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Sea Goblins


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His mother was a trust fund baby, but not one who was prepared to sit on her arse and bask in the money. She was working as a teacher in a low income public school when she met his father, who had come to the states for a holiday. It was love at first site. They were married within six months, and spent the next ten years living in both America and Australia. They had two children of their own, then adopted Michael when he was two years old. They permanently moved to Australia shortly thereafter.

'What happened to your biological parents?' I asked.

'No idea,' he said. 'I don't want to know, either. Ignorance is bliss.'

'You don't want to find them?'

'No.' He shook his head. 'I was removed from them by child protection. I don't want to know why. I can't remember anything about them and I'd rather not know what went on.'

There was a finality to his tone, as if the subject matter was done and dusted. I didn't press for answers. It was his business, not mine.


After a day of fishing and talking, he grilled fish for dinner and we ate on the deck. Afterwards, we each had a shower, and then it was time for bed.

It was very quiet on the water. The boat was moving a bit, but not too much, and we slipped into the double bed guiltily and shyly. Both emotions stemmed from what we were about to do. Some sort of sexual activity was inevitable.

'Are you comfortable?' Michael whispered.

'Yep, I'm good.' I rolled onto my side so that I was facing him. 'It's so weird being out here on the water. I feel safe, but I don't. I'm worried we'll sink, or someone will come up, jump aboard and murder us.'

'It's okay. We're safe. I checked the fish finder and there are no sea goblins around, and I don't think we're going to sink. As for people coming up and murdering us, why would they do that?'

'I don't know,' I admitted. 'You're making some good points there.'

He leant over and ran his fingers through my hair. 'You smell really nice, like coconut ice. My Mum learned to make it when she came to Australia and she makes it for every school fete and fair. Everyone asks her to make something American but she always tries to make Aussie stuff.'

'I love coconut ice.'

'I don't, but I like how it smells.' He leant over and kissed me. 'I really can't tell you how happy it makes me to be here with you.'

I rolled onto my side and rested my hand on his hip. 'Me too.'

Michael pulled me into an embrace and pressed his lips against mine. I was in pyjama shorts and matching shirt, and he was in old training shorts. His skin was warm and slightly sunburned, and while I carried the scent of coconut, he smelt of soap and deodorant.

As we kissed, his hands roamed over my body. I felt them move underneath my shirt, and I adjusted my position so he could access my breasts. Michael let out a grunt and pushed my shirt up, exposing my chest.

'Take your shirt off,' he muttered. 'I want to play with them.'

I wriggled into a half sitting position and slipped my shirt off. He drank in the sight of my tits, before laying me on my back and squeezing and fondling and sucking them with gusto. I ran my hands through his hair, feeling a bit self conscious but also determined to enjoy it. He was very nimble and quick so I shouldn't have been surprised that he carried these traits into the bathroom. Before I knew what was happening, he'd looped his fingers in the hem of my shorts and had pulled them down, but he left my knickers on.

'Scared of what lies beneath?' I asked him.


'You're left my panties on.' I said. 'Are you scared of what my vulva looks like?'

'No, I'm just trying to be a gentleman.' He paused. 'Well, as much of a gentleman as I can be now that I've taken your shirt and shorts off. Not a proper gentleman, but 'not a sleazy bastard'.'

'Oh, okay. Well, you can take them off and have a look if you want. I'm kind of curious about your penis. I've never seen a circumcised penis in real life.'

Michael found that amusing. 'We should do genital show and tell. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.'

'Okay,' I agreed. 'Let's take off our pants.'

I wriggled out of my knickers and he pulled his training shorts off. His penis had quite a big kink in it, and it seemed bereft without it's little helmet foreskin, but it was otherwise or normal size, and quite hard. I tried not to stare too much, but I was curious about it, and how it would fit inside me. I wanted sex but I was scared of messing things up internally. And by 'wanting sex', I mean, I really, really, really wanted to have sex with Michael. I was rampantly horny and ready for him to take me.

'Okay?' he asked, nodding his head towards his penis.

'Yes. I like it. It's cute, even if it does look a bit naked.' I regretted the words the moment they came out of my mouth. No man wants to be told his penis is 'cute', because 'cute' implies small, and I certainly didn't mean to suggest I thought there was something wrong with it. 'Can I touch it?'

'I'd love you to touch it.'

I wrapped my hand around the shaft. I could feel the veins pulsing. I ran my finger over the crown and found it was a little bit wet. I massaged his cock a bit and he gasped and closed his hand over mine.

'I'm really horny,' he confessed. 'Seeing you naked... I like you...'

'I feel the same way. Do you, um, do you want to keep going? Because, if you do, I hope you have condoms. I didn't bring any.'

Michael shook his head. 'I don't have anything with me, but do I really need one? It's not like I'd get your pregnant.'

I was uncomfortable answering that, so I didn't.

He leant forward and kissed my nose. 'Why don't we just try and get ourselves off? Mutual masturbation?'

'That sounds good,' I agreed. 'I'm going to sound really weird, but I use the coconut oil I use on my body to masturbate with. I'll also need to use some sort of lubricant if we ever have sex. So, um, weird all around.'

'That's not weird. I've used far weirder stuff and I'd rather use lube than suffer from chafe. How about you get the oil, and we'll sit outside in the moonlight and play with ourselves?'

We crept out of the bed area to the kitchenette, where I'd left my bags. Michael kept his gaze fixed on me while I rummaged through my bag. His erection poked out in front of him but he was seemingly unconcerned by it.

There was no one around for miles. I could see lights twinkling on the shore, and there were other boats on the water, but none were nearby. It was just us, the ocean and the sky full of stars. We sat on the seats at the back, alongside each other, and helped ourselves to the coconut oil. Michael leant forward and peered at my vulva.

'Wow,' he said. 'Whoever did that did a great job. It looks like the real deal.' He sat back up and kissed me. 'You're so beautiful.'

I slipped my hand between my legs and teased my clit. Michael couldn't stop staring. He reached down to his cock and gripped it in his hand, but his attention was focussed on me and what I was doing.

I shut my eyes and tried not to feel self conscious. It was a lot harder to bring myself to orgasm now than it had been before I started transitioning. Back then, it used to happen with very little effort. Nowadays it took quite some work.

Slowly but surely, the sensations increased. I played with my breasts with my spare hand, and began to pant. I changed opening my eyes and sat Michael was still staring at me, entranced, while jerking himself off.

'I'm really horny,' I confessed.

He nodded. 'Me too.'

'Can I, um, can I please try and straddle you and try and fuck you.'

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. I felt incredibly reckless and foolish. Fourteen months of vaginal purity was about to be done away with, and he wasn't wearing a condom, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I just wanted him inside me.

'Fuck, please do,' he said.

On a white and blue boat, on a warm summer's night, in the middle of an ocean, I had a man penetrate me for the first time. The coconut oil had lubricated us both well and his cock just slipped inside with no effort at all. It felt incredible, like some yearning need was being met. It was better than anything I'd anticipated.

When he was fully encased, Michael let out a groan and grabbed onto my bum. He held me down in place, so that even if I wanted to move, I couldn't. The strength of his grip and the lust that hooded his eyes gave me all the conviction I needed to keep going.

'This is the best feeling in the world,' he muttered. 'On a boat, being fucked by a gorgeous woman. What more could I want?'

'I feel the same way,' I replied, kissing him. 'This feels so good.'

We didn't stop kissing as I started to ride him. His hands were moving over my body, and his head was tilted back, but he was letting me control everything. He was giving me free reign to use him.

I experimented with my positioning, trying to give myself enough stimulation, but although it felt amazing it wasn't enough for me to climax. I started to panic. I'd asked for sex, hadn't I? And he probably expected me to finish. He might think it was his fault if I didn't.

'Are you okay?' he asked.

'I don't think I'm going to be able to orgasm.'

'Why don't you get off me for a bit and I'll see if I can get you there with my fingers or tongue?'

'It's a mental thing,' I confessed. 'Once I start worrying I won't orgasm, I don't.'

'One of my ex-girlfriends used to say that,' he agreed. He smiled and kissed me. 'I was hoping that because you're trans, you'd be different, and orgasms would come easy. I guess that's not how it works. I'm just going to have to put in some stellar effort next time.'


'Don't be sorry.' He kissed me again. 'Do you mind if I keep going?'

'No, no, go for it. Do you want to stay in this position?'

'Can we try doggy style?'


I leant over a seat, legs spread and everything on display. Michael let out a groan and ran his hands over my bum and hips. He grabbed his cock and tried to put it into my pussy. I reached through my legs and helped show him where to go. There was no mistaking the point where he found what he was after. It felt amazing to have him inside me again, and he let out a little moan that suggested he wasn't going to last much longer.

'Am I hurting you?' he whispered hoarsely.

'No, you're good.'

My suspicion that he wasn't far off orgasm was correct. He gave me about a dozen strokes before letting out a series of groans and trying to push himself as far into me as humanly possible. He was quite strong and I had to tightly grip the seat to keep my position.

As his climax subsided, the groans were replaced by deep, slow breaths. He traced his fingers reverently over my back before slowly pulling back. As his softening cock fell from my pussy, I could feel semen spilling onto the floor and trickling down my thighs.

Oh fuck, I thought to myself, standing up and turning around. That's it. I've done it. Sex with a vagina.

Michael pulled me into his arms. 'I love you,' he whispered.

Everyone accuses women of falling in love too fast, but I think men are worse than women. I didn't say 'I love you' back, but I didn't push him away or tell him not to say it again. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Besides, I thought that he had a lot of potential. I figured that sooner or later, I'd love him back.


Michael took me back out on the boat the following weekend. He took a different route, a longer one, and on the journey out to sea the rough water made me nauseous. I crouched in the cabin with a bottle of ginger ale, which did shit fuck all and a bucket, which came in handy.

He heard me vomit and came down to wipe my face and empty the bucket. I was hugely embarrassed, but he was very matter of fact about it.

'Feeling better?' he asked, when he returned.

I nodded. 'Much.'

'We're on smooth water now. There's barely a ripple.' He traced his fingers down my cheek. 'I'm sorry. I should have given you some sea sickness tablets.'

'You cleaned up my spew. I think you've more than made up for it.'

'Do you want to lie down for a bit?'

'No, I think I'd rather move around,' I said.

'Okay. Whatever you want.' He kissed my forehead. 'You're pretty even when you're sea sick.'

I sipped at the ginger ale while he prepared the lines and whatnot. I saw him checking the fish finder and asked if there were any sea goblins.

'No,' he said seriously. 'I wouldn't stay here and risk your life if there were any around. I could kill them if they came aboard, but if I died of the wounds they inflicted, how would you get back to shore?'

'I'm not sure I need to go back to shore,' I said. 'Am I going to get sick again when we go through rough waters?'

'Yes, but it's better than having your limbs torn from your body and being eaten alive.'

I laughed. 'Probably.'

'I should show you how to use the emergency beacon and radio.'

'Maybe later. I'm feeling better and better, but my mind is still a bit fuzzy.'

'I get like that at times,' he agreed. 'I'll show you how to work everything this afternoon.'

My stomach settled down, and I began to enjoy myself. I loved the serenity of being on the boat, the peace and quiet, as well as the intimacy. When it's just you and a man sharing a few square metres of space, you learn a lot about each other.

After lunch I settled down to read a book. Michael fished for a while, then came inside and lay beside me. He smelt of sea, of bait, of sweat and sunscreen, and when he leant forward and kissed me, I knew why he'd come to lie down with me. I put my book down and kissed him.

I was in a one piece and denim shorts, and he eased the shorts down and peeled my swimsuit off. His lips and hands moved over the exposed flesh, and I found myself shivering with anticipation. I hadn't been able to reach orgasm the previous weekend, not the night we made love, nor the following morning, but I was very confident it was going to happen soon.

Michael slipped down between my legs and kissed my thighs. He made his way upwards until he was at my apex, and gently spread my pussy lips. His tongue darted out and gently traced along my clit.

I stared at the roof above the bed. I'd hated receiving oral sex when I had my penis. It had been gross, vile, a hated sex act. But this was quite different. It was a more intimate act, one where he had to be slow and careful, and mindful of my reactions.

Outside the cabin I heard the unmistakable sounds of a fish tugging on a line. Michael stopped only long enough to acknowledge it, before ducking his head and continuing to attend to me.

It seemed an eternity before I came. Mentally it took a lot of concentration, and I'd had to wiggle around a bit when Michael had strayed off course, but when I got there it was amazing. I howled out as I clamped my legs around his neck, and thrust into his face. It was extremely intense, the most incredible orgasm I'd had in years.

Michael stayed between my legs, kissing my thighs, until I'd recovered. Neither of us spoke as I pulled him up and laid him on his back. No words were needed.

It was my turn to return the favour. I kissed him very gently, both his and my eyes wide open. His pupils were dilated and he stared at me, knowing I could taste on his tongue what he'd tasted just minutes before. There was a connection between us. I knew we'd be together for a very long time, but rather than be scared, I was overjoyed.

It was a pleasure to kiss and touch his body, to take his hard on into my mouth and suck it. He wasn't very much different to an uncut man, but for the first time in my life, I loved sucking on a man, loved hearing the little moans and groans. It wasn't a chore, it was fun. I smiled up at him around a mouthful of cock and he smiled back and ran his fingers through my hair.

He started to get worked up, and he held my head in his hands and moved it back and forward. He didn't force me to take too much into his mouth, though, and when he was getting close to coming, he pulled me up and laid me on my back. With a sense of urgency he began to suck on my nipples, painfully pulling them up into his mouth, while wanking himself. He came just seconds later, spilling his semen onto my stomach as he groaned and grunted around a mouthful of boob.

'Holy shit,' he muttered. 'That felt so good. So fucking good.'

'It did,' I agreed.

He gave me a quick kiss before hopping up. Still nude, he fetched tissues for me, then went to bring the line in while I cleaned up.

A few minutes later he climbed back into bed.

'Was there a fish on the line?' I asked.

He shook his head. 'No. It got away.'

I was going to make a joke about the sea goblins, but I was suddenly exhausted. Michael yawned and smiled drowsily at me, and I realised he felt the same way.

We fell asleep even though it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, naked and wrapped in each other's arms.


The following weekend was cold and wet. We were being hammered by storms and it wasn't safe to go out in the boat.

I asked Mum if she minded if Michael stayed over Saturday night and she told me she had no problems with it. Michael was agreeable, and on Saturday afternoon we went to the movies and then went back to my house.

We had a bit of an argument on the drive to my house. He wanted to buy me a fishing rod, and showed me a couple of options. They weren't budget rods and reels, and I was uncomfortable accepting that sort of gift. He'd bought me a cocktail, a winning raffle ticket, paid for dinner at Aria and had covered the fuel and bait costs for his boat and now he wanted to get me a gift, whereas I'd had to fight him to let me pay for the movie tickets and popcorn.

'Money's the only thing I have going for me,' he argued.

'God, don't say that,' I exclaimed, annoyed. 'If you think I only like you because you can pay for nice things, you're more wrong than I can tell you.'

'All I'm saying...'

'!' I interrupted. 'Don't say anything. I appreciate the offer, it's very kind of you, but I don't need a fishing rod of my own. And I can pay my own way, so stop treating me like I'm a gold digger that you need to keep getting stuff for to keep her happy.'

Michael reached over and rubbed my leg. 'You've made your point. No fishing rod.'

'And I want you to let me start paying for things.'


' buts!' I interrupted again. 'I might be trans, but I'm still a woman, and you're not telling me what to do.'

He glanced over sheepishly. 'Sorry.'

I mock rolled my eyes at him, then leant over and gave him a peck. 'It's okay.'

We arrived back at my parent's house and I took him inside. My parents have a basic four bedroom, two bathroom, lowset brick house in a blue collar neighbourhood. It's a nice house, but it's not huge. There are no media rooms or basements or anything like that to escape to.

Mum and Dad were watching tellie when we arrived. They'd already had dinner, but Mum told us there was half an apple pie left in the fridge if we wanted any.

We'd had dinner, but I took Michael into the kitchen so we wouldn't have to hang out with my parents. Michael was doing his best to avoid having to interact with my father when he dropped me up and picked me off. He was convinced Dad hated him.

'Do you want any apple pie?' I asked him, when we were alone.

'No, I want you,' he whispered, pushing me against the fridge and kissing me. 'I've been thinking about you all week.'

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my father. He'd followed us into the kitchen.

'Dad,' I said, wriggling out of Michael's grip, my face hot with embarrassment. I really needed to move out of home. I'd finished my transition and I had a nice nest egg saved. 'What are you doing in here?'

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