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Scenes from an Affair

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A father and daughter finally face up to it.
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Alex saying to her Dad, "I think we should just... resolve this."

Her father replying: "What do you mean?"

Remaining in her seat at their little breakfast nook table, leaning into him, putting her hand on his leg.


Morning weight lift in their rec room. Alex working her legs. Dad working his chest.

Alex glancing furtively at his abs as they peek rhythmically out between lifts. Blushing, the blush hidden by her own effortful squats.


Alex coming home for Summer after her first year in College. Both her parents greeting her with joy. Alex Hugging Mom, happily. Hugging Dad for longer, squeezing her chest into his.


Dad in the shower after lifting, closing his eyes as though it would keep the images out of his mind. His daughter's beautiful, toned legs pumping up and down, back and forth. Her bottom flexing as she squats over and over again.

His penis rising, himself assiduously concentrating on washing his hair.


Alex, a freshman, sitting in a bar, in a glamorous dress. A man in his fifties approaching, with a nervous smile.

The man asking "Are you Rachel?" Alex answering yes, shaking his hand, preparing for a night's work.


Alex, hand on Dad's knee at the breakfast table, saying "A real kiss I mean. Just to see. Probably we'll hate it and that'll be it. But let's just try it and see?"


Dropping mom off at the airport one evening for a week long business trip. Driving away, Dad asking "Where should we go for dinner?"

Alex smartly replying "Strip club?"

Dad laughing, Alex snickering. A joke.


Alex in the shower after lifting, bringing her father's abs to mind intentionally, her hand on the wall, her other hand at her clitoris.

Alex stopping just short.


Alex after breakfast, changing from the robe she had been wearing while talking with Dad, into one of her fancy, slinky work dresses.


The fifty year old gentlemen introducing himself: "I'm Fred!"

Alex laughing, "Oh my God, that's my dad's name."

Fred giving an aw shucks grin. "Well that's awkward."

Her father's name is not Fred, just as hers is not Rachel.


At breakfast, dad finishing the prep. Alex at the table, wearing underwear and a robe, being casual about the area of her chest between her breasts.

"Wow Dad I wish I could find a boy like you at school."

"What do you mean?"

"They take me back to their place and microwave a pizza if I'm lucky. Usually it's straight to, you know, bed. Meanwhile you're a handsome dude AND you can actually cook. No wonder I had such a crush on you when I was little."

Dad turning away a little too fast, an egg sliding off the plate he had in hand. Alex giggling as he grabbed a towel. "And he cleans too! You're a catch Dad!"


The strip club suggestion clearly being a joke, the two of them settling for some place like Olive Garden. Alex going into work mode, and it's not hard. She's laughing at his jokes because they are funny. She's gazing into his eyes while he speaks because he is one of the most handsome men she has ever seen.

Alex and dad sharing desert. Alex putting up her hand as they finish: "Great date Dad." Alex winking as dad awkwardly returns her offered high five. The unmistakable electricity in this brief contact which she knows he felt too, just as she also always knows what her clients are feeling.

Dad trying not to sound like a scold, saying "I only date your mother."

Alex rolling her eyes and smiling, "I know Dad it was just a joke sheesh."

Dad standing up. "What's next? Home?"

Alex curious: "Where else would we be going next?"


After the bar, after dinner, Alex and her client Fred driving to his place. He is stopping the car an asks without looking at her. "Would you... like to come in?"

Alex, true sympathy in her eyes, wondering how he (and many of her other clients) could be so nervous at this point, when they have literally already paid her money to do exactly what they know she will do.

Alex leaning over, reaching up to turn his face towards her. Alex and her client Fred, kissing under the exterior garage lights.


Alex and Dad in the rec room, cooling down on the treadmills when Alex suddenly says "Race you! Loser gets a purple nurple!" and turns her speed way up.

Dad turning his speed up to match, yelling "A what?" over the increased volume.

Alex laughing as she runs. "You heard me Dad!"

Dad turning his speed up slightly. "I didn't! What did you say?"

Alex turning to grin at him, turning her speed up to just edge his out.

Alex winning in the end, both of them collapsing to the floor laughing.

Alex crawling over to her dad, "Alright, time to pay up."


Alex at breakfast, her Dad finished cleaning and looking clearly embarrassed.

"Aw come on Dad you know every little girl has a crush on her dad right?"

Dad keeping it light. "I mean I've heard that, I thought it was a joke."

"Nope!" Alex then saying with a squint. "The real question is, did you have a crush on me?"

Dad, making a dismissive noise like pshhhhhhhh

Alex tilting her head. "You sure about that? Let's define crush first."


Alex after the rec room, her dad still in there recovering, groaning and laughing in pain.

Alex approaching the door to the bathroom in the hall. Alex pausing. Taking off her sports bra, facing the door, leaving her bare back exposed.

Alex opening the door, but just standing there, facing the shower, her back to the hallway.

Alex waiting til she hears her Dad just rounding the corner.

Alex walking methodically into the bathroom, turning just a bit as she shuts the door, careful not to see Dad, knowing that from the hall, for just an instant, the side of her left breast was plainly visible to anyone looking.


After Olive Garden, Dad quietly driving, Alex quietly sitting in the passenger seat.

Dad refusing to look at her legs.

The car not slowing down, but approaching a strip club on the right.

Alex and Dad both wondering, is there a way to play this?

The car passing the strip club, Dad laughing. "Did you think we were going to Sparkles?"

"Pshhh. No!"


Dad, on the floor, laying next to Alex, catching his breath. "What am I paying?"

Alex grabbing his shirt, pulling it up. Her Dad yelling "What?!"

Alex grinning at him. "I said loser gets a purple nurple."

"What? Oh... no!" Dad laughing, trying to push his shirt down. "I wouldn't have agreed to that!"

Alex with a smirk, continuing to push the shirt up. "I happen to be pre-law as you know dad, and that means I haven't learned yet that a contract is a meeting of the minds."

Dad, puzzled. "What? I don't..."

Alex taking this confused opportunity to jerk his shirt up and grab his nipple. "You gonna stay still for it?"

Dad whispering "fuck," then saying with an eye roll "yeah..."

Dad practically screaming as his daughter twists his nipple with surprising deftness.

Alex laughing, Dad laughing. Alex wondering what if she'd let him win. Alex doubting he would he have done the same to her even if she'd insisted.


Alex dancing with Fred, this sweet old man who's afraid to make a move even in his own house.

They are slow dancing. As they dance, she asks him to unzip her dress in the back. He does, and she begins to unbutton his shirt. But they continue dancing.


Alex and Dad, defining "Crush."

Did you think I was pretty? Of course.

Did you like to be around me? Well I mean, yeah.

Did you... get jealous when I had boyfriends? I got protective, not jealous.

Protective means you wished you could keep me close? Yes because I didn't want you to get hurt.

So you wished I wasn't with the other boys, and wished you had me all to yourself? Not exactly but sort of, I just---

Sounds like somebody had a little crush on their daughter. Alex leaning forward as though telling a secret, winking, wondering if her breasts were visible or concealed by her loose robe.


Dad seeing his daughter's bare back as he rounded the corner. Seeing the side of her breast as she turned to shut the door. Trying to think about anything else as he heads to his bedroom to use his own shower.


Alex on her back on the couch, her robe spread open, her father kneeling in front of her. A hesitation.

"Don't look away Dad, don't pretend I'm somebody else. I'm me. And you love me."

"I do love you." Dad leaning his head forward, between her legs.


At the end of a song, Alex allowing her dress to fall, then kneeling to undo Fred's pants as he begins to moan as though helpless.

Alex taking his penis out, holding it, stroking it, using the tip of her tongue to bring it to complete hardness, then beginning to put it into her mouth.

Alex looking up at Henry, gazing at his face the entire time but pretending he is someone else.

Henry moaning, "I think I need to sit down for this"


Alex, years ago, swimming with mom and dad, climbing out of the pool, her father immediately behind.

The feeling of a bulge touching her bottom as he climbed up too quickly, her still making her way out.

Alex blushing, knowing the meaning, feeling that perhaps after all, he shares her secret.

Mom watching from her floatie, unperturbed, seeing her daughter speed up a little, stumble a little, look furtively back to the pool to discover whether her mother had any notion of what was happening in her daughter's mind right now.

Years going by, no one saying a word about this moment. Alex assuming it is entirely forgotten and insignificant, but never forgetting it herself.


Dad at breakfast saying "I don't think we should do that."

Alex, taking his hand, standing up. "Come with me for a second."

Dad following limply behind.

The two of them entering the living room. Alex turning on some music, then turning back to her dad, and taking him in her arms.

She takes him beneath his robe, her arms around his bare torso. Her loosened robe allows her chest to touch his. She buries her head in his neck.

"Just stand here with me for a few minutes okay Daddy?"

Dad putting his arms slowly around her. Alex taking one of his hands and slipping it beneath her robe so that he is now embracing her bare torso as she is embracing his.

Dad doing the same, on his own, with his other arm.


Alex sitting atop Fred as he sits on his comfy chair. Alex treating him to a stripper style humping, gazing into his eyes and letting her palms gently rub his chest, his nipples. Alex finally putting his penis inside her.

Alex and Fred kissing deeply, Fred closing his eyes and seeming almost in tears. But Alex knows they are if anything happy tears. Alex's job is to bring joy to her clients, and Alex is good at her job.


Later, after everything, Alex and Dad waking naked from their nap on the couch together. Dad smiling, saying "Hey kiddo."

Alex replying with her own sleepy smile, "Hey Daddy."

"Do I still call you kiddo?"

Alex rising, climbing on top of him. "Obviously, of course," then leaning down and kissing him, placing her labia on his penis and feeling it swell. Alex hissing as she feels pleasure rush to her nipples, her clitoris, her lips.

Lightly pumping her hips to stroke him, she asks "Do I still call you Daddy?"

Obviously, of course.


Mom, texting Dad. "Well, did she ramp it up like I thought she would?"

Dad texting back, "...yes. We... it's done."

Mom: "I told you!"

Dad, with a sheepish emoji: "I know."

Mom: "How was it?"

Dad: "Alex is beautiful and very skilled. And a lovely, generous, gracious girl. We did a good job."

Mom, smiling, texting back, "I'm glad. You should have listened to me a long time ago." Then turning to kiss her lover's back.


Alex, on the couch, her robe spread, her dad's tongue on her clitoris, Alex in the throes of orgasm.


Alex and Dad slowly dancing, chest to chest, cheek to cheek. "I love your mother."

Alex saying "I know, this doesn't have to be about her. Just kiss me once, and if it feels wrong, we'll know it."

Dad, closing his eyes, beginning to face his daughter.

"Don't close your eyes Daddy."

Dad, opening his eyes. His daughter reaching up to his lips with hers.

Their kiss.

Feeling exactly right.

Making both of them wonder unconsciously why they haven't been doing this all along.

His penis rising, touching her leg.

Alex grinning through the kiss. "Does it feel wrong?"

Dad relenting. "No. It doesn't feel wrong."

Alex reaching down to grasp her dad's penis. To begin the work. To do good work.


After her orgasm, Dad rising up, his face wet from his daughter's excitement, leaning over her. Alex guiding him to her, guiding him inside her.

Alex somewhat forcefully holding his face to keep staring at her, her body, her face, her eyes, as he begins moving inside her.

Alex tensing, crying her own tears of joy as Dad begins, finally, powerfully, to launch himself into her, his semen filling her, his sperm finally to be found where it truly belongs.

Dad collapsing, grasping her breasts and kissing her neck.

Alex kissing back, wrapping her legs around him.

Finally exhausted, Dad and Daughter arranging themselves to lay next to each other on the couch.

Dad and daughter falling asleep, Dad holding daughter from behind.

Napping together naked. Dad reaching up for the throw, covering them both for warmth.

Dad falling asleep to the smell of his daughter's hair.


Alex on her knees after their dance, taking her father's penis into her throat. Dad yelling in frustrated pleasure.

Dad withdrawing, dad picking her up by the arm, dad guiding her to the couch, sitting her down.

"Lie back."

Alex, lying back, taken aback, but moving forward.

Alex, lying back and opening her robe entirely, opening her body to him completely.

Dad, saying "I don't know yet. But this, at least..."

Dad, kneeling before her, his face between her legs, his mouth near hers.

Alex realizing what he is going to do.

Alex swelling, exploding, her heart filled with love.

Alex whispering, "Thank you Daddy."

A hesitation.

Alex whispering, "Don't close your eyes."

Alex whispering, "Don't look away Dad, don't pretend I'm somebody else."

Alex whispering, "I'm me. And you love me."

Dad whispering back. "I do love you."

His tongue touching.

The two of them, together, quaking.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Perfection. One of the most beautiful stories here

Soshameless11Soshameless11over 2 years ago

The more I read, the more I enjoyed. Like being drawn into a delicious, sensuous dream. Well done.

OnvisyOnvisyalmost 3 years agoAuthor

/ know you think all these detractors just don't get you. You believe you're misunderstood and under appreciated./>

No, I think they get me perfectly well and have understood the story just fine. They're just not the audience for this work. Some of them are, it's to be admitted, prone to using very insulting language in their critiques (you for example) but, I guess I am just not the audience for their style of criticism!

I did almost submit this as poetry instead of prose and possibly should have.

There's actually one really huge error in the story as published, a bit I had meant to completely delete which throws off the "timeline" completely, I am working on resubmitting the correct version. I don't know much about how the site works so I'm not sure if that will replace this story or will have to be a whole new story and this one deleted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I don't often comment, but don't listen to the negative feedback. You have a unique storytelling style that clearly puts some people off, but I found it to be an enjoyable journey, somewhat dreamlike, through the events.

sp9983sp9983almost 3 years ago

Bounces around way too much, can't keep straight what's going oon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was hard work. I don't like your writing style though the story certainly has potential.

cageysea9725cageysea9725almost 3 years ago

I know you think all these detractors just don't get you. You believe you're misunderstood and under appreciated.

You are not. You are completely inadequate with the English Langford and I suggest you return to grade school so you can improve your life by learning how to communicate.

Only_connectOnly_connectalmost 3 years ago

That, folks, is quality writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really well done, begs for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This was the hardest thing I have ever read on this site in over 25 years...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Confusing plot, but more than anything, the ‘writing style,’ if it even deserves that description is just bizarre and either a result of illiteracy or simple laziness. It is a weirdly-formatted outline for a story you meant to write, but just couldn’t be bothered?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

WTF was that?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Was it a narrative was it lines in a play? Pick one , or just quit .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Distracting format. Not easy to follow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Not really sure what happened there...

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