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She said It's a She Shed!

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He learns his wfe & mother have long histories with men.
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She said it's a She Shed. What it was had been my parents camping trailer built in the early nineteen-eighties. It was pretty fucked over when Mom asked my wife Nikki if we wanted it. For the last twenty years it had been a place to toss or store pretty much anything Dad didn't have a use for any longer. That and the Homeowner's Association threatened to fine him a thousand dollars if he didn't get the eyesore from his back yard.

As per my usual family status Dad offered it to my brother for free. For my two sisters he offered to deliver it and give $500 to either of them to fix it up. Then when he got the 10 day notice to comply or pay the fine I got the phone call.

DAD: "Son, we've decided to get rid of the old travel trailer."

ME: "I heard the HOA is making you move it."

DAD: "Well, they might have said something, but it needs to go."

"ME: "I hear they were fining you a grand."

DAD: "Anyway, it's in damn good shape."

ME: "I hear the roof leaks."

DAD: "If it does, it's minor."

ME: "Maybe the blue plastic tarp over it is why the HOA wants it moved.

DAD: "Anyway, it's got to move. It would be a pretty good deal for you."

ME: "Deal? Dad?"

DAD: "Yeah, how about four hundred. A new one would cost you forty grand."

My wife had already showed excitement about her own little haven. A man cave of sorts for women.

ME: "Dad, you tried to give it away and pay the girls to take it. What makes it worth it $400 to me?"

DAD: "Your Mom said Nikki might use it for her hobbies and personal space. A She Shed she called it?"

ME: "Okay, so why should I pay you for it, you old bastard?"

DAD "Tell you what, two hundred. Final offer."

ME: "It will cost me more than that to haul your shit inside it to the landfill."

DAD: "Well, I'll come over after we move it and go through the stuff."

ME: "No, you old fuck, we aren't doing that shit. What's in it stays in it. Back your truck up to it. I'll be there in 20 minutes to help you hook it up."

The old man wasn't particularly happy about the way I talked to him. He had been the Bishop twice in our Ward and still believed that Mormons had a special heaven. Profanity had no place in his life. Happily, it did in mine. So, fuck him!

This was brilliant. My fucking brother and sisters had stuff in there, too. If they want it back they can pay retail. Especially the old man. I hurried to tell Nikki. She was excited that we were going to do it.

"You go by the ATM and get $200 in cash. The old cocksucker will want cash up front." I told my wife.

When I got there the old man was backed up to the trailer. I cranked up the hitch jack and pulled the two blocks from under the front, lowered it down and pulled the two from the back.

"I'll guide you back."

The old man backed up two feet and a little to the right. The hitch ball made a satisfying click when it slid under the coupler. I cranked it down and hooked up the lights.

"Where's my money?" Right as expected from Pop.

"Nikki's got it. She had to stop by the bank."

I motioned towards her as she walked through the yard.

"Here you are, Dad!"

She smiled and winked at me as the old man didn't like her to call him Dad. He took the 10 twenties and slowly took out his wallet and gently put the money inside with a triumphant look on his face. Nikki still had that silly grin as we watched Dad start to pull away with the camper.

"I wonder what the old bastard would say if he knew I rolled the money up and drove over here with it tucked in my slit? Well, not in my pussy, lengthwise between my cunt lips."

"Oh, my God, Nikki! Oh, fuck. That's perfect."

We laughed.

That may be why Dad doesn't like me best. My little wife and I aren't exactly practicing Mormons.

The old man drove like he thought the camper was on fire. When we caught up he was starting to back into the yard.

"Where do you want your camper!"

"Lined up about 10' away from the side of the garage. If Nikki is going to use I want to be next to the sewer and water and a cord can run from the garage.

"Pretty fancy for the old travel trailer, don't ya say?"

Yeah, there's nothing you can ever say where Dad won't play down to it.

I cranked the tongue up off the ball and the old man drove away from it. I don't mean just drove away, I mean he drove away, never stopped, never looked back at the old rig that had been his for forty years. Hell, us kids camped in it with them when we lived at home. Now a piece of junk that would have cost him a thousand dollars had he not gotten rid of it.

Nikki came close for a hug. I gathered her to me.

"Do you want to fuck me in it?"

"Do you want to fuck standing up?"

"Well, maybe, but now we are in our forties and not as flexible. Let's take a look."

It smelled musty and moldy from the roof leak. There was a path if you walked sideways. And, actually a sofa covered with boxes of shit from everyone in the family but us. We both looked around in defeat.

"Naw. Maybe later." My wife wrinkling up he nose. "Let's go fuck in the house. I'll even suck your cock first."

Making Nikki a she shed wasn't an overnight thing. The first thing was finding the roof leak. There were three minor places that I fixed with sealer and some fiberglass matting. Pops came around as I was fixing it. Of course, wanting inside to "sort out a few things".

"You old bastard, I told you we weren't doing that shit."

"Your sister's had some stuff I forgot was in there."

"Tough shit, Dad. It's mine now. I warned that you weren't going to fuck with it. You sold it. If they want something, you replace it. I'll sell whatever you want to you for retail. Otherwise, fuck off!"

My wife witnessed the whole thing. We agreed they would probably break in and steal it. Self-righteous Mormons!

We spent until 3:30 in the morning going through the contents. Stuff of value or something the family might want we locked away in the garage. We had parked the camper in a handy spot. The door of the trailer almost lined up with the side door on the garage. We piled what we called trash between the two. And, no HOA to worry about. By the second trash day we had it cleaned up and in the bins.

Nikki was really buying into the She Shed idea. Seeing it cleaned out to the bare walls had her interested.

"Well, we've got the bed in the dinette and the big bed in the alcove. Are you ready to fuck me in it?"

"Jesus, it's almost coming up on daylight. Why don't we shower, get some rest, and come out here, after we clean it up a little?"

"Come on, it's Saturday. What else do we have to do?"

Nikki pulled her dirty t-shirt over her head, She wasn't wearing a bra. One thing my wife didn't have was titties. At 5'7" and 115 pounds she only needed a bra to keep her perky nipples from imprinting on her shirt. They had been imprinting all day and night. But, sensitive? Her nipples were directly wired to her cunt and standing exposed before me they were puckered to where her cunt would be lubed and ready to go.

Actually, in 22 years I can't remember a time when her cunt wasn't ready to go. Those perky tits had me hard before her shorts came off. The crotch of her panties was almost swallowed up by her little camel toe cunt.

They say God compensates. Didn't get big tits? Your ass and cunt are going to be great! And, Nikki's were great. Another great thing about Nikki amongst all the blonde, blue-eyed Mormon women? Brown eyes, brunette. Her puffy camel toe is hairy. Not the down your legs and to your navel kind of hairy, but nice black cunt hair. The kind you can bury your face in and she won't mind a bit. Need more time? Take another hour. She loves having that pussy eaten.

So, that fills in about my wife. Back to the bare bones of the She Shed and the fucking my wife was about to get.

"So, convert the dinette or hit the bed.? The old sofa looks a little nasty." Nikki pondered.

"God, the sheet on the mattress has to have been on there twenty years."

"Let's pull the sheet." Nikki giggled.

There were stains. They weren't bedwetters. It had to be cum stains.

"God, my parents used to fuck in here!"

"Fucked a lot apparently." Nikki giggled.

"I can't see Dad pulling out."

"That's your Mom leaking cream pies? Lots of cream pies apparently?"

I cringed at the fact.

"Maybe the dinette then." I started to move the cushions.

"No wait! Let's fuck in their bed. I'll put my ass right where your mother had hers."

A quick move put Nikki on her back and legs spread wide.

"Or, you could eat me first."

You can't look at that pussy and not want to eat it. I'd never turned it down when suggested. I went at her cunt face first.

"You know, this is a nasty place to fuck." I said.

"That should make it more fun. I'll probably cum all the harder."

I pushed my face into a pussy that had spent all of the night cleaning out a travel trailer.

And, she did... cum all the harder."

Back in the house we got in bed still dirty and Nikki full of cum. At noon there was loud knocking at the door.

"You get it. I'd leave a cum trail to the door."

I opened the door to two pissed sisters.

"Dad says you stole our stuff."

"Maybe he meant to say Dad sold your stuff. He owes you. You can look through what's left by the garage."

We heard a racket and some noise while the pile got scattered. They both left with an arm load of stuff.

"All the good shit is gone." My sisters complained.

"Well, you know Dad. Make a list. Send him a bill."

I could hear my wife laughing in the hall. She came out naked with a big smile on her face and some cum headed down her thighs.

"Hungry for lunch?"

"Not particularly." Noticing her leakage.

"I didn't mean that."

"So, not lunch? Shower? Back to bed?"

"Let's go fuck!"

"In the camper?"

"It's my She Shed. Fuck me in my She Shed."

"Should we get dressed first?

"We left our clothes over there early this morning, remember?"

Once safely inside we headed for the old mattress.

"I can't believe we fucked there." I mused.

"Just like your mom and dad. God, I wonder if your dad ate your mom's pussy out like you did me last night?"

"Dad has a two minute attention span. So not like I did."

"True, and I owe you!"

Nikki spun me around and pushed me on the bed and fell towards my waist. She took my cock and moved her lips toward it.

"Should we have showered?"

"No, the nastier the better. The flavor will be me and you." She grinned. "I wonder if your mother sucked your dad's cock here."

"Mom was always prim and proper. I couldn't imagine her sucking anyone's cock."

"Anyone's cock? Are you throwing your mother's cock sucking skills to the crowd?"

She took my shaft to the back of her throat. I lay there enjoying her mouth, but the vision was years ago with my mother's mouth open, swirling cum on her tongue. When I envisioned my mom swallowing a load of cum it sent my seed down my wife's throat.

When we had finished Nikki lay spread open letting our juices mingle and then set upright for the flow to add our own stain to mattress history.

We cleaned the trailer patched and fixed the rest of Saturday and Sunday. And, we fucked. Nikki was drawn to that old camper and had a proclivity to fuck in there.

A few weeks later we had painted the outside, removed the gas stove, installed a modern toilet, and sink. In the garage we had an old table that had belonged to great grandparents that made a great craft/hobby/sewing table for Nikki to dabble on most anything from painting to sewing, and other silly girlie shit.

We had it refurbished better than new. Nikki's She Shed had charm, cuteness, whatever you could pack into an 8' x 26' space. Everything was salvaged from the crap Dad left in the camper. Including curtains Nikki made on her craft/sewing table.

We yard sold everything else, except several items we put on ebay and Craig's List for a nice profit. The worst part was digging the sewage pipe to the sewer line.

We had pulled the old gas refrigerator and put in an apartment sized one for cold drinks, which mostly was beer and wine. And, an a/c heat pump in the hole where we removed a window.

The wine proved to be the downfall... depending how you looked at it.

My parents started dropping by. Together at first. We'd sit in the She Shed. Nikki and mom would kill a bottle of wine and the old man and I would drink a couple of beers together. It was an "in the neighborhood" kind of thing. Sometimes Mom would drop by during the day when she knew Nikki wasn't teaching. Still the wine came out and they'd craft, or paint, or whatever.

Not long after that it became drinking sessions. Usually Mom would be gone when I got home until one eventful evening that found Mom and my wife totally plastered. There were 3 empty wine bottles on the table and a forth half gone.

Nikki and Mom were both slurring their words and laughing at everything said like it was hilarious.

"Donna and I were getting to know each other. Weren't we Donna?"

Mom was holding any empty wine glass.

"Here, let me get that for you Donna." My wife spoke extra sweetly.

When she got up to refill the glass was when I saw that my wife was bare-assed naked except for her shirt. Mom watched her sit back down.

"Son, your wife has a great ass and a sweet little cunt on her."

My eyes jerked back to my mother while Nikki told me that Mom was naked below the waist as well. Actually, her Capri pants lay on the floor beside her and the bottoms to her Mormon undergarments lay with them.

"Donna has a tasty cunt on her, too."

Mom raised herself from her seat and gave me a full on beaver shot.

I don't know if a man can live with a heart rate of 400 beats per minute, but I felt lightheaded and weak, all the while I was processing the fact that my mother did have a tasty looking cunt on her.

"Donna and I had some wine early and I was thinking about us wondering if she cunt leaked the stains on the old mattress and if she sucked cock."

Mom laughed from deep in her gut.

"That was and yes and a yes. I do suck cock and I leaked the stains although it wasn't all from Cliff, if you what mean."

Still more drunken laughter, from my wife, too. I may need an ambulance more for them than myself.

"Donna was telling me that a lot of men have fucked her. How many was that again, Donna?" Nikki smiled sweetly.

Nikki was leading my mother on. I almost wished she'd stop as I was really getting sick. Then there it came, I needed to sit down. My mom had always been Mrs. Purity to us kids, and I'm sure Dad, too. Had the girls in Scouts and all that. Den mother to dozens.

Well, that got crushed as mother continued.

"As far as guys fucking me..." She paused for another drunken laugh. "I was saying fifty, but it was probably more like sixty. Not than I can remember the names of all of them. Hell," She laughed. "Some of them I never asked."

"That sounds like a lot, but it's over 40 years. Some fucked me a few times and I moved on. Others, I've had their cock in me hundreds of time. Last weekend I fucked one of Cliff's old marine buddies. Ricky didn't have a girlfriend and was far from home when I met him. Right after boot camp Cliff got to move me on base. I figured a little extra cock wouldn't hurt me and I swear I fucked Ricky more than I did Cliff."

"You mean the man that Dad tells me to call Uncle Ricky?"

Some more drunken laughter.

"Alice died a few years ago. I go to see Ricky a couple of times each week."

"Honey, Donna has even let some black guys fuck her."

"Those I remember their names. One was pretty ordinary, but the other three! Oh, man, I've never had my cunt so full of cock as those three!"

"Jesus, Mom! All at once?" I stammered.

"No, it was every now and again. I never got hooked on black cock like a lot of Mormon wives. Still, like I say. What a cunt full."

Nothing was said for a few seconds and I was hoping it was over. Maybe Mom had passed out.

"I did fuck four guys on a Saturday once. Cliff and I had a fight. He stormed off. You were about four at the time, son. A guy at work had been pressuring me to fuck and I was interested. I called him to the house and he fucked me royally. I knew I was ovulating and kind of hoped his load of cum in me would get me pregnant.

Then I fucked two of the married neighbors, and called the fourth guy off the street. Then Cliff came home drunk and after having four other guys fuck me I had make up sex with my husband. That's when your little sister came along nine months later. You know, just in case you wonder why she doesn't look like the rest of you or your father."

"That explains Jessie!" My turn to laugh even though horrified at what I had been hearing.

"Yes," Mom volunteered more 'too much information'. "Jessie was the guy I worked with." I had a hunch he impregnated me that first time we fucked so I covertly name my daughter after him.

We fucked each other until he and his wife moved away. As far as the neighbors, it's hard to watch someone in the neighborhood you've fucked and not want to fuck them again.

"That's my sixty guys. Fond memories of all. Not a bad fuck in the lot of them. Whoa! I've got to go pee!"

Mom got up slowly offering me an unabashed 10 second view of her cunt. Her thighs were firm and the sway of her ass walking to the toilet revealed her backside was taunt as well. She didn't close the door and we could her her begin to urinate.

"Listen, I'm not as drunk as you think." My wife whispered. 'We can use this to control her until the day she dies."

"It's her word against ours. No one is going to believe us against her."

"My phone is recording. Let's hang her old ass. Do it!"

Years of frustration could be coming to an end. I gave Nikki my thumbs up. The toilet flushed.

Nothing screams reality like your mother walking towards you flashing her cunt. She has a nice pussy mound and her outer lips are tucked up tight. My Mom's a hot wife! She sat with one leg up making it hard not to focus on her cunt slit.

"I made sure I got it well cleaned if you want another taste, Nikki. God, I really need to cum, Dear!"

"I'd love to, Donna. Let's get that shirt off so I can play with your tits. Your garment looks like you are wearing a straight jacket."

As a kid you know your mother has tits. You just never realize that your mother may have a great set of tits. At 59 I saw that my mother didn't have stretch marks, and maybe 2" of sag. Mom had tossed her bra at me. Size 38 D-Cup.

Nikki went right after her. Mom opened both thighs over the chair arms opening herself up for display. Nikki took off her shirt. My mother and my wife were both nude before me. My wife lowered self to shove her face into my Mom's cunt. Mom gasped. Nikki's hands went up to fondle Mom's nipples.

Mom's hips rolled as Nikki got her tongue in deeper. Nikki was making her cum. Mom was squirming, begging for a chance to catch her breath. Nikki kept eating her, but backed off to let Mom calm down.

Meanwhile, I had been watching my wife's cunt. She had always been one to fire up fast. In this case grool from her slit was almost reaching the floor. She wasn't going to be able to deny enjoying it.

With that juicy cunt only about two feet away I wiggled out of my pants. I was getting in on this. I put my hands on my wife's ass and shoved my cock full force into her cunt. All that I knew was that I was way past the point of needing to cum.

We hit a great rhythm. Nikki had my cock in her from behind and getting off on what she was doing to Donna. Mom was in all out orgasm mode, head rolling around, crotch pounding at Nikki's face while screaming, fuck, fuck, fuck!

It was like my cock was going right through and fucking Mom. I stroked hard and deep. Nikki started to cum, sending my balls into action, and flooded into her cervix. The sensation for Nikki caused her to suck onto Mom's clit and bite down. Mom spasmed violently, then went limp.

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