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Sarah's Dreams Ch. 03


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To not confuse him any more, she didn't put up any resistance. Although, she would have liked a little fight in that situation. It would have been delicious to play defiant and have him pry her mouth open and force his dick in. With William that wasn't possible, though. Somebody else would have to ... uhm ... punish her for being unfaithful, perhaps? Yeah, that sounded perfect, didn't it?

Her landlord had to be encouraged, rather than resisted, or things wouldn't work out. Thus, she opened her mouth wide for him and once he had brought his cockhead to her lips, she reached up, cupped his butt and pushed him in as fast and hard and far as physically possible.

His moan was actually louder than hers, for the thrust was pretty enjoyable for her, too. This once, he went in deep and hard and penetrated her throat in one fluid motion. Looking up, she saw the bliss on his face. It took quite a while of holding him tightly stuck in her gullet, before he even remembered where he was and managed to look down.

As if she could see her reflection in his eyes, she knew what he found. For him, there was an incredibly sexy brunette kneeling before him and swallowing his cock, while looking up submissively and pleadingly. Since he had at least a weakness for this kind of dominance play, if no experience with it, he got turned on even more than by her constant swallowing and sucking alone. Eventually - finally! - a bit of a primal urge was awakened.

From there, things developed quite nicely. Sarah could let her hands drop and relax, only needing to concentrate on her utterly submissive gaze and her sucking. Dick finally started using his position of power and began fucking her face like she had invited him to do again and again.

He actually grabbed her head and his thrusts picked up. He stopped worrying and pulled out of her mouth completely, before ramming in again as deep as he could, bumping her head against the wall and making her gargle from the sheer speed and force. This was certainly more like it! All the more reason to let out encouraging moans.

For a couple of minutes, there wasn't anything else happening. The only sounds were her gagging and moaning, his grunting and the lewd noises of a sloppy throatfuck. Then, inevitably and not completely unwelcome, his breathing became ragged and his thrusts lost the steady rhythm. His grunts grew louder and her moans picked up as well, signaling him her delight and eagerness to receive his load. Less than half a dozen thrusts later, he rammed in especially deep and stayed, his cock jerking hard. He groaned especially loud and started spurting cum into her gullet. It was ... quite nice.

Now, it certainly wasn't ecstatic for her, but she really enjoyed it. William was probably having the time of his life and his uncontrolled shaking was ultimately her doing. He released his seed into her throat and she swallowed it easily, massaging his cock and sucking out every single drop. True to her word, she even came. Softly, but clearly and as wet as always.

After a while, his convulsive grip in her hair eased and he opened his eyes again. That his first concern was her condition was a nice, little surprise, but she made sure he didn't pull back to hastily. Instead, she kept him in her mouth until his cock slowly shrunk out of her throat on its own. There was no need to hurry. Or worry, for that matter ...

Breathing heavy, he leaned against the wall and stared at her in renewed disbelief. After cuming, he obviously had a few second thoughts, but he couldn't deny that he had thoroughly enjoyed it. As for her worries, she was pretty confident to be in control of the situation. If it became absolutely necessary, she could blackmail him now, but she would prefer not to have to do that.

"Mmh," she made, after his limp dick finally slipped out. "You sure know how to use that tool. Look what you made me do ..." Spreading her thighs, she showed him the puddle underneath her and his eyes widened. "You made me squirt like a bitch in heat," she explained, just in case he didn't know what he was looking at. "You violated me real good. Thank you, kind sir."

"I-I ..." he stammered. "I shouldn't have ..."

"You shouldn't have gone that easy on me, right," she interrupted. "Until I can pay my rent again, you should come over her no less than once a week and knock at the door. Sluts like me, who aren't paying, deserve some punishment."

"Well, uhm ... I don't know," he hesitated. "If my wife ..."

"She can't get to know this!" Sarah gasped immediately and grabbed his legs to pull herself up a bit and make a show of her pleading. "Please, don't tell anybody! I can't ... People would think I'm ..." Looking down, seemingly defeated, she went on in a whisper. "People would get to know how much of a slut I am ..."

"N-no! I wasn't saying ... I won't ..." he tried to put her worries down. "I will certainly not tell anybody, Sarah. Far from it!"

"Really?" she squealed, perking up and looking at him happily. "You'll keep this our secret?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she rejoiced and kissed his limp dick a few times. "And you ... Thank you for making me cum. We'll see soon, I hope?"

He didn't answer immediately, the haunted expression returning a bit. There was also the hunger for more, though. She got him hooked and he would certainly return, even if he himself wasn't sure about it yet. He also wouldn't address the outstanding rent for a while, if she wasn't mistaken. He probably wouldn't let it slide completely, but she was safe for a while.

Until then, she would have figured out a solution. Whoring suddenly came to mind. It sure looked easy enough and she obviously lacked inhibitions keeping her from doing it now. God, what a fucked up slut she had become ... She wouldn't even do it only for her babies, but also for the bit of a kick it gave her. She might have to start thinking about contraception and STD's if she did that, though.

No? Now worries about STD's anymore? No danger of getting pregnant, as long as she was regularly with her lover? Oh, that was quite the revelation. She actually didn't have to worry about any illness known to humanity anymore? For real?

What she learned from her lover just like that left her speechless. She let William make use of the chance to sneak out without having to give her any answer. He would return soon, but he wasn't important for the moment. She was going to have a long, decisive talk to somebody regarding life-changing information being held back ...

Not that she wanted to complain about never again catching a cold or something like that, but ... How could he not tell her? It was so ... so rude! Slowly, she stood up and turned to the bedroom door. Somebody was so being crapped on!

Now, a random somebody maybe was being chewed out somewhere else, but it sure wasn't her babies' daddy. She had barely opened the door to her over and over slime covered bedroom when she was grabbed and pulled in roughly. With a shriek, she stumbled into his trembling body and two of her own thoughts from before ran through her mind - unfaithfulness and ... punishment!

It took her heart barely a tenth of a second to jump from slightly above normal to hummingbird on crack, when she realized that her lover was picking this up. She felt his determination to follow a concept completely alien to him and ... reclaim her. Her whole body immediately reacted violently to the knowledge of something big and probably quite rough coming her way.

Naturally, there wasn't the slightest hesitation or doubt, but she allowed herself to put up as much resistance as she could. Instead of submitting, she tried to break free and put her feet against his gooey mass to push away, while attempting to somehow snake her arms out of his tight grip. It cost her all her strength of will not to scream at the top of her lungs, for her landlord might have gotten far yet.

Instead of voicing her defiance, she focused on thinking and playing it out in her mind.

'Release me at once!' she mentally yelled at her lover. 'I'm not gonna let you fuck me, you ... abusive brute!'

He conveyed to her that she didn't even have the slightest idea of real abuse ... yet. In reaction, her pussy started to seriously gush juices onto her legs and there even might have been a few little squirts of milk coming out of her nipples. This ... promise sure made her whole body go crazy!

'No!' she thought. 'I belong to William now! My body is his ... his sacred temple!'

Good thing then that a tentacle creature was probably closest to what humans would consider a demon, right? He might even actually be one for real. He never claimed to be from another planet, after all ...

Ohh! That was too delicious! Sarah could barely keep her resistance up and almost pleaded to him to claim her soul and desecrate her whole body. She didn't have to submit, though. He was right on cue.

There was no way to resist him when he opened her legs and pulled her into his body. She was no match for his strength. Unlike the landlord, her lover actually knew how to treat her in a situation like this. He could - and would - coil his tentacles around her and squeeze her roughly. He also didn't hesitate to push her face deep into his surface and cut her breathing off this way. He used all his supernatural abilities and totally - deliciously! - cheated.

He also made her feel what was about to happen. His dicks came from below and coiled around one of her legs, undulating against each other and forming one giant intruder. On her other leg, one of his thicker tentacles snaked up as well and she got the feeling that he would stuff this thing right into her pussy, just because it would barely fit. Of course, that meant that the triple dick was headed for...

Oh fuck... Oh. Fuck. "Ouuhh ... fuuuck!"

She had no choice this time. Her scream would have easily alarmed the whole building, if it hadn't been mostly muffled by his body. It came out at the top of her lungs for sure, because he rammed the whole mass of cocks into her asshole at once. An intrusion like that, without even the slightest hint of preparation, was too much, even for her well-adjusted sphincter. That it was perfectly timed with a likewise unbearable penetration of her poor pussy, made it ten times as worse.

Sarah couldn't hold it together. A stretching like that made her cum so hard that she forgot everything else. It shattered her mind and made all her muscles lock up. Her back arched so far backward that she actually got her face out of his body, but there was no breathing, it just wasn't possible. The mighty orgasm just totally crushed her.

He didn't stop, of course. It didn't bother him that she was almost bursting from a huge load of girl-cum in her pussy finding no way past a tentacle that felt like a tree trunk filling her up completely. It didn't deter him that her asshole pinched down violently on his cocks and tried to keep them in place. He still pushed the twisting, undulating trio up relentlessly, thrusting in a meter per second or so.

She had rarely, if ever, been filled by so much tentacle dick so fast before. She felt it in her bowels and everywhere else. He was just roaming around and rearranging her insides from the feel of it. How she was still conscious would probably stay a mystery forever. She was, though. She had to endure and experience it all. If he had really been a demon from hell, she'd gladly sold her soul to him. Nah, she'd made it his present, if only he never stopped this.

It was violent and brutal, but she felt so very, very possessed and claimed that she wanted to cry. She couldn't, though. She had no more control over any part of her body.

Sarah didn't take a single breath, while the triple cock went all the way through her body. It only stopped once for a split second in her stomach, but then the whole mass went up her esophagus and into the back of her mouth. It was then that she tasted the slightly bitter flavor of the human cum she had recently swallowed. Her lover had ... collected it somehow and now pushed it out. The proof of her unfaithfulness went out just like it had gone in and there was no way for her to prevent it from drooling out of her mouth, even if she had wanted to.

When the three tentacles emerged from her lips, she felt ... cleansed again. She might have been playing around with words when thinking about her body being a temple, but it actually was. It was his temple and the desecration by another man's cum now got cleansed. If she pleaded sufficiently and submitted to her master like she was supposed to, she might be rewarded with another, more proper filling.

No, those weren't actually his ideas. Once again, she was the driving force behind that train of thoughts. It was her who mentally whimpered over and over that she was his and his alone. It was her who felt the need to be cleansed. As fun as it had been, she needed to be reassured that she belonged to her lover. Like always, he was catering to her needs like only he could.

Letting his dicks soften a bit, he made her breathe again. Like a few times before, he used the leverage of having so many meters of tentacles reaching through her body, to lift her into the air completely and turn her onto her back. Setting her down onto the center of his body, she felt that she had returned home again. Slowly, her violent orgasm ebbed and the softened intruder in her pussy allowed her girl-cum to splatter out and make the bulge on her belly flatten ... a bit.

Then he did something very tender and very arousing, as if to create a contrast to the deliciously rough fucking she had received. He slowly retracted one - and only one - of the three dicks and pulled it back all through her body, making her feel the whole journey for what might have been half an hour. It was slow, deliberate and gentle, making sure that she felt loved.

His other tentacles were all over her body and stroked every square inch of skin, massaging her wonderfully. She was being fully embraced and caressed like she had never been before. He was absolutely everywhere around her and she was almost consumed by his loving affection. The slick friction inside of her body and on the outside was insanely delicious.

Throughout the whole time he took to pull back one of the dicks after the other, she felt positively ravished and overwhelmingly loved. She didn't even know why she cried like mad and held onto to his full body embrace like a scared, little child. She just knew that she was the luckiest woman on earth to have been chosen by him. He could use her like he pleased and she was game for everything, but she couldn't deny that his love was the most delightful intruder she had ever received.

When he had completely evacuated her behind, she had experienced dozens of intense orgasms. Not the shattering ones his passion would induce, but the deeply fulfilling, emotional ones that his tenderness incited. There was only one thing left and she silently pleaded him to do it thoroughly. She needn't worry about that, though ...

Her pussy vacant again, even if she had no idea when that had happened, she received just one of his cocks in there. By all means, she should have been worn out, but she long since knew that her orifices would never be gaping for long again. She was the chosen of a tentacle monster, after all. Everything on her tightened rapidly, to make her a better tentacle cock-sleeve.

The almost simple, basic fucking she received thus was as tight and enjoyable as always for both of them. And it was still so much more than a human dick could achieve. Her lovers cock could swell and soften and twist to rub all the sensitive spots inside of her at once or one after another. He could invade her womb without even using force. It was just another, soft penetration within the penetration. Deliciously intimate and very gentle.

Sarah was vaguely aware that all of this probably took hours, but she didn't care. Her lover fucked her pussy as deep as imaginable with slowly increasing pace. He brought her from breathing heavily to panting and from whimpering happily to moaning and arching her back in ecstasy, before he slipped out the first cock. The next one took its place, but what set her off was the penetration of her sphincter, followed by his first cock jerking and then unloading gallons of hot cum into her backdoor. Usually, she preferred to get her feeding from the other side, but this time she knew she would still taste it in the end. It was perfect this way.

The fucking resumed and he stimulated his second cock leisurely by fucking her deep for another wonderful eternity, before he pulled back and repeated what had happened before. While the third cock went into her orgasming pussy and bathed in her cum, she got the second load into her butt and felt the heat push deeper into her bowels and up to the lower entrance of her stomach. Once more and ... well, they'd get to that soon enough.

It was already dark outside when it was finally time for the third filling, even though they had certainly started making love in the afternoon. The third period of fucking had been one constant, deeply satisfying, soft orgasm for her. She was a physical and mental mess when it finally happened. What kept her sane was just the overwhelming love he conveyed. He did this for her and that alone made him enjoy it thoroughly.

The last penetration of her sphincter and the last unloading of hot cum into her bowels made the precious liquid go up her gullet and into her mouth. Now she could taste it and fight to keep all of it in. She almost managed, if it hadn't been for a bit getting into her nose and trickling out. No more than a few drops, but still an almost unbearable loss ...

Sarah was only half-conscious when she played with the mouthful of cum. She could swallow it down again and she would soon, but she needed to have this feeling of being filled from the tip of the third cock in her butthole to her lips. This was all hers and it cleansed her from inside. It washed away everything else.

She needed it for sustenance. She needed it to stay strong and healthy for her babies. What mattered most was how much she loved it, though. She just relished in her new life that was totally incomprehensible for any other human being. There was nothing disgusting in it. Her messy state wasn't filthy, but actually clean. She didn't need to shower, as long as the potent fluid covered her. It was probably worth a fortune for all its properties, but there was no way she would ever give anything of it away. Not only for the lack of explanations where it came from creating a risk for her family, but also for simple greed. It. Was. Hers.

While her lover got out her ravished babies and went on to take care of feeding them, she slowly drifted to sleep. Not even the pleasure of her breasts being milked and her nipples being sucked could keep her awake now. She didn't miss how all three of her babies complained until their daddy brought one of her hands close and they could all use two of their tendrils to hold onto her fingers, though. While he was lightly surprised, she was just swept away from the love of her little ones.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I wanna know how this all started, where did this monster come from? And how did it submit her??

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nice story, have you considered the nursemaid being a feminized male?

MikeyStoneMikeyStoneabout 8 years agoAuthor

I will. Even soon. I'm already working on it. :-D

Thanks for the compliment, too. It's certainly not a topic for everybody and I'm not going light on the depth (of penetration) here. I'm happy that some people can enjoy this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I've always loved tentacles but the way you write them is just so erotic!

Please keep going! I wanna see what happens. With her children and husband and such

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