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Santa Baby


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The snow hadn't cleared by the next morning, and Luke decided to walk to the pub. He lived on the opposite bank of the river, but he would take the footbridge across the river to the pub. It was one of those clean, clear, ice blue skies you get in winter sometimes, and it reminded him of Chrissy's eyes. He arrived at the pub ten minutes before one o'clock, and managed to grab a small table just off the bar as someone left.

Kanye West was singing about 'Christmas in Harlem' as he bought himself a beer and sat down to wait. He felt nervous and told himself she would probably not turn up. He had bought a newspaper on the way and he scanned it as he waited. He looked at his watch at ten past one and he thought, she's not coming, just as he spotted her looking around in the bar.

'Chrissy,' he called, 'over here,'

Chrissy heard him call her name from across the bar and he was waving a newspaper at her. God, he was big, you couldn't really miss him anywhere. He looked as if he was going to shake her hand but then pulled out the chair for to sit down. She stood on tiptoe, kissed his cheek and he looked embarrassed for a second.

'What would like to drink, Chrissy?'

She asked for a white wine which he brought back from the bar with another beer for himself.

'I'm glad you came.' he said.

Chrissy took a sip of her wine and said, 'Are you? Why? I still don't understand why you wanted to meet me at all, especially after last night.'

'Does there have to be a reason? I liked you, and that's why I asked you out for a drink.'

'Luke, listen, I have had some really bad experiences with men, for different reasons. Some can't handle what I am, some think they can and they can't, and some are just too keen on what I am. Either way it doesn't make for such a great relationship. That's why I ask the question.'

Luke took a long drink of his beer before speaking.

'Chrissy, I can understand that, but I can't prove or disprove my intentions. Why don't we start again, just two people meeting for a drink? See where that takes us?'

Chrissy looked at him and tried to read his face. She thought she was good at working out people from their body language, but this time, she saw nothing. Luke seemed open and nothing about him screamed weirdo, but she knew that was no guarantee. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

'OK, Luke, that sounds good. Now, I am going to buy you a drink this time. Same again?'

Luke nodded and she went to get their drinks. It gave him a chance to think about what she had said. Why was he doing this? On Friday night he liked her enough to ask her out, but she turned him down. He thought he now understood why, and he didn't mind that so much. Sure, he had been stunned to see her last night, but after the initial shock died away, he was fascinated by her. He didn't fully understand why, but that's how it was.

Chrissy returned from the bar and they said, 'Cheers,' and clinked glasses. Frank Sinatra was singing 'I'll be Home for Christmas' and Luke again felt a sting as he remembered he wouldn't be going home this year.

'What will you do for Christmas, Chrissy? God, that's not too easy to say after three pints.'

She laughed and thought he made her smile easily. He had that huge frame, yet he was sweet and kind, and sort of gentle too. Nat King Cole's 'The Christmas Song' had started and his voice made her think of melting chocolate.

'Yeah, I had a crush on Chrissy Tiegen, the American model, and liked the name.'

'It's not your real name, then?'

'Well, I was born Christopher, so, it wasn't a great stretch to use Chrissy as my stage name.'

'Chrissy's nice, but what will you do for Christmas?'

'Not much, my family are in Norfolk and I'm working Christmas eve, so I won't be going up there. For the best really, they are still not that keen on this.' She gestured down her body, and Luke thought for the first time how difficult it must have been for her.

'How about, you Luke? How will you spend Christmas?'

He paused, unsure about how much he wanted to share with her, and then decided to bare all.

'We used to spend Christmas with my mum, but she died earlier this year. My dad died a long while ago, so I won't be going there this year.' 'You said, 'we', Luke. Are you married?'

'Sorry, slip, of the tongue. Divorced, again, earlier this year. She ran off with her personal trainer. It's been a hell of a year, all things considered.' he thought that was close enough to the truth for the time being.

'That's awful, Luke. I'm sorry to hear that.' Do you have any kids?' 'No, so that made it easier.'

A silence followed between them, each unsure where to go next.

Luke asked, 'Why are you working Christmas Eve?'

'Got to pay the rent and for classes, they don't come cheap. It's a drag show, I do those as well as things like last night. Different crowd, it's party night at one of the gay clubs in town.'

Chrissy began to feel more comfortable with Luke, despite her misgivings. He listened and didn't interrupt, was interested in her and didn't spend the entire time talking about him. She still couldn't work him out, but she felt it was OK so far.

'Do you have acting work lined up?' he asked.

'I was up for a part yesterday,' she said, 'but the casting director was a pig, told me I was scraggy.'

Luke laughed.

'What's funny,' she demanded, her hackles rising.

'I'm sorry, but from what I saw last night, scraggy is the last word I would have chosen to describe you. You are gorgeous.'

She sat back and wondered what to make of that. Was this where it all went weird?

Seeing the look on her face, Luke said, 'I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said that. I apologise if I upset you.'

It was her turn to smile, 'Luke, no girl gets upset if a guy calls her gorgeous, trust me.'

They both smiled at each other.

'Have you eaten yet, Chrissy? If you haven't, we could go get something?'

She hesitated and then said. 'No, I haven't. It would be nice to eat something. But do you have the time?'

He grinned, 'Christmas holiday started yesterday, no more work until the new year.'

'You're lucky.'

They walked past the church and up to the high street. She looked into one of the shop windows and saw their reflections, him so large and her so small. She thought they looked odd but somehow sweet together. The snow had started again and she wished she had worn something warmer. He noticed and said, 'You're shivering, here, take this.' Shrugging off his coat, and, over her protests, he wrapped her inside it. It swamped her, but she felt the warmth from his body and it felt nice to be looked after by somebody.

They quickly ducked into a restaurant and found a table and Chrissy laughed about wearing his coat. 'I felt like a baby wrapped up inside it, it was nice of you, thank you.'

Luke smiled, it had been a while since he could look after someone like that, and it made him feel good. They quickly ordered and a silence descended, but a more comfortable one this time. Dean Martin was singing 'Let It Snow' as they looked outside, and the snow had started to fall heavily again.

Chrissy broke the silence by asking, 'What took you to the do last night? Are you a rugby player?'

'No, I'm not really big enough,' he said straight faced, and then grinned. She laughed too, as he went on, 'Yes, I played at school and then for the club until my shoulder told me I should quit about a year ago.'

She asked where he was from, and he told her about his childhood in Yorkshire, public school, University, the army and then into business. He told her about meeting Adele, and how they drifted apart and then the shock of her leaving him. He felt alright telling Chrissy this, and he realised how long it had been since he had told anyone about himself in such a way.

Jose Feliciano began to wish everyone 'Feliz Navidad' as Luke asked her where she came from. Chrissy thought, OK, he asked, why not. She told him about Norfolk, her struggle with her identity, the bullying, the abuse, the number of times she was expelled from school. He listened patiently, as the food arrived and he ordered a bottle of white wine to go with the food. She suddenly felt she needed to tell him everything and it all tumbled out in a flurry of words. How acting had given her an escape from it all and how she finally realised that she wanted to be a girl.

She paused to sip her wine but really to see how he was reacting to her story. He didn't seem to be alarmed by what she was saying, so she plunged on. She told about the struggles with her family and how she finally left home and came down to London. The sessions with doctors and counsellors, the hormones and the boob job she had got done in Thailand. The depressions and the suicide of a close TG friend, the bit parts in TV commercials and a walk on part in a soap that kept her interest in acting alive. The drag shows and hen parties that kept her afloat so she could do her classes and auditions. The abuse and a bad beating she had from a guy who hadn't realised she was TG. She finished just as Sinead O'Connor was singing 'Silent Night' and Chrissy felt tears pricking her eyes as that ethereal voice seemed to reach inside her.

She felt Luke pick up her hand, and she didn't take it away. His hand swamped hers and she liked that feeling as she blinked back the tears. 'I'm sorry, I don't do this all the time', she said.

'It's alright, I don't mind,' he said, and he noticed she let him keep hold of her hand. They had finished the food and coffees by this time and he realised the staff were looking to clear away.

Luke took a deep breath and said, 'Chrissy, look no pressure, but I live just across the river. We could go back there if you like. If you don't, I understand.'

She looked at him, bit her lip and said, 'OK.'

They walked across the footbridge and along the river bank towards Kingston. He had insisted she wear his coat, and she reluctantly accepted as it was snowing hard again. She couldn't believe he wasn't feeling the cold, but it didn't seem to worry him. He zipped up his fleece and insisted he was fine. Somewhere he slipped his arm around her, and she let him pull her close to him. She looked up at his face and he was smiling, even as the snow piled up on his head. They came to a row of houses facing the river and he said, 'We're here.' He opened the door of one of the houses, and she hesitated on the threshold as she debated whether to cut and run. Instead, she walked in and Luke took the coat from her and hung it up in the hallway.

He showed her into a big living room that had a view out over the river, which you could now barely see through the snow. Luke asked her what she wanted to drink, and said he would have a brandy to help him warm up. She said 'Yes, I would like one too,' even though she didn't normally drink brandy. There was a fire made up with logs in the fireplace, and he lit it and the room was soon full of the smell and sounds of the fire. He brought the brandies and came to stand next to her at the window as they watched the snow drifting down. It was getting dark and soon she couldn't see anything except the snow. Chrissy saw an iPod on a dock and she pressed play, and had to laugh as 'Santa Baby' boomed out from the speakers.

'Did you set that up, Luke?' she said, still laughing. 'I'm not doing a repeat performance,' she giggled.

Luke loved the sound of her giggle and he knew he wanted to hear that time and time again if he could. He felt that if this was going to go anywhere she would need to know the truth. He touched his glass with hers and took a sip of the brandy, which was smooth to the tongue and then fired up in his throat and the warmth began to spread throughout his body. Chrissy took a sip and coughed as it burned her throat.

'Oh my God,' she gasped as she saw him laughing. She hit him on the arm, 'Don't laugh at me you monster, I wasn't expecting that.'

Just as John Lennon and Yoko launched into 'Happy Xmas' her phone rang. She glanced at it and saw it was her agent. What the hell was she calling her for on a Sunday? She said that she should really answer this. Luke turned down the music and tried not to listen as Chrissy answered the call. He watched her as she listened and a look of disbelief on her face was replaced with a broad smile. Luke's heart leapt as he watched the joy on her face, and he knew he was falling for her.

She turned to him, her eyes gleaming and her hand up to her mouth. 'I told you about the audition yesterday, the one with the pig of a casting director? That was my agent, the director fired the casting director and wants me for the part. Rehearsals start the first week of January.'

Luke jumped up and said, 'That's brilliant news, well done, Chrissy.'

Without thinking about it she grabbed him for a hug, and pulled him close to her. His arms went round her tentatively at first, and then he held her tight. She looked up at him and she put her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

Luke was surprised as she kissed him and for a moment he hesitated, but then he started to kiss her back and it went on and on. Their tongues fought each other and Luke felt her arms tight around his neck. Chrissy broke off and said, 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that.'

She sat down on the sofa and Luke sat next to her.

'I'm not sorry,' he said, 'I enjoyed it.'

She looked at him, unwilling to believe him.

He took her hand and said, 'There's something you need to know before we go any further.

Her heart sank, 'What? You're still married?'

'No, definitely not,' he said, 'I'm divorced alright. It's just that the reason for the divorce isn't as simple as I told you.'

He paused and looked away, 'I had begun to lose my attraction for Adele, and I wasn't sure why. I met someone at work, and we both felt something for each other, and well, one thing led to another and one afternoon, Adele came home unexpectedly, and found us in bed together. There was a terrible scene and she walked out on me. She did run off with her trainer, but that was later.'

Chrissy sat back and said, 'OK, that's sad, but it happens all the time, why is that a big deal?'

Luke looked away again, 'Well, it wasn't a female colleague, it was a man I was in bed with.'

Chrissy stared at him, 'You're gay?'

He went pink and said, 'Really, I don't know. I guess I am if I end up in bed with another man.'

Her hand went to her mouth, 'Oh Luke, you are priceless.'

'What do you mean?' he was completely confused.

'Do you still fancy women?'

'Sometimes, I guess. I fancied you at the pub, alright.'

She grinned, 'OK let's leave me out of it for a moment. Are you still with this guy?'

'No. He split up with me after Adele found us. I can't say I blame him. It was all a bit OTT, let's say.'

'And have you met anyone else?'

'I've had a couple of brief experiences, but that's all.' He was embarrassed to be teling her all this.

'And are you still attracted to me?'

'Oh, yes.' he looked at her now, willing her to believe him. 'I couldn't believe it when I saw you at the show, I was blown away by you. I would have done anything to meet you again.'

Chrissy took his hand and stroked it, 'Luke, thank you for telling me this, it explains why you still wanted me to meet me today, but apart from that it doesn't make any difference to me.'

He looked away again, 'OK. I'll call a taxi.'

She grinned and said, 'Why, where are you going?' She leant forward and kissed him, 'I like you, Luke, and I don't want to go anywhere if you don't want me to.'

He looked at her as if he couldn't believe her. 'Really?'

'Really. Now where were we?' She kissed him again, and she felt his arms go around her and let him pull her close.

They kissed for what seemed an age and then Chrissy took off her top and guided his hands to her breasts. She felt his huge hands explore them with a gentleness that was almost magical from such a big man. She stopped him and slowly unbuttoned his shirt and kissed her way down his chest. She could feel his cock growing through his trousers and she unzipped him and took it out. It was big, but she thought I can manage that, and took it into her mouth and began to lick and suck.

Luke looked down and saw her lips open and then close around his cock and he almost couldn't believe what was happening to him. Chrissy was getting him to the edge and he knew it wouldn't be long. He put his hand down on her head and said, 'Wait, let's go to the bedroom.'

He stood up and picked Chrissy up with ease and with her arms around his neck, he carried her giggling and laughing up to the bedroom. She jumped out of his arms and stood in front of him, her bare breasts heaving as she regained her breath. He smiled and dropped to his knees and looked up at her to see her biting her lip. He slipped his hands down to her ankles and slid them slowly up her legs and under her skirt.

She felt his hands slip under her skirt and she closed her eyes as she felt her skirt ride up over her thighs where he paused and bent forward to kiss the top of her legs. She shivered at the touch of his lips on her skin, and she felt her cock begin to swell as she thought of what was to come. She put her hands gently on his head as he hooked his thumbs into the sides of her knickers and slowly pulled them down. He kissed her tummy and then suddenly her cock was free. She looked down again and watched as he leant forward and kissed the tip and she felt the thrill of that kiss run through her body.

Luke could see her cock bulging inside her knickers and then it was free of the constraint and stood out from her groin. He smiled to himself as he thought this was what Iwanted since I saw her act last night. Her cock looked as beautiful as it did last night, straight and rigid, and he ached to take it and taste it inside his mouth. He kissed the tip and felt Chrissy shiver as his lips touched it. He licked the head a couple of times and then opened his lips and slid it inside. Above his head he heard her moan, and she gently touched the tip of his head with her hands, encouraging him on. He bathed her cock with his mouth, he was not yet that experienced, but he knew the basics and what he liked for himself.

Chrissy felt his mouth engulf her and she let him lick and tongue his way up and down her cock. She could feel his lack of confidence but he was doing a more than adequate job, and she felt her climax beginning to build. She was starting to lose it and she wanted him inside her, she needed to feel his cock penetrate her and to cum inside her.

She pulled out of his mouth and he looked up, afraid that he might have done something wrong. She pulled him up and said. 'I want you to fuck me, now. Please Luke, please.' She pulled her skirt off and threw her knickers somewhere. He was struggling with his trousers and she knocked his hands out of the way and she undid his belt and pulled them down to his ankles.

He heard her say she wanted him to fuck her and he thought, 'Oh my God, it's really going to happen.'

'Have you got any lube?' she asked her throat thick with desire.

'Oh, yes, hang on,' he said and she giggled.

'I'm not going anywhere, Luke.'

He found the lube and quickly smeared some on his cock and Chrissy grabbed it and did the same for her hole. She picked up a pillow and with her legs over the edge of the bed she slid it under her bum and pulled her legs up with her arms. Luke looked at her for a moment, said, 'You're beautiful,' and positioned himself so that his cock was just at her hole.

'Please, please. do me now.' she begged him.

He moved forwards and his cock tapped at the edge of her hole and he pushed gently at first and then harder and with a rush he was inside and she moaned loudly as his cock penetrated her. He started to push in and out and lay his hands on the bed next to her so he could bend forwards and kiss her. He was now shoving his cock in hard and she was moving back to meet his thrusts. In between the kissing she was moaning and she bit his lip at one point and he felt it bleed. He was thrusting as hard as he could and he could feel his climax was close. he picked up the pace even more and his balls were slapping into her as he thrust harder and harder.

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