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Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 13

Story Info
Elizabeth and Royce in New Orleans leads to trouble.
5k words

Part 13 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/27/2015
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Hello reader! I want to take a moment thank you for continuing down the road with me! I also want to caution you. I'm taking Elizabeth down a dark road in this chapter. It is necessary. This is a bit of a spoiler but I want you to be aware of what I am about to do. If you don't wish to have the chapter spoiled then skip to the normal Chapter 15* heading and begin reading.

This chapter includes Royce's taking of Elizabeth in a drug induced state. This is rape. I don't condone or approve of this in any fashion, but I need to write what I my heart and imagination has dictated. I think it is where I am supposed to go with this story. This is where I'm taking Elizabeth.

As far as I know, no one in the BDSM community would approve of such a thing, but I want to write my fiction as I am inspired to do so. This is not what I believe the lifestyle is. It is, however, a fact of life. This goes on. I want my stories to be realistic and dramatic. For entertainment for sure. But I don't mind putting in some realism. I don't mind making you shift uncomfortably in your seat. I want to make you laugh. I want to make you cry. I want you to hate. I want you to feel. That is my job as a writer.

If you don't want to read about the rape, then skip this chapter. I'm posting it separate because rape invokes strong feelings. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to read this. I will allude to it in later chapters and this chapter isn't one you have to read for fear of missing out on the rest of the story. I, and Elizabeth and Royce, need to go here, but you don't have to follow. It won't affect the rest of the story as my allusions to it in later chapters will keep you up to date. It will also be the only time I will allow any of my characters in the story to experience the graphic nature of this violence.

If you are offended by this chapter, my deepest apologies. I was torn on whether I wanted to go this route and spent several days in contemplation on whether I should. But for my beloved Elizabeth, I want her to be a cautionary tale. I love her, but I must do what I have to do.

Chapter 15*

"Hello gorgeous!" the soft southern drawl caused her to turn. Elizabeth smiled as she saw him.

"Royce!" Elizabeth smiled out warmly. He took her hand into his soft manicured palm. His eyes lusting after her made her smile. She liked the way this hungry wolf digested her. She also liked to play her games with him as well.

"I was hoping I would see you here," he told her never letting go of her hand.

"I was wondering if your father would send you down," she smiled. "You and New Orleans are not a good combination!"

"No?" he grinned.

"What's this?" she asked tilting his chin to look at a fading bruise on the underside of his jaw.

"Your Master didn't tell you?" he asked her his voice hardening.

"No," she shook her head.

"That is what I'm going to kick his ass about!" Royce said confidently. "He sucker punched me!"

"Gavin hit you?" Elizabeth gasped. "When? Where? How? Why?"

"You sound like a reporter!" he laughed moving close to her. "It was at Madelyn's."

"Because of Kelly?" she gasped.

"No, I think it had more to do with that little pet of his," Royce admitted. "Why do you let him have another, when you can't?"

"What makes you think I can't?" she asked him.

"The fact you haven't let me fuck you properly yet," he told her in a half snarl. "It's probably been a long time since somebody fucked you properly!"

"Trust me," she smiled. "Gavin has no problems in fucking me properly."

"I bet he can't fuck you like I can," Royce whispered cockily.


"You're still walking," he grinned. "I wouldn't need another if I owned you."

"No?" she smiled liking the way he was hitting on her. "Maybe you will get your chance."

"Really?" he smiled.

"Alexandria isn't Gavin's choice, she's mine," she told him of her plan. "She is my replacement, so I can move on."

"No shit?" he grinned.

"No shit."

"So, when can I fuck you?" he asked her brushing his hand across her breast through her shirt in the middle of the street.

"When you can claim me," she told him pushing his hand away with a Cheshire cat grin.

"When?" he asked her hard.

"A few weeks," she told him. "I want to play with her a little myself."

"Hmm," Royce frowned. He ran a finger across her jaw line before he took hold of it firmly. "I don't want to wait!"

"I don't give a fuck," she told him bluntly. "You will wait. If you do anything to violate another's sub...the repercussions would be severe. You know that. It's the one absolute no one will break. Those who violate a Dom's property are ostracized. They also risk losing everything as the full weight of our world turns against them. You want to be somebody, don't fuck that up because you can't wait two weeks."

"You don't want me to wait two weeks," he told her. "Do you?"

"No," she smiled. "But it is what it is. End of story. You can't fuck me."

"I noticed there is some leeway there," he smiled. She smiled.

"Look," she said coming close. "Are you holding anything?"

"I might have something," he told her with a slick grin.

"Coke?" she asked. He nodded. "Tonight? After the conference?"

"What are you going to pay me with?" he asked her as she pulled her hand away.

"I've got money," she said taking a step back as her coworkers came closer to her.

"I don't want your money," he told her with a laugh.

"We'll work something out then," she turned and left with her fellow lobbyists.

Elizabeth pulled back from her line. She rubbed the bridge of her nose as someone came into the restroom. Royce always had the best stuff. When he showed up today it relieved her. She wouldn't have to go looking. Royce always had something. Gavin would never allow her to do drugs, which is why she enjoyed the business trips. He didn't like Royce either. The fact that Gavin struck him made her smile. She wondered if he would have hit him for her. Would Gavin go after Royce if he knew he was supplying her with drugs?

She adjusted herself in the stall and left the bathroom. She rejoined Royce at the table of the strip club.

"Thanks," she smiled at him. "That's exactly what I needed!"

"Are you going to give me what I need?" he asked her.

"I'm not fucking you," she smiled. "Yet." He grinned and nodded.

"What are you going to give me then?" he asked her as he rubbed her lips with his thumb in a hint.

"I can do that," she smiled. "I can do that very well."

"I don't doubt that one bit!" he said as she suckled on his thumb.

They turned down the street headed for the hotel, but Royce didn't want to wait. He pulled her into a darkened alley and kissed her fully on the mouth. She took hold of his head with both hands and devoured him with her mouth.

He gently nudged her with his hands and she quickly dropped to her knees. Tugging at his pants she yanked down his zipper and pulled him out. She looked up at him and saw the lust in his eyes. She looked down at it. He was smaller than she anticipated. That was a slight disappointment. She was hoping he was large. She gently pulled back his foreskin revealing his head. She smiled up at him as he groaned when she took him in her mouth.

The warmth of her mouth caused him to grow. She liked the feel of him doing that. Starting off semi hard, then the feel of him hardening under her manipulations. Growing larger in her mouth. Forcing her to adjust as he grew. She gripped his ass when he was fully hard. Looking up at him as he peered down at her she dropped all the way down and demonstrated her deep throat skills.

Her mind screamed in disappointment as he wasn't that much of a challenge. While Gavin wasn't a Horse Cock, he was at least a challenge in both girth and length. Royce wasn't. She pulled off slowly, teasing him with her tongue. Looping it around the head.

"I love the way you look sucking my cock," he gasped.

"Thank you," she smiled

"But, I don't do soft!" He told her grabbing her hair in a fistful. He forced his cock down her throat and used his grip and his hips to drive his cock in her mouth. She was caught off guard by his sudden change, but adjusted.

Her body warmed, her pussy began to get wet. She always loved being taken. She loved being treated like a whore. Used. She let him work her. Pulling her hair and driving his cock down her throat. His hips flexing as he drove himself deeper in her mouth. Her nose bouncing off his groin, being tickled by his bushy pubes.

He pulled her mouth off and the saliva dripped from her mouth, she had let it form to provide lube for his semi-assault on her throat. She wasn't having any trouble, she had throated much larger men than him. Even larger than Gavin.

"I want to fuck you," he growled down at her. She shook her head with a smile. "Why?"

"You don't own me," she smiled wickedly.

"I can just rip your little skirt up and fuck you," he threatened.

"You are so close to being somebody," she threatened back. "Don't blow it now." She smiled at her innuendo. "So it's either my mouth, or I leave you like this." He smacked her face. "You think that is going to change my mind?" As she smiled at his playful slap.

He growled as he pulled her face back down on his cock. She laughed inwardly at his anger. Now he wasn't even remotely gentle, taking out his anger on her mouth. Her scalp began to hurt with his yanks, the pain she enjoyed. The reckless abandon as well. Gavin never lost control. Royce was letting his inner animal out and she was reveling in it. Something she had seen in Gavin only a couple of times in their year. She loved being the reason a man lost control of his emotions.

She looked up to see the contortions on his face, he was getting close. She wondered just how he was going to finish. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his manhandling. The way his cock hit the back of her throat, then retreated.

The smell of stale urine and trash filled her nose as she remembered she was being taken in a dirty alley. She hoped she didn't get any on her skirt. She pulled it up a little to make sure.

Royce was so wrapped up in his impending orgasm he didn't see the disappointment in her eyes as she realized this was already about over. While she enjoyed being taken she wished it would have lasted longer. She was hoping she could push a few more buttons on him. Driving him wild.

He shot his first wave into her mouth before pulling out and fisting his cock while he yanked her hair back tilting her face up and let the rest land on her face and chin. She smiled while he did so. She loved pushing a man over the edge. With Gavin it was a great challenge, something he rarely let her do. With Royce it was so easy. She enjoyed the power over him, she knew she was in control. Once she had his animal out, he would do anything for his orgasm. A few more pushes and she would get what she ultimately wanted.

He looked down at her cum coated face. She pushed some in her mouth with her finger and sucked it off.

"You look beautiful that way," Royce told her. When she started to clean it off her face he yanked on her hair causing her to yelp in sudden pain.

"No, slut," he barked at her. "You owe me. I want you to walk back to the hotel. Just like that with me. I want everyone in New Orleans to know that you just sucked me off!" She smiled at the wickedness of it. She nodded. He was going to push her boundaries. She was going to enjoy being taken by him.

The next evening Royce winked at her from across the hotel bar. She smiled as she talked with her coworkers. He was sitting at the bar, she was at a table. She pulled her skirt up a bit then adjusted to give him a peek at her undergarments. He grinned sinisterly at the tease while she continued talking with those at the table.

Royce never took his eyes off her. She loved that. It was turning her on. She could tell he was ravaging her in his mind. She wanted that to continue. She would adjust from time to time to give him a tease. After about an hour he had enough. He motioned with his head for her to leave. She smiled and stayed another fifteen minutes before telling everyone she was tired and headed for bed.

He was waiting for her outside her hotel room. Leaning against the wall by the door.

"What took you so long?" he growled at her.

"You don't own me," she smiled as she put her key in the door. He took her by the arm forcefully. She smiled at the accosting.

"You think I won't?" he asked her realizing her smile told him she felt safe. She didn't answer. "I can't wait till you are with me, so I can teach you your place."

"When you own me," she smiled moving close to him. "I won't act like this, I know what you need. I will give it to you!"

"So you are going to drive me crazy until then?" he smiled seeing what she was doing.

"Yes," she opened her door and he followed her in causing her to turn.

"What are you doing?" she asked him with a smile. Her heart leapt into a higher gear. She hoped she was playing this right.

"I figured after a long day at the conference, you could use something to unwind," he smiled showing her is black bag kit.

"What's that?" she smiled.

"A little H," he smiled.

"Sorry, not my cup of tea," she shook her head as he walked after her as she walked backwards.

"Ever tried it?" he asked her. She shook her head.

"I don't like drugs you can't shake," she told him.

"Relax," he grinned. "Statistically, only about 25 percent get addicted. Your strong, it won't happen to you, it hasn't happened to me."

She thought about it, she had heard about the high it gives. She wanted that feel. Coke was good, but it was losing its appeal.

"It's safe?" she asked him. He nodded.

"I wouldn't let anything harm you," he smiled. She nodded.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed she watched him prepare a needle.

"You can snort this, but to get the real rush, you have to shoot it," he told her as he worked. "That's the best!" Her body shook. Both in fear, and excitement. This was definitely a no-no with Gavin. She didn't know why he was so against the drugs. His moral high ground she assumed. Being a doctor maybe.

Royce brought the needle to her and took her arm.

"NO!" she stopped him. "There is no way Gavin doesn't notice a mark on my arm!"

"The fucking bore," Royce smiled as he shook his head. "Does the guy do anything for fun?" He knelt at her feet.

"Kick your shoes off," he told her. She did so and then pulled her stockings off as he watched her. "The fucking weirdo doesn't have a foot fetish does he?"

"No," she smiled. "Where are you going to put it?"

"Between your toes," he smiled. "That's where I go, that way my father doesn't see it either." She nodded her approval. He picked up her foot and kissed the instep.

"Do you have a foot fetish?" she asked him.

"No, but this is the foot of a goddess," he grinned.

He carefully place the needle in between the big toe and the next. Looking up at her she nodded her consent.

"This is about to rock your world!" he smiled. She smiled with him. Her last lucid thought was of a hope that Gavin never finds out. He would be furious!

Slowly inserting the needle she winced as it sharply pierced her skin. He winked at her. The sudden flush of warmth started at her toe and radiated upward. The sudden rush of euphoria caused her to gasp as it hit her full force.

"Oh my God!" she gushed. He smiled up at her. She tried to wet her lips multiple times as the warmth rushed around her body. It was the most exquisite feeling she had ever had. And it was so sudden!

Royce came up to her and kissed her lips. She was all smiles. The feeling was fantastic, a high she hadn't had in a long time. The warmth, the quickened breaths, the sudden rush of happiness! It all hit her at once, like a tidal wave of pleasure.

Her arms became heavy, her legs unable to move. Royce lay her back gently as he stretched out along side of her.

"This feels fantastic!" she gasped. Royce traced his finger along the edge of her top, down her cleavage. He slowly slid a hand inside her bra and cupped her breast.

"No," she smiled as she tried to push his hand away.

"I'm just feeling you," he smiled. "Nothing more." He continued to touch her. Her arms becoming heavy. As were her eyelids, she was struggling to keep them open. His touch felt wondrous on her skin. The feel of the drug as it rushed through her system combined with his hands made her wet.

Something he noticed as he slipped his hand up her skirt. She didn't ever realize he was there until he had his fingers inside of her panties. She had thought he was still on her breast. She attempted to push his hand but found her arms too heavy to lift. The feel of his hand on her sex caused her to gasp.

The feel was compounded by the drug. She knew that. She had some of her best orgasms when she was high, it simply brought all the sensations out.

Royce watched her fade in and out of her senses. Going to land of Nod he called it. The half-awake, half-sleep feel. He could see the rush, then the rest. He had done this enough to know he just needed to wait until she was in Nod, then he could finally have her.

He undid her top and revealed her to his eyes. She had spectacular nipples! He lowered himself to her and took one in his mouth. It felt heavenly. A forbidden fruit! He looked up to see her eyes open briefly a small smile then her eyes closed again.

He took the other nipple in his mouth and brought it taught. His body was revving. He rubbed himself through his pants. Stroking his hardness. He undid the zipper on her skirt. Standing up he slowly pulled it off of her. Causing her breasts to shake back and forth as he tugged the tight fitting skirt off.

She shook her head at him but was in no condition to stop him. He knew that. She said he was going to have her in two weeks. So it was just a timing issue. One she will deal with. He would make it up to her. She would be mad, but he could change her mind.

Pulling her top off, she was now all but naked in front of him. He yanked her panties down, that was the last barrier keeping him from her. He marveled in her beauty. How did she wind up with Gavin? She deserved someone better. Someone who could take her places. Someone like him! He could convince her of that, and wash whatever guilt she had away.

Taking her sex into his mouth he found her wet. This pleased him. She may be high, but her body was responding to the situation. She wanted him to take her. That's what he figured! His tongue in her caused her to twitch. When she didn't respond the way he wanted he was disappointed. He wanted her fully involved! But his body, his mind wouldn't let him stop now. He had wanted her for too long. He was going to have her.

Shucking his clothes from his body he stroked his cock as she looked at the goddess before him. Pushing her legs apart with his knees, he crawled up in between. He guided his cock to her entrance and put the head poised just above it. Her eyes opened briefly and she smiled at him. Her hand coming to her face and almost slapping herself as she had little control of her limbs.

Royce watched her face as he entered her. It was somewhat anti-climactic. She didn't do much of anything. No response, no pleasure. No rage for his violation. He frowned. This wasn't going to be like he wanted.

He left himself there as he thought about what to do. He then decided he was committed now. There was no turning back. He began long slow thrusts into her as he propped himself up over her with his palms on the bed, his arms outstretched. He frowned again. It wasn't what he was hoping for.

He pulled out and flipped her over. Pushing his cock back in her he began to fuck her harder. His hips slamming into her fine ass filling the room with the echo of skin on skin slapping. It was music to his ears. He dropped his mouth to her back but then remembered he couldn't mark her. That would ruin everything. No, he could only fuck her now. He would mark her later.


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