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Satan's Slaves MC 01

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Paths cross as a biker gang gets to meet the Hammers.
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Satan's Slaves MC 01

On weekends we sometime like to pop out to random restaurants or pubs for lunch. To try them out, add experiences to our lives and why the hell not. This Saturday morning deciding to pick Chesterfield about 40mins from home.

The drive there was very uneventful, as normal. Claire, our daughter with her attention in her phone, earphones in place. She still lives at home with us, travelling to a local university or doing her courses remotely. Though if I'm honest, I don't know what she was learning there as from an outsider it looked like there was less that 4 hours a week of teaching going on. Looking at her in the rear view mirror I chuckled, she was a younger spit of her mum. Less curvy but still voluptuous young woman, with her share of suitors over the years. She dressed more to show off her curves that her mother and they'd had some discussions over the years about that. I never got involved, I wasn't one of those dads that wanted to be drawn into a mini skirt that was too short or her boobs being on display. I noticed it, yes, but she was in my mind, clearly my little girl and there was a big gap between that and her sexual mother.

I turned a little of my attention back to Emily sat on my left. I of course was drawn to the huge mounds of flesh being almost presented by the seat belt between them. I'd never get sick of that part of a woman. I know it's not PC to say that any more but I'm not one to deny my genetic programming. I noticed boobs all the time, and the bigger the better in my coding. She turned to catch me looking at them and smirked at me. She knew me well.

"I'm just watching the road." smiling as I focused forward.

"Yer yer I know what else you were watching." I could hear the chuckle in her voice. We were a great match. She was curvy like you'd almost never believe, I lusted after exactly that and she knew it.

The journey finished as expected, we were seated in the restaurant appropriately and the start and main course were delicious and well presented. This was somewhere we'd certainly try again.

I suddenly noticed a lot of noise from the bar area and looked over. Nothing interesting really apart from the backs and sides of some 6 or so big men with embroidered leather jackets. They were just loud, and I guessed a few more were filtering in. I turned back to continue my conversation with Emily and Claire.

"A motorcycle club?" she asked me.

I shrugged and thought nothing more of it.

A little while later Emily decided it was time to visit the bathroom. That also didn't enter my radar until I realized that she'd been gone a while. Well actually it was Claire that asked "Where's mum?" and she looked around wondering if she was somewhere in sight but not with us.

That made me wonder "I dunno" and I looked over in the direction that she'd wandered.

Claire stood up "I'll go find her." I nodded and hooked my phone out of my pocket. No messages from her, certainly not concerned, it wan't like she'd vanished for an hour. I guess it was only 10'ish mins, she could have ran into someone she knows or had some sort of accident in the lavs? I continued staring out the window, relaxed and knowing that Claire was now on the case.

Claire bought me out of my daze "I think you may have to save her dad.".

"Eh?" and I looked up at her as she sat back in her seat, a huge grin on her face. She nodded in the opposite direction that she and Emily had left towards the toilets but towards the bar. With that I started to notice the raised noises coming from that direction and turned to look. Surprised that I hadn't picked up on the rowdy'ness of that area. It was certainly a lot more crowded now. A lot more denim and leather covered people. I turned to look back at Claire with a questioning frown on my face.

She just laughed "Go get her dad."

Thinking nothing of it I put my phone down on the table and stood up. Claire's complete lack of concern put me at ease was I walked towards the party.

The space was loud and full, no one paid any attention to me as I meandered around them looking for Emily. There must have been some 20 people, I'd seen two women so far. There was every shape, race and age of person here. They filled the small space, occupying the tables, chairs and bar area, it was a squeeze to get by. They weren't rowdy, more, having fun and laughing, it actually felt quite fun.

If you can picture a typical biker getup, you know dirty jeans, big rings, tattoos, scruffy faces and of course those leather jackets. The number 13 appeared prevalent, in different styles and sizes. The two woman that I'd seen so far, were, I dunno how to describe them apart from slutty like. Not really attractive, actually looking quite rough.

As I moved through the crowd I could see one of them clearer and now sitting at a table with 3 men. Two white men, long white beards, probably in their 50s and 40 something black man. They each sported a sizable gut and with the table of empty glasses I wasn't surprised. The woman sitting with them was a fairly big lady, I guess a size 18 or 20 maybe. Some pretty chunky arms and a very large chest under her jeans top. A few tattoos on her arms, no makeup. I couldn't see below the table so no idea what was on her bottom half.

She looked up at me and caught me staring, she smirked at me, I quickly turned away resuming the hunt for Emily. I then caught sight of a familiar figure, the shape of a woman that I knew every well, her back was to me, I headed there. Noting that she was conversing with a woman and another man. So a third woman in their group.

As I drew close through the crowd, I started to pick up on their conversation. Hearing the other woman first "..around 4 years."

The man nodded turning his head from her to Emily "And many more to come." He laughed and I think smacked her ass hard from the looks of how she moved. As I reached them I put my arm on my wifes elbow. "Here you are honey, we thought you'd gotten lost."

Emily turns to face me and the eyes of the two strangers lock onto me. I smiled at them all as she updated me "I met Charlie here in the ladies and we started chatting." smiling back at me and continued "They're in an MC called Satan's Slaves." Turning her head back to the man. "Did I get that right?" and she giggled. Like a little girl.

He smiled back at her and nodded not saying anything and then looking back at me. Was he sizing me up? The other woman started "You her husband?".

Not taking my eyes off the biker man and for some reason I stood up a little taller "Yup".

He must have picked up on it as he smirked but again didn't say anything to us. A full beard hiding half of his face, he was sitting on a bar stool, with his right arm on the bar nursing a half empty beer. His left arm was somewhere behind Charlie as she stood at his side. He didn't have one of their leather jackets on but a jeans shirt with cut off sleeves. His arms were huge, like he was some sort of weight lifter. That's when I noticed it.

Sort of hidden between his belly, belt and her hip was what looked like a bit of silver like a gun. Yes it looked like he had some sort of gun on him. Now here in the UK, guns aren't really a thing. Especially in our quiet suburban world, this blew me away. Who was this man, what the hell did he have a gun on him for. If it was a gun, it looked like one.

He then shifted his body slightly and it vanished behind Charlie. I looked back up at his face and could tell then he knew I'd seen it. I felt like I shrunk at that point and needed to get the hell out of there. I grabbed Emily's arm "Our desert will be ready love."

"Of course." and she put her hand over mine. "Well it was nice to meet you both."

"No it was lovely to meet you too Emily." Charlie answered as she leaned in to give Emily a hug and a kiss on the lips. It was quick, just a peck, but those are my lips, what the hell. Emily just went with it. I was floored as we started to turn. Charlie delivered the next line to floor me as we had our backs to them and were a step away "Don't forget Emily, Hose love you to ride him." and she giggled.

Did she mean ride WITH him, or were they deliberately propositioning my wife in front of me. Surely, she meant ride WITH him. Her giggling rattling in my brain as we walked away and back to our table with Claire.

"So you did find her dad." Claire laughed as we both sat down. "Did he save you mum?"

Emily smiled at Claire then turned her attention to me "Oh of course he did."

"What was that about?" I asked her as casually as I could.

"Was just chatting. Charlie said I should say hi. So I did."

Claire delivered what I was starting to wonder "They looked a little rough, not your type mum."


Claire continued "Well, you guys don't." she paused picking her words carefully, "Hang with bikers and people like that usually." She then looked down at her phone, not really bothered about where the conversation was going. I was though, as it was a good question. I turned to look at my wife and raised an eyebrow to show I was with Claire on this.

"I dunno, they're just people that ride bikes. They were nice to chat with just now. They're just different to us, that doesn't make them" and she emphasised the next word "dangerous." and she laughed.

Claire looked up and laughed with her. I suppose I agreed, however that gun did have me wondering. Not worth bringing it up now though, as our deserts appeared.

Deserts cleared away and coffee ordered. Irritatingly Charlie appeared at our table, between Emily and myself, "Emily can we borrow you for 5 minutes?"

No, for crying out loud, no "Sorry no, we've just ordered coffee and tea." Three pairs of women's eyes boring into me, told me I'd said the wrong thing.

Emily stood up "Of course Charlie. Claire teach your dad some manners." her face said that she wasn't really irritated, more thought it was funny. And she walked off with Charlie.

Exactly 5 minutes later "Well she's been more than 5 minutes.". Claire looked up from her mobile at me, tutted and look back down.

20 minutes later, we'd finished our drinks, I'd polished off Emilys. I was wondering where she was again when Claire looked up "Pay up dad, mum says she'll meet us at the car." and with that she gets up and wonders off. I guess there was a text that happened?

I really have no control over my women.

Exiting the building the way we came in, through the restaurant, I can see Claire leaning on the car. I can also hear bikes being revved on the other car park around the building. The locks open as I walk close and she opens the back door and gets in. I'm about to open the drivers side to get in when I realise I'm not going to wait for Emily, I'm going to go get her.

"Going to get your mum, wont be a mo."

I hear Claire reminding me as I walk off to the side of the building around the kids empty play area. "She said to wait that she'd come to us." Yer yer whatever.

I slowly head towards the revving of bikes. I round the building on the right, fields on my left our car now out of sight behind me and round a corner somewhere.

The bikes come into sight, it looks like a bike lot. They're all over the place, completely filling the bigger parking lot. A quarter of the bikes have people milling around them, on them, admiring them etc.I spot Emily straight away. Her cream skirt and white jumper stand out like a sore thumb among all the black leather, black bikes and blue jean material. I contemplate saying here and watching to see what's going on. But they were too far away and I need to get control of my woman back. So I started marching towards them.

As I get closer I can see that there's a collection of 7 people. The big lady, Charlie, 4 men, one of them that Hose dude and Emily. She couldn't look more out of place. One of the men spotted me walking up and nudged the big lady. She quickly stepped towards me as the others continued their chat that I couldn't hear over the sound of bike engines.

"Hi honey." and reached for me "you must be Emily husband, lovely to meet you." she didn't give me her name but did grab my arm and led to into the circle surrounding a huge bike that had its engine running.

Emily was opposite me and smiled at me. "You didn't have to come get me." everyone chuckled.

I was about to answer when the women on my arm did for me "It's ok he wanted to check that his wife and that she wasn't being taken advantage of." and they all chuckled louder. She squeezed my arm.

One of the men next to me let me in on what they were doing "Emily's about to sit in Creams seat to feel the power." and with that, a man who's hand was on the throttle revved the bike. It rattled, roared and shook the very ground we were standing on.

Emily was about to comment when Charlie quickly added "Come on Emily, just a quick sit on the seat and feel it.".

Emily looked up at me, there was a look of concern in her eyes. The woman still holding onto my arm quickly took control "Don't look at him honey, you just get your leg over there and see what it feels like. Charlie help her out." and she squeezed my arm adding as a whisper that only I could hear. "She's going to love this. Trust me I know."

Charlie quickly took my wives hand and led her closer to the bike that was now just quietly rumbling away. "Wait here a second." and Charlie quickly scooted around the bike so that she was on the other side.

I was shuffled to the side Emily was on as all the men then moved to the front apart from the man I guess called Cream who kept his hand on the throttle next to Charlie.

Emily looked at her audience "I don't know, my skirt and.." she started before Charlie reached across the bike reaching for her right hand and the same time the women next to me "Cut it out love. Just get that throbbing saddle between your thighs." and she chuckled. No one else did as we all stood and watched quietly.

I thought the crude comment would snap my wife out of it. But with her free hand she gathered her skirt a little so that it was now at her knees and lifted her right leg up and towards the saddle. Quickly the woman next to me let go of my arm and stepped up to Emily taking her hand that was holding her dress. "Don't worry about that deary." and she started to almost push Emily over the seat. This caused her legs to open wider as her leg in the air reached up and over the bike.

We all heard my wife's "Oh gosh" as I have a feeling she realised that she was flashing her knickers to the strategically placed audience. They were slient but the two women giggled.

And very quickly she was straddling the bike, only just above the seat. She pulled both of her hands free and started to re-arrange her skirt to provide some dignity. Pulling it down where she could at both the front and the back. This wasn't an easy job with her legs spread so wide apart over the seat.

The big woman again took control again "Stop fussing woman and sit still." she nodded at Charlie and in a smoothly choreographed move she grabbed both of Emily hands pulling them to her front. Then the big woman grabbed my wife's skirt and basically pulled it up so that it was around her waist. There was no hiding it now, her red lacy knickers were fully on display, even from this angle I could see them. The big woman then almost shouted "Sit" and in shock Emily did exactly that. Planting her crotch on the leather seat.

"Your not so hoity toity now are you darling?" the big woman continued as she released the skirt. It didn't move, her wide open thighs holding it tight and high. Charlie let go of her hands and Emily leant forward a little putting them on the fuel tank to try to hide herself a little. "Get yourself nice and comfy on Creams seat." and she laughed. Emily looked over to me but the woman moved slightly blocking our eye line.

Charlie quickly added "You'll enjoy it more leaning forward like that. Now put your feet up here." and she grabbed one of Emily's feet and moved it to a foot rest I guess. Emily automatically did the same with the foot nearest to me.

At an instant Cream twisted the throttle, the bike roared, the ground shook, the bike vibrated, my wife's eyes shot open, she moaned loudly "Ooohhhhh", and she leaned back. I guess to try to release some of the pressure that vibration caused on her crotch.

The burst only lasted a second but we all saw, heard and felt the feeling that it had on my wife.

"Ohhhh goodness me." was all she could muster. Her hands now failing by her side and she was raising herself up slightly trying to stop the feeling. I stepped slightly to my left to get a better view of what was really going on.

"Put your hands on the back rail if you want." Charlie offered while taking a hand and guiding it back. This had the, maybe, intended consequence of making her lean back a. Sitting harder on the lower part of her ass. I could clearly see her kickers, pulled tightly across her cleft. You could see her pubic hair at the sides, and the deep divide of her vulva. Her boobs were now thrust out more, which apparently one of the men noticed as I heard a "Geezus they're some fun bags and a half." from my left.

The view was purely pornographic. I couldn't believe Emily was doing this.

The throttle was wrung again this time for a longer period of time. We were all greeted with another moan from my wife "Arrrggggg ooohhhh no." and she closed her eyes. This time her boobs where jiggling widely inside her bra and jumper along with the bikes pulsing.

She couldn't take it and leaned forward onto the fuel tank again and Cream pulsed it. "Ohhhh noo, stopp please." he let it idle.

The big woman then laughed at her "Now do you believe us?"

Panting leaning forward so as not to make eye contact with anyone my wife answered her "Yes, ok yes."

"And now do you understand why we call him cream?"

"Yes, yes, ooh yes."

And everyone burst out laughing. This lightened the atmosphere and even Emily joined in the laughing. "Can I get off here plea.."

The bike roared again and this time all we heard was a cry from her "Arrrggghhhhh ooooohhhh" and more laughter.

The big woman then leaned over the and swatted Creams hand away from the throttle. "Give lady Emily a break, she's not used to this world." lady Emily hey, that was funny, I got it.

The girls helped Emily off the bike and she was quickly decent again. We all had a little laugh, though I couldn't get over what had just happened and how out of character this was for both of us. A few quick pleasantries and we were walking back towards the car.

"Jeezzs Emily what was that."

She quickly brushed it off "I'm sorry love. God I don't know how they talked me into that. I wasn't expecting." she almost sobbed.

I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Hey it's ok love we're all adults."

She sniffed.

I quickly added "Besides nothing happened anyway." not sure I believed that myself. She'd just flashed some strangers and clearly it was a sexual encounter of some sort.

"I feel soo bad Chris. I'm so sorry."

"Shhhhh it's nothing babes." and I wiped her cheek. We smiled at each other, a loving smile that we both knew after all these years together. We separated and hand in hand walked to the car to drive home.


Over the next few weeks we often commented on the event. It was mainly me bringing it up and she was bashful about what happened. It did enter into our love life a little, with a small amount of teasing from me. Claire never said anything about it as she didn't know really what happened that day. I guess it was nothing really, she didn't show off any more than she would when she goes swimming or to the gym.

However there was a little something of a twinkle in both of our eyes when we bought it up. We weren't crude, or dirty about it, more a little sparkle about the naughtiness of it all. It was certainly the most sexual thing we've done outside the bedroom since, well, ever.


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