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She Wanted to Cheat

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She didn't consider a change in the rules.
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** This story could belong in Loving Wives, Mature, Group or Novels. It includes incest, a little BDSM, lots of vanilla sex, polyamory and monogamy. There is one scene I'd put in the kinky category, but there isn't one. This is not a traditional story about a cheating spouse.

* * * * * *

On the tenth of April I got an email from a friend who lives in San Francisco. I read it at work. Thinking about it pretty-well ruined the rest of my work day.

It said, "Walt, I went to lunch today at the Cannery Shopping area and I saw your wife Colleen having lunch with two men and a woman. When I recognized her I was about to go over and greet her but I changed my mind. The two men were in suits and both Colleen and the other woman were in short skirts and tank tops. I remembered you said she was coming up for a business conference so seeing her didn't surprise me until she leaned to her right and kissed the man sitting there! Her right hand was in his lap and the kiss lasted a looong time. The other couple followed their lead and also kissed.

I'm telling you because if my wife was kissing and touching someone else and you saw it, I'd want you to tell me." It was signed, "Good Luck, Mark."

Four hours of thinking about the implications of what he allegedly saw, I wrote back.

"Mark – I've wandered around work thinking about what you saw for four hours. I didn't know about her behavior when she isn't with me, and I'm glad you told me. I think. Now, I need to decide what I'm going to do. If you see them together again please take a picture or two and send it to me. I know she's checked into the Argonaut on Jefferson Street. Thanks, Walt."

Two hours later my assistant came into my office and sat down. Kathy and I had worked together for nearly ten years. Sometimes I thought she knew me better than anyone except Colleen. She sat down and quietly waited, without speaking.

I knew she was there without looking and figured when she needed to speak, she would. Finally, I looked at her and asked, "What?"

She smiled and said, "Since ten this morning you've been somewhere else. You missed lunch. You haven't said anything to me since you thanked me for coffee early this morning. You haven't visited the factory floor or spoken to anyone on the phone. Something is going on and I want to... I need to know what's up."

I realized there was no way I could hide from her. She knew me too well. "Ok. I'll tell you." I lowered my voice. She leaned towards me. "I got an email this morning telling me it's likely that Colleen is mixing pleasure with her business in San Francisco."

Kathy sat forward in her chair and asked, "Likely or she is?"


"Are you going to accept likely or will you find out?" That's one of many things I've always liked about Kathy's mind. It goes to the center of a problem quickly.

"I'll find out!"

"Then we should call our office in San Francisco. I know they have a PI on staff. He can get you the answers you want by tomorrow morning."

"Yeah!" I picked up the phone and with it halfway to my ear I stopped and said, "And then what do I do?"

"For now, find the facts. After we know the facts, we'll deal with them." She got up and I watched her tight skirt encased ass wiggle out of my office. Kathy had never been a tease, but always dressed conservatively with just enough sex appeal to remind any man around that she was indeed a woman. My mind repeated a line I'd heard once in a movie, 'If I was ever gonna...'

I noticed she said, "Tomorrow WE'LL deal with them." We. I wasn't alone in this.

I made the call, gave the female PI what I knew and asked for a call in the morning. Her name was Caroline Carter and I hired her personally, not on the company payroll. She sounded quite professional on the phone and the fact that the company had her on staff said she probably knew her business.

At five I drove home on automatic pilot. When I hit the garage door opener I was surprised. I had no memory of driving home. Inside our home I looked around and started thinking about options. "What if" options.

Colleen and I bought the house together twelve years before that day. We'd remodeled the kitchen and two bathrooms since then. Our daughter had graduated high school while we lived in the house and had lived there for her first two years of college, too. The pictures on the walls all had memories for me. Memories of where we were when we took each picture, why we took them, when we hung them. Everything I looked at let me know that our home was much more than a house. Until ten o'clock that morning I though George Carlin was wrong. Our home was more than a place for our "stuff."

'Would Colleen be willing to give all this, and me, up?' I wondered. I wondered it so hard I asked the question out loud.

I made myself dinner. I ate in the kitchen and kept thinking. After dinner I went to our family room. We called it our family room but it was actually a media room. A big flat screen TV, surround sound music system, a wonderful couch and a recliner wide enough we could share it. I sat in the recliner and turned on the TV.

I watched whatever was on. In that show I noticed someone looking at someone else's computer. I shut off the TV and went to Colleen's computer. I fired it up and looked for her email account. What I found was one account that was easy to find. It had an icon on the screen. I clicked in and scanned through a hundred saved emails. Lots of things about the conference, but nothing personal.

Then I clicked around and saw that she had another email account. Her easy to find account was CollPet and the hidden account was called MarieP. Marie was her middle name. I clicked into the account and read very email. I read them from the inbox, sent and deleted file folders. What I learned was that Colleen had been "flirting" with an affair with a man named Stan for over a year. They had flirted at the conference last year, seen each other publically at least three other times at business meetings and had been talking a lot about the conference they were both attending in San Francisco as I read their emails. Up until this conference they hadn't done anything other than three stolen kisses in elevators.

I copied everything into an email and sent it to me. I erased my intrusion from her computer and closed it down. As I left her little home office I was still sad, but glad the affair, if there was one, hadn't started before this trip.

At ten, exactly, the phone rang. I turned on the stereo and answered. It was Colleen. "Hi Honey," She said.

I suddenly had trouble speaking. I did get it out, "Hi!"

She said, "You OK?"

"Yeah, I think so. How about you?"

"Good. Tired, but good. Fisherman's Wharf is not far from here so some of us walked over there and had lunch. I had chowder in a sourdough bowl. It probably had too many calories, but it was great. We should come up here! We could have fun up here."

"That's a good idea. When you get back maybe we can sit down and plan a trip." My head added, 'and invite Stan and his wife along.' I didn't say it. I didn't even know if Stan was married.

I heard a knock on her door through the phone. Colleen said, "Room service is here with my late night snack. I love you! I'll call you tomorrow night, Ok?"

"Ok. Good-Night. I love you!"

"I love you, too. Sleep well!" Click. She was gone. I wondered, was it hotel room service or Stan delivering his cock?

I slept, but not well. I wanted to talk to the PI Caroline Carter and I realized Colleen would be in San Francisco five more days. If the PI said they didn't do anything it would be "They didn't do anything YET". And if they have done something they will keep doing it for five more days! Damn!

When the alarm rang in the morning I put myself on auto-pilot and got to work, dressed, shaved and presentable. Kathy walked in with an extra large coffee and a sweet roll, put them on my desk and walked out.

At 9:42am my line rang. Kathy answered and five seconds later my phone buzzed to let me know it was for me and was personal. I answered, "Walt."

"Ms Carter, Mr. Peterson. Are you sitting down?"


"You were right to be concerned, but one or both of them are strange."

"How strange?"

"They shared a taxi and went to a restaurant called the Cliff House for dinner. It's a very romantic restaurant that overlooks the rocky coastline just south of the Golden Gate bridge. They managed to eat their entire dinners holding hands. On the ride back to the hotel they kissed many times. Back in the hotel at nine-twenty-two they went to his room, but she left his room and hurried to her room at nine-fifty. At ten-twelve he knocked on her door and at ten-thirteen she opened the door and he entered."

"That's strange? She called me at ten exactly."

"What's strange is that at ten-forty-one the door opened and he went back to his room. They met this morning in the hotel dining room and shared breakfast with two other couples. No touching at breakfast."

"Ok. Keep watching them. She's scheduled to be there until Saturday. If you get evidence that she has sex with him, I need pictures I can use in court."

"I will have the cameras installed today. Do you want sound too?"


"I'm on it." She ended the call.

I looked up. Kathy was sitting across from me holding her coffee mug in her hands and looking at my face. Waiting.

"I'm a little more knowledgeable this morning than I was. I know that before they went to the conference they hadn't had sex. I read all Colleen's private emails last night. I know they both want to have sex. I know Colleen says she loves me, she even tells Stan she loves me!" I could hear the anguish in my voice so I knew Kathy could hear it, too.

After a long pause Kathy asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Her question surprised me. I hadn't said I was afraid! Was I afraid? Damn right I was afraid! I was afraid she'd let him into her body and like him better than me!

"I'm afraid she'll like sex with him better than me! I'm afraid I'll lose my wife to him! I wandered around our home last night wondering what will happen to all the memories, all the accumulated stuff if we can't love each other anymore."

"Men. Sometimes you are brilliant and sometimes I wish no one had invented sports. Once you know the rules, your head conforms to the rules. You don't even think about the rules any more! I want to talk to you like there's another game in town that you don't know about. Ok?"

"You've lost me. What game?"

"Let's make believe Stan is a stud. His cock is an inch longer than yours. He can get it up as often as Colleen wants it. He's good looking. Colleen knows all that. She also tells you she loves you and shows you by the way she takes care of you. She called you last night. Did she call the night before?" I nodded. She called at ten o'clock. Kathy said, "Your head, the one that knows all the rules for football, sees that as a conflict."

"It is! When we got married we promised one man, one woman, no sex with anyone else." I said, not seeing where this was going.

"New game. Are you the same man that you were when the two of you got married?"

"A little older, a little grayer..."

"When they made rules for football they knew that when you can't play by those rules you go play a different game. When they made the rules for marriage they didn't tell you that as you change, you can change the rules."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know Mr. Watkins in Finance?" I nodded. "He was in an accident. He was running and was hit by a bus. Before the accident he and his wife both ran every day. Running was a big part of their lives together. Running was where they met. By the rules their marriage ended when the bus hit him. His running days were over. The way they lived had to change. It did. He still loves her and she still loves him, but differently! He took classes and became a great massage therapist, specializing on runners. He's at every race with his wife. Instead of running side by side, he's her support system. They changed the rules."

"This is different."

"So, invent new rules. Do you love Colleen?"


"Who has all the power in the relationship, right this second?"

"She does! She could be letting him inside her right now!"

"You can have the power! You just don't see it yet. Let me present it to you this way... I'm going to make you an offer. The offer has been right in front of you for years but you've never seen it, you've been focused on the rules of the game you were in. Here's my offer: Call Colleen. You say to her; Honey, I love you and I know about Stan. If you want to go to bed with him, go! I love you and I still will. Spend the next four days screwing his brains out! Then come back to me. You won't be cheating, because I'm giving you permission. While you're with him, I'll be with Kathy. We won't be at our home, we'll go somewhere else, just like you and Stan have gone somewhere. Then when you come back you and I will be together. Every time you and Stan want to get together at a hotel or somewhere, Kathy and I will go to a different somewhere. We won't be cheating! You'll know where I am and I'll know where you are. Our home will stay our home. Stan's home stays his home. Kathy knows about the deal and agrees to it. So, think it over, talk to Stan and call me back at two this afternoon. I'll be unavailable until then."

"Are you serious?" I know the look on my face was shock, excitement and more shock.

"I work hard for you. I see how you are as a man, a boss and a husband. I've watched you being you with people for years. I've been in love with you for years. If you want, you can have me right here on your desk or the floor. If that speech to Colleen ends your marriage you can move in with me before she gets back from San Fran. If that speech has her call back at two and say "Yes" I'll be happier than I've been since I graduated college. Either way, I finally get you as a lover. I finally get to tell you and show you, I love you."

"We've never even kissed!"

She leapt from her chair and into my lap. Her arms went around my neck and she did her best to devour my lips and tongue. When the kiss ended she said, "You said Stan and Colleen had kissed three times in elevators and once at lunch that you know about. So far I've only gotten one and it shouldn't count, you were in shock."

She slowly leaned to my face and I kissed her. Her lips were soft, warm and let me know she was willing to surrender everything and anything I might want. She moved just enough that I felt her breasts pressing against my dress shirt. The kiss ended and she got off my lap.

I said, "I still have two kisses before we're even."

She handed me the phone. She said, "After you call Colleen I'd like kiss number three on either of my breasts or on my bare pussy. I shaved it with you in mind this morning." She smiled, turned and walked out of my office.

The phone started beeping, signaling me that the receiver was off the hook before I moved. I hit the speed dial for Colleen's cell phone.

On the fifth ring she answered. "Walt?"

"Yes. Can I have two minutes of your time right now?"

"Yes, sure. What's up?"

"Sit down."

"Oh God! What's wrong?"

"Are you sitting?"


"Honey, I love you and I need you to listen carefully. I love you, I'm not upset and I know about Stan." I heard her gasp. "If you want to go to bed with him, go! Spend the next four days screwing his brains out! Then come back to me. While you're with him, I'll be with Kathy. To be fair, we won't be at our home, we'll go to a hotel or somewhere. Then, when you come back, you and I will be together at home. We'll still be married, but the rules will have changed. Every time you and Stan want to get together at a hotel or somewhere Kathy and I will go to a different somewhere. We won't cheat. You'll know where I am and I'll know where you are. Our home will stay our home. Stan's home stays his home. Kathy knows about the deal and agrees to it. So, think it over, talk to Stan and call me back at two this afternoon if you agree to these new rules for our marriage. I'll be unavailable until then."

"You know about Stan?" Her voice sounded like a little girl.

"Yes. When we got married the rules we agreed to don't seem to fit us anymore. You have a need for what Stan wants to give you or you wouldn't have gone as far as you already have. I won't make it mean you don't love me. You will, I think, understand my wanting to be with Kathy just like I understand you wanting to be with Stan. It means we both want more from life than we used to. When you come home we'll talk more about the changes for us, but for now the new rules are it's Ok for you and Stan to shag and it's Ok for Kathy and me, too. No one else. Now, I have a meeting. I love you. Call me at two." I pressed the button.

I walked out to Kathy's desk and said, "Set up the answering machine. We're unavailable until two." Kathy looked up at me and the phone rang. The number showing was (415) 563-0800, The Argonaut Hotel. Neither of us moved. We heard the click as the answering machine answered the call. I reached out my hand and Kathy took it, stood and we went back into my office.

She closed the door and locked it. When she turned back to face me I was inches from her. "So which do you want first, my breast or my pussy?"

I smiled. She smiled and unbuttoned her skirt. She pushed the zipper down and stepped out of the skirt. She was wearing suspender hose, three inch heeled sandals and no panties. She said, "There are wet paper towels on my office chair. I'm afraid I've been leaking this morning."

I made room for her on my desk. She climbed on the desk, hanging her exposed pussy out over the edge. I quickly went to the storage cabinet and got more paper towels. I put a few on the floor beneath her and smiled.

"Just in case something drips?" She smiled and asked.

"Do you squirt?" I asked.

"Oh! Does that mean this is going to be a really good kiss?"

"We have three hours and forty minutes. Maybe I should set an alarm so I know when to stop." I sat in my chair, lowered it to it's lowest setting and began nibbling on her inner thigh.

"Oh God! I knew you'd tease me! I knew you'd go slow!"

"You want fast, go to McDonalds." I nibbled all the way up until my lips touched her labia on that side, then I stopped. I held her knees in my hands and said, "The sweetest fragrance in the world is the fragrance of an aroused woman. It's also the nicest compliment a woman can give a man, letting him sense that the arousal is for him."

Kathy started to speak and I said, "Shhhhh." She stopped.

My nibbles began on her other thigh and I took lots of time getting to her labia on that side. When I pulled my face back I saw a long drip of her lubrication extending from her slit almost all the way to the paper towels on the floor.

"May I have a taste?" I asked.

"If you don't I'm going to scream!"

"Hold your lips open for me, please."

Her index fingers held her lips and parted them. I saw her clit for the first time, shiny and swollen pink. My tongue touched her taint and slowly began working upwards. I moved my lips in and sucked her nectar in for a few seconds and then moved back so only my tongue was still in contact with her tender pinkness.

When the tip of my tongue pressed into her vaginal opening I noticed her lower belly muscles were quivering. She was breathing in gasps, holding her breath in between gasps. Her eyes were closed. Ever so slowly I touched my tongue to the edge of her vaginal opening, once around and then twice.

For a second I backed away and said, "Now, Sweetheart! Now!" Her hands left her lips and covered her mouth as she screamed in orgasm. I sucked as much of her nectar as I could as I enjoyed watching her body exult in my gift.


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