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Sequences Ch. 02


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"Called you 'Master'." Sequence whispered.

The Master stroked Sequence's head.

"Means a lot to me." The Master began untying Sequence gently soothing him. "Let's sleep."


"Daffodil, this is Sequence. He's Masters sex slave." Tulip said holding Sequence's hand tightly. "Sequence, you sit there. Don't move ok?" Tulip let go of his hand as Sequence sat on the floor near a wardrobe.

"Whys he blindfolded?" Daffodil asked from the other side of the room.

"He talks with his eyes. He needs the blindfold to control it with people who are a different species."

"Why is he here?"

"Though you might like some company while I'm working and Sequence's duties take place mainly at night." Tulip grinned at Sequence. "If you want him to leave he will 'cause he's more scared of me than he is of Master."

Sequence nodded.

"You're going to leave him alone with me?"

"Only 'til he comes back." Sequence said. "He doesn't know I'm here. You're not meant to talk to boys and I'm only meant to talk to scary women."

Daffodil laughed.

"I can be scary."

"Good. I'll fetch you when Master gets back, Sequence." Tulip smiled and left them alone.

Daffodil smiled at him.

"You don't have to sit on the floor, Sequence. You can move if you want."

"Would you mind if I took a bath? Tulip kidnapped me before I could take one."

"No, go ahead."

Sequence stood up and went over to the bath and began to run the water.

"Do you like your Master? Is he good to you?" Daffodil asked watching him.

"He's a good man. Surely, Tulip has told you about him?"

"But you're a sex slave. Its different for you."

Sequence got into the bath tub.

"He's my first owner. I was stolen from my planet and he brought me. I kept trying to escape. Before him, I didn't even know what sex was. Now I'm a sex slave. If anyone should hate him, it should be me but I don't." Sequence sighed. "When I first came everyone told me he was a good man and that I should stop making him angry but it meant nothing to me. Had to work it out for myself. You've got to think about how he's treated you."

"I haven't seen him since he brought me."

"Exactly." Sequence lay in the bath, rinsing the shampoo from his hair.

"Do you normally wash your own hair?" Daffodil asked suddenly changing the subject.

"Since I've been here Tulip has been washing it. Back home, the rain took care of it. Why?"

Daffodil moved closer to him.

"You're rubbish at it. Do you want me to help you?"

Sequence smiled and nodded.

"You weren't lying when you said you could be scary!" He said.

"I used to be a sex slave, before I came here. Tulip says I won't be anymore. I think that's a good thing. I think sex holds too many bad memories for me. He was always quite aggressive. With everyone, not just me. I think I was better treated than the others." Daffodil used a cup to rinse Sequence's hair. "He hasn't branded you. Do you think he will? Has he with any of the others? You're the only one I've seen naked around here."

"I don't like clothes. Tulip dresses me up sometimes. Branding? I haven't seen any evidence of branding."

"I'm branded. I hate them. I think its evil to brand someone. Especially if they don't want it. I don't want to be naked around here."

Sequence looked over her.

"You're pretty. Thank you for washing my hair." He got out of the bath and began drying himself. Daffodil dried his hair for him.

"I feel that Tulip is the Master's favourite?"

"Definitely. He rescued her. More rescued than you. He saw her owner mistreating her, beat him up and brought her from him."

"I didn't know that. You're not jealous of her being his favourite although you're his sex slave?"

"After him, I obey Tulip."

Daffodil laughed as Tulip opened the door.

"Its good to see you laughing." Tulip said. "Master's caught us though, Sequence, he's outside."

"How did he catch us?"

"He came in the back way and went to the video room first."

"Will he beat you?" Daffodil asked.

"Not if I blame, Tulip."

"He won't beat anyone. He'll fuck you." Tulip said to Sequence.

Sequence smiled then gasped, his eyes widening.

"Oh my gosh! I was meant to enema before he got home! I'm in so much trouble. I was going to be good today. I'll come see you again, Daffodil."

"Even if he beats you?"

"Depends how good the beating is." Sequence giggled and left.

The Master grabbed Sequence as soon as he left the room.

"Did I say you could talk with her?"

"Tulip said it would be a good idea."

"Did it work, Tulip?"

"I think so, Master. They were laughing together."

"I take it you haven't enema-ed this morning?"

Sequence dropped his head.

"Don't beat him, please?" Daffodil said peeking around the door.

The Master turned to her.

"And what is your name, young lady?"

"Tulip calls me 'Daffodil'"

"Do you like the name?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And you've had a good time with my sex slave?"

"Yes, Sir." Daffodil's voice quivered.

"He's told you that I am stern and cruel?"

Daffodil smiled and shook her head. The Master cupped Sequence's chin and smiled at him.

"He's obviously lying! You do not have to stay in the room. You can work with Tulip or stay with Sequence since you like him but you must ensure he does his tasks. Sequence, go. I hope to see you around, Daffodil."

Sequence smiled at Daffodil, before running off to his room when the Master slapped his ass. The Master followed him slowly.

"He seems nice, Tulip."

"Master or Sequence?"

"Both. Sequence is funny."

"Sequence enjoys getting in trouble. He pushes Master to beat him. He's beautiful, though. I'm taken with him, so I have to be careful or he'll get me into trouble."

"Can I come with you today?"

"Sure. Sequence will find us in a bit, I'm sure."


"What was the beating for this morning?" Daffodil asked a week later as Tulip and she were sweeping the hall. Sequence was laying on a window ledge watching them. He grinned.

"Nothing. I've been so good all week!"

"Sequence, to days ago Master asked you to go to the kitchen and get fruit. You came back with chocolate."

"Everyone prefers chocolate."

"We shouldn't have introduced you to it!"

"I'm glad you did." Sequence grinned.

"Ok, so what kind of good work did you do to get a beating?"

"Said I didn't want to have sex with either of you."

"Why not?" Daffodil stopped sweeping, put her hand on her hip and stared at him. "Thought you thought I was pretty."

"I do. I like you."

"But not enough to have sex with us?" Tulip asked.

"I like you too much to have sex with you! Gosh! You two should be on my side!"

Daffodil scanned Sequence's body.

"You walk around, naked all the time. I'd love to have sex with you!"

Sequence frowned and stood up.

"Girls confuse me! You'll have to beat me as well!" Sequence walked off.

"Poor kid, maybe we shouldn't tease him so much." Daffodil laughed.

"If we end up having to sleep with him. I'm going to blame you!"


"Tulip, Daffodil. Come sit down please." The Master said going into the slave room. The two girls sat down in front of him. "Don't tease Sequence. Its not nice. I have a good mind to punish both of you making you sleep with a guy who likes girls."

Tulip bit her lip, trying not to laugh.

"If you laugh, I will go through with that threat! What do you have to say about this?"

"He shouldn't be disobeying you, Master." Daffodil said.

"So you'll volunteer to sleep with him?"

Daffodil frowned.

"You really want him to sleep with one of us?"

"The kid has only been with me. He doesn't even know what sex is in reference to girls. And he likes you two and you both like him. I'd like him to experience sex with girls."

"We could do it together." Tulip suggested. Daffodil nodded.

"Next week. he'll probably have to be tied up."

"I'd sleep with them without being tied up." Thyme grumbled from behind them. "Sequence doesn't realise how lucky he is."


Sequence's arms were tied to the top of the bed and his feet were tied to the bottom. He was wearing his new blindfold, had an anal plug in and a cock ring on.

"Don't be so selfish, Sequence. You are my sex slave and I control you. These girls, they need their confidence raising, they need to be in control in sex and you are perfect for the job. You'll like it and even if you don't, you're going to pretend you do and not change how you act around them. Do you understand me, Sequence?"

Sequence nodded.

"I understand. It won't change anything. Its always been you, then Tulip, then me. Daffodil work under Tulip's authority. This will just enforce the rule. It'll be ok."

The Master kissed Sequence.

"You're my favourite, Sequence. And I'm sure you'll enjoy this."

"Tulip is your favourite."

"Tulip is an amazing girl but no, you're my favourite, I promise you are."

"Wow." Sequence's eyes stayed open longer than necessary.

"Now, keep that a secret and be good for these girls." The Master left then returned with Tulip and Daffodil.

"Why are we so unattractive to you, Sequence?" Daffodil asked going over to the bed.

"Don't have females like you on my planet?"

"What are females like then?"


Tulip bent down to kiss Sequence, he turned his head away so that her lips met his cheeks.

"Sequence, be nice." The Master said sitting on a chair by the wall.

"Are you staying, Master?"

"Yeah, wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Ok. Come on, Sequence. Don't be silly. It'll be nice." Tulip said. Sequence kept his eyes closed tightly as Tulip began to rub lube over his cock.

"Its less painful, Sequence." Daffodil whispered, licking Sequence's neck. Sequence shuddered. "You go first, Tulip."

"Sure." Tulip lifted her dress around her waist and straddled Sequence's chest. She bent forward and kissed his chest before lifting herself onto Sequence's cock.

The Master smiled as he realised that Sequence was holding his breathe like he had when the Master fucked him.

Daffodil sat in front of Tulip on Sequence and began kissing her while lightly flicking Tulip's clit. When Tulip came, Daffodil moved forward, implanting herself on Sequence's cock facing away from him. Tulip pulled on Sequence's balls.

"Shall I take off the ring, Master? Let him come?" She asked.

"No. I'll fuck him after."

Tulip let go of Sequence's balls and concentrated on Daffodil, intent on making her come. Daffodil screamed as she came, she let herself fall forward.

"That was hot." She said, kissing Sequence's leg.

"Totally." The Master agreed.

The girls smiled at him.

"Did you like it, Sequence?" Tulip asked.

Sequence shrugged.

"Tulip, that's an unfair question. He doesn't like anything. How much do you want to escape, Sequence?" The Master asked. The girls laughed.

"I don't. I want to come." Sequence whispered.

"There we go, a positive result. I'll talk to you girls later. Sequence will probably come and watch you work later."

The girls left the Master and Sequence alone. The Master untied Sequence's legs from the bottom of the bed and retied them to the top of the bed, near Sequence's hands.

"Beautiful Sequence. That was so hot watching those girls find pleasure in you. So hot watching you with someone else." The Master gently tugged out the anal plug and pushed two fingers into the boy's ass. "I know you hated it. That's what made it so good to watch." The Master pulled his fingers out and offered them to Sequence to suck. Sequence opened his mouth and accepted his fingers.

"It's better with you." Sequence spoke while sucking on the fingers. "Fuck me."

"Ask properly." The Master smiled as he removed the cock ring and rubbed his fingers over Sequence's balls.

"Fuck me, Master."

"Love it when you call me 'Master'; when you mean it." The Master pushed his cock into Sequence's ass, gripping Sequence's balls tightly. Sequence screamed and attempted to wriggle closer to the Master. "Come, Sequence. Come for me, let me feel it." The Master let Sequence's balls go and held himself deeply inside Sequence's ass as the boy came. The Master rode through the orgasm and then pulled his cock out, aiming himself at Sequence's face. Sequence opened his mouth wide and received the Master's come on his face and in his mouth.


Sequence was sitting on a window ledge, wearing a pair of white shorts, reading a book when the girls went into the room; he didn't look up at them.

"You ok, Sequence?" Tulip asked, going over to him.

"Would you hate me if I said I hated it?"

Tulip hugged him.

"Could never hate you, sweetie. You hate it more than you do with Master?"

Sequence nodded.

"Why?" Daffodil asked.

"Didn't hurt." Sequence grinned at them.

"You're so naughty, Sequence! We're trying to give you a good time and you want pain! We could have hurt you!" Tulip pinched him before going back to her cleaning. "Why are you wearing shorts?"

"He asked me to."

"You back to being good?"

"I'm worried he won't let me go back."

"I wouldn't. I wouldn't trust you to come back."

"I've said he can tag me."

"When you turn into a tree you could remove any tag." Tulip said.

"Are you a girl when you're a tree?"

Sequence smiled and nodded.

"No wonder the Master loves you." Daffodil ruffed Sequence's hair. "He'll let you go, Sequence. Even if he doesn't think you'll come back, he'll let you go. He loves you, Sequence."

Sequence turned away from her and looked out of the window then threw his head back against the wall.

"I miss home."

Tulip stopped working and went over to him.

"Sequence." She hugged him. "You're going to stay there aren't you?"

Sequence shook his head against her shoulder. He moved back to make eye contact.

"I'll come back because I've promised to. I have to. I'll come back and I'll like it here, being with you guys and with him but I'll always miss home. If I stay there, I'll miss you too much. I'll come back."

"What do you miss about it? The people?"

"No. They're like me. I can't miss myself. I miss being able to see things properly, I miss understanding. I guess I miss knowing everyone else and what they're thinking. I can't hear people's thoughts here, or see everything. It's all hidden here. Its more interesting, more complicated."

"You hear each others' thoughts?"

Sequence frowned.

"We're like bees." He said. "Yeah, like bees. Connected to each other. All working together together. Its not good to be alone."

"You're alone."

"I have you guys." Sequence stood up. "I can't hear your thoughts but I'm connected to you." He stood by the door.

"Hey, Sequence." The Master patted Sequence's head as he entered the room. "Girls, I asked you to tidy this room up. There's still dust sheets over all the furniture. Come on. We've got guests coming tomorrow and this isn't good enough. Sequence, open that cupboard and choose whatever takes your fancy."

"Master." Daffodil whispered as Sequence opened the cupboard and pulled out a horse whip. Sequence grinned at Daffodil as he handed it to the Master.

"Yes, Daffodil?"

Daffodil looked at the floor, nervously.

"Tell me, Daffodil. Has Sequence been distracting you or have you just been lazy?"

Daffodil looked up at the Master and then at Sequence, who was biting his bottom lip to stop himself grinning.

"Lazy, Master." She whispered.

"Really? Ok, Sequence, turn around."

Sequence turned his back on the Master and barely flinched as the first stroke landed between his shoulder blades. His head dropped and jumped after the second stroke.

"Stand still, Sequence. You knew what was going to happen and you chose the whip."

"Master won't beat us, Daffodil. He'll only ever beat Sequence to punish us." Tulip explained, wincing at the whip marks.

Sequence jumped again at the third and fourth strokes.

"Why'd you choose the whip if you knew that, Sequence?" Daffodil asked going over to him and hugging him.

"Never had it, normally get the cane." He said breathing deeply.

"Idiot!" The Master said affectionately. "Girls, get this room tidied. I'll take Sequence away."

"He could help." Tulip suggested.

"I just took a beating for you two! That's enough help." Sequence smiled at them and then followed the Master out of the room.

"Master never beats you?" Daffodil asked as they began tidying.

"No. Never. He won't beat you either. Like he doesn't have sex with us."

"Because we're damaged?"

"Because we've had bad experiences."

"And he beats Sequence because we care too much for him. It hurts us to see him beaten."

"Yeah but he seems to like it."

"The freak."

"Yeah but he's beautiful."


"You look beautiful." The Master said, sitting on the bed looking at Sequence.

Sequence was wearing a young gown.

"Its a females outfit isn't it?"

"No, its unisex."


"For males and females."

"Do I have to wear this often?"

"No, just tomorrow."


"An important meeting. Don't worry about it, little one. Try on the shoes. Lets see if you walk in them."

"These are definitely female."

"Yeah, they'll make you taller."

"Will it be scary tomorrow?"

"Everything scares you. Shoes please."

Sequence braced himself on a wall as he slipped into the shoes. He wobbled over to the cupboard.

"Don't like them." He said.

"You'll be fine. You can hold onto me."

"May I take them off now?"

"No. You can take the robe off but keep the shoes on for practise. When did you last eat? You want something?"

Sequence took the robe off and put it back on its hanger. He smiled as he went over to the bed.

"Master, I know where the leaves are kept. You shown me and you've told all the kitchen slaves as well. When I want food, I get food."

"When did you last eat then?"

"This morning. I had some grapes."

"How many?"

"About twenty. Master, I'm ok here."

"I'm just checking. That's my job. Come on, walk me to my office in the shoes and I'll let you take them off while you suck me off, deal?"

Sequence frowned slightly.

"Do you want to come quickly?"

"Not particularly. I'm quite sated."

"Deal then." Sequence smiled at him.


"Pretty shoes." Thyme commented to Sequence as he and Basil returned to the slave room that evening.

"Thanks." Sequence frowned at him. "They're girl's shoes. I can't walk in them."

"Master making you a girl for tomorrow." Basil said slowly.

"Whats happening tomorrow?"

"You'll find out tomorrow." Thyme said smugly.

Sequence lay back on Tulip's bed next to the two girls.

"I should be the favourite! I should know whats going on more than anyone else. I should be able to know."

The other four slaves laughed at him.

"Wrong species, Sequence."

"Poor thing. Not knowing everything."

Sequence frowned at them.

"Why don't you just tell me whats going on and we'll all be happy."

"Cause you're a rubbish liar and Master will know."

"I can lie!"

"No, you can't. We had to tell you what lying was!"

Sequence sat up, placing his feet on the floor. He sucked in air loudly.

"I'll tell him I forced you to tell me. He'll beat me and everything will be fine."

"You force me? Yeah, right." Thyme scoffed. " No - one would believe that. I could snap you with one hand."

Sequence smiled, opening his eyes and started at Thyme. Thyme attempted to move backwards and fell off the bed as Sequence's arm seemed to move towards him as if to strangle him. The others gazed at him.

"Whats up, Thyme?" Daffodil asked.

Thyme looked over at Sequence.

"Master, he'll put you down. When he finds out, he'll put you down."

"Finds out what? Whats going on?"

"He tried to strangle me!"

"From over here?" Tulip asked sceptically.


Sequence gazed innocently at him.

"You must have visualised my thoughts. We must be closer connected than I thought."

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