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Serpent's Charm Ch. 01

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Witch with a fear of snakes meets a seductive demonic lamia.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/20/2020
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"A Isn't that sooooo much better, sweetiepie?"

"Soooo much sweeter."

"Our sweeeet girl."

"Silly sugarplum."

As the buxom berrymaids massaged her between their hot bodies, Limini squirmed and bit her lip to hold in her cries. The bounty hunter's bright blue eyes were half-shut, and her shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair kept getting in them as she was passed around between her five captresses, their forms as supple as ballerinas and as soft as ripe peaches

For a moment, she was faced upward, an opportunity Limini took to glare balefully at the seventh woman in the clearing. "D-Dirty trick, Emma."

Emma smiled down at her. Her copper eyes glinted in amusement, and her plump, dark lips twitched toward a mischievous smirk as she admired Limini's state. "Trouble with the passion fruit, Minnie?"

"I—unh!" Limini gasped as a tongue started lapping at her pussy. "Y-You don't—b-bad faith, Emma!"

"Oh, hush." Emma giggled as Limini was rolled onto her belly and taken in a passionate kiss by a sultry redhead with skin the color of madrone bark and lips guava pink—and guava-sweet. "You already broke that rule in the Wastes last year. Very out of bounds."

"O-Oh, right." Limini moaned and squirmed. "B-But still—th-this is way, way—ohway worse!"

Emma pouted. "It's not so far. Sounds like... sour grapes."

"Oh, dear!" breathed the dryads' leader, Lilikoi, as she rolled Limini around—kneading her tits—and fixed the bounty hunter with a wide-eyed look of sympathy. "Still so sour, sweetiepie? We need to fix that right up!"

Limini tried to glower, despite the brain-melting massage her tits and ass were getting, not to mention the delectable tongue at her cunt. "Emma," she growled, "you know we aren't allowed—allowed—" She blinked rapidly, trying to keep her eyes on Emma as Lilikoi started idly playing with her own tits. "We have a... have a..."

Lilikoi beamed, leaning in. "Ooh, you were right, Emmie!" she cooed, batting her eyelashes at Limini. "Do we like boobies, sweetie girl? Bouncy-bounce? Heehee!"

"N-No," Limini mumbled, her eyes drifting helplessly towards Lilikoi's magnificent rack. The pleasure was overwhelming. "Emma, y-you... not fair..."

"I told you," Emma said indulgently. "My Minnie is such a sucker for girls with big breasts. She loves mine the most, of course!"

"Nn..." Limini licked her lips, watching the tits jiggle, feeling relaxation creeping in. "Mm... cheater..."

"Winner," Emma corrected. Limini heard jangling as the rival mercenary lowered to crouch beside her.

"Mm..." Limini's eyelids fluttered. Bouncy-bouncy. "S-Still... still with the snake jewelry, Emma?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Emma flush pink.

Limini and Emma had often tangled over jobs in the past—as two of the best (and most amoral) mercenaries around, the witch and wizardess ran into each other all-too-often. They had certain rules for fair play. Chief among them: no messing with each other off-the-job.

They were both hot on the trail of a red-haired sorceress named Vivi. Until the job had officially started—until they knew they were close to her—Limini wasn't allowed to mess with Emma, and vice versa. It made off-the-job... liaisons a little safer. Apparently, Emma felt that they were close enough to Vivi now to start bending the truce.

That was useful intel, but Limini wasn't happy about how she'd learned it.

"It's just decorative," Emma retorted. She brushed her long dark curls from her face, leaning in close. Her own tits, even larger than Lilikoi's (though her Amazonian build made them a little less absurd), were barely contained by a strip of cloth, and they caught Limini's eye unerringly. As did the pretty green serpent tattoos coiling around her shoulders and down her sides.

Emma Rose was desperately, almost adorably afraid of snakes. Part of that was due to her reliance on a certain rabbit spirit for her magic, and part of it had always been with her. Limini was one of the few who knew about it. In fact, she'd been the one to suggest the jewelry and tattoos—a way of facing her fears, and of hiding them from other enemies.

It had been a nice gesture for a sometimes-ally and lover. It had also been a useful way to make sure that only Limini would know the greatest weakness of her often-rival. Unfortunately, right now all she could do with that knowledge was make snide remarks, and they both knew it.

"I bet it is." Limini licked her lips again, watching Emma's tits quiver. She was so thirsty. So... so bouncy...

And this time, Emma appeared to notice that neediness. The northerner witch smiled slyly. "Aw, is my Minnie thirsty?"

"Ooh!" Lilikoi paused her bouncing, blinking wide eyes. "IS she?"

Limini gulped. "W-Wait, Emma—I need to tell you—"

"She looks thirsty!" Emma cooed, nodding eagerly. She bounced in place with a giggle. "Are we a thirsty girl?"

Limini's lips parted. "Limini is a thirsty girl," she whimpered.

Emma knew some of her weaknesses, too.

The passion berrymaids were suddenly all aflutter with delight and mock-concern for her, their poor, thirsty girl. "Nowonder you're so sour!" Lilikoi purred, stroking Limini's hair. "Poor Minnie needs a little sip!"

"Don't call her that," Emma said coolly, rising to her feet as the berrymaids lowered Limini to the grass and rose up around her, giggling down at their prize.

"Emma," Limini whined pathetically, as the tongue between her legs sped up. But when she realized Lilikoi was taking her head and guiding it to her chest, she gave one last frantic cry. "Emma, you don't know—tracks—I saw sna—mmmf! Mmm..."

Lilikoi took eager advantage of her open mouth to slip a nipple in. Limini felt her mind suddenly melt as her lips automatically closed around it.

"Drink up, sweetiepie," the berrymaids hissed in her ears as she moaned and started to helplessly, meekly suckle. "Get all niiiiice and sweet!"

"Bye, Minnie," Emma said sweetly, turning to go, the bangles around her wrists ringing softly in her departure. "You can tell me when I get back to you. I am sure you will be so sweetly grateful for the rescue by then, you won't even mind that you lost the bounty!"

"Mmmm!" Limini half-protested, as molten pleasure and mind-breaking sweetness started to pour into her, as the licking between her legs started driving her wild and she realized she was so, so close to coming—"MMMMM!"

Emma paused and turned. For a moment, Limini thought she was going to change her mind—show mercy, as she sometimes had before (and then, had always been made to regret, once Limini was through with her).

But instead, Emma giggled and leaned down to plant a kiss on Limini's cheek. "Bye, Minnie!" she sang. "Be a good, thirsty girl now."

The words sank into Limini like pure, addictive honey. Limini's eyes half-closed, and she lost herself to the orgasm, to the sweet nectar, to the tits, to the relaxing massage, to the coos of delight and encouragement endlessly filling her emptying head.

And for a while, she completely forgot that she'd been planning to warn Emma that she hadn't actually been hunting Vivi just yet. She'd been tracking a different quarry.

An old enemy who she'd once just barely escaped from.

~ ~ ~ ~

Emma made her way through the jungle, unable to help strutting a little bit, a sly, confident smirk on her dark, fulsome lips. She hadn't expected to run into Limini so soon, but as always, the darling girl was just a molten mess for boobies.

She giggled, glancing down slyly at her own improbably massive chest—barely contained by the strip of cloth she liked to call a shirt. Ever since she'd worked out the witchery to keep the weight off her back, she'd loved to bare as much as possible. It always turned Limini into a sweet, slutty, stammering, babbling mess to watch her bounce and jiggle.

Emma almost wished she could have spent more time with her darling Minnie, to really play around with her a little. Odds were good that Limini would manage to break free before Emma got back, after all. But, well, work was work. There would be time for play later.

The jungle witch crouched down low, scanning the treeline. Her natural fitness and her magic combined to astounding effect, her muscles rippling as she knelt. Her luscious bubble butt stuck straight out behind her, scantily covered by her thong. Any lucky witness would be helplessly drawn to her gorgeous ass, its natural shape and tone complemented by the twining serpent tattoos that drew the eye right down her back and to the curve.

Her toes curled and dug into the mossy earth. Her grip tightened on the spear she always carried—a two-pronged spear almost reminiscent of a tuning fork, the spearhead a deep olive green engraved with images of grasshoppers and cicadas—and she hummed under her breath, calling to her the spirits of springtime, of leaping insects, spirits of the air and of the canopies.

She activated the spell and sprang twenty feet up into the air. Emma landed neatly on a branch, rocking briefly for balance before righting herself. Her copper earrings and wrist bangles jingled and jangled from the motion, and she paused to fix her long curly hair, kept in check only by the large, decorative ivory comb she wore, stylized to resemble a jumping spider.

Emma Rose was a springheel witch, and she dressed for mobility above all else—not just in her clothing, but in the spirits she draped around herself. Now with her height advantage, Emma scanned the forest, mind abuzz and coppery-brown eyes glittering with excitement and curiosity. She was no stranger to the rainforest, of course, but she'd never been to this part of the jungle. The murderously steep cliffside to her right was part of a mountain she didn't even quite recall the name of.

She was also playing it safe for another reason. Emma was here to catch an infamous bounty—Vivi, a red-haired sorceress infamous for her arrogance and her talent for pretending to be a bimbo to lull her enemies into a false sense of security.

But she'd also seen lamia tracks recently.

And Emma could feel the deep cedar-bark brown of her dimpled cheeks burning a bright red, and her heart flutter and race, at the very thought of encountering a lamia here. The rabbit's foot necklace she wore—actually made from wood and wool, but realistic enough—sent unpleasant tingles of fright and longing in equal measure.

Rabbits were scared of snakes. Emma was scared of snakes, too. Her spirits were scared of snakes.

And she was also very, very turned on by lamias.

She bit her lip and tried to focus. Tried not to think about getting wrapped up, about getting massaged and cooed into mindless stupor staring into beautiful swirling eyes. Tried not to think about... about...

The jungle girl gave a miserable whine and leaped back down to the ground in a single spring. She couldn't see any sign of the lamia, and she hadn't seen tracks in a while, anyways. She needed to not think about it. Needed to focus on finding Vivi.

And she'd just spotted a shock of red in the distance. She grinned, stretching slightly, before whispering a spelled plea for silent footfalls and making her way towards the great thicket of passion flowers. Her toes settled without a sound as she crept forward.

As she was drawing near, Emma licked her plump lips and adjusted her hair slightly—she always tried to look her best on a job. Sure enough, there was a woman in the thicket. Her back was turned, but her long, brilliant crimson hair was unmistakable. Got you, Emma thought with a smirk.

She took a step forward—a somewhat incautious one—and the spell wasn't quite able to muffle the sound of her stepping on a twig. She froze.

The woman turned.

Gods, she was beautiful. Emma was almost taken aback. She'd been told that Vivi was a bombshell, but she'd been expecting more of a made-up bimbo harlot type. But... gods. She was nothing like Emma had been expecting.

She had a round face, and pillowy, kissable emerald green lips. Her eyes were a brilliant, brilliant green—greener than a nymph's, greener than a druid's. Her long crimson hair drifted around her and framed her face perfectly. She appeared to be wearing some kind of horned tiara, and she was actually a lot bigger than Emma had heard. Not as well-endowed as Emma, the witch thought with pride, but a lot bigger than most mortals, that was for sure. Nobody had mentioned Vivi had breasts like that.

Most strikingly, Vivi was totally naked. The leafy vines surrounding her served as some cover, but... Emma licked her lips. This is going to be easy.

"Hello, there!" Emma said with a bright smile. "Aren't you a cute one!"

Vivi blinked at her. She had very big eyes, and thick lashes. Those plump green lips were half-parted in surprise.

Then she smiled, and gods, she had a gorgeous smile. The kind of smile to melt hearts and set pussies dripping. No wonder she'd had half the barons and baronesses wrapped around her finger for years. "Oh, hello, there," she purred, raising an eyebrow. "And... who might you be?"

"Emma Rose, at your service." Emma did a little curtsey—a cruel joke, in her garb, as it just made her tits bounce. She grinned inwardly, noticing Vivi's eyes drifting over her whole body. "And I think you are Vivi, yes?"

A pause.

"Oh, yes," Vivi said, her smile widening. "You have found Vivi. It's sssooooo nice to meet you, Emma Rose!"

Emma giggled. Vivi drew out 'so' a little too long, her voice almost sibilant. It was kind of sexy, for some reason. Maybe it was just that she was naked and Emma was insanely horny right now. "It's very nice to meet you, Vivi. I think you are even more beautiful than the wanted posters say!"

She wasn't afraid of Vivi right now. The rabbit foot charm had its issues with snakes and foxes, but it effectively shut down all mind control other than that—mortal, fey and demon alike. She was happy to let Vivi flirt and try to spell her. It was kind of cute, and it kept Vivi from running off.

"Well, thank you," Vivi purred. She tilted her head to the side, openly admiring Emma. "Do you really think so? I've heard sssome call my eyes... dull." She batted her eyelashes.

Emma almost laughed. Dull? Who could call those gorgeous, breathtaking twin worlds of green dull? Vivi's eyes glittered and sparkled like ancient treasures. Perfectly complemented by her brilliant red hair, those eyes seemed to swirl endlessly. Pretty, pretty swirly spirals of green, turquoise, blue and gold.

"Oh," she murmured, a smile sliding across her face as she admired them, "really? But they are lovely!"

"Aren't they?" Vivi whispered, beaming. She swayed to the left, then to the right. "But sssome tell me they could almost... fall... assssleeeeeep when they look into my eyes." She drew out the words as soft, sensuous sighs.

Emma giggled faintly. "Oh? Tell me..." She yawned. "... T-Tell me more." She loved Vivi's voice. Almost as much as she loved those eyes. Gods, those eyes were like... like coils, like endless soft comforting coils wrapping around her mind and squeezing her, squishing her, squishing all the thoughts away...

"My eyes must be sssooooo dull," Vivi hissed, smirking, "to make people ssssoooo..." She swayed to the left. "... sssleeeeepy..." She swayed to the right. Bobbed her head up and down.

Emma nodded faintly. "Uh... uh-huh. I-I mean, no. I mean... I mean I disagree." She swayed back and forth, trying to keep focused. Vivi's eyes shimmered and gleamed like river stones. Rippled and swirled like... like swirly thoughts getting squished and squeezed...

"Oh?" Vivi giggled. Her eyes spiraled. She swayed to and fro. Bobbed her head. Around and around. "Tell me more, Emma Rose."

The way she enunciated Emma's name made the jungle witch lick her lips. She nodded, staring deep into Vivi's shimmering eyes and searching for adjectives. "They are very, um... very... very, um..."

She frowned, wondering dimly why words felt so hard to think now. Vivi just smiled and waited, continuing to rotate. Sway. Swirl.

"... pretty," Emma whispered, as her frown was replaced with a delighted smile.

Vivi licked her lips. Something about that tongue gave Emma pause, but... but it wasn't, um... "They don't make you sssleeeeepy?" she cooed, and her sibilant voice soothed Emma's worries, laid her mind back to its comfortable rest. "When they ssswirl in your mind, sssooooo bright and pretty? They don't make you all... empty... and obedient?"

"Mm..." Emma nodded slowly. Swirly-swirly-swirly... "Um... well..."

She wasn't hypnotized, of course. Emma loved to play along, but she knew she couldn't be hypnotized. Even if Vivi's voice was like fingers stroking her hair, stroking her thoughts away, soft and breathy and delicate... her eyes like endless winding coils, winding around her bare feet and ankles, up and up around Emma's scantily-clad body, pulling Emma deeper and deeper into a soft, warm, comfy, cozy embrace...

... even if Emma was maybe drooling a little bit as she managed, "... p-pretty... o-obedient?"

Vivi's grin widened. She leaned in. Emmna was leaning in, too, Emma dimly realized, leaning further and further towards the red-headed temptress.

Toward those gorgeous, mind-melting green eyes.

Swirly... swirly...

Emma couldn't be hypnotized. She licked her plump lips, trying to remember to breathe, as her mind drifted and sank deeper and deeper into those swirly... swirly...

"Sssee?" Vivi giggled. The tip of her tail gently guided Emma's chin upwards as Emma's head drooped, so kindly helping Emma to keep eye contact... "Poor girl. My eyes must be sssooooo dull..."

Emma giggled vacantly. "Dull..."

Good thing she couldn't be hypnotized, because she felt very, very dull right now. Very vulnerable. And Vivi was sexy and sly enough to take advantage of that. But that was a risk only if Emma was brainwashed, and luckily, she couldn't be.

"... to make you sssssoooooo ssssssleeeeeepy..." Vivi whispered, almost moaning the words and sending exquisite shivers up and down Emma's spine, as she leaned in closer... closer...

The coiling eyes wound tighter and tighter. "Sleepy..." Emma mumbled, tongue lolling out slightly. The jungle witch felt awfully groggy. She felt like she could spend eternity staring into those eyes. They made her feel so light and liquid inside, just molten with sleepy, empty-headed submission.

"You might need..." Vivi hissed, smirking, "to lie down..."

"Mm..." Emma nodded dreamily, feeling the strength melting from her, all her muscles relaxing as she swooned back into the smooth, warm, pulsating coils...



The thoughts started to pound in Emma's head, subtly at first, but louder, heavier. Her eyelids fluttered. Celeste was coming closer, closer, poised to silence her mumbling with a dominant, mind-melting kiss with those seven forked tongues..



Forked tongue.

As the dots connected and panic flared to a life, a fiery blaze from the small ember of concern. Emma flailed, letting out a cry of pure fear, realizing that brilliant crimson scaled coils were fast surrounding her, that the lamia was so, so very close with those forked tongues, those spiraling green eyes—

As her amulet's power surged to life, Emma sprang.

'Vivi'—or the creature pretending to be Vivi—frowned, and appeared to tense. It took all of Emma's magical finesse and physical grace to avoid the suddenly tightening coils. She twisted in midair as sound rushed back to her, the sounds she had, in her dreamlike haze, tuned out—the slithering of coils, the cracking of twigs and crunching of dead leaves—


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