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Sam's Naked Adventures Ch. 05

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The girls are apart but find a way to play together.
3.6k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/10/2021
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Authors note: For context you should read the previous chapters. All characters are over 18 and fictitious. No similarity to any real person is intended.


Sam's eyes were closed. She was laying naked on the floor of a bus and Elana was eating her pussy while all the passengers were watching and masturbating. She could feel Elana's fingers moving in and out of her soaking wet hole as her tongue worked its magic across her clit. Sam's breathing was becoming more labored as her climax neared. Something in the back of her mind wasn't adding up. The floor of the bus felt incredibly soft beneath her but her approaching orgasm wasn't allowing her to focus on that fact. Simultaneously all the masturbating bus passengers came at once covering her in cum which triggered her own massive orgasm.

Gasping for breath as her climax subsided Sam opened her eyes. Instead of seeing a bus full of passengers she was staring at her bedroom ceiling. She looked down her naked body to see Elana grinning up at her like a Cheshire cat from between her legs.

"Good morning," Elana said, "I woke up and was hungry so I helped myself to something to eat."

"Well I'm glad you found something you like," Sam replied somewhat breathlessly before heading into the bathroom.

Following her into the bathroom Elana asked, "Mind if I borrow a toothbrush?"

"There should be a new one in there." Sam answered pointing toward one of the drawers in the vanity.

Elana retrieved the toothbrush and removed it from the package as Sam sat on the toilet and peed. Once she had relieved herself she joined Elana at the sink and began brushing her teeth as well. Once both had finished Elana observed, "We really should get all this dried cum washed off of us. That Jim produces a lot of spunk for an older guy."

"Well he certainly has the equipment for it," Sam replied.

"He doe's that. I wonder what being fucked by that monster cock of his would feel like?"

"I'd imagine painful, at least at first," Sam's reply seemed more thoughtful than certain and Elana looked at her with a raised eyebrow causing her to lightly blush. She continued, "Well I won't say I haven't wondered the same thing since I saw it the first time."

Elana laughed, "I've had some big cocks but nothing that size. I may have to remedy that someday," her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"GOD you're such a slut," Sam said with obviously fake disgust.

"Coming from the exhibitionist that fucked some random jogger on the tennis court at the High School I'll take that for a compliment," Elana giggled in reply. "Now come on, lets take a quick dip in the pool before I have to go."

As they headed for the stairs Sam spoke, "Do you have to go so soon? I was hoping to repay you for the wonderful wake up call you gave me."

"mmmmm I'd like that as well but unfortunately my mom sent me a text before I woke you. She wants to spend the day shopping together. She's leaving town tomorrow to accompany dad on a business trip to south Florida and wants to buy some new clothes and a swim suit. After that we're going to dinner but if you're willing to wait on said repayment I'm dropping them off at the airport at noon tomorrow. Once I do that my pussy will be available for you to settle your debt."

"I'm looking forward to it!"

Reaching the edge of the pool both naked young women dove in. After swimming around for a few minutes Elana moved over to Sam. They were in the shallow end of the pool where the water was only four feet deep. Taking Sam in her arms she leaned down and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. Sam loved the feeling of their nipples pressing into each others bodies. Finally Elana broke off the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"I have to go now but I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Oh, keep your phone handy today. I may send you some racy pics or video of me being naughty while shopping."

"I'll reply in kind if you do."

"Count on it then," Elana said before giving her one more quick kiss and climbing out of the pool.

Sam also exited the pool and dried off as well. Elana retrieved her clothes, shoes and phone and dressed for the first time since the previous afternoon.

"Okay Sam, I have to go but I'm really looking forward to getting back here tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward to that as well Elana."

With that they kissed a final time and Elana left.

Sam needed a run and went upstairs to dress. After looking through her running clothes she decided that none of them were as revealing as she wanted them to be. She decided to go shopping to look for something new that would better meet her needs.

Walking into her closet she gave some thought to what she would wear. She selected a thin, white crop top t-shirt and a short low cut blue denim skirt. After showering and drying her hair she put it into a ponytail and dressed in her selected clothing choosing not to wear a bra or panties.

Sam stopped to look in the full length mirror in her bedroom. If she looked hard enough she could definitely see the darker area of her nipples beneath the shirt. lifting her arms above her head she was able to flash some under boob. She also tried both bending over and squatting down to see the best way to flash her pussy if she chose to do so. Satisfied she put on a pair of sandals, grabbed her purse and headed for her car.

Sam drove to a large shopping mall in an adjoining suburb. There was one closer but considering what she had planned she didn't want to go to a place that she frequented. Sam found a parking place near the entrance. Before she could get out of her car her phone indicated that she had a text message. Looking at the phone it was from Elana. It read, "Hey, lets play a game. If I send you a pic or video you have ten minutes to send me something similar back. If you go past the ten minute deadline you have to perform a dare of my choosing. Interested?"

Sam was definitely interested and replied so. After putting her phone away she opened her car door swung out one leg then reached over to the passenger seat to retrieve her purse. Turning around to exit the car with her purse she noticed two things. One was that in this position her bald pussy was clearly exposed by the short skirt and two there was a young man walking through the parking lot that was clearly enjoying the view.

Sam felt herself immediately grow wet as the butterflies in her stomach returned. Wanting to prolong the moment she stayed in that position pretending to look for something in her purse. After five or ten seconds she closed the purse and exited her car as if nothing had happened. As she walked past the man he had a slight grin on his face and was blushing.

Entering the mall Sam made her way to one of the large retail stores that she new carried a good selection of sportswear. Making her way to the sportswear department she began perusing the selections. She was looking for something predominately cotton, soft and very thin. Just to be sure Sam selected the bottoms one size smaller than what she usually wore. She also made sure they were the shortest length offered and that they were very short in the stride. She found matching spaghetti strap tops and bought several sets in different colors. As she was taking her choices off the rack her cell phone announced that she had a new text message.

Sam quickly took her phone from her purse and opened the message. As she expected it was from Elana. There was no text, only a selfie. Elana was obviously in a fitting room wearing only a lime green micro bikini with a huge smile on her face.

Sam knew the clock was ticking. She had ten minutes from the time stamp on Elana's text to respond.

She headed for the changing room her chosen garments in hand. Entering the changing room she closed the door and immediately stripped off her skirt and top. Selecting a light grey pair of shorts and a matching top she dressed quickly then took a moment to examine herself in the mirror. There would be no doubt in anyone's mind that she wasn't wearing anything under those shorts. They barely covered her ass cheeks and her pussy was perfectly defined by the tight fabric.

Sam grabbed her phone from her purse then thinking about it a second reached up and pulled the shirt below her breasts. She took a picture of her reflection in the full length dressing room mirror and sent it to Elana with the caption I'm doing some shopping too. She received the thumbs up emoji in response. She quickly redressed and leaving the dressing room took her selections to the cash register.

Once she left the store Sam wandered around the mall thinking about possible ways to expose herself. She was standing by the escalator when she saw a group of men approaching. Waiting until they were fairly close she stepped on. They were roughly six steps behind her as she stepped onto the escalator. About half way up she heard one of them say quietly, "Check that out." Sam smiled having a pretty good idea that what was getting checked out was her bare ass.

Stepping off the escalator Sam turned left and entered a book store. She found an aisle where a middle aged man was looking at books. Making sure her body was turned slightly toward him she squatted down for several seconds as if she was looking for a particular title. When she stood she saw the man quickly turn his head away.

Moving to a different part of the store Sam reached high to get a book displaying her toned stomach and a healthy portion of under boob. Just then a new text from Elana came through. Opening it revealed Elana in a clothing store wearing a knee length dress which was totally unbuttoned. She was holding one side away from her body. revealing one of her breasts and her bald pussy.

Sam went directly to an un occupied aisle and squatted down while lifting her shirt to reveal her beautiful tits topped with what were now very erect nipples. Just as she snapped the pic a female voice behind her asked, "You having fun?" Sam dropped her shirt as she stood and spun toward the voice.

"I'm sorry, I was just taking a selfie to send to a friend," Sam began to explain to the attractive woman only a few years older than herself.

Interrupting her explanation the woman said, "You're still having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction."

Sam looked at her puzzled. In answer the woman pointed at her breasts. Sam looked down and only then realized that her thin crop top shirt had caught on her erect nipples rather than fall into place. Now blushing furiously she quickly put her top in order and sheepishly said, "Sorry."

"It's no problem since it was just me. If the manager had caught you she would already be on the phone to the cops. She's a prudish bitch."

Sam breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks for not having that reaction."

"Your boyfriend pestering you to send him tit pics?" the woman asked.

"Not exactly, it's sort of a game I'm playing with a friend of mine that's shopping with her mother today. She sends me a pic and I have to send her a similar one within ten minutes."

"You're kidding me right?"

"No, I swear!"

"Show me."

Sam hesitated.

"Come on, show me. What's it going to hurt? It's not like I haven't already seen them."

Realizing she was right Sam sent the pic to Elana then showed the woman the pictures she and Elana had exchanged.

"Those are pretty hot. I didn't realize you didn't have on panties until now. That was a nice bonus."

Blushing again Sam replied, "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Don't be, I'm certainly not. I'm Amy," she said extending her hand.

"Sam," she replied shaking the offered hand in greeting.

Amy took a small notepad out of her back pocket and scribbled on it with a pen. When finished she tore the page out handing it to Sam and said, "Anytime you want to exchange pics when I'm off here's my number. I've got to get back to work now. Nice meeting you."

With that Amy turned and headed back to the front of the store leaving a speechless Sam behind. After composing herself for several seconds sent Elana the pic then headed for the exit. As she passed the registers Amy gave her a smile, a wink and a wave. Sam smiled and waved back. Thinking she had pressed her luck enough at the mall she headed for the parking lot.

As she backed out of the parking lot her phone chimed again. Knowing it was most likely Elana she pulled into another parking place further down the row of parked cars. Sure enough the message was from Elana. It read, "I've been needing to do this since I went down on you this morning. I couldn't wait any longer. Since you need time to watch this I'll give you an extra ten minutes." Instead of a picture there was a video. Once again in a dressing room Elana was naked but this time she was masturbating.

Sam watched the video which lasted just short of four minutes. Elana started off slowly playing with her clit but quickly accelerated her fingers movements. She reached down with one hand and began fucking herself with two fingers while the other furiously rubbed her clit. It was obvious that she was having difficulty remaining quiet in the small room with only a curtain separating her from the changing room hallway. Her valiant effort at self control failed as her orgasm overtook her with a rather loud "AAAHHHHHH!" She quickly covered her mouth with the had that had so recently been stroking her clit and looked sheepishly at her phone. Taking her fingers from inside her pussy she moved them to her mouth and sucked her juices from them before blowing Sam a kiss and ending the recording.

Immediately aroused, Sam looked about for a place she could reply in kind. Far across the parking lot she spied a 15 screen movie complex. It was early enough in the day that she didn't believe it was open yet. Quickly driving to the rear of the theater her plan was to park and masturbate in her car. When she arrived however another plan came to mind.

Sam noticed that on one side of the theater the fire exits were recessed into the building by about five feet. Parking directly in front of one she quickly stripped out of the two pieces of clothing she was wearing and in only her sandals left her car and moved to the exit door.

Running around naked in the middle of the night compared nothing to this. Sam had never felt the level of both fear and excitement that was going through her now. She was naked in a very public place in mid morning about to video herself masturbating. The adrenalin rush was almost intoxicating.

Setting her phone against the opposite wall she hit record. Moving quickly she leaned against the exit door and began masturbating exactly as Elana had done. She attempted to go slowly and savor the feeling but her extreme state of arousal made that impossible. Almost immediately she was furiously rubbing her clit and roughly finger fucking her wet hole. It took less than three minutes before an almost animal sounding howl was accompanied by a geyser of cum which splashed onto the concrete between her spread legs. Legs that were so weak from the force of her orgasm they could barely support her.

Slowly she slid down the door to a seated position as she fought to regain her breath. Once her breathing began to return to normal Sam, following Elana's example, took the time to lick her very wet hand clean then blew a kiss and stopped the video. Sam sent the video before returning to her car on still shaky legs.

Once seated in her car Sam had just pulled her shirt over her head when her cell phone began to ring. "Hi Elana," she answered.

"That was the hottest fucking thing I think I've ever seen!" Elana said in reply. "Where are you?"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm behind the movie theater near the Galleria."

"I'm afraid I have some bad news for you Sam."

"Oh no, what is it?"

"You ran over your time limit to reply to my video by two minutes so you owe me a dare. Are you still naked?"

"Seriously Elana? No I'm not still naked I just got my shirt back on when you called."

"Perfect! You have to drive home dressed exactly as you are now."

"That's all? Just drive home without my skirt."

"Would you like me to add something else to it?"

"No no," Sam quickly responded, "I don't need anything else added to it."

"Alright Sam, mom and I are about to go to lunch so you probably have a couple of hours before I send you any more challenges, Bye for now and enjoy your drive."


Sam sat there for a moment debating whether to put her skirt on and just tell Elana that she hadn't. In the end she decided to go through with the dare, after all, she had agreed to the terms. Decision made she started the car and headed for home.

Getting on the interstate from the entrance at the Galleria Sam began her journey home. Traffic was light and she made the six mile trip to her exit without incident. That was about to change. She had to stop for a traffic light at the end of the ramp. Waiting for the light to change for her to turn left she was acutely aware that she was naked from just under her breasts to her feet. Evan though she had just masturbated, or possibly because of it, she couldn't resist the temptation to reach between her legs and begin to lightly rub her clit.

Sam was enjoying the sensation of being naughty in her car with numerous other unsuspecting drivers surrounding her. It wasn't enough. Just as the light turned green in one smooth motion Sam grabbed the bottom of the shirt and pulling it over her head dropped it onto the seat next to her. She was once again tingling with excitement as she accelerated away from the light wearing nothing but her sandals.

Sam was now on a six lane US Highway with three traffic lights separating her from the turn onto the winding road that would take her home. The same highway on which she had exposed herself to the bus passengers the night before. She passed through the first light without having to slow. The second was a different story.

Stopped in the right lane approximately a mile from her turn Sam spread her legs and again began to rub her pussy. That's when the moving van stopped in the lane to her left with the elevated cab right next to her. Turning her head to the left she locked eyes with the young man in the passenger seat whose eyes appeared to be comically large. Not slowing, Sam continued rubbing her now dripping twat and smiled at the man as she squeezed her left nipple with her unoccupied hand.

The light turned green and the van began to pull away. Sam matched its speed giving the appreciating passenger a show until she made a right at the next light. She continued teasing herself for the two miles to her driveway until coming to a stop just in front of the privacy fence of her backyard. "I must be loosing my mind," Sam spoke aloud before collecting up her clothes and purse, exiting her car and dashing naked through the gate in the fence. It was just before noon.

Sam decided to look for new ideas of places to be naked. She had been to porn sites before but wasn't a frequent porn viewer. Opening one of the more popular sites on the internet she typed nude in public into the search bar. Several of the videos that caught her attention were of women on hiking trails removing their clothes and walking away from them. She decided to make one of her own.

Knowing that the running trails around her home were way too busy for this type of activity Sam decided to drive to a state park about fifteen miles away. Decision made she dressed in the light grey shorts and top she had bought at the mall, socks and running shoes. Pausing in front of the mirror she examined her reflection.

The spaghetti strap top was low enough to be showing plenty of the cleavage created by her D-cup breasts but the shorts were where the real action was. There was nothing between her pussy and public view except a very thin layer of cotton. So thin that the slit between her lips was more pronounced than it would have been if she were naked. Turning around and looking over her shoulder Sam could see the very bottom of her ass cheeks extending slightly below where the fabric ended. Satisfied with her appearance she picked up keys, phone and selfie stick and headed for the door.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I feel we are a few chapters short here. I got left hanging!

ghost12_spiritghost12_spiritalmost 3 years ago

Very hot and so much fun.

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