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Sexy Suburban Soccer Moms Ch. 01

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Jill is seduced by hot neighbor.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/05/2023
Created 10/16/2023
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LESBIAN SEX: Jill is seduced by hot neighbor

All characters in this story are over the age of eighteen.


When I was in college I used to fool around with a couple of my girlfriends. And I absolutely loved it. I thought it was so erotic and exciting... and just plain fun. But after college I got married, had my daughter, and left my wilder days behind. I loved my husband and my child and didn't want anything to interfere with that. I was a devoted wife and mother, enjoyed getting cock from my husband, but somewhere deep inside I must have been craving the soft, erotic touch of another woman.

Yes, there was something missing. That erotic delight of playing with another woman. The exquisite feminine and erotic feel of a woman's soft curves And just the plain exciting fun of it. I'm in my early forties now, and I had been repressing these bi sexual thoughts for two decades--until I had recently started looking at girl-girl porn on the net. Then those old cravings came back with a vengeance.

Actually it started after I had caught my husband jerking off to internet porn a couple of times. I was a bit shocked at first, and felt perhaps a little jilted. Like, maybe I should be jealous of his being able to get off by looking at those naughty women on the net, when his own wife is right here in the flesh and blood.

At first I feared that I'd lost my sex appeal. But, in looking at myself in the mirror, I saw an attractive woman with nice brunette hair and no streaks of grey. At five foot eight, pleasingly plump, but not fat, and with a rack most women would kill for, and no wrinkles on my face, there's nothing wrong with me. So, why is my husband jerking off to internet porn?

Then I got to thinking that if my husband can look at porn on the net... why can't I?

My husband had a well-paying job so I had elected to become a full time housewife and mom of a boy away in college and an 18-year-old girl on the H.S. Soccer team. My husband also had to do a lot of traveling for his job--which gave me plenty of time by myself to enjoy Lipstick Lesbian porn and masturbate while recalling the glory days of my youth when I was able to enjoy some real girl-girl fun in person.

We lived in a two-story suburban home, and we had an extra bedroom-turned office that had windows overlooking our next door neighbors' yard. It is in that room where I looked at porn on the net, read the Lesbian stories on Literotica... and masturbated to it all.

Veronica Vance lived next door and was in a similar situation to me with twin 18-year old daughters, both on the soccer team with my daughter. Her husband's job, which also kept him on the road a lot, paid enough that she could be a stay-at-home mom just like me.

Veronica and I often drove our three daughters to and from school giving us plenty of time to talk and become friends. Veronica at 5'9" was a tad taller than me. Like me, she had a nice rack up top, though they weren't quite as big and fleshy as mine were. I considered myself to be a tad overweight, but most of my extra weight was in my tits and ass..

But I really admired Veronica. She was leaner and more athletic looking than me. And my admiration for her more toned body turned into just plain lust.

Veronica sometimes liked to sun bathe in her in back yard. And during those times, when I was all horny from looking at girl-girl porn I'd stare out the window and masturbate to Veronica. Yes, I'd jerk off to my neighbor while spying on her. I'd fantasize what It'd feel like to put our two bodies together in bed--not to mention hands, lips, cunts, and tongues. Her, learner, harder more athletic body against my more fleshy one. What would it be like to feel her long, smooth, sexy firm legs wrapped around me, her sexy toned thighs squeezing hard against the sides of my face while I tasted the hot sexy nectar between?

One morning when we took our daughters to school Veronica was dressed so incredibly sexy I was shocked she would be dressed that way in front of her own daughters, much less mine. She had on a white latex mini, white heels, beige hose, and a tight-fighting T-shirt that accentuated her tits--and her very visible erect nipples with no bra to hold them back.

I was mildly embarrassed about my daughter seeing our respectable neighbor, the mother of her two best friends, dressed like a porn star. But it also made me horny especially watching the way that tiny skirt hiked up when she climbed into the passenger's seat next to me. I felt almost out of place since I was dressed in a conservative sun dress that came to my knees, had low pumps on my feet with no hosiery. But, like Veronica, I also was not wearing a bra because my tits always felt uncomfortable confined to a bra.

After dropping our daughters off at school Veronica said "Say, Jill, why don't we go have breakfast together? I know this place with really gorgeous waitresses--and great food. Some really nice eye candy... makes the meal more appetizing." She giggled.

"Sure," I said. We'd both been in such a hurry that morning that we'd had nothing but a sip of juice and a cup of coffee.

As I pulled out of the school's parking lot she gave me a sexy look and said, "so what do you usually do all day. I mean with your husband gone most of the time and your daughter at school?"

Not yet ready to admit what I really did, I said, "uh, I dunno, I workout a bit, read a lot, do e-mails, surf the net a bit."

"Oh, so as you surf the net..." she smiled at me again, and licked her lips teasingly... "do you ever happen to look at some porn sites? I mean, I sure do."

She shifted in her seat causing her tiny skirt to hike up even higher--so high that I could see she wasn't wearing any panties. For some reason that sent thrills to my own pussy. Made me start to get wet. The fact that she had just admitted to looking at porn sites herself didn't hurt any.

"W-w-well, yeah, I guess," I said, my face now lushing hot as I know she couldn't help but notice the way I'd looked between her legs and now nearly exposed crotch. "Once in awhile. I mean who doesn't?"

"Good question. Who doesn't? I sure as hell do. I bet most women do. Really, I get so fuckin' horny sometimes." She shifted her position again turning a little towards me so I could get a better view of her cunt. Not only was she not wearing any panties, but she was shaved as well. Really made my mouth water. I was having trouble keeping my eyes on the road.

Catching me looking at her like I was, she turned even more towards me sliding her left knee up onto the car seat. The move hiked her skirt up higher yet exposing her entire crotch to me. I could see that her pussy was at least as wet as mine was, and it looked so fucking inviting framed as it was between her gorgeous nylon-encased thighs.

"I really enjoy dressing like this," she said running her hands up and down her thighs, so teasingly, "and going around without any panties. It makes me feel like such a slut. And when people, especially other women, look at me like you're doing, I get so fuckin' hot I go home and have glorious masturbation sessions.

"S-s-s-sounds like fun," I said with increasingly dry mouth

On the way to the restaurant we continued talking about sex, masturbation, and internet porn. Somehow the Literotica site came up. When she said she enjoying reading the lesbian stories, it really got me hot. Could all my fantasies about her actually come true?

"Me too," I admitted. "I really enjoy masturbating to some of those Lesbian sex stories." I wasn't yet ready to tell her that I'd also ventured into some of the Mother-Daughter stories, and how intense my orgasms were when I read them.

"Oh, I'm so glad you love Lesbian stories too," she said. "Maybe sometime we can read some together. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Even more fun," I said, feeling adventurous and laying my hand on her thigh and giving it an affectionate pat,"if we should happen to masturbate together at the same time. Maybe even watch some hot porn movies together with our vibrators buzzing between our legs."

"Hey," she said, laughing, "I'm all for it. We can have our own private little sex party. Y'know, I've been admiring your tits for ever so long." She reached over and began fondling me with both hands.

Since I was driving I couldn't very well push her away, not that I wanted to. But the thought of being trapped in that situation and not being able to do anything about it while she took advantage of me to play with my tits was too incredibly erotic to explain. So I just giggled and said, "you're going to make me cause an accident."

"What a wonderful way to go." She giggled with me.

She directed me to the restaurant, I parked the car, and we went in and were shown our seats.

All of the waitresses here were young and attractive--and all of them were dressed in tight-fitting white T-shirts with no bra, tiny red mini skirts, and three-inch pumps.

"I see what you mean about the eye candy," I said to Veronica as we looked over our menu and the waitresses.

The waitress who came to our table to take our order was a real knockout. We figured her to be about the age of our daughters, but after talking to her found out she had just graduated from high school and was trying to save up some money for college. She was blonde like Veronica and had her hair done in a sexy double pony tail which made her look younger than she was. And I couldn't help fantasizing how much fun it'd be to chow down on that sweet young pussy.

Veronica was already ahead of me in the naughty thoughts department. As the waitress was taking our order, Veronica accidently on purpose dropped her menu so that it fell under the table. "Oh clumsy me," she said, as she started to bend down to pick it up. Knowing Veronica, this move was designed to give her the opportunity to look up the girl's skirt.

But the waitress, Kathy was her name, beat Veronica to the punch. She placed a restraining hand on Veronica's shoulder and said, "that's all right ma'am, I'll get it." Whereupon the lithe young girl squatted down under our table to retrieve the menu. As she squatted down I caught a glimpse of her panties before she disappeared under the table.

I Glanced at Veronica's face and the look on her face and the way she mouthed the word flashing told me that she had positioned her legs in a way that the young girl couldn't help but look up her skirt and see how wet her naked pussy was. Veronica's audaciousness shocked me, but also gave me new thrills doing something like that in public--especially when I realized that the waitress was taking longer than necessary to just retrieve a menu. She must have been enjoying the view, which turned me on even more.

When Kathy stood back up her face was bright red, and her nipples were tenting her tight T-shirt even more. Which confirmed that she'd gotten a thrill from looking up Veronica's skirt. Her hands were shaking when she jotted down our orders. After placing our orders with the kitchen, she came back out to clean the table in the booth right directly across from ours. As she wiped the table clean, she had to bend far forward to reach the back part of it. Needless to say both Veronica and I were getting our eyes full. Bending over like she was, the girl's skimpy skirt was hiked way up... and God, were her panties ever wet!

As I stared, I heard the sound of Veronica's shoe dropping with a clunk on the floor, then I felt her sexy foot teasing my calf muscle. I smiled and flicked my tongue lewdly at her.

Veronica moved her foot higher, teasing the insides of my thighs. I soon followed suit, and so there we were having foot sex which each other while watching the cute waitress bending over and fantasizing burying our faces between her smooth thighs, gobbling up her wet panties--and doing all this in public!

The girl soon completed her job of cleaning the table, and turned around to catch us looking at her. She smiled and said, "your food will be out soon. Then you can eat." She said the last word in such a way that I could almost cum.

Needless to say, when we finished our meal and departed we left her a huge tip... and Veronica left her a note saying anytime you wanna talk, or anything, with an older woman... with her email address at the bottom.

"Just for kicks," Veronica said when we piled into my car, "why don't we go to one of those sex emporiums? You know, one of those places where they sell sexy lingerie, porn, and sex toys. There's one on our way home, and I've always been curious but afraid to go in there by myself. Y'know, cause there might be some creepy men or something."

"Yeah, me too," I said. "I know the place you're talking about. Maybe this time of day there won't be too many men. Let's do it."

Luckily the store was practically empty except for a couple of women looking over the sex toys, and a single employee, a girl stacking merchandise on the displays. A very sexy looking young girl I might add. About the age of our daughters, barely legal. Or she wouldn't be working here. She had her blond hair done up in double pigtails with a blue ribbon around each one to match her blue eyes. She had on a bright red latex mini that was so tiny it barely covered the essentials... well, not quite.

Actually, her skirt was so short the bottom of her ass cheeks were visible--especially when she reached up high to place an item on one of the upper racks. And when she bent over to place a movie on one of the lower racks... well her skirt would slide up so high almost her entire butt was exposed. And underneath, her pink little pussy lips winked at us. The naughty girl wasn't wearing any panties?

Veronica and I nudged each other as we stared in lecherous awe. Up top she only had on a matching red latex bra--with holes in the cups for her pert little nipples to stick out. Five inch red heels, and black silk stockings attached to white garter straps that disappeared up her tiny skirt completed her attire. Absolute porn! If the intent of her outfit was to turn customers on so they'd purchase more merchandise... it was certainly effective.

All too soon the young Miss had completed her tasks and returned to the front counter. Veronica and I then had to stop our staring and perving, and actually start looking at the merchandise. We got a huge kick out of looking at the porn flicks for sale, as well as the variety of sex toys and inflatable dolls of both sexes. We then went to the lingerie section where Veronica picked out some sexy things for me to try on.

The dressing rooms were in the back of the store--at the end of a long wall full of vibrators. When we entered the vibrator room it was empty except for one fairly attractive, big busted 50-ish woman looking at some of the vibrators at the opposite end of the room from the dressing rooms.

"Dressing room" was a misnomer. The "rooms" were very tight quarters and consisted of the backwall of the building, which was concrete block, and then two, very thin, plywood walls--one separating our room from the other dressing room on one side, and the movie and sexy toy area on the other side. The fourth side was the entrance which had nothing but a black curtain which we drew closed once we were inside.

There were two small chairs inside, but before I had a chance to sit down, Veronica placed the clothing she had picked out for me on one of the chairs, and said, "we gotta get you undressed first." And with that she squatted down in front of me, her tight, too-tiny of a white latex skirt sliding up past her hips, and her thighs parting enough to allow her glistening pussy to wink at me.

With her face only inches from my crotch. She began running her hands up and down the backs of my legs and up under my dress while alternately blowing her hot, wet breath against my crotch and looking up at me with a lewd smile on her face. Then, as she began standing up, she slid her hands further up under my dress, lifting it up. Her hands scooted up the backs of my thighs until they were playing with my ass.

The higher her hands went, the wetter my pussy got. I let out a slight giggle... but that was more a way of expressing my incredible horniness, rather than an opportunity for levity.

And then she circled her hands around to the front and lifted my skirt even higher until her hands grasped my tits. Now standing up straight and looking me in the eye she began fondling my tits.

"God, Veronica," I said, "you're making me so fuckin' hot!"

"I'm sorry, Jill honey, but I just can't keep my hands off your tits. You've got such gorgeous globes."

"Nothing to be sorry for," I replied, giving her hands encouraging pats before my own hands drifted down to my crotch to play with my horny pussy through my already soaked panties. Braless like I was, my nipples seriously tented my dress.

As she lifted my dress overhead she leaned forward allowing her T-shirt tenting nipples to touch now naked ones. And, Oh My God, the electric shocks that sent through me! My erect, throbbing nipples just ached as they rubbed lightly against her erect ones.

Setting my dress aside on one of the small chairs Veronica said, "Please turn around now, Jill baby, so I can help you put this sexy new bra on."

As I turned around, she playfully slapped my naked butt a couple of times then said, "Ready or not, here comes your new bra."

Pressing her hot nipples against my back and wrapping her arms around me she helped me fit my ample breasts into the new bra cups--which had holes for my nipples. Then she fastened the clasps in the back. "Now let's see how sexy you look." She turned me around so we were facing each other. "Oh, God, your nipples. See how they're poking through these little holes?" She tweaked my nips between her thumbs and forefingers saying "sexy, sexy, sexy."

"God, Veronica, I really love that."

Veronica giggled again and turned to pick up the skimpy red latex mini she wanted me to try on. "Okay let's see it we can get this sexy skirt on you." She squatted down before me again as she helped me slide first one foot in, then the other. She looked up at my face again with that impish grin of hers, then blowing hot air against my crotch she began sliding the skirt up my legs making me soak my panties even more.

As she slid the skirt up, working it into place over my hips, she stood up again before me and smiling teasingly at me she again gracefully touched her erect nipples to my now totally throbbing naked ones. Then, as she tugged the skirt into its final resting place she fondled my butt.

She pulled back from me a bit and looking me over said, "wow, does that ever look sexy. But what you need now are some heels and hose. So, let's go back out and look for some.

When we exited the dressing "room," we noticed that sexy-looking older lady, maybe fiftiesh, who was looking at some of the vibrators at the opposite end of the room was now as near to our dressing room as she could get and still be pretending to look at vibrators. She turned to look and seeing not one, two women exiting the dressing room together, her mouth fell open. But she didn't say a word, and neither did we.

We entered the same dressing room as before and Veronica laid the stockings on the chair and turned to me with the garter belt in one hand. "Okay, let's get this on you first." And with that she squatted down before me again and had me step into the garter belt which she slid up my legs until it was half way up my thighs. Standing up and touching her nipples to mine again, she said, "now we gotta slid that skirt down a bit to make room for the garter belt."

"Go right ahead," I said teasingly, "you've got my legs like tied together by that tight skirt so I can't move. I'm at your mercy." Feeling a little bolder now myself I reached around with both hands and gave her butt a couple of slaps, one cheek after the other. The erotic smack, smack, smack echoed off the back wall magnifying the sexiness of it.


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