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Second Chances in LA

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Can widow cop Jamie and divorced dad David find love again?
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Chapter 1

Jamie thought Joe was right beside her, helping to pick out a nice cantaloupe, but when she turned he was gone.

"No biggie," Jamie thought to herself. "He better not complain that I didn't get a good one then."

Dropping the cantaloupe in the cart, she felt a sudden panic and still couldn't find Joe. She started pushing the cart down the heads of the aisles, turning to look for her handsome, dark haired husband. She went past every aisle and still nothing. She really began to panic now and left the cart and walked more briskly at the top of the store aisles. Drawing past one aisle, she caught a glimpse of him.

"Hey, Joe, you had me worried," Jamie called out. He ignored her and disappeared to the next aisle. She jumped over quickly, calling out to him as she proceeded walking down the aisle. His back was turned to her, but at least he's standing still. She walked toward him, but she wasn't getting any closer.

"Joe! Turn around!" She's frantic now and ran down the aisle. Even though she was running almost full speed, she was not getting any closer. Joe moved away from her and faded from her view.

Jamie woke up in a cold sweat, instantly putting her arm on the other side of the bed. Of course, no one was there.

She padded barefoot over to the bathroom and cupped cold water onto her face.

"Damn, if I don't look like shit. And why are most of my dreams about us at the supermarket?"

Jamie remembered that she and Joe always liked shopping together. Sunday was their day off and big cook day. They'd laze around the morning, maybe hit the park in the afternoon, then grocery shop and cook their asses off Sunday night so they'd have meals for the weekdays when they both were busy.

"It's sort of cool and sort of shitty that my dreams of Joe are almost always at one of the places we liked going together."

Jamie could hardly believe he'd been gone almost 5 years. She was barely out of college and in the Los Angeles Police Academy when she met Joe. He was one of her instructors and he pushed the recruits hard. She likes to think he took an instant shine to her when she bested every other female in her group and almost half of the guys in the obstacle course. Jamie had always been fit, running track in high school and college. She was short; she'd round up to 5 foot 3 inches when asked, but she was a pretty good sprinter and decent at mid distances. She was strong for her size too, so she threw discus in addition to her running. She had to walk on in college, but she did okay. She supposed that gave her an advantage over many of the others.

Of course, she noticed Joe too. He was 6 foot 4 inches of pure muscle and had dark features and hair that was as black as midnight. When he flashed his killer smile at her after doing so well at the obstacle course, Jamie felt her heart miss a beat.

Joe was a gentleman though and never once hit on her during her academy training. She thought maybe the attraction was one-sided, but she found out she was wrong at her graduation ceremony.

"Cadet, great job. Congratulations," came the voice from above her head. Looking up to see Joe, she smiled at him, beaming from ear to ear.

"I did it!"

"Yes you did. You'll make a great officer, that's for sure."

"Well, I couldn't have done it with out you, Sargent Martinez."

"Oh, hell no, you didn't need me. But, I was glad to help anyway."

"Well, I don't know if I'll see you around. I'm being assigned to the Newton Precinct."

"Actually, I was hoping we could see each other another way. Look, Jamie, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I couldn't do anything about it during your academy training, but now I was wondering if you would want to go out with me?"

"Uh, um, yes. Definitely yes."

Joe picked her up at her place at 7 PM the following night and they were instantly an item. They were only 2 weeks into dating, when Joe paused before starting his car after they had finished dinner.

"Jamie, look, I don't know if this is, oh, too soon, but..."


"Yes what? You don't even know what I was going to say."

"Yes, I want to spend the night at your place tonight."

"How did you know?"

"Deductive reasoning, Sargent Martinez." They had kissed a few times already and Jamie wanted him bad. But again, Joe was a gentleman and didn't push it. Their last date was getting hot and heavy and Jamie thought they might fuck right there in his car, but he backed off and said, "Not yet." She liked that he wanted her bad, but she also liked that he was holding off, making sure they both felt the same way. They did.

He smirked and threw the car in gear and took off. They had barely made it through his apartment door when they started going after each other. Joe cupped her tight ass and lifted her up to him, covering her mouth with hot kisses.

"Damn, Jamie, you are so fucking gorgeous." Joe backed up his words with searing kisses to her neck and ear.

Still being held up by her strong boyfriend, Jamie reached down to her waist and lifted her shirt up and over her head, revealing her medium sized, nearly perfectly rounded tits that were barely covered by a lacy black bra.

"Hot damn, woman. You want me to blow right here?"

She giggled. "No. No I don't. But now that you mention it, a blow does sound good."

She jumped down and, in one smooth movement, she had unbuttoned his jeans and was on her knees in front of him in his entryway. Five seconds later, his pants and boxers were down at his knees and his cock was in her mouth. She alternated licking and sucking, working his cock with her left hand while her right squeezed his ass to pull more of him into her mouth.

"Holy fuck, Jamie. That's amazing."

Cock firmly in her mouth, she simply smiled up at him while continuing to give him the best blowjob he'd ever had in his life to this point.

"Damn, Jamie, I don't know how much longer I can last if you keep this up."

The words had barely left his lips before she took him deeper in her throat, swallowing almost all of his cock. That was it. His cock surged in her mouth and started pumping volumes of cum into her mouth and onto her chin. For her part, Jamie kept stroking, getting every last drop out of it on her lips and chin, dripping off her chest and onto the floor.

"Damn, Jamie, I'm sorry. I didn't even get your clothes off or have you in the bedroom before I lost it."

"Don't be sorry, Joe. That was amazing. I've practiced that in my mind for at least the last 7 days."

"Well, let me return the favor."

Joe picked her up like she was a child and easily carried her down the hallway into his bedroom. She couldn't help but be impressed at the way his biceps bulged as he carried her 120 pound frame down the hallway. Setting her on his bed, soon they were both naked and Joe kissed just about every inch of her body before focusing on her hot, wet core. Going down on her felt exquisite and Jamie grabbed fistfuls of his black hair as he ravaged her pussy with abandon.

After ten to fifteen minutes of that and barely staving off two orgasms, seeing that he was fully hard again, Jamie ordered "Joe, put it in me, please. I need it." She had decided earlier that day that her first orgasm with him was going to be when his cock was buried deep within her. It wasn't easy to last through his glorious tongue lashing, though.

She was so wet that Joe's condomed length slid in easily and he set to working her up to her climax. He was taking his time, but Jamie could feel a massive orgasm starting to build. Joe could sense it too, so he slowed his strokes and deepened them, pushing hard at the end of every third or fourth stroke.

"Oh, fuck, Joe," was all Jamie could manage, being transported to another place while Joe worked his magic.

Her breath deepened further and he pressed even deeper and slower.

"Ohhhhhh," was the only speech she was capable of now.

Jamie gripped his shoulders and pulled him onto her fully just as she exploded, grinding her hips into his strokes as wave after wave of pleasure hit her. He slowed his cadence, enjoying the closeness of their bodies and how well they seemed to fit together despite their height difference.

He was slowly fucking her so good. His erection had not gone down at all.

"Can you?" she whispered her question.

"Hmmm mmmm," her Latino lover answered. "As long as its not hurting you. You're still wet enough, I think."

"Fuck, Joe, I'm wet enough down there to float the Titanic. Cum for me again, baby."

She felt him get even harder as those words came out of her mouth. Starting slow, he slid his length in and out of her.

"Damn, Jamie, I had no doubt sex with you was going to be great, but this is completely amazing."

She agreed. He was completely amazing. A careful, caring lover who also knew what to do. What more could she ask for?

He kept picking up his speed, the moonlight shining into his apartment window showing the intensity on his face while he fucked her the best she'd ever been fucked in her life. By a long shot.

His pace picked up even more and he had her breasts bobbing up and down with his perfectly timed thrusts. He started to fuck her faster and harder. She was breathing heavy as was he at the effort he was putting out.

"Joe, oh Joe," Jamie moaned out as he pounded her.

Finally, he grunted and pulled out of her. His condom was off in a second and he gripped his cock at the base such as that his first spurt hit her on the neck. The next two squirts hit her breasts, but his load didn't stop until he had also filled her belly button.

Tossing the used condom on the floor and quickly dabbing her body with his t-shirt, he collapsed onto the bed beside her and pulled her close. Jamie fell asleep in the arms of the man of her dreams. Dreams that had just become a reality.

Within 4 weeks, Jamie had moved in with Joe and they were married 11 months later.

Chapter 2

She hadn't thought about their first night of sex with Joe in a long time. She fingered herself to a good orgasm as the heat of the shower rained down upon her.

"Dammit, Joe. I miss you."

She knew being a cop was dangerous, but she didn't think she would lose him that early. They had wanted kids, but she was on track to be Detective someday and he was still gaining in the ranks too. They had agreed he would take a desk job after another 2-3 years. That was before he started working the Suarez drug case.

He became obsessed with them and desperately wanted to halt or at least slow their business. They were poisoning almost half of LA with their drugs and, of course, there were many murders from them as well. Joe was part of the task force designed to take them down.

But that never happened. One night, at 2 AM a knock came at her door. Jamie stumbled to the door, wondering who the hell was waking her up when she had a long shift tomorrow. When she saw it was Joe's boss, she went pale.

"No, Arthur, no. Please no."

"I'm so sorry, Jamie," Arthur Dinkens had said as tears started to run down his cheeks.

Joe and his partner Dan had been found in their car with gunshots to their heads.

Jamie's life hadn't been the same since. After taking a few weeks of leave, she poured herself deeper into her job, making Detective by 27. Putting all she had into her job was the only thing that kept her going. She liked what she did, but the rest of her life sucked. She had eventually gone on a few dates, but they were pretty bad. She's had sex once since Joe died and it was pretty shitty sex and she never went out with the guy again.

She was barely dressed and was combing through her long brown hair when the knock came at her front door.

She shouted at the door, "Come in, Mark. I'm almost ready."

Mark Bolton was a great partner. A solid cop, good husband, and a great father. He kept Jamie grounded.

Poking his head into the kitchen, he spied Jamie filling a thermos bottle with hot, black liquid.

"Damn, girl, are we going on a stakeout tonight? How much coffee do you need?"

"I need it all, Mark. I need it all." Jamie laughed as she screwed the cap tight. "Alright, let's go."

The morning was pretty boring, being filled with routine paperwork, which was not an abnormal occurrence. Then their Chief opened his door and yelled out, "Bolton. Martinez. In my office."

Mark gave her a look like, "It wasn't me" as they trudged into Chief Stanley's office.

"You two are going on special assignment to the Special Victims Unit."

"Rape case? No thanks, Chief," was Jamie's quick response.

"I wasn't asking you nicely, Martinez; it's an order. But it's not a rape case anyway. It's a missing persons and SVU is short handed. Holmes is still out on disability and Mathers is on maternity leave. As you know, time is of the essence with missing persons, so get over to SVU right now and jump on it."

"Alright, boss," Jamie and Mark agreed and turned to walk out of the door.

"And guys? I'm counting on you to make me look good, so don't screw it up."

"What? And ruin that sterling record of yours Chief?" Jamie joked. "We got you, boss. Don't worry."

On the walk over, it was a race to see who would say it first. Jamie beat Mark to it. "Probably a waste of our time. What you bet it's a missing husband and he shows up within a day of our starting the investigation?"

"Probably so, partner. But we got to do it."

A slight tap at Chief Stuttgart's door and they got waved in.

"Thanks for coming over. I just didn't have anybody to work it. Alright, here's the case."

As he handed the files over, he started explaining, "Ashley Ramirez, 5 years old. Been gone over 24 hours. Dad is David Ramirez. Divorced from the mom, Courtney Messerschimdt, for about two years. He has custody due to her drug use, etc. He also has a 3 year old son. Ashley was to be picked up from school by her grandmother on Tuesday, but she wasn't there when the grandmother showed up. The school office said she got into a car and that they thought it was the grandmother that picked her up. Obvious suspect is the mom, but we haven't been able to track her down yet. Start with the dad and go from there. Thanks guys."

"Shit, a 5 year old girl," was Mark's first comment.

"Yeah. It's a shitty world out there. Come on, let's get to work."

Chapter 3

David Ramirez pulled the door back. He was about 6 foot 1 and had dark features and would be pretty good looking under different circumstances. As it was, he looked as though he'd pulled 3 all-nighters in a row.

"Mr. Ramirez? I'm Detective Bolton and this is my partner Detective Martinez. Let's go over everything with you."

Two cups of coffee later, they got the run down from him on his kids and his relationship with his ex-wife Courtney.

"Mr. Ramirez, do you think that Courtney could have taken Ashley?" Jamie asked.

David ran his hands through his greasy hair. "Man, I don't know. The old Courtney, I'd say no for sure, but now I just don't know. She's barely shown any interest in the kids since the divorce, which is fine by me. She's not the best influence. So for her to take an interest now, but not come to talk to me about it and just run off with Ashley? No, it doesn't make any sense."

"I tend to agree. There's something more going on. We will start with her apartment and work. Is she still working at," Jamie holds up her file to double check it, "Johnson Uniform Services?"

"Um, I guess so. I think that's where she was last. Listen, she hasn't been able to hold down a steady job for a while. It started innocent enough. When we first met, we'd smoke weed together and occasionally do a line or some X if we were at a party. For me, it was just being young and living a bit of the party life. Unfortunately, she was already hooked by the time we got engaged. But, even then, it wasn't too bad. I thought she was just having trouble growing up, getting out of her party phase. By the time Michael was born, she was well and truly hooked. Things just got worse from there. I had to seek a divorce, for the kid's safety at least. And now this has happened."

David sunk his face into his hands and sobbed.

Instinctively, Jamie got up and put her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her with his big, brown, watery eyes and Jamie's heart just melted. The pain this man was going through! She could only imagine.

She cleared her throat. "Well, Mr. Ramirez. The first 3 days are the most important and most likely to recover a missing person, so my partner and I should head out. Should you think of anything, here's my card and Detective Bolton's. Hopefully we'll be in touch soon."

Back in the car, Bolton started, "Shit Jamie. I fucking hate these types of cases. That's why I'm in Narcotics. Not sure that I can withstand what we might find out with this case."

Jamie liked being in the Narcotics division too. Well, maybe liked was too strong a word. She transferred from Major Crimes to Narcotics in order to track down her husband's killer. Of course, she's made no progress on that front; it wasn't even an open case by time her transfer went through. Still, Jamie felt that if she could keep at least some of that vile poison off the streets, she would honor Joe's memory.

"I hear you, Mark. We'll do the best we can and fast. Who knows, maybe she's just with the mom. Let's start with her apartment. I'll jab the address into the GPS."

The apartment was a complete bust. It was a complete shit hole and when they finally got to what passed for the landlord, he told them he hadn't seen her in at least 6 months.

Next stop was Johnson Uniform Services.

It was a nondescript warehouse on the Lower East Side with a small office area carved out in the front of the warehouse. The lady in the reception was chomping on some gum liked she was trying to beat the life out of it and was dressed and had the makeup of someone getting ready to hit the clubs as opposed to professionally help people with their uniform needs.

After seeing their badges, she stopped chewing her gum long enough to call to the back, "Hey, Bennie, you better come out here. The cops want to talk."

A few minutes later, a large if slightly overweight guy in his mid-30s came towards them. He had a smile on his face, but his hair was way too slick. He was a bit slimy behind his decent smile, Jamie thought.

"Officers," he announced in a friendly way. "What can I do for you?"

Jamie held out Courtney's photograph they had borrowed from Mr. Ramirez. "We're looking for this woman, Courtney Messerschimdt. Does she still work here?"

"Come back to my office and we'll talk," and he beckoned them to follow him. He lead them to a simple, if nicely air conditioned room just down the hall.

"Can you get some coffee?"

"No thanks," Mark answered. "Just tell us where we can find Courtney Messerschimdt."

"Well, I'd like to help, but she doesn't work here anymore. She left about 3 months ago."

"Do you know where she went to?" Jamie followed up.

"No. She didn't leave on the best of terms."

"Oh yeah?", Mark glanced over at his partner. "What did she do for you guys here?"

"She did Alice's job out there. Only she didn't do it as well. We like to present a pleasant face to prospective clients and Courtney, well, let's just say she was getting less and less pleasant to look at." He lowered his voice and then spoke to Mark like Jamie wasn't even there, "I'm sure you can appreciate what a pretty face and a nice set of tits can do for business, am I right?" He winked at Bolton.

Bolton tried not the roll his eyes at the sexist comments, but he did know that junkies can lose their good looks if the drugging gets bad enough.

"So," Jamie jumped back in. "You fired her?"

"I wouldn't say fired. Let's just say it was in our mutual best interest that she didn't work here anymore."

"Okay. And you've had no contact with her since?"

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