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Sex on the Beach: Family Vacation


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"Me too," I grunted. I sank my cock deep into my sister's ass as I began to climax. Sasha cried out again and desperately worked her clit as she began having her orgasm. Her asshole was pulsing and throbbing so intensely around my cock. It was squeezing me so tightly; my orgasm felt unbelievable. I shot rope after rope of cum deep inside Sasha's ass.

The two of us came together, with my cock deep inside her ass, for what felt like a long time. My climax finished first, so I just held my cock in her ass while Sasha enjoyed the remainder of her orgasm. Once she finished coming, I slowly slid my cock out of her ass.

"How does my butthole look?" Sasha giggled.

"It looks like it took a bit of a beating," I chuckled. Her asshole was definitely a little bigger than usual. I wouldn't say it was "gaping" or anything ridiculous like that, though. But with my cum slowly dripping out of her ass, she certainly looked like she just got fucked in the ass.

"It doesn't hurt or anything," she said cheerily.

"I'm glad," I said. "Did that feel as good for you as it did for me?"

"Dude, yes," Sasha said. "That was fucking amazing. Could you feel how hard I was coming?"

"Oh yeah," I grinned. "Your ass practically milked my jizz straight out of my dick."

Sasha laughed. "God, that's so profane. But it's also hot."

"Right?" I chuckled.

I turned around and turned the shower on, quickly soaping up my lower half and rinsing off. After I got out, Sasha did the same.

"So, if you're horny again later, do you think you could maybe just use my mouth or my pussy?" Sasha asked as she stepped out of the shower. "I think my asshole needs a break."

"Of course," I laughed. "It wouldn't be fun for me if you weren't enjoying it."

"That's good," Sasha smiled. "My mouth and pussy are all yours then, if you want them."

"I do," I grinned. "Or at least, I will."

Sasha looked at me for a moment before leaning in and kissing me. She reached around and grabbed my butt as she snuck her tongue into my mouth. I returned the favor, placing my hands on her asscheeks and squeezing hard. Sasha moaned slightly before breaking away.

"Let's not get carried away," she said with a wink. "We've been in here a while already."

I nodded. Sasha went out first. I sat on the toilet and waited for a second, but the coast was clear. Sasha quickly got dressed, then I came out and got dressed too. We sat on our respective beds and talked for a bit. A few moments later, Austin came in to check on things, seeing as we had been gone a while. He saw that we were just sitting on our beds chit-chatting, so I don't think he suspected anything. We decided to get up at this point. Austin left first. Sasha and I got up and walked out together. I gave her butt another squeeze before we exited the bedroom.

We didn't do much for a while. We all ate breakfast together, and then, per usual, we started getting ready to go to the beach. Sasha and I were in our room alone for a couple minutes, during which I grabbed her tits and her ass a few times. She also groped my dick through my pants, but that was about it.

Sasha was wearing a particularly skimpy bikini today. The bikini bottoms hardly covered her pussy at all. They were just a very thin strip of fabric in the front, and a G-string in the back. After Sasha finished putting on the bottoms, she bent over and spread her buttcheeks to show me how little the bikini covered her. From the back, I could totally see her butthole behind the thin G-string, and I could see her pussy lips clearly.

"You look incredibly hot," I said. "Jesus Christ."

"Thank you," she smiled at me.

Her top wasn't quite as skimpy as the bottoms, though it did little to obscure her breasts from view. Her nipples also poked through the fabric pretty clearly. Honestly, I'm surprised she wanted to wear this around my parents, but I suppose she knew they didn't care, and she really just wanted to make me and Austin horny. I mean, clearly she enjoyed turning people on.

"You wanna go for another walk?" Sasha asked, giving me a sly smile.

"Sure," I grinned.

"Hopefully we can find something as nice as last time to mess around in," Sasha said.

We left our bedroom and gathered up our belongings before joining the others outside. Austin looked Sasha up and down, clearly liking what he was seeing. Meanwhile, my parents paid her no mind, which again surprised me a bit, given how scantily-clad Sasha was right now. I guess they were just used to her antics by now.

The four of us strolled down to the beach. Austin and I set up chairs and umbrellas while my parents set out the bags and positioned our cooler conveniently between the chairs. Once all was said and done, Austin sat down in a chair and began to read, as did Sasha and I. We were sort of banking on Austin dozing off again, which apparently he is wont to do. And sure enough, after about thirty minutes, Austin had fallen asleep. Sasha gave me a look and a nod, and we quietly announced we were going on a walk. My dad acknowledged us, but my mom didn't even look up from her book. So, Sasha and I took off down the beach, walking in the same direction we had last time.

I exercised a bit of self control in that I made sure to keep my hands off my sister until we were far enough away that my parents could definitely not see us. But once the coast was clear, my hands were all over Sasha's ass. I squeezed and spanked her butt whenever I knew nobody could see me (just because I didn't want to subject people to me groping this girl's ass). Sasha grinned and egged me on with small moans and whimpers whenever I felt her up.

We kept walking for a while. I think both of us were hoping that that hole from the last time would be there again. I wasn't sure exactly how far we had to go to know we got past it, but Sasha said she remembered what the house's looked like near where the hole had been. So, we kept walking.

"Holy shit," Sasha said, pointing ahead. "Jake, look!"

I looked where she was pointing, and wouldn't you know it -- that hole from the last time was there again. It looked like it had been freshly dug out again this morning.

"Oh my God," I said, smiling. "I can't believe it!"

"Me neither," Sasha said.

We hurriedly walked to the hole and inspected it. It looked just about the same as last time. Same size, same depth. It had a seat around the rim with plenty of room in the bottom.

"Shall we?" Sasha said, looking at me with a devilish grin.

"Absolutely," I said. Clearly, the reservations I had the first time we messed around in this hole were gone.

Sasha carefully stepped down into the hole so as not to destroy the seat. She squatted down on the bottom and immediately pulled her bikini top down underneath her tits, propping them up for me to enjoy. Her nipples were already rock-hard.

"C'mere," Sasha cooed. "I want to suck that big cock of yours."

How could I say no to that? I slowly stepped down into the hole, sitting down on the seat with Sasha between my legs. I leaned back and glanced around. Just as before, the mounds of sand around the hole more-or-less blocked everything else from view, meaning we were basically secluded. I lifted my butt up and Sasha pulled down my swim trunks. Sasha immediately took my balls into her mouth, sucking them gently while I just enjoyed the view. Once my cock had gotten a bit harder, she let my balls fall out of her mouth and took my prick into her mouth, sucking on it gently.

I quickly became completely erect in her mouth, and she started to bob her head up and down along the length of my shaft. I leaned my head back and moaned loudly as Sasha expertly worked my cock. The girl knew how to give a blowjob, that's for sure. She continued slurping away at my erection, twirling her tongue around the head.

"Oh my God," Sasha gasped, coming up off of my cock quickly.

I opened my eyes and saw that Sasha was staring at something behind me. I whipped my head around and saw a young couple standing at the edge of the hole. I desperately tried to slide my swim trunks back up over my erection, but I struggled a bit.

The girl laughed. "You don't have to put that away," she said. She had brown eyes and fairly long brown hair. She was wearing a very skimpy bikini, pretty similar to the one Sasha was wearing.

"Yeah, you're good man," the guy said.

I was too embarrassed to speak, but I stopped struggling to pull my swim trunks up.

"We're the ones who dug this hole," the girl said. "For the same reason y'all are using it right now, actually."

"Really?" Sasha said. She had pulled her bikini top back up over her tits, and despite being beet-red, she didn't sound too embarrassed.

"Yep," the guy said. "We actually saw y'all go into it the other day, and we figured you had the same idea we did."

"Oh man," I chuckled. "We thought nobody had seen us."

"Yeah," the girl grinned. "We were watching up from our beach house." She gestured a bit behind her. "We didn't want to disturb you obviously, but we were curious after we saw you come back."

"We were kind of hoping you would," the guy said.

"Oh, really?" Sasha asked. "Why's that?"

"Well, we just figured if you're into exhibitionism, then you might be into other things as well," the girl said. "Forgive me if that's a bit of a reach."

"No, it's not," Sasha said, speaking for me. I was in way over my head though, so I was content to let her do the talking here.

"I didn't think so," the girl said. "My name is Ashley, by the way."

"And I'm Brian," the guy said. "We're dating, if that isn't clear."

"I'm Sasha," Sasha said, smiling. "And this is my boyfriend, Jake." Right, we totally had to play things off as if we were dating. How bizarre.

"Nice to meet you guys," Ashley giggled. "You're welcome to come up to our place for a bit, if you'd like. We're right here on the beach." She gestured back behind herself again.

Sasha looked at me and shrugged. I shrugged back.

"Sure," I said.

Brian and Ashley looked like they were about our age. Ashley was super attractive. Not to be crass, but she had big tits. And, as we walked up to their beach house, I discovered that she had a really nice ass. She was also really pretty. I guess Brian was pretty attractive too, because Sasha whispered to me that he was "super hot".

As we walked up, Sasha and I explained that we couldn't take too long, as our family is down on the beach with us, and they'd wonder where we were if we were gone for too long. Brian and Ashley said that was fine, of course. They had a really friendly, open vibe about them. I'm a little surprised we agreed to head back to their place with them, but given they were about our age and seemed really nice, I guess Sasha and I collectively thought "why not?".

I also wasn't sure what we'd be doing. I mean, Brian and Ashley just caught Sasha giving me a blowjob on the beach, so I assumed it would be sexual. But I wasn't sure if Brian and Ashley were strictly exhibitionists or if they wanted to mess around together... Ashley did basically suggest that we might be into more than exhibitionism, after all. I was already thinking of an excuse to give my parents in case we took too long -- I could just say that we ran into some of my friends from school, and so we were talking with them.

In any case, we were about to find out what Brian and Ashley had in mind, as we had just reached the steps to walk up to their beach house.

To be continued...

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ToughSailorToughSailor3 months ago

The whole thing between brother and sister got to be just way too verbose and therefor monotonous. Basically a four page story crammed into ten pages.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Decent story, but it was a tad too repetitive for me. The dialogue was just the same old thing everytime. "Can't belive were doing this" "Can't believe how good it feels" "Little brother" "Big sister". Definitely some good in the story, but you should work on not repeating the same dialogue so much.

schwanmanjimschwanmanjim8 months ago

Part 2? I like how you tie in Brian and Ashley.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Where is part 2 !!! Best story on here. Read it about 3 times now. Please write part 2 or someone else write part 2. This story needs to continue.!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I keep coming back to this story. Really looking forward to a part 2 that I hope is in the works.

5thRing5thRingabout 2 years ago

I appreciate that you did not spend a lot of time on build up to sexual activity. I was a little worried, since it was 10 pages, and I've encountered so many other stories that bored the shit out of me for three pages, but you got to the point without immediately jumping right into it. I do appreciate SOME build up.

I do have to complaints, tho. The first is more of a personal preference, in that I do like a little apprehension, so the fact that the brother was initially so cool with the prospect of doing things with his sister was a negative for me.

The second complaint is that there was a lot of repetition. It felt like parts were all but copied and pasted, which made me zone out a few times while reading.

One thing I DO appreciate is when the female takes the initiative.

The story did not go where I had thought/hoped it might. I was imagining the sister being part of a ploy to get the brother receptive to a 3-way, resulting in an ass/pussy double penetration, but oh, well.

I will be following you.

5thRing5thRingabout 2 years ago

If you're interested, here are some errors I found. Please feel free to delete this comment if it does not serve you.

["Probably a good idea, I grinned." I could feel myself getting harder in anticipation of getting naked in front of my sister (again), which was definitely a good thing.]

*"Probably a good idea," I grinned.

[Sometimes I'd love to the sides and grab her hips as I probably would if we were having sex in this position.]

Sometimes I'd *move (?)

["I could read down and massage your balls while you emptied them deep inside my pussy."]


[She clutched me in different plays,]

*ways (?) *places (?)

WhatsamatterUWhatsamatterUabout 2 years ago

Please continue this incredible tale. 5 stars.

MilothatchMilothatchabout 2 years ago

Please continue this! It's one of the best stories on this site!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

using another guys cum, yuck, fucking gay ass story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow, was hard all through it! Can’t wait for the next one, and hope there’s some painting of her face and tits with cum too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

be good to have him eating her pussy before and after cumming in it.

GreatwanniGreatwanniover 2 years ago

Can’t wait to find out what Sasha and Jake have gotten themselves into!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

can't wait for the next installment...

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 2 years ago

I loved it! Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter! Five stars and a favorite point!

howler9980howler9980over 2 years ago

Kept me hard all the way through. So good. Can’t wait for the next one.

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