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Salon Feet

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When he rubs her feet, others want in.
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

So while I was having my hot feet licked (there's another story there, but we'll save it for later) it made me think of this story. John has been friends with Chelsea, but he's been hiding a huge crush. He'll do anything to be close to her. But he may also end up closer with the other women in the salon.

And for those who may be curious, this is not the same salon of Enza, Lydia, Helga, and Christopher. Though it may make you wonder what's going on in salons these days.


Chapter 1

"Hey now that we're done I'm just about finished for the day and I have a huge favor to ask you. Would you stick around a little while and rub my feet?"

"Rub your feet?"

"Pleeeaaase. It's been a long day, and a long week and my feet are so tired and achy. Can't you just rub them for me for a little while? Pleeeeaaase."

Well she knew I thought of us as friends but I didn't know how much she suspected I was crazy for her. But as unbelievable as it all was, there was no way I could miss this opportunity to spend some time with her, touching her. I don't know what would be the coolest way to accept such a request but I gave it my best attempt.

"Sure, I suppose I could do that. I mean at least for a little while."

"Great! Just follow me."

And I did, as we made the short trip back to the seating area near the middle of the salon. She did a quick turn and plopped down on one of the stuffed benches. I tried not to stare at the twirl of her skirt but I'm sure I was unsuccessful. However if she even noticed she didn't seem to care. She seemed to be rather excited and anxious to get started.

So was I. She was beautiful. She was a little short and oh so curvy. She was a natural blond but color was her passion and she often had some sort of style coloring in place. Lately she had been sporting a blue streak. She was just so sexy.

As she reached down her leg to remove one of her heels, she pointed at a spot on the floor in front of her and told me to sit there. I hadn't really known what to expect but I didn't think I would be on the floor in front of her. Still I supposed it wouldn't matter much, I just hoped we didn't draw too much attention.

So I got down on the floor, first trying to sit cross-legged, then realized that was a little too tight and uncomfortable and I was a little too far away. So while she removed her other shoe I sat up on my knees and waited for her to present her foot.

"God I really need this. You're a lifesaver."

"Happy to help."

And I was happy. I was more than happy and I'm sure I grew a few inches beneath my zipper the moment I held her foot in my hands. It was so soft. I mean so, so soft. For a moment I just held it a squeezed it and thought about how lucky I was before I began to use my thumbs to knead the ball of her foot.

She watched my hands and her foot for a moment while taking a couple deep breaths. Then she just closed her eyes and laid her head back with her arms out to her sides. She also quite casually put her other foot on my thigh. I don't think she was really even aware of it, but I certainly was.

I spent a few seconds just staring at her foot, noticing the details of her nails and the polish that was colorfully applied. I also focused on the feel and the weight of her foot on my thigh, wishing for a moment I was wearing shorts instead of jeans. But then I was also concerned that the close proximity along with her other foot in my hands was creating a strain in my pants and if I moved too much or she shifted her foot, we could suddenly have a serious and embarrassing situation.

Eventually I switched my attention back to the foot in my hands. I had worked a little further down her sole and then decided to work on her cute toes. One at a time I did some rubbing, squeezing, twisting, and pulling. Then I began to work my thumb between her big and second toe.

"Mmmm. This is just what I needed. Take your time."

I was happy to see I was doing well. I continued to work between her toes and I could feel myself growing and pulsing. I couldn't believe this was happening. I gazed at both her feet and her ten lovely toes as I began to squeeze and knead the heel of her foot.

She wasn't saying much. Not that I expected a lengthy conversation. She just sat back with her eyes closed and made the occasional soft moans amid a few deep breaths. I was taking a few deep breaths as well but trying very hard not to moan in any way. Eventually I felt I had completed my work on her foot and I took great care in setting it down on my other thigh so as not to create any alarm.

I then began all over again with her other foot. She was just relaxing and enjoying herself and I was lost with her in our own little world. I was about halfway done with her second foot when reality snapped me out of the moment.

"Well what do we have here? Now that's what I'm talking about. That's just what I need after a long day on my feet."

It was one of the other stylists and I was rather embarrassed to be caught in this position. I had decided not to worry about anyone else in the salon when I agreed to rub Chelsea's feet. But now that I had been seen I felt differently. I tried to just sort of laugh it off and hoped she was just passing by.

But she wasn't passing on by. Instead she came around in front of me as if she was intently examining what I was doing, and then she sat down on the bench next to Chelsea. She also crossed her legs out of habit and I suddenly noticed her foot dangling off to my right in her dress sandal.

I guessed she was about Chelsea's age. She had short red-brown hair with red highlights and her style was a little spikey. She was average height and reasonably attractive, but I would have much preferred if she had just left us alone. I was trying to have a moment with someone I was far more attracted to.

I also noticed the differences between her feet and Chelsea's. Where Chelsea had pale, creamy, pure skin, this other woman had a light tan. Given how short Chelsea was, her small feet and pudgy toes also contrasted with what I considered to be a more average woman's foot on the other stylist. Her toes were also done differently with a clear polish.

"Making notes for how you're going to rub my feet?"

I didn't know what to do. I had been caught looking at this other woman's feet and she was suggesting I wanted to rub them as well. Her spotting us and coming to sit down had made me a little uncomfortable but now her comment had me truly unsettled. I tried to play it off that I hadn't even noticed her feet.

"Hmm, what? I'm sorry I must have been somewhere else."

"Uh huh."

She just smiled and I was sure she didn't believe me. I was hoping she would just leave but instead she sat there looking at me and began to dip and swing her foot in front of me. I went back to focusing on Chelsea's foot in my hands and tried to ignore this other woman.

"So Chelsea, when is your guy going to rub my feet?"

"Hey I'm not done with him yet."

She had answered before I had a chance to say anything. And maybe that was just as well. Surely she could talk to her co-workers and explain this was just something I was doing for her. The woman seemed a bit disappointed but she remained where she was and continued to watch me.

It wasn't much longer and I was coming to an end of my service. I placed Chelsea's foot down on my other thigh, carefully; though at this point I was worried enough about this second woman that my erection had softened considerably.

"So, how was that?"

"Too short. But otherwise it was very nice. Though I'm not sure if I'm done with you just yet."

I felt I had been rather thorough but I guess a foot rub is always too short. I was happy to have pleased her and company notwithstanding, I was feeling pretty satisfied. However I didn't think I was going to be sticking around much longer and I could even hear someone else nearby who seemed to be wrapping things up at her station.

Then rather suddenly Chelsea opened her eyes and sat forward, slapping her hands on her knees. She then put her feet on the floor between my legs and reached down to collect her shoes. I waited as she stood up and stepped across me, feeling as if we were physically closer than we should have been. And then before I could get up to my feet she surprised me.

"Okay Cat you can borrow him for a little while. I need to clean up and pack my things. You take good care of her."

And without waiting for a reply or any discussion of the matter she walked off toward the back. I was stunned and remained motionless trying to come to terms with what she had just said. However 'Cat', so that was her name, wasn't so stunned or motionless.

She immediately shifted over on the bench to be directly in front of me and had removed her sandals and popped her toes several times before I even realized what was happening. In a not-so-gentle fashion she placed one of her feet down on my thigh and thrust the other one towards me.

"You heard what she said. Take good care of me."

I wanted to protest. I wanted to ask Chelsea how she could do such a thing to me. I wanted to get up and leave. But I was physically pinned beneath this woman's foot and I didn't know how to excuse myself without making a big scene. So after a few seconds with no ready solution, I slowly reached out and grabbed Cat's foot.

"Don't be shy. I expect your best."

And saying that, she stretched her arms and then laced her fingers behind her head as she laid back to watch me work. I was still hoping for an escape but as none were available, I began to work my thumbs on her foot. There was no way out of it. I was going to have to give Cat a foot rub, a full and complete foot rub.

One of the first things I noticed was another difference between her feet and Chelsea's, one I hadn't considered. Her feet were also soft, though maybe not quite as much, but when my hands and fingers found the sole of her foot I could tell they were just a little bit moist. I mean she had been wearing sandals and her feet weren't really sweaty, but they also weren't as cool and dry as Chelsea's feet had been.

It was just a new low and one I tried not to think about as I worked on her feet. If she was even aware of the condition of her feet she made no sign that she cared one way or the other for how I might feel. She was simply enjoying having me on the floor in front of her, rubbing her feet.

I don't know if it was because of how long I had been on the floor or because I was more aware now that I wasn't with Chelsea, but I was noticing cramps and stiffness in my body and trying to find ways to adjust for better comfort.

And then I heard another voice behind me. I was pretty sure it was the owner, Susan I think her name was. She was a little older, maybe mid to late forties, and a little tall. Maybe she would put a stop to all this and I could just go home. Maybe she could have; but she didn't.

"Well well, so now I see how it is. Everyone's back here getting foot rubs and trying to leave the boss out of it."

I didn't even know what to say but then Cat didn't give me much chance. She quickly explained the situation, at least how she saw it; an explanation which seemed to set well with Susan.

"Yeah this is Chelsea's guy. She's already had her feet rubbed and is off in the back. But you're going to have to wait your turn. Chelsea's already told him he has to take care of my feet and we've only just started."

Well I hadn't 'just started' and I didn't care for the casual way Cat suggested that I would be rubbing another pair of feet after hers. This was already much more than I had bargained for. Just what did these women expect of me? I didn't have to wait long before I got a very unexpected answer.

"Well I guess I'll just have to get comfortable while I wait until he's done with you."

It was Susan speaking, and what she said was making me fear for her complicity in this strange scenario. It appeared she too was expecting that I would be willing to rub her feet. And I was a little more familiar with her and I had figured that she always expected a lot; and more often than not I assumed she got what she wanted.

But even so, it wasn't what she said that got my attention or made me feel things had taken a sudden turn for the worse. No what really did it was that while I was sitting on my knees, slightly hunched over trying to ease my muscles, I felt her bare feet come to rest on my upper back. And she just left them there. She was using me like a footstool!

I just remained frozen in place, unable to believe what was happening. I felt like I was about to wake up any second. But the seconds ticked by and I could still feel the weight and pressure of her feet on my back. I was completely lost.

What I didn't see, and it would be much later before I learned of these details, was that the two women had apparently exchanged meaningful glances. Susan had placed her feet on me more as a joke than anything, and hadn't expected me to just remain still. But when I didn't move or protest she decided to just run with it, so to speak. And of course Cat was all too happy to go along.

As for me I wasn't looking at Cat. I was barely looking at her feet. I was keeping my head down and I'm sure turning a few shades of red. This had crossed a line. It was weird when Cat first came in, and working on Chelsea's feet and hers I had wrestled with a little bit of embarrassment. But this was more. This was entering the realm of humiliation. They not only were expecting me to rub their feet, regardless of sweat, smell, or whatever, just at the drop of a hat because I was there, but now they were treating me as if I was nothing more than a piece of furniture, that I was something to prop their feet upon while they waited for my services.

All these thoughts ran through my head and I'm sure my heart raced. I tried not to look up and hoped the flush would drain from my face. But I saw no way out. If I was worried about making a scene before I knew it would be huge if anything went down in front of Susan. And she was the one who was still casually resting her bare feet on the back of my shirt.

Ultimately I just gave in and did what was expected of me. I didn't know if I would be able to laugh it off later or if there would be any way I could explain any of this. And as I tried to figure out how it had all come to this I began to regret ever agreeing to rub Chelsea's feet.

"Hey, this isn't a break. You've still got to take care of my feet. You can dream about Susan's feet later."

And the women both laughed at that. I managed more of a grunt than a laugh. But I did go back to rubbing Cat's feet. And I think Susan got a little more comfortable with her feet on my back, moving them around a bit, whether for her own comfort, or as a way to tease me.

Chapter 2

So I was rubbing Cat's feet with Susan's feet on my back, wondering when this would all end. I was eager to be finished with Cat but I was also concerned about what Susan expected. I wanted to postpone any interaction with Susan, but that meant spending more time with Cat's feet. What I really needed was for Chelsea to return and rescue me.

And then I heard some noises and the sound of someone approaching. Could it be my salvation? It wasn't. It was the sound of Katie coming nearer, and I prayed she was the last person in the building. I thought there were three or four of them but one of them might have already left. No such luck.

"Hey Katie, come on over here. We're having an impromptu foot rub party. Chelsea was kind enough to provide us with a man."

It was Susan again, and while she wasn't involved from the beginning she found it all too easy to take charge of the situation and put her own spin on it. I was concerned about what Susan would want and already figured the other women would follow her whether it was something they agreed upon or not. She was after all, their boss.

I heard Katie make a few short comments. She didn't sound as entertained by the whole idea as the others. Katie, I hadn't known her name before but I had seen her on previous visits, was a little overweight, and although she dressed a bit flashy and tried to come off cool, I could tell she was a little self-conscious and probably preferred to be left alone when given the option.

However, much to my dread, Susan would have none of it. She was determined to make this whole thing a big affair and get everyone involved. She called Katie over and it sounded like she took a seat next to Susan.

I had been so disappointed when it turned out to be Katie and not Chelsea, and so worried about the way Susan was pulling her in and what Susan might have plans for that I completely missed that Chelsea had in fact walked up shortly after Katie.

"Well, well, looks like there's a party going on here. I'd say someone is rather popular tonight."

I wanted to scream for help. I wanted Chelsea to demand an end to this and I wanted her to take me out of here. But it didn't feel like that was going to happen. She had already passed me off to Cat like I was nothing more than some lowly servant of hers, and now she was showing no signs of sympathy for my current predicament. I wasn't even sure just what to say but once again before I could someone else took the floor.

"Yes he's nearly finished with Cat but then he still has to take care of Katie and myself and I'm next in line. As you can see we've been putting him to good use."

"Well I don't think I'm going to wait around for another turn. I've got other things to do this evening. So I think I'm out of here and I'll see you all tomorrow."

What? It couldn't be. Not only was Chelsea not coming to my rescue me, but she wasn't even going to stick around. She was abandoning me! And to this small group of women who were determined to get some use out of me with little concern for my own well being. And the next time she spoke it only got worse.

"Well have a fun night with the ladies. And you had better behave yourself. You don't want to make Susan angry. And if you do, you're on your own. Bye."

And with that the women exchanged good-byes as I heard Chelsea walk away, leaving me on the floor with Cat's feet in my hands and Susan's feet on my back. I suddenly felt more alone. I may have been a fool to think Chelsea would help but she was a friend. These women were little more than strangers to me and now I was alone with three of them and they had plans for me.

"Katie you can put your feet up too. This footstool isn't just for me."

And I felt even smaller. She didn't even refer to me by name. I was simply 'this footstool' and I was being offered as if I had absolutely no say in the matter. I caught Cat's eye looking down at me and she just gave me a wicked, playful smile. Then Susan continued.

"Yeah I see what you mean. Like this there isn't a lot of space for two people to put their feet up. Oh I have an idea. Cat take a break for a moment. We need to make an adjustment."

Susan's feet left my back and in moments she was standing beside me. She reached down and tugged my shirt asking me to turn sideways. Now she seemed to be pushing me around like I was just some small piece of furniture.

"Now scoot over here. That's it. Now put your hands down on the floor and pull your knees back. Get on all fours facing that way. That's it. I think that will do it."

I'm sure my face was still red, a color I feared it would hold throughout the night. She had moved me so I was closer to the bench where she had been sitting and now I was down on my hands and knees. I didn't have to wait long to find out what this was all about.

Susan sat back down and once again I felt her feet on my back, but this time her legs were perpendicular to my spine and her crossed heels rested close to my shoulder. And then something similar happened when I felt what must have been Katie's feet, still in her shoes, land across my lower back in a similar fashion.

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