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Shannon Gets Her Revenge Ch. 02

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Or does she?
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 02/16/2003
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As we left this story at the end of Part I, Jeff and his wife Shannon had made love for the first time in over five years. She had unveiled several surprises, clit ring nipple rings, a new cherry, a tattoo and a rebuilt pussy. But her biggest surprise was when Jeff came out of the bathroom to be greeted by his wife and her female lover. They convince Jeff to let them explain.

Jeff looked at the two naked women on the bed. The bed where he had just finished making love to his wife in five years.

"Ok ladies. Let's hear your tale. But if it's bullshit, don't waste my time. You already lied when you said that you had not dated or had sex since I left." Jeff said

"I never said I didn't have sex. I said I never went on a date or had sex with a MAN since you left." Shannon answered

"Don't try to bullshit me. That's just a play on words. Sex is sex. I don't care who you have it with, animal, vegetable, or mineral. You were having sex with someone who was not your husband. Bottom line." Jeff said raising from the chair.

"Jeff please. I was so alone, so hurt. I missed you so much. I didn't know if you were dead or alive. If you were ever coming back. I was in limbo. If I had wanted to I could have divorced you years ago and kept everything. Found a new husband. But I couldn't. Not when there was hope that you would come home to me one day." Cried Shannon

Anne said, "Jeff let me explain what happened. Like I said if anyone is to blame it's me. I was new to town. I had seen Shannon for her regular GYN check up. We had got to talking and took a liking to each other. We went to dinner and a movie together. All innocent. We became good friends. Hung out together all the time. We discussed our own situations. Sharing secrets."

"One night after about three months, we went out to eat and decided to go to my place and drink margaritas and watch video's. I make a mean margarita If I do say so myself. We got pretty blitzed. We were watching some movie and the man and woman were making love. I mean serious sex. We both got horney and began talking about the kind of sex we liked. I asked Shannon had she ever been with a woman before. She said no, but that you had wanted to see her with one then have a threesome."

"I told her that I swung both ways. That I had been caught cheating with another female doctor. That if she was interested we could try it out and see how she liked it. At first she declined. But the more we drank, the hornier we both got." Said Anne

"She began crying. I asked her what was wrong. She said that she missed you so much and felt so guilty for driving you away. She was afraid that you weren't coming back or was dead."

I pulled her in my arms and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder and hugged me back. I soon began kissing her cheek and licking the tears from her face. After that I kissed her on the lips. Soon we were frenching and licking each others faces. Before we knew what happened, we were both naked, In a 69. We ended up in my bed."

"The next morning Shannon was devastated. She was crying and carrying on about cheating on you again. On and on. I finally had to sedate her to get her to stop crying. I kept her out for about 14 hours. When she woke up we were able to discuss what had happened and what we could do about it. I did not want to lose Shannon as a friend." Anne explained

"I told her I was sorry about what happened. That it would never happen again if she didn't want it to. Said Anne

Shannon took over, "I didn't want to lose Anne either. I told her that I was really upset because I enjoyed it. That I was afraid I was a Lesbian. Anne laughed and said, she sure as hell wasn't one. That she liked dick too much. Girl on girl stuff was for when there wasn't a dick around that she wanted. And since her dickhead husband had done such a job on her, it would be a long time before she trusted another man."

"We decided when we were really horny that we would indulge. So we stayed friends. Since neither one of us had any ambition to be with a man, we got together once or twice a month. Other times we went places together and hung out. Anne has dated some. But she said none were worth fucking. Also Martha knows nothing about us, only that we're close friends." Shannon added.

Jeff looked at them. He didn't appear as pissed off as he was before. In fact he had a slight smile on his lips.

"Okay Shannon. I do remember talking about watching you with a women. And having a threesome after. I also admit that it makes my dick get hard thinking about it. But I need to know from you where I rate in the order of things. I will not under any circumstances come second. We are married and our relationship comes first. Period." Jeff stated

"Jeff darling, You know that you're the most important thing in my life. I love you more than life. If you want me to never talk to Anne again, I will. I won't like it. But I'll do it. You'll always be number 1." Exclaimed Shannon

Jeff looked at Anne. Closely for the first time.

She was a total knockout. She had flame colored hair and alabaster skin. She was about 5'2" tall where Shannon was 5'8" tall. But she was petite, but very well proportioned. She appeared to have C cup breast. She also had emerald green eyes. She was very beautiful.

"Jeff said, "Anne, stand up. Let me get a good look at you. Stand up and turn around. Let's see if you're up to snuff."

Anne gave him an eat shit look, but did as he said. Slowly turning around 360*.

"Okay Annie, Face the wall and bend at the waist and touch your toes without bending you knees. I want to check out that ass." Jeff laughed enjoying her anger.

She again did as he said. With fire burning in her eyes.

"Shannon I have to say If you had to pick a female lover, at least she's pretty. In fact she's beautiful. Not counting you the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Jeff said in a serious tone.

Why don't you and Anne put on some clothes and we'll go down stairs and get something to eat and drink and discuss this some more. I do admit it has some interesting possibilities. I don't think I'll be able to concentrate otherwise." Jeff laughed

The women got robes and followed Jeff downstairs.

Anne was still pissed off about the inspection. She lit into Jeff like a hungry tiger.

"Let's get a couple of things straight Jeffy. One, I don't owe you anything. I'm Shannon's friend not yours. I don't do anything with anybody unless I want to. So it's not an automatic thing, Buddy. Second my name is Anne or Dr. Burris, not Annie. I hate that name. Never call me that again, understand. Third, I'm not a piece of meat to be graded by an asshole like you. I love Shannon to death, but not enough to put up with a bunch of shit from you. Got that?" she said in a pissed off tone.

"Oh but you're so wrong Annie. First you do owe me. You've been having sex with my wife. Second my name is Jeff or Jeffery. Not Jeffy. Please do not call me that again. Third, I haven't decided if I want anything to do with you in a non sexual manner, not even talking about a sexual relationship. You are Shannon's friend, not mine. Fourth, I hold yours and Shannon's future in my hands. This is a small town. If the word got out that you two had or are having a Lesbian relationship, you would both be done in this town. Especially you Dr. Burris. This would be the second practice that you had to leave because of a Lesbian affair. It might be hard to find another. So don't get high and mighty with me. You do owe me. Don't ever forget it. And I'll call you any fucking thing I want. Including dike, lesbian, cunt or bitch." Jeff said in firm voice.

"Another thing both of you need to remember. I will not play the fool for any woman or women again. If I find out or even suspect that you're playing games with me, I'll do every thing I can to crucify both of you. I will make your lives hell on earth. I paid the last time, I'm done paying. If there is a next time, you'll do the paying. Do not forget that. I'm serious as life and death." Jeff stated

The more he though about it, the more pissed he got.

"Fuck this shit. I don't need this aggravation." Jeff said, standing to go.

"I was planning on having a pleasant discussion with you two. But Dr. Burris, with her bitchy attitude has pissed me off. I think I'll go to my parents house and sleep. I'll be back tomorrow to pick up my stuff. I'll talk to my attorney and have the divorce papers drawn up. I think no fault should do fine, unless you want me to use your Lesbian affair as grounds. I don't really give a shit. I don't need any more bullshit from third parties fucking up my marriage and my life. Life is too short for this kind of shit. My time on the road was the pits, but at least I understood what was happening." Jeff said as he turned to go upstairs.

Shannon ran to Jeff, grabbing his arm. Anne stood by stunned.

"Please Jeff. I don't want a divorce. I love you. This was supposed to be a pleasant suprise. Letting you have one of your fantasies come true. Please don't go. I told you, I'll never see Anne again if you want. You're all I want. Don't leave me again." She begged, falling to her knees in tears.

"Maybe you should have discussed this suprise with me beforehand. Not spring it on me. Maybe without Dr. Burris we could have worked this out. No I'm done." Jeff said

Anne came to Jeff's side, holding his other arm.

"Jeff I'm sorry I was such a bitch. It's my fault, not Shannon's. Don't punish her for me pissing you off. She loves you more than life. I'll never see her again. I'll even move to another part of the country. Please don't break her heart. I don't think she can recover again. I'll go upstairs and get my clothes and be gone in ten minutes. Please don't punish her for my mistake." Anne cried, turning to go upstairs.

Jeff really started to feel bad about getting so pissed so fast. He caught her arm.

"Hold on. Let's all cool down. I overreacted. I'm sorry. I'm just touchy about certain things. I just don't want history repeating itself. I'm sorry if I insulted you Doc. It was all in jest. I don't think you're a piece of meat, nor do I think you have to have sex with me. So both of you please forgive me. Okay?" Jeff asked

"He looked down at Shannon. He reached down and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm so sorry Baby. I shouldn't threaten to leave you, just because I'm pissed off. I don't deserve you. I promise to try to leave the past in the past. Please forgive me. I do love you. More than anything." Jeff said

Shannon wrapped her arms around Jeff.

"Baby, I'm sorry too. You're right. I should have discussed it with you first. But I wanted it to be a suprise. I thought it would make our first night together even more special. I love you so much and want you to, have whatever you want."

She turned to Anne next.

"I'm sorry for putting you in an uncomfortable position, Anne. I know Jeff has a wicked sense of humor and loves to tease. I thought you were okay with the situation. I guess you thought I meant the girl on girl stuff. Not the threesome. Please accept my apology. I love you as a dear friend and lover and don't want to lose you." Shannon said

"Come on. Let's eat. I'm hungry" Said Jeff, taking both women by the hand.

They raided the fridge and got food and drinks.

Jeff looked at Anne and smiled.

"I think we need to introduce ourselves" Jeff said, reaching across the table to take her hand.

"I'm Jeff. Shannon's long lost husband. Good to meet you at last. Shannon has talked a lot about you. I'm Happy to meet a fox like you. I've always loved red heads.'" He laughed

Getting into the spirit of things, Anne laughed and said, "I'm Anne. Shannon's friend, doctor and lover. Thanks for the use of your wife. I'm charmed to meet a hunk like you."

Shannon looked at both of them like they were crazy. They looked at her face and burst out laughing.

They stood and pulled Shannon in the middle of a group hug.

Shannon had tears in her eyes.

"I'm happy were over the misunderstanding. I want us to be friends at least. More if it suites each of us." Shannon said.

Anne ran her hand down Jeff's stomach till she reached his hardening cock. Rubbing it between her long thin fingers, she looked him in the eye.

"I think I may want to try this out. I haven't had the real thing in a long, long time." She smiled

"Well in the interest of friendship and understanding, I could be convinced." Jeff laughed as he lightly pinched her long hard nipples.

Shannon said, "Wait a damn minute here. I'm supposed to be the ringmaster of this circus."

Smiling slyly, she said, "Let's take this party upstairs. I'm so horney I could come if the wind blows hard."

The trio rushed up the stairs into the bedroom launching themselves onto the king size bed. The landing was a little harder than expected. The frame collapsed. They found themselves on the mattress and the mattress on the floor.

That started a round of belly laughs and giggles. It took several minutes before the laughter stopped and the kissing and licking began.

Jeff soon found himself the middle of a sexy women sandwich. Shannon was working on his rapidly hardening dick, while he played tonsil tag with the beautiful green eyed red head. Damn that woman could suck face.

Jeff soon pulled Shannon loose from his cock, before he came again.

Anne said, "Damn you Shannon, Don't make him come until he puts that beautiful cock in my snatch. I need some dick bad."

Jeff rolled onto his back and positioned the sport stripe pussy of the good doctor over his dick. "Hang on Baby, Here it comes!"

Anne cautioned, "Take it easy Lover. It's been a long time since the real thing has been in there. I hope that jumbo dick will fit."

"Saying goes that a pussy will stretch a mile before it'll tear an inch. At least you're nice and juicy." He said as he fingered her tight but wet twat.

He slowly entered her, letting her adjust to his girth as he entered her.

Slowly he got the first three inches in. He felt her muscles starting to relax as he slowly moved in and out of her tight box. Slowly the rest of his cock entered her tight sleeve of flesh, finally reaching the bottom.

Anne soon began to slid up and down his cock, gradually picking up speed. Her moans soon became louder and louder.

Shannon began to work on that mouth, swallowing the moans from Anne's passion. Her nipples were fully erect with her nipple rings and connecting chain standing out like small fireplugs.

Anne reached up and began to lightly tug on her chain, causing a rush of heat that soon spread to Shannon's loins. Her pussy was like a running faucet. Large amounts of pussy juice was soon running down her legs.

Anne soon lost her concentration as she came closer and closer to the BIG "O". She was soon slamming her pussy all the way up and down on Jeff's cock.

Both of the lovers were near their peak. They fell over the edge, suprisingly at the same instant.

As their climax ended, Jeff rolled into a semi fetal position. "No more. If I come again my balls are going to come out my dickhead." He moaned

Anne and Shannon both laughed and said in chorus, "Poor Baby!" and then laughed.

Shannon laughed, "Being you fucked Jeff out, Why don't you suck my snatch. I need to cum real bad."

"As long as you sit on my face." Anne huffed. "That hubby of yours wore me out. I'm to tired to move anything but my lips and tongue."

"Cool with me." Said Shannon as she mounted the red heads lips, positioning he sopping cunt over that expert mouth.

Anne was soon tonguing the hairless slit for all she was worth. She also used her teeth on Shannon's clit ring adding extra electric type shocks through her system.

After about five minutes of Anne's full out assault on her pussy, Shannon came with a loud moan as warm juice squirted from her slit filling the red heads mouth to overfull.

Shannon collapsed to the other side of Jeff.

After pulling the covers over them, Jeff cuddled her close with one arm and Anne with the other. They fell asleep. Fully satisfied and content.

The morning light might bring changes , but they had one good night together.

Tomorrow would have to take care of itself.

End of Part II

Well I hope you like this ending better. I sure do. I left it open so that if there is some demand for it maybe a Part III.

Rob Conners

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

yup, this did not serve as an improvement to part 1. "Fuck this shit. I don't need this aggravation." - finally a coherent thought from the husband. But oh no, two seconds later his spine melted. "I overreacted. I'm sorry." - nope, you reacted just right. "I don't deserve you." - nope, still got it backwards. Don't know if this was meant to be a template description for Stockholm Syndrome or just a twisted fantasy but gosh this is horrible.

Kernow2023Kernow202310 months ago

poor ending to the story

Gearhead19801Gearhead1980110 months ago

you married your wife and you are still a virgin who licks her bf right?

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 1 year ago

Nope...terrible ending. Should have run away and got his divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I didn't think part 2 could sink any lower... I was wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I said at the end of part I that Jell is a wimpy cuckold. Now he gets cuckolded by a woman, and he accepts it passively. What a disgrace of a man.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
I agree with Mrfriendly8181

I know it’s your story, and you can write it as you please. However, this is my comment.

There is no woman in the world that would act the way this one did. Fucking his business rival for three months, humiliating and deliberately destroying him? Not happening, ever. EVER! Nor has any woman spent five years celibate after driving her husband away by going dick-crazy. And remained completely dedicated to him? What are you smokin’, Jack?

You might just consider making the characters and plot more believable. Or post it to Science Fiction, and change the names to Xorg and Kibibblelibock, or something.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Such ridiculous wish fulfillment nonsense.

kirei8kirei8about 2 years ago

Ha Ha! The unfulfilled fantasies that must float around in your brain. Get help!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 2 years ago

The reconciliation story was compelling, but as a 3-way fantasy it lost everything.

amygdalaamygdalaover 2 years ago

I skipped over most of it once lesbian scenario started. I pretty much figured he will get upset over being tricked and manipulated but will capitulate, because she loooves him. She just excel at tearing his heart and soul out, but it’s all good cause loooove triumphs all, TheEnd 💩💩💩💩💩 on the shit scale and 🌟 on the star.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 3 years ago

WTF?!?!? I was expecting a Confrontation with Allen, legal or otherwise. Some more drama with Shannon. But, This???? The story went downhill fast in this chapter.

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

I do not know how you managed to do this. You turned a reasonable story into utter shit.

The moment you had Shannon cheating with the cunt doctor the story was over, Jeff had to give her the chop. But no, like a silly little teenage boy you had to have a ménage, you fucked it up.

In seconds you went from 4/5 to 1/5 and deservedly so.

You stopped writing, so all good. Thank God u kept your day job, eh?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I doubt there will be a part 3 after almost two decades.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Author musta been high on a full bouquet of weeds ... this was a crazy meaningless roller coaster ride with nothing making any sort of sense!....

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Shannon needs to deal with Alan

Shannon still has a huge unpaid debt to Jeff because of her actions with Alan. It is her responsibility to deliver Alan some horrific pain. Anne owes a large debt to Jeff as well so she should be more than willing to contribute her surgical skills to the cause.

Alan needs to be drugged and abducted. When he awakens many days later, he should discover he has had a major operation. Although sexual reassignment surgery would be my top choice, penectomy and castration would be a reasonable alternative. Complete forced feminization seems perfect for such a huge prick. Living as a nullo, however, would no doubt be sufficient misery.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Without a doubt

This is some of the worst bullshit I have ever had the misfortune to have read. Skipped much as I thought it couldn't get worse, but it did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Borderline bipolar

Went from one crazy peak to the next. To erratic and unbelievable.

secretsalsecretsalalmost 4 years ago

Haha, easy to see how she can comfortably wrap him around her finger, what with him not having a spine and all.

Also, wow... just realised how ancient this submission is. Might as well be pissing into the wind with my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Trust me, with the way you turned the burning car crash that was Part 1 into a inferno freeway pileup in Chapter 2, NO ONE is interested in you mangling it any worse with a Chapter 3.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

I'm a fan, but you ruined that story. I thought Jeff had grown some balls, but you took them away again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
what crap

Sigh... I wasnt crazy about the story at the end of part 1 but I figured I would ride it out. I couldn't even make it through part 2... just kinda skimmed it and read the end to see the conclusion. The real problem for me is that its all so far outside the realm of possible

1. You don't write off your marriage and get on with your life for 5yrs and then come back and feel that love. Lets do a poll... how many people take more than 5yrs to recover from a breakup?

2. Forgiving what she did with Alan is total crap, Ive never met anyone who would put up with that for 3months let alone ever even come close to forgiving.

3. Wife is in pieces that she drove him away through an affair... so she has another affair.

4. Knowing from husbands reaction how he feels about her previous affair... she's going to reveal she's been fucking someone for 3yrs (note she I guess got over him leaving in 2yrs...) and have any kind of expectation that he will be ok with it? Let alone that whole "I said I hadn't dated any men... not that I hadn't dated".

Anyway, This was the first story of yours I tried to read... I don't think I'll be taking a look at any of your others. Thanks for the effort, good luck.

Dunny69Dunny69over 5 years ago
Starting to feel negative then pt 2 totally fed up

I thought pt 1 was getting to be poor in wondering how in the real world could he accept what she di's and then pt2 just piled on the crap. Only got to para 1 in pt2 and now just want to thank you for your efforts but ..... Honestly ..... Really ??? Total bollocks

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This follow-up was crapola through and through! The twat was even more disgusting than she was in Part 1 and the skank she brought into the mix turned a lousy story line into total garbage. You should have stopped after Part 1! Shannon got her revenge on anyone who read these stories!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This was actually worse the second time around...why did you bother? Honestly, you should have left it at one chapter, this was worse than getting a root canal and a colonoscopy at the same time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
One good night?

So tomorrow he files for a divorce. His wife is a liar and a lesbian. Such is life. But this story is unfinished. I REALLY miss FTDS. He could have written the divorce chapter well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Where is chapter 3? -5*'s for an unfinished story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Chapter 1 was good, this chapter was basically a clusterfuck trainwreck up until the last sentence. Why bother?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Its just not realistic. Her destruction was to through.

No guy would ever ever go back to her.

And even if he had brain damage and did, finding out she had cheated, again, would have sealed her fate.

Oh and the doctor would have lost her license.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Kill shannon. Kill the doctor

Then to keep us all from future suffering take aways Rob C's computer.

Bet ya thought I was gonna say "Kill the author".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
SucKcedes As a Meat-Jerker

This 2nd part of the story makes no pretenses,it's a pud-pounder!

Certainly worth a look if your goal is to beat your meat!

tigger119tigger119over 7 years ago
Totally trashed the story......

It was going okay until the girl-girl ambush, and that's exactly what it was. Omitting something as important as another sexual relationship with another who is not your spouse is still a lie. Cheating is still cheating no matter the gender of the cheater's lover. There was another similar story to this in which the wife did almost the same thing AND it was a wrongful revenge situation in which, hubby tracked wifey, found the affair she had with her woman doctor and ended up burning them both. To totally do a 180 after that vicious tirade rant he made to Dr. Anne would have been completely out of character for Jeff and questions his credibility as a man. Here was a man depicted in the last stages of ending his marriage and finding that she had an ONGOING sexual relationship with her doctor, who, I remind the readers, had been investigated for ethical violations and inappropriate conduct with previous patients, that all of a sudden he wants to make nice, play patty fingers and be all kumbaya with wifey-poo and doc-delish, does not compute. Sorry, I rate this as an epic FAIL like all those fail vids on YouTube. 1*

ejsathomeejsathomeover 7 years ago
Ridiculous . . .

. . . the emotional back and forth, up and down, was absurd. I can't figure out why I read this stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Since this author couldn't be bothered to post the final installment in with these 2 chapters, the rest of the garbage is here:


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

The first chapter was bad but this was just ridiculous

uncomonnerduncomonnerdalmost 8 years ago
Ready for another round

You mentioned that their might be a third chapter well I say bring it on ill be sure to check it out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Just so's you know

The word for messy looking is unkempt not unkept.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Hated the reconciliation...

Nobody to like in this story, ending was weak. She remained married to him because she loved him so much, but actually started munching a lesbian doctor instead of finding another boyfriend to cuckold him with. How many times does she get to use the excuse, "But I was so lonely and afraid and hurt and blah, blah, blah"?

Sorry, story started out fine, but he should have told his sister and family to butt out while he divorces the slut who was so cruel to him. Then he could have started over with some semblance of self-esteem and integrity. The author tried to make us believe that he could so easily blow-off 3 months of mental torture AND find out that she was cheating on him most of the time he was gone, this time with a lesbian. Sorry, not buying it, certainly don't like it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
What a mess

4 stars for good writing, one gold star for the insanity of Shannon. I'm amazed he accepted the situation, Shannon lied by misinformation and almost seemed to be rubbing his face in things again. Anne made things worse by going off on Jeff, knowing what she knew about how Jeff and Shannon had left off should have taken a step back. Guess that jewelry of "Jeff's Only" was another lie.

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiabout 8 years ago

a chock of shit story, why would you even come back was he too useless that he couldn't support him self, just sounds BS. #1 TK

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
The End***

Thanks for the read.

GoodhueGoodhueover 8 years ago
Shannon's A Pig!

Alan or Anne,Shannon uses both to separate herself from the marital love that she should be bestowing on her husband.

AND,he's an absolute wuss! First letting Shit-heel Shannon use his arch enemy to run him off,and then showing him he's been replaced by Dr. Dyke.

- These people all deserve to die quickly in a shit-storm! Scatrina!

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