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Sharing a Bedroom with my Sister

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It was the worst of times, and then the best of times!
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/04/2023
Created 09/01/2023
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When Mother shouted out from the bottom of the stairs, "Gerard and Felicity, please come down, I have something to tell you," I did, straight away, because it sounded important. But my Sister didn't, and I was sent to get her.

"So what do you think?"

I didn't like it, and my Mother, no matter how hard she might try, won't be able to convince me that it's a good idea. And from the look that my Sister was giving me, that was her take on it as well. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if she was more upset about this than I was.

Realising that it was something we didn't want to do, even though we hadn't yet answered her, she tried to soften the blow by saying, "It's only for a few weeks."

That didn't help, it just filled me with dread. A single day would be too much for me, and anything more than that didn't bear thinking about. But it was our parent's house, and if we wanted to continue living with them, then both of us knew that we had no choice, we had to accept it even if we didn't like it.

I was going to be sharing a bedroom with my Sister!

That was next week, when my Aunty was coming to stay with us. It was bad enough having to give up my bedroom, but it was made worse because it was her that would be living with us. We didn't get on, big time. And that was never going to change. She thinks that I'm a spoiled brat, and I think that's she's a stuck-up bitch. We hate each other with a passion, and very soon we'll be together in the same small house. Just thinking about it is making me depressed.

"There's still time."

Today was Monday, and Aunty was due to be with us on Friday, so Felicity was right, there was enough time to persuade our Mother to put a stop to it. That's assuming that she was prepared to listen to us. But that was wishful thinking. I knew that no matter what we said to her, she wasn't going to change her mind. I'd reluctantly accepted it, but my Sister hadn't.

"Don't waste your breath, she'll never..."

I stopped when she turned away from me. As she left my bedroom, presumably on her way to see our Mother, her parting words amused me.

They were, "Fuck you."

Of course, she wasn't successful, and as expected, on Friday at six o'clock in the evening, Aunty duly arrived. My Sister got a hug from her, but all I got was a curt, "Gerard my suitcase is in the car."

It was heavy, and carrying it up the stairs nearly broke my back. If there was anything inside it that was broken, then she would blame me. That would be unfair because I'd been careful with the suitcase, but telling my Aunty that would be a waste of time. She'd still insist that it was my fault.

After eating, I went upstairs to my Sister's bedroom. It was now mine as well. We're siblings, but we couldn't be more different, in both appearance and personality. I always keep my room tidy, but hers never is. Today it was even worse than usual. Had she deliberately made it like that to wind me up? I wouldn't put it past her.

There were two beds in the room, a double and a single, and despite my Sister being a lot smaller than me, the double bed was for her. That irritated me, but to keep the peace, I'd kept quiet when she'd told me where I was sleeping.

I was trying to read, but I couldn't concentrate. Every few minutes I kept looking at all the clutter on the floor. It was her mess, nothing to do with me, but I wasn't going to get any peace until I'd tidied it up.

When she entered the room I'd almost finished. But it would have been better if she'd arrived later, because in my hands were her bra and panties that I'd just picked up from the floor. She was looking at me suspiciously.

"Have you been sniffing my panties?"

I vigorously shook my head several times, and then I said, "No. I'd never do that."

I could tell that she wasn't convinced. Then she suddenly snatched them from me. After quickly discarding the bra, by throwing it onto her bed, she held the panties in front of my face, as if she was daring me to smell them. To add to my embarrassment, I could feel my cheeks redden. I was blushing. That made her laugh. She was mocking me, and I didn't like it. It was time to fight back.

I pushed her hand away from my face, with such force, that she nearly fell over. She wasn't laughing anymore.

"I'm going out," and then, while scowling at me, she added, "Don't use my panties to jerk off, I'll know if you have."

The room was now tidy, except for her underwear that she'd left on the bed. It should be in the laundry basket in the bathroom. However, I wasn't going to put it there, because I was going to do what she'd specifically told me not to do.

I was going to use her panties to jerk off!

I was only eighteen years old, so I was always horny, always thinking about pussy. With or without her underwear, I needed to come. Using her panties was a first for me, and just thinking about it was already getting me excited. When she comes back I might even thank her for suggesting it.

Before starting I examined them. They were small, and even though my Sister was petite, I couldn't believe that she was able to wear them. When I stretched them, so that I could see the crotch, I smiled. As I'd hoped, it was heavily stained. I put it under my nose. The smell was strong, intoxicating. My cock was now doing its best to burst out of my jeans.

After taking my jeans and underwear off, I lay down on the bed. For my pleasure, and to spite my Sister, her panties were wrapped around my rock-hard cock. The material was soft, so when I used it to stroke my cock, it felt better than just using my hand.

I started off slowly. It felt good. Why had I not thought of doing this before? Now it was more vigorous. Ideally, when I reached it, I wanted to spurt into her panties, but that would be a mistake, a big one. When I'd finished, her panties needed to be back on her bed where she'd left them, without any evidence that I'd been pleasuring myself with them. She'd definitely notice if they had a thick coating of cum on them!

It got better when I closed my eyes. My cock was now inside a sweet pussy. Under me was a girl from my college. She wasn't taking the same course as me, and I didn't even know her name, but I desperately wanted to fuck her. One day, I might manage to pluck up the courage to ask her out.

I was close, and because I believed that I was a great lover, she was going to come with me. Then it happened, and it startled me. But surprisingly, it had also taken my excitement to a higher level. It was because her face had suddenly changed. Gone was the cute girl, replaced by a new one.

I was now fucking my Sister!

When I came it was explosive, one of my best. There was a tissue next to me that I was supposed to spurt into, but in my excitement, I hadn't used it. My t-shirt was now stained, and worryingly, some had also gone onto her panties. I cleaned it up as best I could, but it wouldn't pass a detailed inspection. I just hope that when she gets back she isn't going to examine them.

After going to the bathroom and cleaning myself up, I did some reading. However, I had to stop because I was finding it difficult to concentrate. Thinking about my Sister in that way was something I hadn't done before, and I was feeling guilty about it. But, because it had excited me so much, I knew that I would be doing it again.

I was asleep when my Sister went to bed, so I didn't see her until the morning. It was her loud snoring that woke me up. It was early, but with the noise she was making there was no way I'd be able to get back to sleep, so I got up.

While eating my breakfast I thought about my Aunty, who was sleeping soundly in my bedroom. I swore under my breath. That should be me. And to irritate me even more, two hours later, when the rest of the family was up, she kept telling us how comfortable my bed was and what a good sleep she'd had.

It was the summer holidays so there was no college, therefore I could relax and take it easy. Felicity was twenty one, between jobs, so annoyingly, she would also be home all day. I do have friends, and occasionally even a girlfriend, but I do like time on my own. And that was my plan for today. I had nothing to do, and all day to do it!

I was in the bedroom, and because I was tired and the room was quiet, I'd fallen asleep. When I woke my Sister was opposite me, sitting on her bed, and surprisingly, she was just in her underwear.

"Shouldn't you be dressed?"

"No, this is my bedroom. If you don't like what I'm wearing, then you can fuck off to your own room."

I sighed, if only I could.

She was doing something to her nails, and all her attention was on them, so that gave me the opportunity to look at her without her noticing. Of course, her face and body weren't new to me. Over the years I'd seen her in all sorts of outfits, even in bikinis that were very revealing. However, she was just my Sister, so I hadn't paid her much attention. But today it was different, probably because of what I'd done with her panties. I was now seeing her in a new light.

When I was a lot younger and we'd argued, I'd made fun of her face, telling her that her nose and ears were too big. I can even remember, on more than one occasion, calling her ugly. That had been cruel, and factually incorrect. She was actually quite pretty. And when she smiles, which isn't often enough, her face lights up. Then you might even say that's she's beautiful.

But at this moment of time, it wasn't her face that I was interested in. I was looking at her body, and what I was seeing was making my heart beat faster.

She was a small woman. Petite, describes her perfectly. However, that didn't mean that she was without curves. She did have them, and in all the right places. Her breasts weren't melons, they were modest, but they were still a nice handful. I knew that they would be firm, and that if I could have them, they'd give me hours of pleasure.

When I looked down it was almost too much for me. She was sitting with her legs apart and her knees high up, giving me a great view of her pussy. It was covered with a pair of skimpy panties, like the ones that I'd jerked off with, but in a different colour. They were white rather than red.

My eyes were darting about, trying to take all of it in. There were a lot of lumps and bumps showing through the thin material that was stretched tight across her pussy. My mouth was now dry and there were butterflies in my stomach, as I thought of all the things that I wanted to do to her sweet pussy.

Fortunately, when she'd finished with her nails, I wasn't staring at what she had between her legs. That would have been embarrassing. Seconds before, when I was in danger of losing all of my self-control, and doing something stupid, I'd averted my eyes.

To help me to calm down, I closed my eyes, but it didn't work. As soon as they were closed my imagination ran wild. First, I fingered her, and then I went down on her. That's when I stopped. Any more, and I'd have to get my cock out and stroke it, even with my Sister being in the room with me!

For the rest of the day I kept out of her way, but that meant spending time downstairs with Aunty. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I'd expected, and at times it was even quite pleasant. And hell must be about to freeze over because she actually paid me a compliment.

"I heard that you did well in your exams. I'm proud of you."

After our evening meal my Sister went out with some of her friends, so the bedroom was now all mine. And she'd left me a present. On my bed were her used panties. I resisted the urge to masturbate with them.

Last time it had been her snoring that had woken me up, this time, after midnight, it was her singing. It was loud and it was off-key. She was drunk.

In a low voice I said, "Keep the noise down, you're going to wake the whole family."

Knowing my Sister well, I didn't expect her to take kindly to me telling her what to do. However, instead of continuing to sing, she suddenly stopped. Then she started to undress.

It was funny watching her do it. She struggled with the buttons on her blouse, and she nearly fell over when she was unzipping her skirt. When she got down to her underwear I was expecting her to turn the light off and then get into bed. But that wasn't what happened.

She was sitting up on the bed, and her bra was off. I couldn't believe it. I'd been amused by her actions, now I was excited. Then it got even better when she started to fondle them. Was this for my benefit? No, she wasn't looking at me. It was as if I wasn't there. This was for her. She'd had a good time with her friends, and she was going to end the day by making herself come!

What she was doing to her tits was what I wanted to do to them. She was playing with her nipples. Pulling and pinching them. It was making her moan. But I could do more than that, something that she couldn't do. I could suck on them. They were a nice size, big enough to look impressive on breasts that were a lot bigger than hers. Just looking at them was making my mouth water.

I'd been waiting for her to do it, and when she eventually did, my heart skipped a beat. She'd taken her panties off. But frustratingly for me, her legs were closed. All I could see was her neatly trimmed bush. Playing with her nipples had got her worked up, so she should now be finishing herself off by playing with her pussy. However, she didn't seem to be in a hurry to do it. She was drunk, so perhaps this would end with her just falling asleep.

I muttered under my breath, "For fuck's sake hurry up and finger yourself."

That didn't help, they were still closed. What if I was to open them for her? No, if I was to do that, then I wouldn't be able to stop there. It would be my fingers deep up her pussy. Watching her was bad enough, but in the morning, when she was sober, she might remember me fingering her. If that happened then I'd be a dead man.

I'd just about given up hope, when she suddenly came back to life. As if a switch had been flicked. Her legs were now open, and her fingers were on her pussy. That's when I joined in by stroking my throbbing cock!

It was only recently that I'd managed to get my hand inside a girl's panties. I'd even made her come, but it had taken a while. However, I wasn't foolish enough to call myself an expert. It had been more by luck than good judgment that I'd managed to make her climax. Watching her pleasuring herself, as well as exciting me, was also an opportunity to learn. She was an expert, and observing her should be an education.

She was slow at first, occasionally dipping the two fingers that she was using into her pussy, so that she could lubricate them. Then she speeded up. Her fingers were now moving faster over her clit. It was rhythmic, continuously repeating the same action without a break. It was what I was doing, stroking my cock at a steady speed. For both of us, the excitement was building. It wouldn't be long before she was ready to climax, and I'd know when that was, because she would be noisier and her fingers would be moving even faster than they were now.

It was longer than I'd expected. She'd been in a heightened state for several minutes. Content to be like that. I had to slow down to stop myself from coming before she did.

When she changed gear, going straight to top, I was relieved. But from being ahead, I was playing catch-up. And that was difficult. Her fingers were a blur, and I was having trouble matching her with my hand.

She wasn't just loud, she was too loud. Her moaning almost putting me off my stroke.

When she reached it I wasn't far behind. Hers was obviously a big one, and when it ended, she lay down on the bed with her legs still wide open. Within seconds she was asleep and snoring loudly. Mine was also powerful. My cum reaching an impressive height before coming back down and splattering my t-shirt.

I was up before her. Now, because she was under the sheets, there was nothing to see. After quickly dressing, I walked past her so that I could go downstairs for breakfast. While eating it I had an uneasy feeling. I'd enjoyed last night. It had been exciting, even erotic, and my climax had been a contender for my best one ever. However, in the cold light of day, when I wasn't thinking with my cock, I knew that it was a mistake. There would be consequences for my actions. Felicity had been drunk, so that was her excuse. I was sober, so I didn't have one. I should have done the decent thing. I shouldn't have looked. I could have turned over so that I wasn't facing her, or better still, I could have left the room. I'd done neither, instead, I'd joined in.

It was midday when my Sister got up. Hearing her coming down the stairs made my heart beat faster. Not from excitement, but from anxiety.

It was no surprise that she was badly hungover. She looked like something that the cat had dragged in. After sitting down at the table, she put her head in her hands and groaned.

"Please will you make me a coffee, Strong and black with three sugars?"

I did as she'd asked, and then, while she was sipping it, I waited for her to say more. Eventually she did.

"I was drunk, that's why..."

She'd stopped mid-sentence, and now she was looking at me. Then while smiling, she said, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

And that was it. Nothing more was said about it from either of us. So she had remembered what had happened, but she was prepared to draw a line under it. And unless I was mistaken, she didn't have any regrets!

It was a few days before I picked up on it. Felicity wasn't just being kind to me, she was going out of her way to do it. There was no grand gesture, she hadn't done anything that was amazing. It was small things, some of them subtle, and that was why it had taken me a while to notice.

"Would you like a coffee?"

And it had been made exactly how I liked it.

"The room is a mess, I'm going to tidy it up."

She'd then done it, and after that it was always tidy.

"You're reading, I'll go downstairs so that I don't disturb you."

That was nice of her, and being nice to me was something that my Sister didn't do. There were other acts of kindness from her. She'd definitely changed, and for the better. It must have been that incident in the bedroom, the one that we never talked about. We'd shared an intimate moment, and it had brought us closer together. Perhaps it had been something that she'd been wanting to do for a while, and being drunk had given her an excuse for doing it. That was one for the psychologists to ponder over, but not me. I was just happy to accept it.

A consequence of the 'new' Felicity was that I was spending more time with her. That was because it was enjoyable. We'd even gone out shopping together, and I couldn't remember the last time we'd done that.

Both of us were in the bedroom, me, so that I could get away from our Aunty, and my Sister, so that she could support me. For some reason, that neither of us could understand, she'd spent all morning giving me a hard time. Apart from killing her, which I'd quite like to do, the only way to stop it was to hide in the bedroom.

"Why does she hate you?"

"I don't really know, but I can guess. She thinks I'm a spoiled brat," and then, while giving her my best cheeky grin, I added, "That's unfair, because it's you that's the spoiled brat."

That got a look of mock indignation from her, and a pillow thrown at me with force. It hit me squarely in the face, and that made her laugh. Two could play at that game. Mine hit her in the stomach. We'd done this lots of times before when we were children, but that was because we were fighting. This was playful. I was about to throw the other one at her, but before I could, she leapt onto me, and I toppled over. I was now on the bed, with her on top of me, our faces close together.


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