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She Came For What She Wanted

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An old romance returns to my life for a steamy night.
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Like most events in our lives, our family schedule had event on top of event. My wife and I had committed to hosting our children's end of season swim team parent social; an opportunity to have the various families enjoy themselves in a slightly more adult environment with cocktails. The event was scheduled for tonight, a beautiful early fall Saturday evening. Mistakenly, we had also volunteered to chaperone a sleep away field trip for our children, also tonight. We were left with no option but to divide and conquer. We discussed earlier in the week who should handle which event. Given that most of the sleepover chaperones were various mothers from the class, I quickly suggested that my wife take that duty. There is little chance that 40 kids and nearly 20 moms sleeping over in a museum could be anything other than a miserable night I wouldn't soon forget. I volunteered to host the swimming social for the parents. We were disappointed, as this had the makings of a great adult night, but such is the way when you have children and an unyielding torrent of kid activities.

Around midafternoon I bid my children and wife farewell on their adventure for the night. I gave my wife a soft kiss and then playfully shoved her sleeping bag into here chest. "Have fun!" I intoned with a playful smile and sarcastic overtone that my wife immediately picked up on. She shot me back a furtive glance as she stepped out of the door, following our children as they bounded down the walkway toward the car.

I turned my attention back to preparation for this evening's party. We expected to have around 20 adults from our club where the kids swam; a mix of close friends and acquaintances. Typically a lively group during swim meets, I expected tonight to be a chance to continue the fun without the intermittent distraction of fetching kids towels or tracking down swim caps. By late afternoon the bar was set up and the caters had finished their prep. The afternoon air had started to cool and with it a crispness that built excitement. On the patio, sofas with plush pillows surrounded a warm fire pit flickering with its glow against the late afternoon orange sun. With only a short time until guests would arrive, I went change putting on a sleek dark jeans and a crips white shirt. My hair, starting to pick up specs of salt and pepper at the temples balanced well against my blue eyes and lightly tanned face. As I took one last look in the mirror before heading to greet my guests, I felt a surge of confidence in my appearance, as though now in my early forties, I looked better than at any time previously in my youth.

Guests began arriving and the mood became lively. They enjoyed the failing glow of the approaching sunset while sipping on their cocktails. Like a proper host, I floated between conversations and would steal away to welcome new guests. Any tension about hosting the event quickly melted away as I sipped a spirit that began to round off the edges on my senses. I shared jokes with our friends and mingled among the crowd, which continued to grow. In the midst of a rollicking story among the guys, I heard the doorbell and resumed my hosting responsibilities. Still laughing from the joke I casually opened the front door without a care in the world. As I boisterously exclaimed welcome, my eyes fixed on the latest guest to arrive. The slight buzz that had built after a drink drained way instantaneously. My body tensed, if only perceptible to me. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I froze, in a state of shock, panic and fear. My mind darted fiercely towards preserving an outward appearance of cool elegance. But my mind also raced at who I saw.

The sharp twinkle of smoky green eyes, squinting slightly as happens with a smile. Framing those eyes was beautiful shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. As if scripted by a Hollywood director, the last rays of light from the sunset back lit her hair, adding a shimmer that was mesmerizing. Her warm pink lips framed a beautiful smile that worked in concert with her eyes to project a disarming and enchanting gaze that you would be hard pressed to avert your eyes from.

"Hello! It is so good to see you! Thank you hosting tonight! Your house is beautiful. I got the note your wife wouldn't be here. What a shame" Like a boxer grasping to regain his composure after suffering a direct blow, my mind reeled hopelessly as I sought to steady my focus. She brushed right past me as she all but floated through the doorway. Her inviting perfume and a whisp of her hair floating past me delivered was another direct hit to the jaw. If this had been a boxing match, it wouldn't have lasted long. I focused to keep my legs underneath me as they became weak.

While I had been leveled internally and left reeling, I had somehow maintained a confident outward appearance and the armor like smile I had put on as a party host. "Nicholas, not with you tonight?" I managed to coolly ask. She gave no acknowledgment and continued to waft into my home ambivalent to my inquiry. While this woman had managed to surprise me and slay me with her eyes and smile, she was far from a stranger to me. Rather quite the opposite. Since the age of 15, Penelope had been a tumultuous presence in my life. She was the first girl I had a crush on and became a high school romance. We were each other's first lovers giving each other our virginity in the awkward way teenagers do. We went our separate ways in college, but like the gravitational pull between two celestial bodies we would reconvene around holidays or summers. Sometimes romantically, but more often, antagonistically. She had become extremely adept at playing the flirtatious game of teasing and toying with me, as well as other men. She knew exactly what buttons to push with me and found a perverse enjoyment in doing so, often just for the sport of it. At various times I would pursue her only to be pulled in and later rebuffed. At one point she played the perverse game of getting me together to spend time with Nicholas, the man with whom she would eventually marry and start a family.

After breaking off contact, I pursued my own life without her. I met and married my wonderful life, fathered two wonderful children and achieved a level of professional and financial success that most people would only dream of. I had crafted my life and my world into exactly what I wanted it to be. I had all but forgotten of Penelope. But like a distant orbiting planet, she returned again when we found ourselves at the same club with our children swimming together.

My initial shock subsiding and some additional pleasantries behind us, I escorted her through the house onto the patio where she quickly assimilated into the crowd striking up conversation with the couples she knew. I returned into the house, moving to my liquor cabinet to pour a few fingers of my finest whiskey. Like a knight selecting his best armor for battle, I went for my best liquor to build my confidence and prepare me for whatever lie ahead. I returned to the party which at this point was in full swing. While technically a cocktail party social, this group of individuals were no strangers at enjoying themselves. The ladies wistfully consumed champagne with little regard to their intoxication, while the men sought stiffer drinks to dull the senses.

During one lively discussion with several of the men, my drink had run dry. Enjoying the conversation as I was, I choose to forgo seeking a refill for the moment. Holding my glass on my left while turned to the right, I felt someone reaching for my glass, expecting to turn and thank one of the adept catering staff, found Penelope standing there, exchanging my empty glass for a fresh drink. "Sorry to butt in boys, but I thought our host might need a fresh beverage." Amongst a group of middle-aged men in staid button down shirts her golden sequined cocktail dress was a shimmering beacon. Falling from where her hair touched her shoulders, the neckline of her dress traced towards her breasts. The plunging neckline of here dress taunted you to follow it down to its terminus, where it ended among her cleavage. Only the brave, or very savvy could allow their eyes to follow without being caught. Her breasts formed an enticing cleavage. While not large, her breasts were beautifully sized to her small athletic body. More remarkably was how firm and attentive her chest appeared for a woman in her early forties. Without so much as a word, she then took my empty glass spun and walked away. In our group Mike sarcastically commented "my drink is fine for now, thanks for asking Penelope...." Steve and Rob both chuckled, but I continued to watch her depart intently. Her dress clung lightly to her slim waist and behind. The hemline fell just below the middle of her thigh and bounced lightly as she strode way. Her legs bore the toned shape of a woman who spends her days playing tennis and other leisure pursuits. The soft click of her strappy high heels on the flagstone patio faded as she stepped away. I turned back to my discussion with the guys, taking a large gulp of my whiskey.

Around 11pm, the night started winding down as most couples had to return home to relieve the teenagers watching their children. Everyone had the glassy eyed gaze of people who enjoyed their evening and had been thoroughly lubricated with cocktails. As with the few remaining guests, I now retired to the outdoor sofa surrounding the firepit. The crisp air had become cold, the crackle of the fire drew you near. The last couple around the fire thanked me for the hospitality and asked me to pass along regards to my wife as they departed for to meet the driver taking them home. I sat staring at the fire with my drink, enjoying the tranquility of being by myself. To my surprise, the patio door opened and Penelope stepped out onto the flagstone. She had shed her high heels and walked playfully high on the balls of her feet swinging her half-filled champagne flute wistfully in by her side.

I threw up my defensive wall quickly, knowing this was not and ideal situation; the two of us alone on the patio of my house. "Is Nicholas coming to pick you up? Looks like you have put quite the dent on the champagne this evening." She dismissively quipped that he was away in the mountains with the kids, a place she had no interest in ever visiting, let alone staying overnight. "Shall I arrange a ride for you? It's getting late." I delivered my rhetorical question in a monotone and defensive nature. This was rapidly beginning to look like one of the endless flirtatious head games of years ago, and I was determined to not to go back to that stage of my life.

"I'm going to sit by the fire and enjoy my drink with you. Relax," she said. "You don't have to be so defensive all the time."

Sitting across the fire from me on the L-shaped sofa, the warm flickering light illuminated her well in shades of yellow and orange. We talked for another 30 minutes or so and she spoke in a genuine and disarming fashion. It would have been rude, if not impossible to stay so guarded. We were after all, both adults far removed from our past experiences. I opened another bottle of champagne to top off her drink. I recalled what I enjoyed about her company in the first place. As the temperatures continued to drop, she pulled her legs up onto the sofa. In a moment of weakness, my sight drifted from eye contact to peruse her legs. If only for a moment, she caught me checking her out. As quickly as I returned my gaze she shot me a smirk. "Caught", I thought, berating myself mentally for this careless lapse. The moment sobered me enough to regain composure if for only a moment. I excused myself. "I'm going to top off my drink and I'll call a driver I know, as it will take a little while." Whatever she said as I walked into the house was completely missed. I congratulated myself on taking control of the situation.

"The driver will be here in about 20 minutes." I stated matter as a matter of fact while I sat back down. While inside I gave myself a pep talk in the powder room mirror and mentally restacked the blocks of the defensive wall she had chipped away at. Her response caught me by surprise.

"What kind of whiskey is that? May I have a taste?" Not exactly what I was expecting in response to "your ride is coming", but oh well.... She got up from her spot on the sofa, walked slowly past the fire and sat down. Folding her legs underneath her, she faced me and leaned against my left shoulder. My drink sat on the side table to my right. She slowly reached across me to the side table, her face within inches of mine, her chest rubbing against my own. The soft feel of her breasts pressed against me was at the time, both new and exhilarating, but familiar. I remained frozen; a granite monolith, or so I told myself. She took a small sip of my drink while leaning across me looking directly into my eyes. "Delicious." Her perfume with hints of lemon, filled my nostrils and stimulated yet another of my senses. So as to drive her point home, she placed my drink down and repeated her provocative movements withdrawing back across my body.

"What are you doing?" I asked with indignation. Her right arm rested casually on my shoulder, her finger lightly brushing across my chest. Her left hand having replaced my drink on the table, draped softly across my lap as she drew her hand back across my lower abdomen, finally coming to rest atop my left thigh.

"The same thing we always have done before, enjoying each other..." she stated with no regard to the gravity of theses actions between two married people. My senses overwhelmed with her touch and her smell, my cock began to fill with blood and press tightly against the inseam of my jeans. Knowing that it was now or never, I stood up from the sofa shaking off her touch. From a few steps away I turned back. The fire, seemingly under her control, slowly flickered and gestured for me to return. Medusa had her hair of snakes, Penelope had her fire.

"I am not ok with this. I think we've both had a bit too much to drink. Your driver should be here shortly. Please show yourself out. Good night." I turned away and walked into the house, much the way a movie actor dramatically walks away from the scene. I strode through the house confidently, heading up the stairs to the bedroom. I had stared temptation in the face and prevailed. I am a rock. I leaned against a chair in the sitting area and let out a huge exhale of relief. While standing there pondering what had happened transpired, I heard the front door close and I saw the lights of the drivers vehicle pull out of the drive way. She was gone. Thank goodness.

To say I was aroused by the encounter was an understatement. I needed a shower to wash away the haze of evening and snap me back to reality. As I walked through the bedroom to the bathroom, I shed my clothes. Standing in the bathroom waiting for the shower water to run warm, I felt a real surge of libido. It felt good to be lusted after. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror in quiet satisfaction. My member remained thick and partially aroused. In the shower as the warm water brought about clarity of thought, I began to stroke my cock thinking about the events of the evening. I allowed myself that simple pleasure. I thought of how enjoyable it would have been to follow through on her advances. I let my thoughts drift to how it might feel to enter her, how warm and wet she might be. How she might squeeze down on me as I thrust into her. How her legs, wrapped around my torso would clench and hold me deep inside of her. How her back would arch and she would moan as I pressed against her. And how it might feel to come to climax pumping my pent up load into her, pulse after pulse.

I realized I was getting carried away pleasing myself in the shower. I stopped abruptly. "Finish the shower, then get into bed and really enjoy yourself." I told myself. I figured I could lay back in bed, jerk off slowly and pass out upon finishing. That would end the night the right way. I got out of the shower, dried off and brushed my hair. I sprayed a little bit of cologne on my neck chest and abdomen, as had become ritual for me. I was eager to get to bed. This was a night I was both eager to forget, but I realized would likely remain burned into my memory for many years.

I hung up my towel and proceeded to walk naked to bed. As I exited the bathroom, the hair stood up on my neck yet again. For the second time this evening, I had that feeling of a boxer who just got punched in the face.....

There she was, sitting in the center of my bed, up against the headboard. Her arms lay draped across the throw pillows on either side of her. She had removed her dress putting her breasts on full display. The subtle cleavage shown by her dress earlier in the night did not lie. Her breasts were beautiful and full, and created a sensuous, curved silhouette along the sides of her chest. Her nipples were small and appeared partially erect. My gaze traced down across her abdomen. Even sitting, her waist narrowed nicely and her stomach was flat with the subtlest ripple of abdominal muscles, no small feat for a woman her age. Riding high on her hips were the silky tendrils of her panties. A translucent port wine color, they were lingerie clearly selected for a purpose when she dressed for the evening. I followed the V-shape of her panties lower looking for what lay hidden by her gently crossed legs. Her thighs had subtle curves that were both toned and sumptuous at the same time. Her feet were pointed outstretched with her shiny rose-colored nails pointed at me like she was brandishing a weapon, pointed directly at me.

I stood there in shock, trying to maintain a composed nonchalant demeanor. Inside, I was on fire. My mind raced from thought to thought while processing none of them. Standing there naked near the foot of the bed, with another woman lying there waiting for you triggers equal parts excitement, fear, pleasure and anger. My pulsed quickened until the only sounds I heard were that of my heart beating and the sound of blood rushing through the vessels in my ears. With each heartbeat, my vision shook and blurred. I remained silent for long enough that she spoke first. "I sent the driver away. I couldn't leave the way we left things." Her tone was equally parts apologetic and devious. She masterfully wielded her words and gestures with the same devastating effect she had in the past.

I had spent the entire evening conflicted and fighting what I saw was happening from the moment she walked through the door. I was clearly losing. And badly at that. Without saying a word, I changed tactics. I would not continue to fight against her. This would happen. Not because it was what she wanted. But because it was what I wanted.

With that mental clarity my heart beat stabilized. I immediately felt the blood vessels in my cock begin to course with blood as it partially hardened. Without so much as a word I stepped to the foot of the bed and crawled up towards her. Our gazes fixed. My eyes looked at her now like a trophy that I had stalked. I would take this prize as I chose. Straddling her outstretched legs, I moved in to kiss her passionately and firmly. Her lips warm and wet, our tongues delicately caressing and playing with each other. Her arms moved from atop the pillows and slowly folded around the back of my neck with her fingers running through my hair as we kissed. Our bodies now entwined, she exhaled heavily. It was clear that while she premeditated this entire tryst, her anticipation was now melting away and she was falling into the moment. My cock continued to swell, dangling between my legs. This was no typical erection though. The excitement was so palpable that I could feel my flesh stretching and pulling as blood coursed into my penis. I moved my kisses from her lips to her neck. I was drunk on the smell of her perfume and could taste it ever so slightly on my lips. she breathed heavily and ran her hands down from my head down across my shoulders. I pulled back ever so slightly, repositioning myself to kiss the top of her right breast. I dragged my tongue from the top of her breast down to her erect nipple. It felt firm and was warm in my mouth.


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