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Sharkbait Down Under Ch. 01-10


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"You don't want children?"

"I do, but most Packs don't live near the ocean. I wanted to go to school first, not go to school part-time at night as my Mom did, and not to study something the Alpha thought would help the Pack. That probably would have happened if Timothy hadn't rejected me; his Pack was inland, and his parents were pressing him to mate so they could secure the next generations. Instead, I pushed my shark tagging project, signed with Bodyglove as a model, participated in two documentaries on sharks, and now I'm producing a reality show about my life. I'm living my dreams, and now I've found you."

"Timothy was an idiot to give you up. I'm sorry he hurt you, but if he hadn't, you wouldn't be here now." I rolled on top of him, kissing my way down from his face to his neck. He tasted better than anything; my hands and mouth kept moving, following the hairs on his chest down to his stomach. My hands were about to investigate the warm bulge in his trunks when I was rudely interrupted.

"Mom needs everyone down on the beach for pictures," Amy sent into her mind.

"Ugh," I said. "I have to get dressed so we can go to the wedding."

"How did you know?"

"Pack link. Susan, Amy, Fiona, and Carly can all talk to me mentally, just like you will be able to after you claim me." I rolled off the bed, grabbing my bikini out of my suitcase before walking into the bathroom. I was used to quick changes from my job, so a few minutes later, I was back out with my hair fixed, light makeup on, and my shark-grey bikini that would match my mate's shirt.

"Wow," Nicholas said as he finished buttoning up his shirt. "You look fantastic."

I blushed as I reached into the closet and pulled out a brightly-patterned silk beach dress. Nicholas' breath caught as I pulled it over my body and let it fall around me. "Come on, my mate," I told him as I took his hand. "You owe me dinner and dancing."

"I did promise to show you a good time," he said with a grin.

Ch. 5

One day free, and I'd revealed myself to humans.

Fuck, what a cock-up. I shifted as soon as I was out of sight of the two girls, racing back to the creek I'd passed. I washed my fur in the water, then shook myself to dry before repeating it. Running back to my pile of clothes near them, I shifted back to my human form and pulled on my clothes. "I'm back, you're safe," I said as I walked out into the clearing.

"You came back," Laura said. She was sitting on a fallen tree, gripping the sword that was almost as tall as she was with one hand, while her other held her torn shirt up. Emma was by her side, looking at me with wide eyes. "The other man?"

"He can't hurt you now. My name is Philip, Philip Corcoran." Laura was shaking, the adrenaline dump from the fight was wearing off. Her shirt was barely a rag, with no way of staying up. I pulled my shirt off and handed it to her, turning my back to them so she could pull it over her head. When I looked again, she was wearing my worn shirt like a dress. "Are either of you hurt?"

"Emma's hip hit a rock; she can't walk. I'm all right." The look of pain in her eyes told me she wasn't, but she was acting brave.

"Emma, can I check your leg?"

She looked at Laura first, then nodded. I gently checked her ankle, knee, and hip for motion. Her hip was tender, but I was able to move it around. The bruise would be painful, but she would recover. "Try walking on it."

Emma stood up, and I could tell it hurt. I held her as she tried to walk, but she let out a cry of pain, so I helped her sit down again. "I'll have to carry you home," I said with a smile.

"Doggy ride home," she said.

I stopped a few feet away, kneeling until I was at their level. "The dog helped you, but you cannot tell anyone about him," I warned them. "Please. Men will hurt him if you tell them the dog saved you."

"Why? The doggie was nice," Emma said.

"People are afraid of what they don't understand. They will hurt me too." I looked in their eyes, pleading with them to understand. The other choice was too horrible to think about; I was foolish to shift back around them.

Laura whispered in her sister's ear, and Emma smiled and looked at me. "Our secret?"

"Yes, our secret," I said. "We tell people the bad men tried to hurt Laura, but I fought the man instead until Laura stabbed him." I still couldn't believe this blonde wisp of a girl had run him through with a sword. "If they want to know more, you can't remember. You were frightened." With these two, the less said, the better.

"You'll take us home?"

"Yes." I helped Laura to her feet; I could smell the blood, but I didn't want to know if the man had hurt her that way. "Leave the sword here," I told her. "There is no one left to hurt you, Laura. You were very brave today."

"Very foolish," she said as she looked at the ground. "I got us lost, and this happened."

"Wandering off was foolish, but you didn't deserve what happened next." I picked up Emma in my arms, holding the young girl against my chest. "Come on." I didn't know where they lived, but I knew which way the skinny man had gone, so I followed that scent. It wasn't long until we came across the other man. The dingoes had found him, four or five of the wild dogs ripping into his carcass. I turned so Emma wouldn't see, but Laura had spotted the body, and she turned aside and began throwing up. "Close your eyes, Emma." I stood there until Laura's retching was over; she wiped her mouth and stood up again. "Keep your eyes on me only," I said softly. She moved up next to me, using me to block the view.

We walked for another hour, moving at Laura's slower pace. She was more hurt than she let on. We were taking a rest for my arms when I heard men shouting their names. I stood up and cupped my hands, yelling back in their direction. "OVER HERE! HELP!" The girls started crying as they heard the horses approaching.

The first to arrive were two mounted soldiers. Spotting me with the girls, my whip lashings on display as Laura had my shirt, they drew swords and closed fast. I moved a few steps away from the girls, dropping to my knees with my hands up.

I don't think the soldiers cared; they were going to kill first and ask questions later. "NO!" Laura moved in front of me as the two riders came to a stop. "He saved us," she said as she cried.

One of the men sheathed his sword and jumped off his horse. "I was bringing them back," I told them.

More men on horses arrive, one of them in a panic. "LAURA! EMMA!"

"DADDY," Emma cried out. She tried to get up but fell back painfully.

"Her hip is bruised; I had to carry her," I told the men. Neil Baillieu rode up, rushing to embrace them.

"Take them home, we'll finish up here," the Sergeant told her.

Neil picked up Emma, but Laura grabbed his arm and led him to where three soldiers were watching me. "Daddy, this is Philip Corcoran. He saved us from the bad men who tried to hurt me."

The anger in his eyes quickly changed. "Thank you," he said.

"Your daughters were brave," I said. "When I came back to the clearing, the man had torn Laura's clothing and was trying to overpower her. I knocked the man off Laura, and while we were fighting, she grabbed his sword and ran him through."

"You were a prisoner?" I could see Neil's hesitation.

"My papers are in my shirt," I said as I nodded my head towards Laura.

She pulled them out of the pocked, and her father looked them over. "Released yesterday," he said as he looked up.


"What were you doing out here?"

"I was hoping to find work on a farm. I herded sheep and raised crops in Ireland, and I need a job."

Neil handed the papers to the Sergeant. "If he checks out, send him my way. I can always find a place for a good man."

"He's a traitor to the Crown," the man said.

"He was thirteen years old." With that, he walked back to his horse, lifting Emma onto the saddle.

"Lawrence, escort him back with the older girl," the Sergeant ordered. Moments later, the two horses were trotting away, leaving me with five confused and pissed off Cavalry members. "Now, where were we?"

"An hour's walk to the first man, another ten minutes to the second," I said. "Assuming you want to find the people who tried to hold the girls for ransom and rape the older one."

"Tie him up, he can lead us there," the leader said. One of the men bound my wrists behind me with a leather thong and tied a rope around my neck that lead back to one of the horses. As I walked, I gave my story and answered their questions. I don't think they believed me.

They didn't mind when the rope "accidentally" pulled me off my feet, made more difficult by my hands being useless. It was late afternoon when we got to the clearing; a musket shot drove off the dingoes. One of the soldiers threw up when he saw the body, but it helped my story if they couldn't tell how his throat got torn out. "I know this guy," another man said. "He escaped five weeks ago."

"This is the runner," the Sergeant asked.

"Yes. Look in his pockets. He carried the girls' necklaces as proof for the ransom." The soldier pulled out the two lockets and handed them over. "The girls were attacked this way."

"What about the body, Sarge?"

"Dingoes gotta eat too," he said as he mounted up again. I led them back to where the big man lay in the sun, more of the wild dogs on him. My story checked out; the sword wound in his belly killed him. "Cut him free," he ordered. "Get him on your horse. I don't want to be out here past nightfall."

One of the men extended his hand, and I swung onto the horse behind him. We rode back to Sydney, arriving at sunset, and went straight to the prison administration building.

"Corcoran, that didn't last long," the Lieutenant said.

"His story checked out." He gave his boss everything he had learned, including the identities of the two dead escapees.

"Put him in a cell for now," the Lieutenant said as he took back my papers. "The Governor can decide tomorrow."

It took two days, but the next time I walked out of that prison, I had a pardon from the Governor in my pocket. I was surprised to see Neil Baillieu waiting with a spare horse. "Mister Baillieu," I said as I approached him. "Are the girls all right?"

"They will be fine, Philip. Come on. I've got a job for you."

Ch. 6

Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort
Gold Coast, Australia

"This is a hell of a place for a wedding," Nicholas said as we walked across the boardwalk at the hotel pool towards Mirage Beach.

"I'm amazed the hotel could put everything together this quickly," I replied. I was jealous of Susan; she'd found a way to have her big day without months of planning hell. We found the wedding party near the lifeguard tower, with Linda herding them for the different shots she would need.

"Ah, good, you're here," Linda said as she spied me. "Join the family for a few shots." I reluctantly let go of Nicholas' hand and put on a big smile as I joined Susan, Hammer, Amy, and Luke on the sand near the crashing surf. "I'm sorry this is taking a little longer, but I'm doing some short video segments as well as still photos," she explained as she moved me to stand with Amy.

"It's fine," I said. Linda got some still pics after the twins joined us, with and without our wraps, and that attracted a little attention. Hotel security worked with Fiona to keep the crowd behind the rope barrier set up for the ceremony. There was a flower-covered arch stuck into the sand, and a dozen white folding chairs arranged in front of them. Speakers on posts flanked the arch and softly played Susan's classic rock playlist. Linda started taking some video of the people arriving as Amy and Susan headed back inside to wait for the service to begin.

"What's going on," Makani sent to me as I snuggled into Nicholas' side while we walked down the beach. We had about ten minutes before we had to be back, and I wanted to be alone with him.

"What do you mean," I answered innocently.

"You're looking at him like a slab of Grade-A Prime Man-Meat coming off your smoker," Noelani said. "You're drooling. I take it your date is going well?"

"Fantastic," I said back. "Nicholas is studying to be a Doctor, AND he's been diving since he was a boy."

"You can't fool us, Vicki. We know you."

"Later." I stopped, pulling Nicholas around before wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my head back for a kiss. "We shouldn't go too far," I said.

"Not until I get you back to my room," he replied.

"Don't," I said. "Everyone is going to smell my arousal."

He just laughed. "You'll be apples. Me crackin' a fat will show on video in these bathers. I can't swim with those shark biscuits, so give me a minute to get my donger down."

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow. "Do I need to pull up Google Translate on my phone?"

"You're going to be fine, but I've got to lose my erection because it will show on camera, and I can't swim out and hide with the new surfers. I can turn the Bogan twang off for work, but it's fun watching you try and figure out what we say in plain English." He looked out at the waves breaking onto the shoreline in front of us. "Back home, I'd walk into the cold Southern Ocean, and it would shrink right down. Here the waters are too warm."

I turned him around and led him on a slow walk through the wet sand. It felt so good just to be with him. "You should come with me on my tour," I said. "Can your family spare you for a few weeks? I've got events in two more cities, and we're filming a dive on the Great Barrier Reef the day after tomorrow's Bodyglove event."

He looked off. "Dad said, and I quote, 'Mom will be mad as a cut snake if this Sheila isn't home for Chrissie with us.' We're mates, love, and my human side is just figuring out what that means. My wolf doesn't have any doubt; you are mine, and I am yours. I can't leave you alone."

"We both have commitments," I said as I looked out at the ocean. "You have your family business, your school. You can't just walk away from everything."

"We will figure it out, just like you'll figure out what I'm saying after a few days."

"Maybe," I said with a laugh. We took our time, talking about what my schedule was like for the next month. We were going to continue working our way west in the Southern Hemisphere. After Sydney and Perth, it was up to Singapore for a big fashion show. After that, a photoshoot in the Maldives, then to Capetown, South Africa. After a few days diving with Great Whites, we would fly across the South Atlantic to Rio, then north to Rio de Janeiro, Jamaica, and Cancun. The tour ends in Acapulco, Mexico, on Friday, December 23rd. "After that, I planned to be back home until we start filming in the Gulf of Mexico in mid-January."

"And now?"

"Home is a flexible idea," I said as we crossed the rope into the private beach area.

Ian and Dorothy were waving for us from chairs in the front row. We sat down on the chairs a few minutes before Hammer and Luke walked down the aisle to stand at the right side of the arch. Both were in white swim trunks with flower print Bodyglove shirts. Pachebel's Canon in D started, and we all stood and turned to the hotel.

Amy walked out first, looking lovely in her white bikini with a sheer flower-pattern beach coverup. Linda was moving around, recording the video while also live-streaming it to our Packs. When the music changed to Wagner's Bridal Chorus, we finally saw her.

Susan appeared in the walkway, but it was her escort that had my jaw drop. UNKY LEO? What the HELL? How did they keep THIS secret?

Susan looked radiant; her white bikini visible under her sheer white wrap, a white veil, and white sandals. Leo was barefoot, with gray trunks and a Bodyglove print shirt with different shark species on it. As the music played, the two made their way down the beach until they stopped just before the flower-covered arch. The music stopped, and the minister began. "We gather here today to witness one of life's great moments, the joining together of two souls in the bonds of marriage. Who gives this woman in marriage?"

"I do," Leo said. He kissed her cheek and handed her to Hammer, shaking his hand before turning to sit by me.

"I can't believe you're here!"

"Later," he said.

The wedding ceremony was pretty standard, but the people and the scenery made it memorable. The couple had written their vows, and there wasn't a dry eye watching by the time they exchanged the rings. "You may now kiss the bride," the minister said.

"About time," Hammer whispered as he pulled Susan to him. Lifting her veil, he drew her into his body and kissed her for a long time. She was flushed when they broke apart.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Kendall."

I barely avoided laughing; I'd never heard Hammer's real name, and that was probably why. Still, it had been a beautiful ceremony, and I was clapping as they walked back up the beach. As soon as we got off the sand, I jumped into Leo's big arms and hugged him.

Nicholas growled and pulled me back to him.

"It's all right," I said before Leo could react. "Nicholas Corcoran, this is my Uncle, Leo Volkov. Leo is Alpha of the Miesville Pack and is like a father to me."

I could sense Nicholas' wolf coming forward, but Leo was a Mantled Alpha, and it didn't last long. Ian was just as affected, so Leo pulled his wolf back and focused on Nicholas. "It is good to meet a friend of my niece. How long have you known our Vicki?"

"Long enough to know that she is MINE," he replied with a low growl.

"Nicholas, this is Susan's day. We aren't going to talk about that!" I was a little mad, but a new mate was possessive and didn't like me showing affection to other males.

"But we WILL talk later," Leo promised. I took Leo in my other hand, introducing him to everyone else in attendance as we gathered in a private room for the reception. The place was decorated beautifully, the two-tier cake by the windows looking out over the pool. So much had happened so quickly for us; it was great to be able to celebrate Susan and Hammer's union.

We danced, partied, and swam well into the night. When Susan left for their room with her husband, everyone gathered around Nicholas and me. "Spill," Makani said as she pulled the doors closed.

"Nicholas and I are mates," I said. "I didn't want to say anything before the wedding because this isn't my day, it's Susan's. I love Nicholas already, and we are going to mate tonight."

"Are you going to his Pack, or is he coming to Three Sisters? Or Miesville?" Noelani and the others were already trying to figure out answers to questions I hadn't asked yet.

"We need help, Uncle Leo," I said. "There is no Pack down under. There are about seven dozen werewolves and human spouses, in family groups of up to ten, scattered in small towns along the Southern Ocean. Everyone in Nicholas' family descended from a single Beta wolf two centuries ago; they had no idea what an Alpha or a Pack was until I told them."

Leo sat heavily into a chair. "That's unheard of," he said.

"That's why I need help. When we mate, Nicholas gains the power of a Mantled Alpha. The two of us will instantly become Alphas of the Australian Pack, but forming that Pack and turning it into a cohesive unit is going to be difficult."

Leo was working through things in his mind. "I need to bring Adrienne into this conversation," he finally said. "This raises all kinds of issues beyond just you and your mate."

I could imagine. "Let's go to your hotel room and set up a call. My parents and Alpha Steven need to be part of this too."

"No," Leo said to my surprise. "The Pack and these problems will still be here in the morning. You two need to mate before the pheromones you're putting out drive us all nuts. I'm sure your parents would appreciate knowing before you claim each other, even if it's only by a few minutes." I blushed, but he was right. I could barely sit here talking while my wolf wanted to claim her mate. "Ian, I assume you can speak to the status of the wolves here?"

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