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Secret Silk

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He takes out for a wild night.
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I step out of the shower, wrap the warm towel around me and cross the hall to our bedroom. I see my clothes for the evening laid out on the bed, there's a beautiful black silk dress split at the sides almost to the hip with black stockings and underwear. On the floor I see my black high-heeled shoes, then I glance to the dressing table where my black silk choker and diamond earrings have been neatly placed. Without hesitation, I dry myself and slip into everything my Master has chosen for me, I brush and dry my hair before putting on my make-up. As I stand I turn to at my reflection in the full-length mirror, when it comes to dressing me he has exquisite taste. I walk through to the lounge and he smiles when he sees me, 'I've left my hair down, Sir, as no clips or bands were left out for me,' I say.

'You look a beautiful,' he says 'I prefer your hair as it is; I like to run my fingers through it. Now, come sit by me.' I walk over to his chair and sit on the floor beside him, he pats his leg and I tilt my head to rest it there were while he strokes my hair. He is watching a film on television so I watch with him, patiently waiting to discover what plans he has for the evening. It is not long before the film ends and he informs me that he has a table booked for eight-thirty as we will be having dinner with one of his business associates and his wife. He stands and offers his hand to help me up, 'if we leave now, we'll have time for a quick drink at the bar first.' he says. I follow him out to the car and on the way to the restaurant he tells me about the couple I am about to meet, he also tells me that after dinner he and John will head through to the bar to discuss the business details while I will remain at the table with Helen. The thought of the time ahead fills me with anguish, so many times have I have endured time with the incredibly dull partners of his associates, at least my rewards for such tasks have always been a great.

We arrive and the takes the car to the car park, as we walk up the stairs into of the restaurant he holds my wrist and I remain one step behind him. We reach the table and find John and Helen already waiting there. I reach my seat and wait beside it until he sits. We order our drinks and food and chat while we wait about how well business is going for all of them, I listen as master and John laugh about their earlier failed business ventures then the conversation takes a more interesting turn as I learn that Helen owns a small lingerie shop in the city center called 'Secret Silk'. However, it isn't until Master and John go through to the bar that I learn the whole story behind Helen's store.

'So, now that it's just us a girls,' she says as a playful smile appears on her face, 'let me tell you the truth about my little store. You see, it is purely an lingerie store to anyone who knows no more, however, beyond the fitting rooms there is another store, one which sells exquisite clothing and accessories for a more extraordinary clientele with more specific tastes.'

'How extraordinary exactly?' I inquire 'I mean, that sounds a rather like a sex shop to me and every town has those, why do you believe yours to be so special?'

'Ah, I knew you'd be after more than the usual as soon as I saw you. Well, I sell more than just dildos, dirty mags and videos. As I'm sure you know, there is a much wider product range for those people are of such a persuasion. I stock a huge range of fetish clothing and accessories, things like collars, leads, cuffs, spreader bars, the gags, blindfolds, plugs, chastity belts, you name it and I either sell it or I can get it. I even have a list of specialists who regularly make larger items for me, things like cages, stocks and whipping posts, that kind of thing.'

'Wow! Where is this shop? I'd love to see it.' I say.

'I was hoping you would, I'm actually looking for someone to run the more specialised section so that I'll be able to be more focused on the administration side of things and the personal orders and custom pieces. I already employ a girl to run the main store, she is fully aware of what is out the back but she has no interest or knowledge of such things, and unless I'm very much mistaken you have both.'

I smile and nod that Helen, she takes my hand and says 'I'll be round to pick you up at quarter to nine tomorrow, you can check the place out then decide if you want the job or not.'

'Well, I have to check that's okay with Mark before hand but I'm sure he be fine with it.'

We chat about our past and present relationships, I tell Helen about my submission to Master and I tell her about how and why our relationship works. She tells me about her past relationships, I learn that she is bisexual like me, however, her history has been a little more colourful than mine has. She tells me all about her past, all about her time spent in a world I have only dreamed about. She tells me about her friends, the places they either visit, own or work at, a selection of stores, clubs and training institutions in a world of sexual freedom. I have a great deal of knowledge in theory but it is all learnt from my Master, it is only what he has shown me or told me about, I long to learn more. As Helen describes these places, I want to see them for myself.

Helen slides her business card across the table to me and says, 'why don't you talk to Mark about my job offer when you get home then give me a ring to confirm your acceptance.'

'Yes, I'll do that, Helen, thanks.' I reply as a slip the card into my handbag. I notice Master and John returning from the bar and stand up as they approach the table, Master places his arm behind me and I feel his hand split up under my hair and firmly grasp the back of my neck.

'Well, the bill's been taking care of and as it's quite late I think we should be heading home.' Our coats are brought over and we are informed that the cars are waiting outside. We say our goodbyes and I notice Helen give me a wink as wicked smile passes across her lips.

As we get into the car I think about telling Master about Helen's job offer but I decide to wait until we get home. I glance over to him as we weave through the traffic and, without even looking back at me, his hand slips slowly from the gear stick to my leg. 'Open your legs,' he says and almost instinctively I do so. He moves his hand over slightly and slides it up the inside of my thigh, over my stocking then stoking my skin gently, I can feel myself growing damp as a tingle runs through my entire body. His finger reaches the soft satin of my underwear and I know he can feel the wetness there, which only increases my arousal. As he pushes the flimsy material of the thong aside I move my legs farther apart, he begins to slide his finger into me making me moan. 'So, are you going to be working for Helen then?' he asks, his eyes still focusing on the road ahead. I look to him in surprise; he knows what Helen and I had discussed that evening.

'Well, I was going to tell you about her offer when we got home, Sir, did John tell you about it?'

'Actually, he told me about it a while ago and I recommended you so we arranged tonight so Helen could meet you.' he explained as his fingers continued their work between my thighs, moving from inside me to my clitoris, rubbing firmly but slowly.

'I see, so you want me to take the job? I ask. He removes his hand from me and puts them into his mouth, sucking my juices from them.

'Yes, I do. I think it would be good for you, not only would it be something for you to do during the day but also I think you would find it both educational and fun. I'm sure you would find the money useful too.' he says as we pull into the driveway.

Once home, he fixes us drinks and sits down patting the sofa beside him, I sit beside him and nestle into the crook of his arm. 'I think you should phone Helen and let her know your decision before it gets too late,' he says as he hands me the telephone, 'she'll be thrilled if you accept, I'm sure.'

I take her card from my bag and carefully dial the number, Helen answers and, as Master said, she is thrilled to hear that I'll take the job. 'That's great,' she says, 'I have a really good feeling about this, it's going to be ace. See you tomorrow.' I say goodbye to her and return my place in the lounge.

Master wraps his arm around me and says 'Congratulations, a working girl now, I'm so proud of you and I know you'll make me even more proud.'

'What do you mean?' I ask, 'Is there more to this job than I know about?

'All will be made clear by Helen tomorrow, I'm sure, but everything she might ask of you has my approval. I don't want you to obey her as you would me, I would never ask you to give yourself to another like that. Helen and I have spoken and I trust her implicitly, I'd trust her with my own life and with the only thing as important to me, you. So whatever she may ask of you, no matter what, the decision of acceptance is yours to make. You are responsible for all your actions while at work; I have consented to the job and so consented to all it entails. Now, I think that's everything covered, you've a big day ahead so I think we should get an early night.' He stands up and holds his hand out to me; I reach up and take it then follow him up to bed.

He steps behind me as I stand in front of the dressing table and unzips my dress, sliding the delicate straps down my arms then allowing it to fall to the floor. His hands move up to my choker, which he unfastens and places on the dressing table next to my usual collar. He picks up my collar, the leather one he gave me when I first agreed to be his, and replaces the choker with it. I moan as the soft leather is wrapped around my neck, I hold my hair up and tilt my head down to make it easier for him to do up the buckle at the back. 'That's better,' he says, 'the choker is beautiful but it's just lacking in something, don't you think?'

'I prefer my collar, it has more significance for me, I just wish it was more widely acceptable then I could wear it all the time.'

'Well, the job should help with that, you'll be able to wear it with pride working there.' He says as he leans in to plant a gently kiss on my shoulder. 'Now, lets get out of all this and into something a little more restrictive.'

In no time at all Master has removed my underwear and I stand before him wearing only my collar. 'Lay down, my sweet slave, you will be able to sleep soundly soon.' he says and I lay on the bed. He fastens my leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles, he connects them securely with padlocks, wrist to wrist and ankle to ankle, before hanging the key via a carabina from the ring at the front of my collar. He undresses and climbs into bed beside me, he wraps his arms around me and I curl up into his warm arms. I feel so safe like this, held tightly by Master and secure in my bonds, I soon fall asleep in his embrace.

* * * * *

The alarm goes off at half past seven, Master wakes and kisses me softly on the forehead before getting up and heading out, I wriggle in my bonds and stretch against them. I hear the kettle go on and the clinking sound of mugs from the kitchen. Soon he returns with coffee for us both, he places the mugs on the bedside table before releasing my wrist and ankles. I sit up and drink my coffee slowly, my insides are in knots, I am incredibly nervous as I wonder what today has in store for me. I finish of my coffee then Master removes my collar so I can shower.

After we have both showered and dressed we sit together and enjoy another cup of coffee before Master leaves for work at half past eight. I finish doing my hair and make-up while I wait.

Helen arrives a little early but I am ready so we head off to her store. Helen drives a gorgeous car, a sporty little TVR that purrs like a kitten each time she accelerates and is perfect for nipping through the traffic as it pulls away so quickly. When we get to the city center I begin to wonder about where she might park as there are so many cars about but after zigzagging through the back streets she pulls up next to a garage door, which she opens by remote control, and parks next to a blue mini cooper. 'That's Miranda's, she's the girl who runs the front section, the lingerie store.' Helen tells me as we walk up a flight of stairs to the door of the shop, 'Do you drive, Jenny?'

'No, I don't, I'm afraid, I'll have to catch the bus or train or something.' I reply.

'Oh, nonsense, I practically pass your door everyday so giving you a lift is no problem,' Helen says as she opens the door. It leads into a small room where a pretty girl with long blonde hair sits drinking coffee. 'Miranda, this is Jenny, and Jenny, this is Miranda,' Helen says to her as she gestures towards each of us.

'Hi,' we both respond in unison.

'The coffee's in the pot just over there,' Helen says pointing to a table in the corner of the room, 'help yourself.' She disappears from the room, I make my self a coffee and sit down. Before I have a chance to take a sip Helen returns with a rack of clothes, an assortment of outfits, around fifteen in total. Each one is expertly made of PVC, latex or leather, there are also some fabulous silk and satin dresses. 'You're a size ten, right?' she says and I nod my head, so in awe of the garments that I simply cannot speak. 'What a coincidence, so are all these and more importantly they are your uniforms. Just choose what you want to wear today and you can get changed then we can get started. I'll bag up the rest of the clothes for you to take home. They are yours on loan and so you may wear them whenever you like outside of work but when you leave my employment they must all be returned, I see it as a for of advertising, the clothes speak for themselves, don't you think?'

'Oh yes, they do, they all look great.' I say as I go to the rail for a closer look. 'Wow!' I exclaim as I spot a bright pink PVC mini dress with a zip up the front, 'that's fantastic!'

'Well, try it on then and then we'll know if the others will fit too.'

I quickly remove the boring skirt and top I put on this morning and slip into the shiny plastic outfit, changing in front of Helen and Miranda makes me glad I chose such nice underwear this morning. The material makes a fantastic noise as I pull it over my skin, I fasten the zip to the top but Helen steps forward and pulls it down a couple of centimeters. 'Enough to make people look but not so much that you fall out, you look great. Right, I suppose I'd better show you around the store.'

Helen takes my hand and leads me through to the main store, the lingerie store. She sells the most beautiful lingerie, silk and satin underwear adorns the walls at eye-level, carefully arranged, while plainer and more practical cotton items are displayed lower down. I wander around and examine the garments more closely, 'these are beautiful, Helen, and really well made,' I say as I study one set of bra, thong and suspender belt in cherry red silk with a lace trim.

'Well, you get fifty percent discount in this store and the one that you'll be working in,' Helen explains, 'which is where I'm going to show you next. Come on, let's go and see your new workplace.'

Helen leads the way and points out the fitting rooms as we pass them, she opens a door upon which is a sign that reads 'Warning! May be shocking!' She enters and switches on the lights, the room is larger than I expect it to be, almost twice the size of the lingerie store. It is also darker with deep red walls compared to the pale blue of the lingerie store. One wall is covered with clothing racks where garments are arranged according to style and material. Another wall is used to display underwear that is a little too specialised to be in the main store, tiny garments of PVC and rubber along with the most fabulous corsets made from allsorts of materials. There are collars, cuffs, gags and blindfolds displayed on the wall to our left, to our right is the counter with the till behind which are a selection of specialised magazines, videos and DVDs. In the center of the room are glass cabinets containing vibrators, butt plugs, spreader bars and chastity belts for both women and men. On the counter beside the till is a catalogue which details the custom items, I flick through it and find pictures of cages, wooden boxes, stocks, benches, and St Andrews crosses, there is details of the full clothing range which can be made to measure and adapted for any purpose imaginable.

'So, what do you think?' Helen asks me as she walks up to the counter with a bunch of keys hanging from her finger.

'I think, I think it's an amazing store and the merchandise is exquisite. I think also that it is a fantastic opportunity and I'd be an idiot to turn it down, so, I think I'm going to like working here.' I offer my hand to Helen and we shake, she explains which keys open which doors and gives me another key on a stretchy key ring that opens the till. Then we cover all the mundane details like how to operate the till, any administration jobs I'll have to do and where other things are.

'Now,' Helen says 'I think you might like to put your collar on, I'm sure it will go really well with that dress but first you might like to call Mark and tell him our good news.' She lifts the telephone receiver, passes it to me and I make the call, Master is thrilled with my news and tells me that I can expect a reward when I get home from my first day at work. I finish the call and Helen continues, 'I assume you have your collar with you, and don't think I didn't notice your surprise when I mentioned it'

'But how did you know?' I ask.

'Well, I figured the choker was symbolic rather than just decorative but it was mainly the little gestures that gave you away. For example, you got up when he left the table and returned to it and you walk a step behind him. A vanilla person would never notice such small things or rather they may notice but they would simply assume that you have overly good manners and an awful lot of respect for your husband.'

'Oh my. I don't think about that kind of stuff anymore, both those things are automatic now, I always walk behind Master. Oops, clearly referring to Mark as Master is automatic now too but I usually remember not to do it in public.'

'Oh, Honey, you don't have to worry about that here. Now, as I'm sure Mark has explained you are free to make your own choices here, so do you want to wear your collar? It's entirely up to you.'

'Yes, I would like to.' I say as I take my collar from my handbag and lift it to my neck.

'Allow me,' Helen says and she buckles up my collar for me. I turn to face her, 'you look perfect, my sweet, it really suits you.' Helen looks at her watch, 'oh, it's nearly ten o'clock, Miranda will be opening up any minute, I'll just be in the staff room getting on with the paperwork, I've got heaps to do.'

My first customer is a tall man, good-looking gentleman. He wears a very well made suit of charcoal grey and is very distinguished with neatly styled silver hair and a presence of authority. He looks at me and strides directly over to the counter, 'Hello,' he says as his eyes glance up and down my body, 'a new face here, Helen's taste is impeccable as always.'

I simply smile and say 'Thank you, Sir, now how can I help you?

'Well,' he explains, 'my name is Edward Johnson and I ordered some photographs through Helen, last week she telephoned me let me know they were here.'

'I see, I'll just find them for you, Sir,' I say as I duck down behind the counter and quickly locate the folder in question, I place it on the counter and say 'here you are, Mr. Johnson, is there anything else I can help you with?'

'No, thank you, it's just the pictures today,' replies as he opens the folder and flicks through the images of a very attractive lady with a voluptuous figure and long blonde hair. In each of the pictures she is either scantily clad or restrained in one way or another and in all of them she is absolutely stunning. He turns to a photograph of her in chains with red welts across her back; a gasp escapes my lips as I take in the beautiful image before me. 'She is incredible, isn't she?' he says.


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