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Scheherazade and the King Ch. 09


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"They probably aren't supposed to be kidnapped by pirates, beaten, raped, held captive as a slave..."

"Please, Yanamari, think of what people would say," he begged. "They would say I took advantage of you when you were weak. They would say that I was no better than Ekaitz... a soldier hungry for power."

"That is a very brave fear, Cas. It assumes that we will make it out of this, not only alive, but successful."

"I have to assume that," he said. "The alternative... I could not bear."

"The alternative has already happened to me. I have experienced a thousand horrors and almost died a hundred times."

"I am afraid," he whispered, finally.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I am afraid that, if I say the things my heart is aching me to and do the things my body is begging me to, you will regret letting me. When you are sitting on a throne, you will regret having let someone like me entertain the thought of loving you."

"I did not realise that's how you think of me," she said, a tinge of bitterness sharpening her tone. "As someone so shallow and disloyal that I would turn away from you the second circumstances changed in my favour."

"No, I — that is not what I meant. None of this is. I did not want to upset you."

"Perhaps it is best we pretend this never happened," she said, brushing past him and walking towards the cell.

He grasped after her but she was out of reach.

"No, Yanamari, please —"

"It's fine, Cas, really. You have made yourself clear."

"No, that's just it! I haven't!" He groaned into his hands. "You are royalty, my lady, and I am just a soldier. Things will be different when you are on the throne."

"But I won't be."

Cas raised her hands slowly and planted a gentle kiss on each knuckle. The feeling of his lips against her skin sent a burst of fire through her stomach and she wondered how her knees were keeping her upright.

"My prayer is that I will live to see you crowned rightful queen of Irlazken. That I will live to see you liberate your people from corruption and greed. That I will live to bow before you as your humble servant..."

"And, if that day comes, and I should ask you to kiss me, what will you say?"

"You won't. There will be dozens of suitors lined at your feet — men who can give you far more than I ever could."

"Like what?"

"Wealth, power... all the things that come with a suitable match."

"A suitable match? Is that all that is waiting for me at the end of the heartbreak and torment I have gone through? A suitable match?"

"I —"

"I want love, Cas. I want to feel that I have a place in someone's heart. If you can't give that to me, then let us end this conversation here. But, if you can, then tell me now."

"My lady — I —" Cas faltered. "I'm just trying to protect you."

"Perhaps you should try listening to me instead."

"Yanamari, I want to say 'yes' right now. I want to say 'yes' to you forever."

"Then why don't you?"

The shrill call of the bo'sun's pipe echoed down through the ship but, as Cas moved to turn away from her, she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his face towards hers.

"Soldiers may not kiss princesses," she whispered, her lips brushing against his. "But a princess may kiss whomever she damn well wants."

And, when she did, Cas surrendered to her completely. He wound his arms around her waist, pulling her body tightly against his as their lips met again and again.

At another sounding of the incessant pipe, Yanamari pulled away from him slightly.

"When I am queen, I will ask you again to kiss me," she said. "What will you say?"

Cas bared his wolfish teeth in a smile and leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers: "I will always say 'yes', my lady."

"Come back soon," she murmured, releasing him.

Cas bowed his head and then raced up the stairs, leaving her in darkness once again.

But, this time, all she could see was Cas' grinning eyes.

She picked up her makeshift sword again and swung a series of attacks against her imaginary foe. By now she knew the layout of the brig so well she could practice her swordsmanship even in the pitch black.

She imagined Cas, not as her opponent, but by her side, fighting against a foe that was slowly taking shape in her mind — Ekaitz.

Zigor had taken everything from her. Now, finally, her past and her future were within her grasp and Ekaitz threatened to destroy them both. She could not hate him — she knew she would gain no power from that feeling. So, instead, she thought of all the loved ones she had lost and all the loved ones her people had lost: Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, parents.

Yanamari pictured him as hideous a creature as she could imagine and yet, she reminded herself grimly, Shariyar had been as cruel and sadistic as he was striking.

She kept her pace along the length of the hold, arcing her imaginary blade through the air and skimming it across the bilge water that sloshed about her ankles.

She imagined Cas at her side when she faced Ekaitz, his gleaming smile and strong hands fresh in her mind.

With a sharp cry she slashed the piece of wood through the air and then lunged straight forward, into the darkness. The wood made impact against the hull, splintering in her hands. With a gasp, she braced herself from crashing into the side of the ship.

She staggered backwards and stared at the broken piece of wood in her hand. A dim glow emanated from her arms, lighting the darkness. Her tattoos were glowing an icy blue. She ran her hands along her arms, expecting the ink to be burning hot. Instead, her tattoos felt ice cold to the touch.

She walked back to the steps, gazing incredulously at the markings on her arms, and sat down heavily. In the back of her mind, she heard Cas' words echoing: "You have to fight for your life, not out of hate for those who have done you wrong, but out of love."

"Love," she whispered aloud.

I always wondered why Fate kept me alive all these years... now I know.

"I am Yanamari," she said. The name still sounded strange to her, so she said it again. Louder.

"I am Yanamari!"

And, though there was no one there to hear her, her tattoos seemed to glow slightly brighter.


Cas' whole body was thrumming when he climbed back onto the main deck. He could not get the feel of Yanamari's lips from his mind or her taste from his mouth. He worked mindlessly, letting memory and instinct guide his hands and feet until, mercifully, the bell tolled for evening mess. The wind seemed to be picking up with each passing hour and black clouds were amassing on the horizon. And yet, the Irlazken ships flanking them showed no sign of wavering from their course.

He followed the line of sailors into the galley to collect a plate of salted meats and bread. Normally he would collect a plate for Yanamari as well but the ship was pitching too roughly for him to carry two plates. So, he sat down for a moment with the other men and ate his supper, listening absent-mindedly to their chatter.

"— damned Irlazkens driving us right into a damned tempest —"

"— aye, 'best seamen in the world', my back foot!"

"But the women, good lord! If we make it there you might not see me back!"

A round of laughter and whistles sounded in agreement.

"If they look as good as that girl we've got aboard now, you can bet on it!"

"Better! That waif wouldn't last a minute with me!"

"I didn't think you could last more than a minute!"

Cas grimaced slightly as another roar of laughter echoed through the galley. He swallowed his last mouthful and went to collect Yanamari's plate.

He slipped out of the galley quietly and made his way to the brig, concentrating on keeping his balance and Yanamari's supper intact as the ship rolled.

He pulled open the trapdoor and set the lantern down by the opening. He made his way down the stairs to where Yanamari was waiting and handed her the plate before climbing back up to retrieve the lantern and close the door.

He sat beside her in silence as she began to eat the food.

"You are angry with me," she said.


"Then why aren't you saying anything?"

"The men think we are going to founder."

"Irlazken ships do not sink."

"We are not on an Irlazken ship."

Yanamari set her plate down: "What is wrong, Cas? Please tell me."

"I'm sorry," he said, rising to his feet. "It's not about what happened earlier, I swear. It's just the men — the things they say — they have me on edge."

She watched as he paced in the shadows: "Things about me?"

He paused and then nodded.

She shrugged: "I am used to that."

"It was difficult to stomach," he growled. "I swear I almost wish the ship would sink and take them all with it.

"Does it make you think less of me?" She asked.

"What? No, of course not!"

"I could understand if it did."

"It doesn't," Cas said firmly as he walked towards her. He pulled her hands into his and brought them to his mouth so that he could kiss each of her fingers. "I just wish I could take you away. Far, far away from all of this."


"On a magic carpet."

She smiled and rose to stand before him.

"If you could, where would you take us?"

"I don't have a fine palace for you but I have a tent. With a fire glowing outside and soft blankets inside to lay you down on."

Yanamari ran her fingers along Cas' collarbone, up his neck and cupped the back of his neck in her palm, pulling him towards her.

"We're there now," she whispered, planting a kiss on the line of his jaw. "The sway of the ship is just sand shifting beneath our feet."

A shout sounded through the decks and Yanamari started.

Cas pulled her face back to his with a gentle hand: "Just a nighthawk's cry."

Yanamari closed her eyes as Cas' lips claimed hers in a searing kiss. His hands ran down her back and wrapped around her waist as she rose up on her toes, tangling her fingers in his hair.

His hands moved down her body, pressing into her thighs as he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he groaned into her mouth as her body pressed against his hardening member.

He walked with her in his arms a few paces and she felt her back press against the wooden siding of the ship. She unwrapped on of her arms and traced her hand down his stomach so that she could slip her hand beneath the waist of his trousers. Her fingers brushed against the head of his cock and he groaned again, nestling his head in the crook of her neck as her hand slowly slid up and down his hardening length. His breath was hot against her skin and his whole body shivered at her touch.

With a heady groan he pulled away from her and walked her to the stairs, setting her down on the wooden steps. Her hand was still around his cock as he pulled his trousers off and tugged off his shirt. She removed her hand to do the same and he knelt down on the stairs in front of her, lifting her legs so that they rested on his broad shoulders. He left a trail of kisses along each of her thighs before his tongue found its way to her sex.

Yanamari moaned as he licked at the folds of her flesh, his tongue pressing against the entry of her sex. He glanced up at her and smiled when he saw that her head was tipped back in pleasure.

"Cas, I want to feel you," she murmured. "I want to feel you inside me."

The warrior grinned up at her and kissed his way back up her stomach, across her breasts and along the curve of her neck until his lips captured hers once again. She let out a slight gasp as he slowly pushed himself inside her and he stopped immediately.

"Is it alright?" he whispered. "Am I hurting you?"

"No," she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him towards her so that his thick cock filled her completely.

He moaned and buried his head against her neck as he began to slide in and out of her.

"You feel incredible," he breathed, his lips brushing against her skin.

She ran her hands along the rigid muscles of his back and moved her hips against his, moaning each time the full length of his cock pushed inside her.

Cas leaned backwards and looped one hand beneath her thigh while the other moved to her sex. He pressed his fingers against the top of her pussy and began to move them in a tight circle.

Yanamari's body arched backwards and she pressed the back of her hand over her mouth to muffle her moans. The feeling of Cas' hard cock and his fingers against her pussy sent jolts of pleasure up her spine.

"Cas — I — " She bit down on the back of her hand and closed her eyes.

He leaned down and kissed the palm of her hand, then her collarbone, then her breast. She let out a muffled cry as his tongue circled her nipple. With each movement of his mouth, she could feel something building in the pit of her stomach.

"Oh god," she whispered. "Oh please, oh — "

Her nails dug into his back and Cas immediately moved his lips to her mouth, kissing her as her whole body shuddered beneath him. He groaned into her mouth and began to move his hips faster, revelling in the way her orgasm pulsed around his cock. Yanamari pulled him closer and her gasping kisses sent him over the edge. He moaned and buried his shaft deep inside her, a tremor running through his whole body as he emptied his seed.

They lay against the wooden steps, his cock still deep inside her, and her limbs tangled around his torso, until the sound of footsteps on the deck above forced them back into reality. Slowly Yanamari unwrapped her arms and legs, and Cas pushed himself to his feet. He gathered up their clothes and handed them to her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I would give anything to be in that tent," he smiled. "Anything at all."

Yanamari pulled her dress over her head and smiled softly back as he stepped into his trousers.

"Do you have to leave?"

"It's not my watch just yet," he said with a shake of his head.

"Then don't go. Tell me a story."

The soldier sat down beside her on the steps and pulled her into his arms: "I told you I grew up in the military, there wasn't much time for storytelling."

"Yet you have one all the same," she said, nestling her head against the dark curls that covered his bare chest.

Cas's fingers traced lazy patterns along her thigh.

"When I was younger, I wanted to hear stories of hardened warriors who gained glory and an honourable death through their conquests. But, as I grew older, as I watched my circle of friends shrink, each claimed at the blade of an enemy's sword... well, then I needed stories that gave me hope about what might come after. Stories about heroes who had a happy ending with a peaceful life and passionate love waiting for him."

He hesitated for a moment: "I'm not a storyteller, Yanamari, I don't have the gift you do."


"Alright, let me see — once, a long time ago, when a man's worth was measured by his ability and not his birth, a group of tribal leaders banded together and chose a man named Ghazanfar to be their king. He had proven his might in times of war and his mercy in times of peace. Ghazanfar took on the role, not because he wanted power or prosperity, but because he loved his people and respected the men who had chosen him as their leader. And, indeed, he proved himself worthy of their trust time and time again. He was a wise, compassionate ruler and was beloved by all his subjects except one — his own brother, Marid.

"Marid was consumed with the desire for wealth and fame, and he was as cunning and ruthless as his brother was courageous and righteous. When his brother became king, Marid hoped that he would be able to use his new position to his advantage. But Ghazanfar seemed to thwart him at every turn. He refused to levy new taxes upon his subjects simply to fuel his brother's desire for wealth.

"'We have all we need, brother,' he would say.

"But Marid was not content and, when earthly means were insufficient to convince his brother, he turned to the occult for a solution. He made a deal with a jinn to ensorcel his brother and the tribal leaders and send them off to fight a distant war, from which Marid was certain they would never return, and leave the kingdom in his sole control.

"Marid immediately implemented a slew of new taxes and harsh penalties for those who could not afford to pay them. He was hated by all his people but, surrounded by money and jewels in his lofty castle, he could not hear their cries. The only people he paid well were his soldiers and they executed his will viciously.

"The months turned to years and any hope the people had that Ghazanfar would return slowly faded. But, as always seems to be the case when despots rise to power, there was a young hero and heroine who were poised to tip the scales.

"The hero was a young man named Shunnar and the heroine was his beloved Aanisah, who also happened to be Ghazanfar's daughter. Shunnar was the son of one of the tribal leaders and he and Aanisah had known each other for many years. When his father had followed Ghazanfar to war, Shunnar suspected foul games afoot and refused to submit to Marid's rule. He became an outlaw fighting to protect the people from Marid's ruthless soldiers and plundering the tax collector's caravans to return the money back to the people. He and his band of outlaws lived in the wilderness where they used the natural environment to evade capture.

"Aanisah was his eyes and ears in the palace, using her position within the royal family to gain information that would help Shunnar. It was while she was searching for clues as to her uncle's next raid on the forests that she overheard Marid and the jinn arguing. The jinn demanded his freedom — the freedom that Marid had promised him once he became the jinn's master — but her uncle refused, taunting the powerful spirit with the threat that, if his insubordination continued, he would never be free.

"When her uncle dismissed the jinn and left the room, Aanisah emerged from her hiding place. Before he could utter a word, she wished the jinn free.

"It was at that moment that Marid suddenly burst back into the room. He commanded the jinn to imprison the girl in the dungeons immediately. To Aanisah's shock, the jinn whisked her down to the dungeons in a cloud of purple smoke.

"But, once they were there, the jinn embraced her like a friend. He thanked her for freeing him and explained that he had continued to play along to protect her from her uncle. In freeing the jinn, she had broken the curse and Ghazanfar was now released from his spell. If her uncle found out, he would have killed her on the spot and send his warriors to meet Ghazanfar. The princess thanked the clever spirit and began to hatch a plan of her own.

"She knew her uncle would try to use her as bait to lure Shannur out of the wilderness and defeat the young troublemaker once and for all. Sure enough, the next morning the princess was tried publicly to ensure Shannur would hear of it. The princess was sentenced to death for a lengthy list of traitorous crimes she had not committed and set to be hanged at dawn.

"Locked in the dungeons of her own palace, the princess waited for the return of the jinn. He appeared shortly after dusk to ask what her orders were. They both knew whatever plan the princess concocted, Marid could not know that the jinn was free. Aanisah asked the jinn to ensure the noose did not kill her, and instead place her into a deep sleep. She also asked the jinn to tell Shannur of her plan so that he would not be tempted by the bait.

"The next morning, at her hanging, Marid waited and waited for Shannur to make his move. Finally, he grew impatient and, taunting her with the knowledge that her true love had betrayed her, gave the signal to the hangman. The noose went taught, the princess went limp, and, to everyone aside from the jinn and Shannur, she seemed dead. It was at that precise moment that the sound of trumpets announced Ghazanfar's return, with Shannur at his side. Marid turned as white as a sheet as his brother's forces swarmed the courtyard where his daughter's body hung. He commanded his soldiers to fight but the jinn froze them in place. Marid was powerless and caught in the middle of his treachery.

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