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Students Rule II Ch. 07

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Ms. Lee and the students are busted.
6.9k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 10/14/2004
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Chapter Seven -- Busted

It was early May, about five weeks after Barbie, a secretary in the high school's front office, had joined the list of those taking sexual liberties with Ms. Virginia Lee, the school principal. Ironically, instead of adding more confusion to an already crowded affair, the emergence of Barbie actually tended to stabilize things.

For the first time in months, Ms. Lee was no longer worried about her 'special students' coming into her office at school and taking liberties with her. Barbie had put an immediate stop to that, refusing to let any of the guys into the principal's office. Now, the only liberties taken on her during the school day were taken by Barbie herself and were restricted to the insertion of two small vibrating bullets -- one in her pussy and one in her ass. Barbie always retained possession of the remote control, turning the bullets on periodically throughout the day, usually at socially inconvenient times for the principal.

Somehow, the rest of the week always seemed to work itself out. The wrestlers -- all except Maurice, who seemed to always be busy with Miss Goodman -- had their time, Barbie had hers. Never did the times overlap.

Everything, in fact, was running about as smoothly as possible, considering. Smoothly, that is, until Brian Bitner came barging into the principal's office one Wednesday afternoon, not even slowing down when Barbie tried to stop him.

He came to a stop in front of her desk and waited. A moment later Barbie rushed into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Just what do you . . ." she started, but Brian cut her off impatiently.

"Shut up and listen," he blurted out. "We've got a problem."

When he had both of their attention, he continued. "I was in study hall today, playing a video game on my laptop instead of studying."

"And you want Ms. Lee to get you out of detention, I suppose," Barbie cut in sarcastically.

"I wish," Brian shot back. "It's far worse than that. It was Mrs. Wallace who caught me, and she confiscated the laptop."

"You mean Brenda Wallace from the school board?" Virginia asked, speaking for the first time since Brian and Barbie had entered the room. "What was she doing in your study hall?"

"Who knows," Brian responded, his exasperation showing. "And who cares. The point is she has my laptop. All of the pictures and videos of you and your sexual escapades are on there. If she snoops around a bit, she's bound to find them."

After several moments of absolute silence, all hell broke loose, with all three of them talking at once and everyone pointing a finger at someone else. It was Barbie who first came to her senses.

"You need to call her, now," she said to Ms. Lee. "See if you can get the computer back. She's only had it a couple of hours. She couldn't have found anything yet."

Ms. Lee was looking up the phone number before Barbie even finished her sentence. A moment later she was dialing the number.

"Hello, Brenda," she said into the phone. "It's Virginia Lee. Listen, I have a request and I wonder . . ." Ms. Lee stopped in mid-sentence, listening to the voice on the other end.

"I see," she said a few moments later and set the phone down in its cradle.

Neither Brian nor Barbie said a word, both knowing exactly how the other side of the conversation had gone. After taking a second to gather her nerves, the principal confirmed their fears.

"Apparently she found something interesting on the computer and will be keeping it for a while. Someone will be getting back to me in a day or so."

* * *

A day or so turned out to be Friday morning, two days later. Virginia was at her desk when the phone call came through.

"Virginia Lee," she said as she brought the receiver to her ear.

"Virginia, this is Brenda Wallace. I think it's time we got together and go over a few things."

'That was certainly blunt,' Virginia thought. But she put her best happy voice on when she responded. "It's 10:30 now. I can be at your office anytime after 11:00, just name the time."

"Actually," Brenda replied. "I thought we would do this a little less formally. How about if I stop by your house tomorrow afternoon, say 2:00 PM?"

"That would be fine. I'll see you then," Virginia said. She laid the receiver back in its cradle and sighed.

She sat there like a zombie, staring off into nothingness, not stirring until she sat up suddenly and spoke out loud. "Why on earth does she want to do this a little less formally? That doesn't make any sense at all!"

Actually, it made perfect sense. And the more she thought about it, the more she understood. She, Virginia Lee, was a scandal; a scandal the school board apparently wanted to avoid. For the first time in two days a small smile crept across her face. Maybe, just maybe, she could get out of this mess in one piece.

* * *

Brenda Wallace turned her car onto Ms. Lee's street and headed for her meeting.

Mrs. Wallace was a 38 year-old woman with no children. The 5'7" auburn haired woman had been married to Frank Wallace for nearly ten years. Although she was never what you'd call a wild woman -- having only been with two men other than her husband -- she enjoyed sex as much as the next woman. Unfortunately, as her husband's career began to take off, she'd found herself becoming more and more a housekeeper and less a woman. It had gotten so bad, in fact, that she'd only made love with her husband three times in the past year, and none of those had been anything to write home about.

More and more lately she'd found herself dreaming about things married women shouldn't think about. Yet despite chastising herself for these thoughts, she couldn't seem to purge them from her mind. And then came Wednesday. The discovery of the pictures and videos on Brian Bitner's laptop had rocked her world, unleashing fantasies so wild and wicked she was certain they would earn her a spot in hell!

At first she didn't know what to do about her discovery. She very nearly pretended that she hadn't found the pictures at all. But she couldn't, in good conscious, do that. As a member of the school board she had an obligation to the students. Clearly this was a situation that had already gotten out of hand and could very easily get worse. Still, when she looked at all those pictures and videos of Ms. Lee being dominated by students fifteen years her junior, her knees turned to jelly and her stomach fluttered. What -- she couldn't keep from wondering -- would it be like to be Ms. Virginia Lee?

Dealing with her imagination was bad enough, but when the school superintendent told her she would be the one to confront Ms. Lee, she nearly lost it. Quite frankly, the prospect terrified her. Ms. Lee was a strong woman, a woman Brenda would not choose to confront even in the best of circumstances. To confront her when part of her couldn't get those pictures or fantasies out of her mind was almost too much to bear.

So Brenda Wallace sighed deeply as she pulled her car into Ms. Lee's driveway. She'd made it through the phone call yesterday with no problems. Maybe the meeting wouldn't be as rough as she feared. After all, she was the one holding all the cards. The principal had very little choice but to go along with the school board's wishes.

* * *

Brian Bitner was seated at the kitchen table while Ms. Lee paced the floor nervously in her knee length blue jean skirt and beige cotton tank-top. It had taken forever for Saturday afternoon to arrive, with the principal growing more nervous with each passing moment. If she read the signals Brenda Wallace was sending yesterday correctly, there was a distinct possibility that things could have a reasonably happy ending -- all things considered. There was, however, also the possibility that she'd misread the signals, in which case she could be in very serious trouble.

The doorbell rang suddenly, shaking them both from their thoughts. Brian rose quickly to his feet, took the principal's head in his hands and kissed her gently on the lips. "I'll be in the next room," he said reassuringly. She nodded her head and, after he disappeared around the corner, proceeded to the front door.

"Hi, Brenda. Please come in."

Brenda Wallace followed Virginia into the house, her purse hung over her left shoulder, a large envelope in her right hand.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Virginia offered after she'd led her guest into the living room.

"Water would be great," Brenda replied as she took a seat on the sofa.

Ms. Lee disappeared into the kitchen, returning a moment later with two glasses of ice water. She set one in front of her guest before taking a seat in the wing chair beside the sofa.

"I wish I were here on more pleasant business," Brenda said after her hostess had seated herself.

Virginia took a sip of her water but said nothing, placing, for the moment at least, the burden of conversation on her guest.

"You know we confiscated Brian Bitner's laptop in study hall the other day. In keeping with our policy in events like this, we reviewed its contents to ensure that it contained nothing inappropriate to a high school environment." She paused, searching for the appropriate words.

"I'm sure you know what we found, but just to make sure there are no misunderstandings, I brought copies of some of the pictures." She picked up the envelope and slid its contents onto the table. There were twenty-five or thirty pictures of Ms. Lee in various and sundry poses with her student lovers.

Virginia picked up the pictures, taking time to look at each one individually. They included at least one with every school related lover -- this year's and last -- except Barbie, who was not under Brian's control, and Cori Goodman, the English Lit teacher she'd brought into the circle earlier in the year. Brian had told her that he'd destroyed all pictures and videos pertaining to Cori after she'd defeated Ms. Lee in their oil wrestling match. It appeared, to Ms. Lee's immense relief, that he had done just that.

Virginia tossed the pictures back onto the coffee table, face up, and looked at Mrs. Wallace.

"So, now what?"

Brenda's eyes were drawn instinctively to the pile of pictures, the top two of which were clearly visible. They were both from the same evening; the night Suzie Connors was introduced into their little game. The first one was of Ms. Lee, buck naked, bent over the back of the sofa with her ass beet red from the spanking she'd just received. The other, taken just a few minutes later, was of a still naked Ms. Lee eating Suzie Connor's pussy.

Brenda Wallace fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat, for the first time allowing her nerves to show. It took a moment, but she was able to tear her eyes away from the pictures and gather herself.

"Obviously, you can not continue as our school principal," she stated matter of factly. She waited for some concurrence from Ms. Lee, but none came. She continued uneasily, not at all comfortable playing the role of school board heavy.

"The problem is to deal with the, err, situation in the least damaging way for the students and the school. I'm sure you can agree with that, can't you?"

"Please continue," the principal responded, choosing not to address the question.

Ms. Lee's lack of cooperation was getting to Brenda. She hadn't really expected the principal to drop to her knees and plead for mercy, but she had expected some sign of remorse, or at least an acknowledgment that there was a problem. Up to this point, however, she had shown nothing of the sort. The principal, it seemed, was holding her cards very close to the vest.

"In a nutshell, the school board does not want to acknowledge that this situation ever happened. We want you to resign, voluntarily, effective the last day of the school year. All parties involved, including your, err, companions . . ."

"Masters," Virginia interrupted.


"They aren't my companions, they're my Masters; Mistress in Suzie's case."

Brenda was beginning to turn an interesting shade of red, growing increasingly uncomfortable with the whole affair. "All parties, including your Masters," she continued after gathering herself, "will need to agree not to disclose anything about this situation to anyone, for any reason -- ever. In return, the school board will accept your resignation without prejudice and will put a non-negative review in your personnel file. If you or your Masters do not agree to this, we will have no choice but to deal with this officially, and that will mean the end of your career, and quite possibly jail."

A deathly silence fell over the room as the two women stared at each other. Finally, Virginia spoke.

"Who all knows about this deal?"

"All of the school board members and the superintendent," Brenda replied. "We've also consulted with our attorney."

"Anyone else?" Virginia challenged. Brenda shook her head.

There was another long, awkward silence as Virginia considered her options, leaving Brenda to fidget uneasily on the sofa. Finally, the principal took a deep breath, nodded her head and spoke.

"I'll type up a letter of resignation and have it to you by the end of the day Monday," she said at last. "I'll also make up a list of everyone involved, although you seem to have pictures of everyone right here," she lied, having no intention of betraying either Barbie or Cori. "Will that do?"

"Yes, that will do," Brenda replied. "I'll contact the students individually and explain the situation. It would be helpful if you do the same." After a slight pause, she continued. "I think that takes care of everything, then."

Brenda let out a sigh of relief as she rose to her feet, grabbed her purse and stepped away from the sofa. Despite her fears and trepidations -- and a large case of nerves -- everything seems to have gone exactly according to plan. She took one last look at the pictures on the table and turned for the front door. It came as a complete and utter surprise when, instead of her feet moving towards the door, one final question came tumbling from her mouth.

"What was it like?" she asked in a soft, subdued voice.

Virginia rose to her feet, very much surprised by the question. It was a question that shouldn't have been asked in what up to that point had been a professional, albeit cold, meeting. It was a personal question, meant to satisfy a personal curiosity. It served no professional purpose at all. She looked at her guest, making up her mind quickly -- it was a very personal question and, as such, deserved a very personal response.

"What was what like? Degrading myself? Allowing students fifteen years my junior to humiliate me? Making love to a woman?"

The tone of Ms. Lee's response was hard, almost challenging, and it made the already nervous Mrs. Wallace even more nervous. "I'm sorry. It's none of my business," Brenda answered, attempting to retract the question. "I'll just be going now."

She took two steps towards the door before Virginia grabbed her arm. "It turned you on, didn't it?" she challenged.

"What?" Brenda replied in a shocked voice, turning to face the other woman.

"You heard me," Virginia shot back, taking a confronting step forward. "You liked what you saw. It made you hot and you're too damn afraid to admit it." She then released Brenda's arm, moving her hand between Brenda's legs and rubbing her crotch. "This is what you really want, isn't it?"

"No," she gasped in shock, pushing the hand away. "I never . . . I mean you shouldn't . . . It's not . . ." She finally gave up trying to get a coherent sentence out of her mouth and took a step backwards, bumping abruptly into the wall.

Ms. Lee took a step forward, matching Brenda's retreat. When she was face to face with her she reached down and took her purse, tossing it back to the sofa. She then returned her hand to Brenda's crotch and began rubbing.

"Admit it; this is what you really want."

Brenda squirmed against the wall. "No," she finally managed to get out. But this time she didn't push the hand away.

Ms. Lee leaned closer, continuing to rub her crotch. "You like this, don't you?" she whispered.

Brenda stood there, back pressed against the wall while she shook her head, her eyes nearly in tears. She lowered her head, looking at the hand that was still rubbing her center, before raising her head once again. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"If it's not what you want, just tell me to stop," Ms. Lee said as she continued rubbing her hand over Brenda's crotch. But Brenda just stood there, not saying a word.

Several seconds of silence passed before Ms. Lee removed her hand from between Brenda's legs, raising both hands to the top button of her captive's blouse.

"Welcome to my world, Mrs. Wallace," she said as she slipped the button through its hole and dropped down to the next button, repeating the process until the last button was freed.

Brenda Wallace was in total shock, unable -- or unwilling -- to stop Ms. Lee's determined assault. She stood as if in a dream world as the principal pulled her away from the wall and slid the now unbuttoned blouse over her shoulders and down her arms, letting the garment drift to the floor as those same hands moved knowingly to the clasp of her bra. And just like that, she was naked from the waist up, and Ms. Lee's hands were sliding onto her breasts.

"God help me," Mrs. Wallace moaned, her eyes closing as she fell back against the wall and Ms. Lee began working her breasts.

For several moments Virginia kept up her assault on those beautiful tits, squeezing and kneading them, pulling on their nipples and twirling them in her fingers, all while drawing Mrs. Wallace further and further under her spell. Finally, she was ready to move on.

She slid her hands to the button on Brenda's slacks and released it, lowering the zipper and pushing the pants and panties over her hips. She heard a gasp come from her soon to be lover's mouth as her right hand slid over her love button and her left hand returned to her breasts.

Brenda stood against the wall with eyes closed, what remained of her clothing bunched up around her ankles. She was fighting to keep air in her lungs as those magic fingers danced over her clit. She was nearly delirious, struggling without success to maintain some small hold on reality.

And then Virginia leaned forward to drag her teeth across her nipple, biting down lightly as her finger dove deep into her pussy. Brenda jumped, moaning as she grabbed hold of her tormentor's head and opened her eyes. That was when she saw Brian Bitner, standing there big as life, less than ten feet away.

Brenda tensed up immediately, gasping as she tightened her hold on Ms. Lee's head. But at that same moment the principal squeezed her tit with her left hand, bit down hard on her right nipple and plunged her finger deeper into her pussy while her thumb slid across her clit. Brenda's knees nearly buckled as a scream escaped her throat and her body exploded in orgasm. And as the principal continued her assault, the pleasure kept coming, sending her deeper into the depths of ecstasy. All thoughts of the watching young man vanished.

As the throws of orgasm slowly ebbed through her body, she relaxed her grip on Virginia's head and slumped against the wall, only barely aware of the principal withdrawing her hands and backing away. For Brenda Wallace, for the briefest of moments, everything was right with the world. But then she remembered Brian.

She gasped, opening her eyes as she hunched over, moving her hands quickly to cover her nakedness. The principal now stood beside the high school senior, both pairs of eyes locked directly on her. It was Brian who spoke first.

"This is certainly an unexpected surprise."

"It seems that our pictures had quite an arousing effect on her," Virginia informed him.


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