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Girl can't keep her clothes on, no matter how she tries.
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In a small town, several kilometers from the Industrial Area of Tokyo, there lives a very interesting girl. Her name is Sayu and she is eighteen years old. She is also cursed.

Sayu's curse is unique and quite strange, but we shall arrive at the details in a moment. First, the reason the people who live around Sayu find her curse so very interesting must be explained.

Sayu was, and always had been, a very a beautiful girl. She was a fine, nubile figure of womanhood and carried herself as such. Her face was round and soft, almost without blemish and her Asian features were mature and sexy. Her lips were full and brown, her eyes shone with intelligence and her nose was cutely pointed. She kept her forehead bare, parting her hair at the top, so that it framed the sides of her face and trailed down all the way to her butt.

Her figure was distinctly un-Asian, leading people to wonder if the rumours of her mother being an American Supermodel, or even Porn star, were true. Her shoulders were wide, making her larger than most around her, and she often had to shop in specialty stores to find brassieres that would encase her mammoth breasts. Each one was enormous, only slightly smaller than her head and large enough that a man could easily lose his hand in their soft, squishy folds. Her waist was slim and her hips were large, a round, perfect butt demanding the attention of onlookers and her legs were powerful and muscled, yet very long, the type of legs that men would pay good money to have wrapped around their heads.

Sayu was a bombshell, if not blonde, and yet, other women were not jealous of her sensuality. Sayu's sexiness was, you see, all part of her curse, as you shall soon see.

When Sayu had been only fourteen, a stray Incubus, a male pleasure demon, crept into her room and raped her. Or at least, it tried to. When Sayu awoke and realized what was being done to her body, rather than respond in fear, her slim, feminine form arched longingly. She was a virgin, yet the number of times she had brought herself to orgasm watching others, in particular, the boys at school, numbered in the hundreds and she was so eager to try out these practices for herself that she jumped at the demon, thrusting her hips upwards to meet his immense cock. Eventually, when the demon grew too tired to continue, Sayu rolled him over and climbed on top of him, bouncing her body up and down on top of his flaccid member, desperately trying to bring herself off again and again, bringing her number of orgasms into double figures.

Eventually, the monster fled but not before he swore a vile curse at the girl. "If such a slut you be that you would rape a demon," he screamed, blushing even as she said this, "Then I'll make sure that a slut you shall be for the rest of your life!"

When Sayu woke up the next morning, she discovered the true meaning of the demon's words. Whenever Sayu thought a dirty thought, or responded approvingly of a young man's attentions, her body would heat and the clothes she wore would flake away, falling to bits around her. The first time Sayu found this out, she was aghast, yet the schoolboys would suddenly found themselves confronted with a completely naked lady were not in the least upset.

And while Sayu herself was at first upset, she enjoyed what happened next as well. For the Incubus had been right. An ordinary girl, when cursed as such, would have simply gathered her clothes tighter about her and hurried on. But Sayu was no ordinary girl, and while she feigned shyness, the demon's curse in action excited her immensely. The thought of men (and women!) seeing her clothes melting away in such a fashion and leaning or walking closer to get a better look make her succulent pussy drip and, in turn, more of her clothes fall away, until she was almost completely, or entirely, nude. And then, by this stage, she was so aroused that, well, you can probably guess the rest.

Shortly after the first time this happened, Sayu sought to explain to her father what had happened, although the little slut found herself needing a change of clothes soon after. He offered to have her cured, and she found a great guilt settle on herself when she begged him not to do so. She explained that the demon had said attempts to exorcise this curse would take her life, because while she was intelligent, and knew that the curse could and probably would ruin her life (by some standards, anyway), the girl really was a raging whore. Her fantasies had all circulated around men treating her like garbage, filling her full of cum and then tossing her out onto the street, cleaning herself off and going back the next day. She had thought that to actually live such fantasies would be horrible and, for most women, they are, yet Sayu had a special something about her, a quality that made her thirsty for cum, inable to be pleased by any less than three different men a day and desperate for the thrill that came with showing off her delicious chest and arse in public.

At first, people responded poorly to Sayu's curse, yet her father argued that she was cursed through no fault of her own and that she should be able to live a fairly normal life. Eventually, people left her alone, yet a strange series of circumstances led to her position as something that has not been seen anywhere else in this world, as this story shall document. Due to her natural sluttiness becoming so entirely extroverted, Sayu had become neutral fucking territory. If someone were to look at Sayu and think crude or dirty thoughts about her and then the inevitable were to happen, anything that happened afterwards was not at all either of their faults. Shortly after her bouts of wild fucking, Sayu's clothes would often return on their own, so anyone who dragged her aside into an alleyway for a quick rogering was, in fact, doing the poor girl a favour. At first, the whole thing was thought of as a bit weird, but people were able to adjust. Well, everyone except for Sayu was able to adjust.

Sayu yawned as she sat up bed. She glanced out the window and smiled as she saw the sun shining over her small suburban town. Then, she frowned as she glanced down at her own body and saw she was sticky, from head to toe, with male ejaculate. She felt her cheeks redden as she ran her fingers delicately over her nude body, wondering how this had happened. She could not remember anything of last night, other than she had been asked to go shopping and...

She sighed irritably, realizing this was probably a good sign that she would have to go and buy some more bread today. And that meant she wouldn't be able to have sandwiches!

Sayu ground her teeth in frustration, deciding that today was going to be the day that she conquered this abominable curse. For too long, she had let it dominate her and while, in the past, she had fought actively to keep it and the benefits that came with it, today was going to be the day that she overcame it! She climbed out of bed, wrapped a gown about herself and went to shower.

Once having emerged from the shower, she headed back to her room, drying her supple young body with a towel as she did. She had to, after all, get ready for school. She ran the towel over her firm, round tits and then gasped in surprise at herself, as a large chunk of the towel suddenly flaked away.

"Sayu!" she suddenly cried to herself. "You're not even outdoors yet!"

She stood very, very still, even as thoughts of people seeing her like this flooded to her mind. She fought back against the desire, remembering meditation techniques her father had taught her. She gripped her right hand tightly with her left; to stop it trailing down to the furry mound between her legs, then wailed as this resulted in her dropping the towel she was carrying. She quickly scooped it back up and then spent the next three minutes in agony, as she resisted something she sorely wished to do.

Eventually, her breathing slowed, and she was able to finish drying herself. She went to the cupboard to get her school uniform, making a note to get the largest and dumpiest she had, in an effort to reduce the looks she knew she was sure to get.

She quickly dressed in the traditional doesn't-actually-exist-but-by-God-it-should sailor fuku thingamajig, composed of knee-length blue, pleated skirt, white shirt with short sleeves, red scarf and shoes and socks. She almost put on her floppy socks, but then remembered the time a man had seen her wearing them and had followed her about, sporting a hard-on inside his car at the sexy, sexy socks. That had been an especially bad (not to mention awkward) day. She instead opted for a short, simple pair of white socks. She admired herself in front of the mirror, pleased with the small amount of skin on display. Hopefully, she could simply get through her school day, buy some bread, make some sandwiches, then go straight to sleep. After all, she'd had at least ten men a day for the last week! Surely her body could do with a rest, right? She fought down a mild panic attack as her eyes lingered over her own melon-sized breasts.

Eventually, when she felt ready, she left her room and headed downstairs. And that was where the trouble began.

Sayu had a younger sister, named Ami. The other girl had just finished breakfast and was just now making her way upstairs. They met halfway.

Ami smiled when she saw her sister, while Sayu's eyes widened visibly. Before she could even react, Ami had reached out and had...

"White? Why on Earth is my older sister wearing white panties today? I much preferred the pink ones you wore last Friday!" Ami giggled as she said this. Sayu's eyes darted wildly about as she felt her skirt begin to flake away.

"Erm, please, sister, not today," begged Sayu. "I feel, ah, ill..."

Ami frowned suddenly. "A.. That's too bad." She took her head out from under Sayu's skirt and straightened up. "Poor big sister."

She stepped forward and patted Sayu's large breasts companionably, before she seemed to think things over and grabbed the right one roughly, giving it a good squeeze before letting go. "Well, I'm sure a few quarts of cum will do you right, sis! Have a good day!" And with that she skipped off up the steps, leaving Sayu with slightly damp panties, not to mention spirits.

Sayu went downstairs to have breakfast, smiling at her father as he greeted her. He was already halfway through his own breakfast and as Sayu sat down beside him, she reflected on her good fortune that she was now in the company of the only man in the world who would not molest her. She sighed and dug into her breakfast and, after a solid bout of concentration, she managed to reintegrate that of her school uniform which had disappeared. Her father watched blankly as her shirt crept up around her tits and over her shoulders, then grunted.

Eventually, her father finished his breakfast and stood, turning to look at Sayu. "Sayu?"

"Yes, father?" she asked.

"Can you remember to buy that bread today, Sayu?"

She blushed hotly, avoiding his eyes, feeling her desire grow at having him so casually deal and understand her whorishness, then remembered her promise to herself. "Certainly, father. I promise."

He smiled at her, then left the dining room. Eventually, she finished her breakfast as well and followed him out the front door, heading down the street to her school.

It was a cold winter day and snow lined the streets. Sayu kept her eyes down, marveling at each individual snowflake and trying to focus her thoughts, so as not to even consider what must be lurking about her. She yelped suddenly as a hand reached out and slapped her roughly on the bottom. She straightened, her cheeks already colouring, thinking that she was going to do her best to tell off such a rude man for doing that to her, even when her skirt disagreed, a long slit forming up her right thigh sub-consciously.

She wheeled about angrily, then her eyes widened and her words died in her throat, when she saw a group of young schoolgirls, giggling and walking away off down the street.

Sayu stood there for a while, her hand raised to point and her mouth working silently, then, suddenly, she realized more of her clothing had melted away in the silent interim. Now, her skirt was held together at the right thigh by a wisp and a prayer, while her shirt had crept up from her waist to her midriff, displaying her belly button and other charms, as the remaining fabric shrunk inwards, squeezing on her tits, the same effect as wearing a shirt several sizes too small. When a wife and husband passed her by and the husband commented quietly on how good Sayu was looking today, her shirt almost burst, as the fabric yanked her boobs up, creeping upwards, until titflesh was just visible from under the bottom of Sayu's tank top.

She felt her knees go weak, as she saw more and more people were stopping to look at her, dirty thoughts filling her mind. Sayu leant up against a wall to catch her breath, as she felt her thighs grow cold, as the skirt crept up them. Eventually, it ended just above her camel toe, displaying a good inch of her panties, which had melted away enough to be more like a thong. Her bra had disappeared completely.

While Sayu tried to gather her thoughts, a pair of boys, dressed in the local school uniform had wandered up to her. One of them was openly grinning as he asked her if she "needed a hand" with anything.

Sayu blinked at him, then shook her head and shoved past them, running off down the street.

Sayu's mind raced. She needed something and she needed it now. A man was no good, he'd keep her for too long! And she needed to get to school on time! Judging by her watch, she had about three minutes to spare. She glanced around furiously, then ran out onto the road, desperate for something, anything, to slake her lust on.

A driver suddenly swerved to avoid her and then swore at the girl in the middle of the road. Sayu blushed and turned to apologize, then suddenly realized she was looking at a BMW, a foreign car if she remembered right. The man inside didn't look Japanese either, leading Sayu to believe he was a foreigner. That meant he wouldn't even know about her! She flushed red, as her clothes continued to fall away.

By this stage, her clothes resembled a bikini, the lower half a centimeter across of fabric, buried between her dripping pussy lips and the upper a slim band that had once been her shirt, with two clamshell shapes across her tits. She wondered what the foreign man could possibly be thinking about her, when she suddenly spied his car's hood ornament.

Her sight was a little bleary, but she suddenly felt a passion stirring within her. By this time, a large crowd had gathered around the car, all of them obviously feeling that Sayu was about to put on quite a show for them. She realized that if her clothes did not rematerialize soon she'd probably die from cold. Her watch said she was already late for school because of all of this and the least she could hope was that it would be quick and easy.

Even though she convinced herself of all this, she still felt guilty when she climbed on the hood of the BMW, spread her legs, positioning her pussy over the hood ornament, then sank down onto it with a gasp. The rest of her clothes disappeared in seconds as she felt the hard, cold, very cold, object sink into her puss and she squealed as the edges brushed up against her walls. This position was hard to maintain for long, though, so eventually, Sayu fell onto her hands and knees, her tongue lolling and her eyes closed out of embarrassment, as she slithered up and down on the hood ornament. She could faintly hear the crowd cheering, but now, the little slut was alone in her own world, made up of nothing but herself and this big, hard, pleasurable hood ornament.

The young schoolgirl groaned as she lifted her hips upwards, letting the little metal bird free from her violently contracting vagina, it now very warm and slick from her juices, before she pounded her butt downwards, ramming it deep into herself. She squealed and one of her hands lifted up to grab at her tits and rub and tease them.

Sayu could feel the entire crowd watching her, as she pleasured herself in this shameless way. All of them were egging her on, enjoying seeing this sweet young lady pleasure herself in public. Sayu began to scream and shake her body, knowing that she deserved the attention, especially when she was putting on such a fine show.

It didn't take much more of this, the combined attraction of the crowd, the public scene and the interesting shape of the hood ornament, before Sayu's entire body stiffened suddenly and she arched her back, before she grunted and slammed her pussy down, taking the entire hood ornament into her and hitting it with such force that she thudded hard against the hood. She then lay there, her entire body spasming, her hands gripping at the car and her legs kicking hard enough that the crowd were driven back, as her tight, warm pussy squeezed around the hood ornament, fitting it like a glove, in such a way that a cock would've been milked dry. Then, she lay still.

After a good thirty seconds rest, Sayu was active enough to open her eyes. Inside the car, she could see the foreign man had taken his hands off the wheel and, while she could not quite make out what he was doing beneath the dashboard, it seemed to enjoy him pumping his right hand up and down around something quite large. A grin touched her face, as she wriggled about in her own cum, trying to get off the hood ornament. She slid gracefully off the car, then smiled radiantly as the crowd cheered and her clothes reformed about her.

Then, she remembered she had a school to get to and, with an upset cry, the young girl pushed through the crowd and raced off down the street.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Mmmmm that was so fucking hot ~ my pusspuss feels so wet thank you yeah I could totally cum to this story please write more so my little pussy keeps getting wet thanks

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