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Sharing Wife with Foreigners

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Wife is used for business.
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Hans was from Germany. He had important business to do with my firm and he was staying in my house for the few days that he was in town.

Tracy, my wife, and I took him out for a meal and then went on to a nightclub. Tracy has always had a bit of a drinking problem and she did go a bit over the top that night.

Initially it made her talkative, extrovert and vivacious. Hans thrived on the naughty comments she made and the smoldering looks she gave him. I could see that he was getting quite aroused by her mood. I don't think he realized that I knew, but I was well aware of the effect that Tracy could have on men.

When we left the club, Tracy was staggering a bit and we had to help her get in the cab I had called to take us home.

Tracy sat between us in the back of the cab. I deliberately looked out of the window but, of course, since it was dark it acted like a mirror. Tracy was virtually down for the count but I watched Hans gently put his hand onto her knee, wait awhile and then, when she didn't react, he moved it up her leg and tried to push it up under her skirt. She was wearing a suit with a tailored skirt, however, so he didn't have much luck.

In the end he simply slid his hand across her thigh and worked it into her groin, parting her legs slightly. I didn't say anything, I didn't want to make any trouble with our biggest client, and I kind of felt like it was Tracy's fault.

My wife groaned, wriggled and parted her legs a little. Hans quickly withdrew his hand but when he saw that I hadn't seemed to notice he put his hand back and started to massage her pussy through her skirt.

I watched as Hans pushed his fingers deeper into her groin and she began to lick her lips and slide down in the seat to try and give him better access. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that the cabby was also watching Hans and Tracy in his rear view mirror. For safety's sake, if for no other reason, I thought I had better intervene.

I coughed ostentatiously, and crossed my legs turning away from the window. Hans stopped what he had been doing and by the time I was sitting straight he was looking out of the window, all innocence.

When we arrived home Hans solicitously helped Tracy out of the cab, without his hands wandering anywhere they shouldn't, and then went ahead to open the door as I carried Tracy in. As she was leaning on my shoulder she whispered to me, in a slurred fashion, "If you're going to fuck me you'll need to be quick about it cause I'm about to pass out!"

I squeezed her boobs in response; she could probably feel my erection pressing against her. I was planning more than a simple fuck this night. I took Tracy straight through to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. I went back out to the living room and told Hans that we were going to bed. Then to his utter surprise, I said, "You'd like to give Tracy some meat to night, wouldn't you?"

"Pardon me?" he replied and I realized that he didn't understand what I had said.

"Would you like to fuck Tracy?" I asked.

He blushed scarlet but the answer was obvious.

"Go into your room and get undressed then. Wait there until I call you, okay?"

I watched as he scurried away into the guest bedroom.

I went back into our bedroom. Tracy was lying where I had left her, breathing deeply. I undid her suit jacket and pushed it off her shoulders, then I undid her blouse and did the same. I pulled her up towards me and she stirred and muttered something. I told her to relax and reaching behind her I undid her bra. I rolled her over and unzipped her skirt and pulled it down over her buttocks, down her thighs, and off. Then I laid her back on the bed.

I went to the door and called out to Hans that he should come in. I just had time to lift Tracy of the bed and get her standing, swaying, just wearing her panties with me grasping her boobs from behind to support her when Hans came in, still wearing his shorts.

I told Hans to take her panties off. He licked his lips, knelt down and eased Tracy's panties off. He took his time and paused when he had revealed her pussy. I slid my hand down her pubic mound and fingered her moist slit. She moaned in drunken pleasure and parted her legs to give me better access and my finger slid easily inside her. I pushed it in and out and felt her vaginal walls pulsating.

"I think she's ready, for you Hans?" I said, "I'll put her on the bed."

I laid Tracy on the bed with her legs over the side. I got on the bed myself and knelt besides her. I reached forward and grasped her under the knees so that I could lift her legs up and back to fully expose her moist cunt to Hans. Hans dropped his shorts to reveal an impressive phallus and started to tear open a silver packet, which I realised, was a condom.

"Its okay! She's on the pill and prefers it 'bareback', you can cum in her," I told him.

He didn't need telling twice. He crouched over the edge of the bed as I held Tracy's legs high in the air and wide apart. He placed the tip of his long thin prick at her cunt and then with one firm shove he entered her and pushed right in to the hilt, groaning in pleasure as he did.

As soon as he was in he grasped her ankles and pushed them back so that she was wider open still. Relieved of the need to support her legs I began to massage, pinch and squeeze her boobs thus making her nipples erect.

Hans began to fuck Tracy with long slow strokes. His eyes closed and he began to build up speed and alter his rhythm as her lubricant began to flow. I watched as Tracy began to respond, pushing against him. Obviously she had not completely passed out yet.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me, crouching next to her. She saw the erection I had developed watching Hans pounding his meat into her and opened her mouth expectantly. I shuffled round and took my hands off her nipples. With one hand I raised her head, with the other I directed my dick into her mouth and she began to suck me.

I thrust my prick deep into Tracy's mouth and pulled her head forwards.

Hans looked up and saw what was going on. His movements became more frantic and he pounded into her cunt with ever increasing force and speed until with a grunt he shot his load up inside Tracy's vagina. Tracy bucked her hips and threw herself about nearly dislodging me from her mouth. This was enough to bring on my orgasm and as I fired my cum into the back of her mouth she greedily slurped it down.

As I withdrew Hans was now kneeling between Tracy's legs sucking his own cum out of her pussy. I watched his tongue probing between Tracy's used pussy lips and pushing inside, she squirmed and pushed down on him.

After a while he realised that I was watching and stopped and stood up, his own cum was around his lips. He picked up his shorts and walked to the door, "Thank you! Your wife was a wonderful fuck, her cunt was so soft and warm."

He opened the door and went out leaving me standing there stunned. Then I opened the door and called out for him to come back, "Hans, come back! We haven't finished yet."

He came back in and expressed surprise that I was prepared to share Tracy's favours with him further.

"Are you into butt fucking?" I asked him.

"Please?" he replied, obviously not understanding.

I went over to the bed and turned Tracy over, she was purring with contentment. I spread her legs and parted her buttock cheeks and pushed two fingers into her anus, "In there, do you fuck in there?"

He told me that he had done sometimes and asked if I was sure that it would be all right to do so, he didn't want to abuse my hospitality.

I told him that I would like him to do it and that I was sure Tracy would really appreciate it too. I didn't tell him that I fucked Tracy in the ass on a regular basis as well as certain buddies of mine.

I went and got a tube of lubricant gel from the bathroom and massaged it well into Tracy's asshole. She squirmed beneath me as my fingers intruded deep into her virgin passage but let me do it, maybe it would be all right. Watching me had re-invigorated Hans; his long prick was now standing upright again.

I moved aside and motioned him to go ahead. I helped him pull Tracy to the edge of the bed and spread her ass cheeks for him; her asshole glistened with the lubrication. He put his prick against the sphincter and pushed.

Tracy gasped at the intrusion but like magic her asshole opened up to admit him. He pushed in a little bit further and she gasped again and I saw her sphincter tighten round his tool. This obviously stimulated and encouraged him and with one steady push he inserted the full length of his prick.

This time Tracy screamed and he looked at me aghast, "It's okay," I lied, "She always reacts this way to a butt fuck, just ignore her."

With this encouragement from me he started to fuck her ass as if it was her cunt. Tracy screamed and screamed again and I saw her asshole wide open every time his tool came out. As he approached his climax he would pause after drawing out before thrusting his tool back in with enormous force. Tracy finally stopped screaming; I guess she had finally passed out, but not from the alcohol I think.

It was obvious when he came "Gott in Himmell!" he roared and made three ferocious staccato insertions before collapsing over Tracy's back.

When he withdrew a mixture of cum and blood began to seep out of her asshole, which was red and raw.

"Good Night" he said and this time I didn't stop him.

I looked down at my wife's ravaged buttocks and realized that I had developed another erection myself. Hans had broken her ass in, and obviously enjoyed it; I reckoned I should try it out myself whilst I had the opportunity.

I knelt behind Tracy and used the mixture of blood, cum and lubricant to slide myself into her still open asshole. It went in easily and I was able to work it right to the hilt without difficulty. As I pounded my prick into her ass meat, and kneaded her buttock cheeks, I thought about the morning and the explanations, which might be necessary then.

As I penetrated deep inside her rectum, however, these thoughts disappeared and I was caught up in the tight grip she exerted as I urgently powered in and out, harder and harder, faster and faster. I reached beneath her to squeeze her boobs and pull her back against me so that I could go deeper and deeper. I drove in and out of the familiar hole in a frenzy until finally I came and came and came deep inside her shapely ass.


Tracy didn't say anything at breakfast. She knew she had been fucked, the taste in her mouth and the dried cum in her bush and around her pussy, gave the game away, but she had expected that, I always fucked her when she got drunk but it must have puzzled her that I had cum twice in two different holes. The way she was walking, however, showed that her ass was sore and she must have wondered how it got that way.

I guess she must also have had a hefty hangover. Although she must have had her suspicions about what had gone on she was very civil to Hans all the same, and kissed him on the cheek when he left.

When I came home that night she tackled me about the night before. She confessed that she couldn't actually remember what had happened. I told her how she had led Hans on and let him fuck her, whilst she gave me a blowjob, and how then, before I could stop him, Hans had flipped her over and reamed her ass. I didn't mention that I had then butt fucked her as well. She looked thoughtful at this explanation but appeared to accept it.


Life went on for the next couple of weeks much as normal.

Then my company got an order from Hans', which was four times bigger than we had expected! My commission on the order was enormous and I was able to give Tracy a good handout to go and buy clothes. This made her very thoughtful and she asked me if I thought that letting Hans fuck her had anything to do with the size of the order; I had to tell her that it seemed quite likely.


A few weeks later my boss called me in and told me that a Sven Larsen was coming over from Sweden in a couple of months, could I possibly entertain him like I had entertained Hans. I bit my tongue and didn't say, "You mean will I let him Fuck Tracy?"

I told my boss that I would discuss it with Tracy and let him know in the morning. I broached the subject very tentatively with Tracy that evening expecting her to get mad at me about it. Her immediate response, though, was

"You mean can Sven stay here and use me as a Sex Toy, don't you?"

Before I could reply to that she said, "Okay!"

I was really startled but Tracy said if it meant another big bonus then why not, generally speaking she enjoyed being fucked so why not get something out of it other than a load of cum. It wasn't as if she was selling herself on a street corner, was it? Since I had let the German have her, why not Swedish.

She suggested all the same that I had better start butt fucking her more often to get her used to it before Sven came in case it was his favorite hole.

Eventually I let her persuade me that, okay, we would try it out.

That night when I went back into the bedroom after brushing my teeth Tracy was lying face down on the bed with her nightie pulled up to her waist. She had shapely her legs spread and was holding her butt cheeks apart with her asshole glinting at me.

I took one look and dropped my pajamas. I lay between her thighs and placed my prick at her asshole and slowly pushed down. She squealed and tensed up. I pushed harder but her sphincter was clamped shut. I tried again but it was impossible to gain access and I sat back on my haunches and watched my erection slowly subside. Taking her when she was unconscious, and when her ass had just been opened up by Hans, was one thing, cold sober was quite another.

"Its no good," I said, "You have to relax."

Tracy sat up and looked at me, "Go and get me a large whisky homey."

I came back with a triple, which she knocked back in one gulp. She bent over me and put my flaccid penis in her mouth and started to suck. I lay back to enjoy it and thought, "This is fucking great, first I get one of Tracy's fantastic blowjobs, then I get to fuck her in her ass.' This was truly turning into one hell of a night. And all thanks to my letting Hans fuck her when she was drunk.

"OK! Let's try again and this time just ignore me and keep going, okay honey?"

Tracy knelt on the floor and raised her tight butt in the air. I knelt behind her and spread more KY Jelly round her anus and massaged it into her hole. When I was able to slip my fingers inside her without too much resistance I directed my tool at her asshole once again.

Again she flinched but through gritted teeth she muttered, "Go on, push hard baby."

I pushed again and this time my erection stayed firm and I got the head of my prick into her ring. She tensed up but I pushed harder, she screamed but I kept pushing and got about two inches inside her. I remembered watching Hans so I took a deep breath and rammed myself down on her buttocks. Tracy screamed in anguish but my tool slid home to the hilt.

I stayed still for a moment, beneath me Tracy was sobbing, then I began to fuck her! She carried on sobbing but gradually I felt my prick being sucked into her and she began to move her buttocks to keep pace with my thrusts. The sobbing ceased and was replaced with grunts as she thrust back at me more vigorously as I pounded into her.

This was the first of many times that I ass fucked my pretty little wife over the next few weeks. She was so keen to give a good assfuck that she bought a dildo at a sex shop and worked it in her asshole every day to keep it stretched!

My dick now slides into her without any difficulty and with minimal lubrication. Quite often we assfuck lying on our sides, like spoons. This lets me squeeze her boobs or finger fuck her cunt at the same time for heightened pleasure.

Sometimes she kneels on hands and knees so that we can go at it 'doggy' fashion. In this position she encourages me to change holes, mid-fuck, so to speak, too increase the excitement. I can control which hole I come in.

I recently caught her reading the 'Kama Sutra' and 'The Perfumed Garden', two erotic sex books that describe a lot of interesting variations. She explained to me that she wanted to give Sven the best time of his life and also told me that she didn't want to be completely drunk this time.

With all the deviations that Tracy has read about I do hope that Sven will be man enough for her when he arrives!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

My wife has helped me, "us", all our married life. She has used sex to pay the rent and get paid while doing so. Men from other countries will pay a lot to fuck someone out of their norm. My lovely Latina, with 36Cs, full butt, wide hips and hairy pussy is every Asian mans dream. She loves their little cocks for butt fucking. More stories!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

"Go and get me a large whisky homey."

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Loved it!

Lucky Girl!....Fab story... I wish my husband would bring business colleagues back for me....made me so wet and wanting I had to read it twice!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Great story, my wife too often helps out with important clients and it has made us closer than ever, we both love each other and sex. Keep writing the great stories and to those of you who don't like them go somewhere else it's a free country. I'd love to be between your legs, Tracey!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
It wonderful having a whore for a wife.

Why would I ever spend my time working and actually selliing something, when my wife can spread her legs and get the orders for me with little or no effort on my part. We really dont care about STDS or HIV we are invincible.

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