little wild but how had things gone this far? I should have left a long time ago. I should have refused to play their games. I should have never agreed to rub Chelsea's feet.

But I was here, and while I questioned how it all happened, I still could not find an answer to getting out of this. Susan had made more demands and she wasn't ready to give this all up. Cat and Katie hadn't voiced objections and at this point it was sure they would side with Susan. And physically I was still under the feet of two women, and Susan and her extended foot, blocked my path. I was just about ready to put my face to her foot when Susan had something else to say.

"So Footboy, are you ready?"

No. No I wasn't ready. And now she wanted me to speak again as if I was condoning this behavior. And now she was pressing the 'footboy' name again. I knew she meant business. I thought about refusing and she must have seen something in me for I saw her foot flex for a moment and draw back. I knew she was prepared to slap me with her foot and I was sure if she did it would not be gentle. Could she actually give me a black eye with her foot?

"Yes Ma'am, I am ready to rub your feet with my face."

I barely got it all out and immediately had a hard swallow. I just said I was ready to rub my face against her feet and she acted as if it was as innocuous as if she had asked if I wanted one or two sugars and I said two. It was all so ridiculous. And yet, having said it, next I proved it by moving my head the short distance to her bare sole and putting my left cheek on her heel I dragged my face up and along the length of her foot.

As my eyes came up over her toes I met her gaze. She had a wicked smile that said 'I told you so' and dared me to make any opposition. I immediately closed my eyes and turned away. But I knew I had nowhere to go. I made an effort to avoid her gaze as I continued to rub my face against her foot.

Each pass of my face felt like it took forever but I'm sure only seconds has passed. But seconds turned to minutes and after awhile Susan moved her foot slightly. One could say she was making it easier for me, but I think it would be more correct to say she didn't want me to miss any part of her foot.

When she began this new routine she had pulled the chair closer and crossed her legs so her foot hung before me and she didn't have to exert effort in holding it up. Now she crossed her legs the other way to present her other foot and I began all over again.

I was nearly finished, or so I hoped, when I realized just how quiet it had become. There wasn't a sound. I could hear my skin, or the skin of my face, dragging across the skin of Susan's foot. I think Cat and Katie must have shifted and I could only imagine how intently they were watching me now. I didn't dare look over my shoulder. At this point the gaze of any one of them would likely cause me to crumble into a pitiful mess.

When I felt I had done as much on the second foot I slowed to a crawl, then stopped, and then finally pulled my face back a few inches from Susan's foot. There was a stillness in the air and I waited for what might come next.

Susan apparently agreed that her time was up. She was in some way satisfied with what I had done, but I was sure it was more about making me do the act than whatever she might have felt on her feet. Still she did not press further or make other demands of me.

"That was quite nice. Katie I think you're really going to enjoy this."

Right. I had survived my ordeal with Susan. Susan was the ringleader and the one to fear. She was the one who had taken this from a simple foot rub for the ladies to me abasing myself by rubbing my face against her feet while the other women used me as a foot stool. She was the one I was afraid of. But now Katie was still due her turn.

Susan got up and walked around behind me. I felt Katie's shoes come off my back and I felt Cat move her feet and legs up my back, no doubt making room for Susan to take her place. Katie's shoes clapped against the floor as she came around in front of me and sat down. She paused for a few seconds and I felt she must be a little nervous. However I was sure she was more afraid of disappointing Susan than she was of offending me.

So after those few seconds passed, she moved the toe of one shoe to the heel of the other and slowly popped her bare heel free. Then she slid the shoe off her foot and her now bare foot made its way to the heel of her other shoe.

I couldn't help but notice the deep pink along the sides of her foot and under her toes. Her bare feet had been in those shoes all day and even as the evening entertainment had commenced, she had kept her shoes on. Now her tired, swollen feet were getting their first breath of fresh air.

I watched her pink, pudgy toes splayed across the heel of her shoe. I watched as they scrunched slightly and she popped her other heel out of the leather encasing it. I watched as the second foot was freed, also pink from the hours spent bound in her shoe.

She pushed her shoes to the side and more out of reflex I believe that anything else, she stretched out her legs, stretched her toes wide, and wiggled some life into them. Then she slowly brought them down to the floor in front of her.

She hadn't brought them to my face or even decided where to start, but in that short time as she wiggled her toes, I caught the odor. Her feet smelled like...well...feet. They were hot and sweaty and there was also the smell of leather in the air. But mostly it smelled of sweaty feet.

"I think for starters I'll do some of the work, so you can just keep still for the most part. Are you ready?"

It was the first time that night that she had spoken to me. I tried to recall but I think it was the first time she had ever spoken to me. I said she was one to keep to herself. Imagine that her first words to me would be to ask me if I was ready to have her sweaty feet on my face.

"Yes Ma'am, I am ready for you to rub your feet on my face."

"Not on your face, in your face."

"Sorry Ma'am. In my face."

She was rather pleased with herself and I feared Susan, knowingly or not, may have created a monster.

Chapter 4

"Seeing as I have had to wait so long you had better make this worthwhile."

Never mind that my face was about to have whole lot of contact with her bare sweaty feet, she was telling me that I had better not disappoint her. Not that I thought I was getting out of this or that poor performance on my part would be tolerated.

She paused for a moment and I wondered what she might be considering. But then maybe she wasn't considering so much as aiming. When she did make a move her foot darted out toward my face and the ball of her foot landed across my mouth, pressing my lips against my teeth, while her toes curled around the end of my nose.

When her foot made contact I was breathing out, but when I first inhaled I got a strong dose of her foot odor. While there was still the hint of leather, this was much more the aroma of her foot; a foot which had been trapped in a shoe all day while she worked.

I lifted my head back instinctively but there wasn't far for me to go. Her foot never left my face as it followed my motion. And one look from her made it clear it would be unwise for me to try to avoid her foot for any reason. Slowly I let my head fall forward back to its resting place, still with toes cupping my nose and knowledge that I would have to take another breath soon.

I tried to take a slower, shallower, breath which helped but her foot was still at my nose and some of the scent crept inside my head. I wanted to breathe through my mouth but I found her foot had quite effectively pinned my lips shut. But she wasn't happy with my attempts to minimize the effect of her foot odor.

"Smell my feet."

Of course I was smelling her feet. How could I not? But this wasn't a question, this was a command. She didn't shout it or even raise her voice, but I knew she expected her order to be followed. So I gave up on avoiding the stink and reminding myself that coughing or gagging would not be good for me, I took a deep breath; a deep breath of her sweaty, smelly foot.

Not coughing or gagging did in fact take some effort. The odor was so saturated and unavoidable, and I felt it fill my nose and throat. When I exhaled I knew I was blowing air out between her toes. But any foul air I blew out was only drawn back in on my next deep breath.

I'm not sure if it was two or three deep breaths, but Katie, pleased with my obedience, moved on to other parts of my face. The first thing she did was to raise her foot up so that she dragged her entire sole across my nostrils. In fact when her bare heel made its way there it stopped briefly before her foot moved on.

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