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She Didn't Believe in Demons

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A demon uses Halloween to pick a mate.
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Halloween. Danazial could feel the power of the day flowing through him as far away as a week ago. Once night fell, he would have the ability to pass through the film that separated his brimstone world from the fresh human plane. It was possible for a demon of his power to pass through the plane at will, but it took effort, and he could not take passengers back with him. Tonight…tonight he would be able to pick out a mate from the millions of fertile women that lived on the first plane of existence.

Not just any woman would do, either. He spent the better part of Halloween day casting spells and narrowing down the women who would be prime to bear his spawn. Finally he settled on one young woman: Her street was quiet, she would be ovulating within the next few days and she didn't seem to believe in demons. Through an eternal flame he watched her prepare for the night:

Lacy panties and a matching bra covered her best assets, but the rest of her body was a treat to look at as well. Slender waist, but curvy hips, large breasts and shaven pussy all encased in a beautiful olive skin. Dark hair spilled down from a loosely tied elastic on one side of her neck, the ends pausing just before the cup of her bra. It was warm for late October and so she didn't bother with hose, simply pulling the short white dress on over her bare skin. The silk was soft and snuggled right up against the lace on both her breasts and her ass so tightly that even white, the under things showed a little bit. With another twelve inches, the skirt might have passed for decent, but as it was bending over or walking made it ride high on her soft hips. A pair of sheer and glittery wings, she settled on her shoulders and a circlet sat on her head in an imitation of a halo. The dress was sleeveless and so she had picked out a white feather boa to wrap around her arms to help keep her warm. White win, some candy stolen from her big bowl and a good book would keep her busy until the door rang and she could hand out candy to greedy little kids.

Danazial could barely contain himself. A ruby hand slid down his body to his painfully erect cock, squeezing it roughly to take the edge off of his need. He couldn't afford to spend his sperm in a useless endeavor. Not this night, at least. His dangerous eyes turned back to the 'angel' whose life he would change in just a few short hours.


Halloween Lacy thought with something less than enthusiasm. It was nothing more than a holiday made up by the candy companies. Perhaps once it had meaning, but now the only demons and ghosts running around were little kids and there was nothing going to rise from the dead. She paused outside her little one bedroom and knelt down carefully to place an unevenly carved jack-o-lantern on her door step. Her niece had made it for her, and it would disappoint the girl if she didn't see it when she came over next. Standing, she straightened out the short skirt of her costume.

"Trick or Treat!" A pair of kids and their slightly abashed mother smiled up at her, the two kids approaching with pillowcases, still mostly empty.

"Well look at you!" Lacy faked enthusiasm for the kids and reached back for her big bowl of candy for them. "A pirate and…" The one was easy to guess from the patch eye and striped pants, but she couldn't tell what the other kid was. It looked like he was in his pajamas with a thick belt and a bit of metal attached to it.

"I am Obi-Wan!" The other kid exclaimed, shocked that she hadn't recognized him.

"Of course." She tossed some candy in each of the pillowcases-one with Captain Jack Sparrow, and the other with what she assumed was a Star Wars scene. The parents had either bought their kids pillow cases to match their costumes, or each kid was obsessed in his own way.

The kids thanked her without sincerity then ran back to their mother, pointing at another house and asking if they could go there. That was how most of her Halloweens went, and she expected nothing else. As dusk began to fall, she slipped on a pair of fluffy white slippers, not ideal but they were the only shoes she had that would keep her feet warm and not ruin her costume.

By eight thirty, it was really dark out, and she had to turn her porch light on, and she realized that no one could see the face on the Jack-O-Lantern. It had gotten quite chilly out, so once she found a tea light, she lit it inside rather than struggling with matches in the cooling wind.

She didn't make it to the door.

Danazial had watched her through the night, waiting for the right time to approach, stroking himself off and on, but when she lit a flame he could resist no longer. Traveling the planes to a flame, his element of choice was more than easy and he stepped through the small tea light to stand before the woman, towering a head and a half over her. With skin the color of fresh blood and eyes that swam with the kind of hatred that only demons and worse could carry, he would be terrifying, but that was not all. Two sets of arms adorned his tattooed torso and the small loincloth he had worn barely hid his girth. A thin tail swished behind him, like a rattlesnake ready to pounce on its prey.

Lacy stared at him as he closed the few feet between them, too scared for her brain to even kick into its fight or flight reaction. "Angel." He breathed, and he raised a hand to her face. It was hot, and his breath smelled of sulfur and another coppery tone. Blood.

I'm dead. Lacy thought, and she could sense the truth in her words. The devil himself had come to take her to hell. Darkness surrounded her, but it was not of the demon's doing. At least not yet. Danazial caught her and lifted her easily in her lower arms. There was a burst of flame, which caught in her floorboards in his wake as he carried her back to his home. The house burned long into the night before firefighters were able to put it out.


It felt like it had been some time since she had been awake, but as Lacy sat up, she couldn't figure out when she had gone to bed. Or where. This place certainly wasn't familiar. It was dark and stank of rotten eggs, and her limbs were stiff from lying on a hard floor. It was strange. There was a bed over in the corner, a real nice kind with a canopy and curtains. Why would she be laying on the floor with a perfectly good bed only a yard or two away? Things weren't adding up, and her mind was racing. "Satan." She remembered, jumping to her feet-only to fall back hard on her ass. Thin hands rose up to her neck and encountered leather. A chain was hooked on the back of the collar, and she turned, following it back to the wall, discovering that she had just enough leeway to stand when she was next to the wall.

"You're awake." Danazial slipped into the room from a door that was hidden in shadows, but Lacy didn't bother to try to find it. Her eyes were only on the terrible man-creature who was approaching her. "Yes. Be afraid." He was right up against her now, all four hands flat against the wall, trapping her. He had yet to lay a hand on her, but she knew by the look in his eyes that she couldn't run away. His bald head bowed down and he took a deep breath. "I love the taste of fear."

He pushed back, leaving her trembling. The stones under her feet --bare? Where had her shoes gone?- were warm, not cold as she had expected such stone to be. With the realization that she had lost her shoes, she also realized that she had lost her wings and the boa. "Where-?" The question was barely out of her lips before Danazial turned back and she found herself unable to complete the last two syllables.

"You are on the third plane of existence, on the western continent, in my home." He saw the next question before she asked it and he reached for her. Both lower hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her up against his loincloth, so that she could feel his thick and hardening cock beneath it. One of the upper hands held her shoulder while the other hand ran through her pony tail, making her tremble. "I am Danazial, third most powerful being this continent. But that won't matter. You won't meet the other two."

"Why?" She whispered, looking up at him. She could feel a hardness growing against her stomach and she wasn't so naïve not to know what that meant. So, he wanted to have sex with her…that she could handle. Hell, she might actually welcome it: She could pretend he was human if she closed her eyes. How long had it been since Pete broke up with her? Months certainly. She hadn't had a lay since. Sure she had spent long nights alone with a fairly large vibrator, but that only took the edge off of her need and desire. Where the hardening cock had cast terror now she found opportunity.

Danazial frowned. The sweet scent of her fear was fading and replaced by…A deep breath confirmed that it was lust. Also pleasant, but not as much. He lowered his voice to a harsh whisper that sent chills down her spine. Fear was better. "Because my mates never survive the birthings." She gasped and fought against him, fists slamming ineffectively against his chest. Her panic only increased as he groaned, rubbing his huge cock against her stomach. It was rock hard by this point.

The demon lowered his head to her neck and pressed his burning lips to her sensitive skin there. The smell of her lust rose up into his nose, making him sigh. That was too much for Lacy. She wasn't a violent person by nature, but this had to stop. Both fists balled up, but only one swung out to connect with the demon's chin.

He laughed. The hit had barely hurt him, but she had cried out and was holding her hand against her chest. Not broken, he could tell from the pain radiating off of her, but certainly bruised. "Ah, angel. You are tempting me in more ways than you realize." His upper pair of hands trailed over her breasts and her nipples hardened against his blazing touch.

Her back arched up; seeking more than the light touch he had favored her with, even as a growl of anger slipped out of her lips. It only fed his desire. The lower set of hands trailed along her rib cage, feather light and leaving a trail of heat in their wake. It made her shiver. Those hot hands slid around to her backside and lifted her up as his body slid in to pin her against the wall. Without a conscious decision, her legs wrapped around his waist, shifting her hips forward and nestling her right up against his throbbing shaft. Even through the lace of her panties, she could feel a greater heat from that one small organ than in the rest of his body.

As his hands trailed from her buttocks and down to her thighs, Danazial hiked up her dress and slipped it over her head in a smooth motion, leaving Lacy just in her lingerie. Where their skin touched, it was like fire, but the light breeze that blew through the room chilled her shoulders and neck, causing her nipples to press against the demon's hot chest. The walls shimmered with faint bits of flame, mimicking candlelight. Lacy's throat went dry. The first time she had ever made love had been by candlelight; however her previous lover had never been so rough with her. A low growl escaped her throat at the thought of how she was about to be used, even as more juices flowed into her panties.

Breathing deeply, he felt her anger on the back of his tongue, rising up to overcome all of her other scents as his hand slid from her breasts around and around to her back to flick the hook of her bra. Her breasts relaxed and pressed more firmly against him, slipping out beneath their constraints, but her arms came across to pin them back down.

"Ah, angel." Danazial had no trouble prying her arms away from her chest, but she was struggling against him with what he had to assume was all her strength. Another shift of his weight pinned her more firmly against the wall and freed up a lower arm to come up and tear the bra away from her body. Pain flared up into the air, followed by sweet, sweet fear again. "There really isn't anything you can do." He shifted her hands around so that he was holding both wrists in one hand while the other palmed her breast, hefting it as if judging its weight.

The pain in her hand was forgotten as Lacy fought against the demon's grip, but even holding her with one hand, all she succeeded at was rubbing herself against him. She paused to glare at him, but he smirked back and lifted her up higher. A warm burst of air from his mouth was the only warning she had before his entire mouth settled on her stiff nipple and sucked. It was like electricity through her body and before she could stop it, a moan slipped out. "No." She breathed, biting down hard on her lip and drawing a drop of blood.

Danazial's head rose up, and he towered over her for a moment before moving in, lips smothering hers in a kiss not of love but pure lust; lust for her body and for her blood. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth, tongue trailing across the wound she had created before he bit down on it, drawing a second flow of blood into his mouth.

Blood was one of Danazial's weaknesses, and when the scent of it rose up into the air, most of his restraint faded. The sweet taste of her lifeblood slid across his tongue, making every nerve in his body stand on end. The coolness of her body against him, the scent of her fear, so thick in the air that he could hardly breathe, and her pussy poised above him, with just a scrap of lace to keep him away proved to be too much. He had waited all day for her. They didn't need much more foreplay.

His lower hands slid up to meet at the base of her spine where his thumbs slipped inside the fabric, then tore it apart. The last shreds of her dignity fell down to the floor in tatters, but Lacy didn't have time to notice; a giant demon cock was suddenly pressing at her entrance. A sharp push from the matching hands on her buttocks and he was several inches inside of her, spreading her out wider than she had ever been before.

Human flesh was much softer than demon flesh and Danazial growled as his entrance, his pleasure was impeded. She was well lubricated but tight, more so than the last few women he had kidnapped. His hips rocked out and back in and he slid in a few inches farther. It took a few more tries before he was buried inside of her, but she had gone very still. A small tremble was all that proved she was alive.

It should have hurt. He was forcing himself inside of her, but instead the young human woman found that she was enjoying the penetration. The heat rising off of him eased the stain of her muscles' stress at accommodating such a massive organ, leaving her pain free. As he entered her fully, she felt a rush, as if she had jumped into a cold pool in the middle of summer. Every hair on her body stood on end as she reached a new level of sensitivity. Each touch from those hands sent shocks through her limbs and to her center where they congregated creating a large bundle of energy waiting for a release.

The demon finally released her hands, but she was past the point of struggling now that he had taken her. Those hands fell down lightly on his shoulders, then gripped tightly as he began to pump inside of her. His upper arms squeezed her breasts and tweaked her nipples as his mouth continued to ravage hers. He had bitten down on her lip a few more times, drawing more of her blood into his mouth but she was squirming with pleasure, unbothered by the minor pain. Danazial's catlike tail slipped up between his legs and prodded at her back entrance until it managed to slip through ever so slightly.

The ball of energy that gathered inside of her exploded, and she screamed against his bloodied lips. As her body shook and trembled, it caressed the demon-cock inside of her, squeezing and releasing it faster than he could thrust. Pressing himself deeply inside of her, he rode out her orgasm, allowing it to push him to his own.

Strong hands rocked her slowly as demon sperm flowed up towards her womb, but Lacy was beyond noticing. The enhanced orgasm had been too much for her to handle, and she'd blacked out. Once he was spent, Danazial laid her back on the floor and readjusted his loin cloth.

He had tossed the wings, boa and slippers from her costume onto his bed when they had first returned, and now he grabbed the boa. Lacy's wrists were bruised from his harsh handling earlier, but he felt no remorse. She had been under his spell while he had been inside of her, but he had sensed her anger earlier and knew that she would be angry when she woke up, but he would have to take her again. And again. And again. How else could he make sure that she would take? He wound the boa around her wrists and shifted her over onto her side, then relaxed onto his bed watching. Without a need for sleep, she was his only focus. Her, and her womb, of course.

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