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She Wanted to Cheat


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Finally she looked up and said, "When you're with Kathy I don't want to be alone."

"So, when Stan breaks up with you, you're going hunting. I'm glad I bought lots of condoms. While you look and while you settle on a lover we will always have safe sex. I will not be eating your pussy. Figure bareback and oral are gone for this year, if you find a new lover before June." I took a breath. "God, I hope she keeps him. Then its just condoms until October."

"I don't think we thought this through enough." Colleen said.

"Kathy did."

"Kathy knew Stan and I wanted to get together?"

"No. Kathy knew she wanted me for her lover. She was unwilling to do anything to get between us. A week ago I thought she was the best assistant in the company, but I had no idea she was in love with me, or lusted after me. You opened the door and she accepted the invitation."

"I opened the door?"

"When I found out that you were publically kissing Stan and had your hand in his lap, you opened the door. My first thoughts were about getting proof and divorcing you. I wanted you served as the two of you got off the plane. Kathy showed me another way. I get to keep loving you and I get to love Kathy, too."

"But, if Stan is gone..."

"Nothing changes for me. I still have you and I have Kathy, too. You agreed we could both have a lover and each other."

"Shit! I'll die in pain if you go spend the night with Kathy and I'm here alone."

"A little while ago you said I could have Memorial Day weekend. Now, you'll die?"

"I could stand it, if I knew I'd get some time with Stan soon! But, if Stan's gone..."

"I'm not giving Kathy up. We made an agreement."

"I'm fucked." Her voice was flat.

"You're not fucked, but if you want to be, I'd be happy to oblige."

"What I'd like is to be held, kissed and for you to love me." She led me to our bedroom and into our bed. She got her wish. I undressed her, massaged her slowly and tenderly with lots of body butter and made slow, tender love with her.

We got ready for sleep and spooned all night. When the Monday morning alarm went off, Colleen kissed me and we both rushed through our morning rituals. In the garage we kissed, got in our cars and zoomed off to our respective days.

At two minutes after nine Kathy walked into my office with my mug of coffee. She closed the office door behind her and said, "Walt, I love you. Jenna asked me to tell you she loves you, too."

I took the mug from her, took one sip and put the mug on my desk. I wrapped her in my arms and we kissed. When the kiss ended I said, "Will you flood that way every time we kiss?"

"For at least four or five years, probably."

"I'll order more paper towels." I kissed her again. For the next while I recounted my time with Colleen, the abbreviated version. We sipped our coffee and if someone had been watching they might not have seen how strong our urges were to use the carpet for a bed long enough to unite.

My phone rang before the temptation diverted us to the carpet. Kathy scampered to her desk and answered. Ten seconds late my phone buzzed with the signal for a personal call. I answered, "Walt."

A feminine voice asked, "Did my sister tell you I love you this morning?"

"Yes, she did, if this is Jenna."

She giggled. "Did she tell you we went shopping yesterday?"

"No, but it's still early. I'll ask her and I'm asking you to keep the results of the shopping a secret until I can be there with you and see what you bought. Ok?"

"It'll be hard, but Ok."

"Are you at school?"

"Yes, morning recess. I have two minutes."

"Then you'd better go change pads. As I recall, you and Kathy both drip. I just wish I was there to do clean up."

"God! You are a tease! Bye, Honey!"

"By Honey!" I hung up. I got one more kiss from Kathy and the rest of the morning was business. The ULT-7000 had been installed and was up and running. I had a meeting with the team leaders and we hashed over their problems and concerns. By noon everyone was happy. I carried the picture of me with the sea bass down to John's office and used a piece of tape to tape it over the picture on his wall of him standing beside Neil Armstrong.

A little after two my phone rang and Kathy buzzed once, business. "Walt Peterson. How may I assist you?"

"Come get this ugly picture of you off my wall. Damn! Colleen has developed a skin condition."

"You should have seen her before." We laughed and when we were done I went to his office and brought back the picture. Kathy put it in a frame and mounted it on the wall behind my desk.

We stepped back to look at it and I said, "Someday we'll replace that picture with the one with you in the picture, too."

"Think any one will notice?"

"Yes! Colleen will notice. By the way, she gave us all of Memorial Day Weekend, no matter what Stan can or can't do."

"What else?" Kathy asked.

I told her about the plans I had made to be prepared if, or when Stan and she screwed up and got caught. I knew if Stan didn't tell his wife, she'd find out eventually. The only question became when. She offered suggestions and they were good ones. I called my lawyer and we discussed a contingency plan for when they were discovered. I gave her, my lawyer, all the data she needed to prepare.

When the tale was told Kathy said, "When will he tell his wife?"

If he doesn't tell her this week he won't. He'll get caught before he tells."

"The longer he waits, the deader he is." Kathy said. I nodded.

"Should I call her?" I asked.

"Hell No! She'll find out, but it can't be from you."

The office phone rang again. I got the business buzz. Ten minutes later the problem was solved. As I hung up it rang again. I got the personal buzz. "Walt."

It was Colleen. "Stan doesn't need to go home until eight." I'd known her long enough I could hear the excitement she was attempting to hide. She tried to say it with a flat voice.

"Enjoy. I'll get my own dinner. See you at home later. I love you, Bye."

By the time I said, "Bye." Kathy was in my lap. We kissed and I got erect.

She offered me three or four choices for dinner. I picked dessert.

We both drove to her home. She opened the garage and we both pulled in. In the kitchen she handed me a garage door opener. We cooked dinner together while we laughed and put on sing-along music. She gave me a print out of the music she had at home. One look told me she had at least seventy-five percent of the same music I had at home.

After clean up was done we wandered in a very direct line to her bathroom for a shower. When we were scrubbed and kissed clean we fell into bed and into my favorite position, sixty-nine. Actually, sixty-nine isn't my favorite. Sixty-nine means she nibbles on me while I nibble on her. My favorite position doesn't have a number. It's I eat her. Later we do my second favorite, I'm inside her. I do love how it looks to see my cock in a woman's mouth, but for my enjoyment... I guess you'd say I'm a giver.

At the end of a night, if the tally shows she had more than one orgasm and I had one, I say I won. Kathy set the alarm for nine. That gave me thirty minutes to drive home, thirty minutes to get ready for bed and I'd still get at least seven and a half hours sleep.

When the alarm went off the tally was Kathy lost count and Walt came once. I kissed her breasts and pussy after a quick rinse off shower and after I dressed I kissed her again. On my way home, I sang along with the same music we'd listened to as we played.

I was in bed asleep when Colleen came to bed. She kissed me and said, "Thank you for loving me. Sleep well."

When the alarm sounded we both jumped and started our days. That was the only night Colleen and Stan got together that week. The next week Colleen was late getting home from work twice. Wherever they met didn't have a shower and she came home smelling randy. Kathy and I were being careful. We didn't use my office, either of our cars or a "No-Tell-Motel". The week before Memorial Day Weekend Colleen took Thursday off. I assumed Stan took it off too. I didn't ask where they were going. Kathy and I took the afternoon off. My boss, John, had said that when I took time off I should give Kathy the same time. "After all, if you aren't there she has no one to assist."

At 1720 that afternoon my cell rang. I leaned out of bed and found it in my pants pocket. The window showed Colleen's name. I said, "It's Colleen." Then, I opened the phone, hit speaker and said, "Hi. What's up?"

"We've been caught!" She was crying and hard to understand. "We drove down to Laguna and checked into a nice place. A while later someone knocked on the door. Stan asked, "Who is it?" A man answered, "Room service." Stan had ordered some champagne so he opened the door. I was in bed and Stan had on a hotel robe. The man rolled the champagne cart into the room and handed Stan an envelope. He asked Stan if his name was Stanley Grey. I knew then we were caught. Stan said yes and the man said, "You've been served."

I said, "I'm sorry. What happens now?"

"As soon as he was served two women came into the room. One had a camera and the other one pulled the sheet off me. She also pulled the robe off Stan. They have pictures of us naked together. The woman with the camera is Stan's wife. The other one is his sister."

"I'm still sorry. What happens now?"

"What happens now is that you drive down here and bring me some clothes, if you will. Stan left his car in Nordstrom's parking lot. Donna made him get dressed and go with her and his sister. They took my clothes and shoes."

I got the address and room number. I knew I didn't need to tell her to stay put. She had no clothes. I hung up and both Kathy and I burst into laughter. The visual we both had of them getting caught was too funny not to laugh. Tragic and funny. We showered and dressed for the trip to Laguna.

After we stopped at my home and got Colleen some clothes and shoes, Kathy asked, "Remember the question you asked Colleen?"

"What happens now?"

She nodded. "Yes. That one. I'm asking."

"I warned her and I warned him. Embarrass me, make me the cuckold and I will be a monster. Colleen and Stan took the risk. I can do what needs to be done with no bad feelings about what happens to both of them. They were warned. We gave them an opportunity to have just what they wanted and even more, but they couldn't do it."

"What happens to us?" Her hand went to my arm and held on. I looked over for a few seconds and saw the pools of tears in her eyes.

"I told you. I'll tell you again. You're in. I love you and I can be with you, trust you, live with you, marry you if you'd like. Would you like to try monogamy with me?"

"No. I will try polyamory with you, with Jenna, Sue, Sarah, Maria and Sam. You Ok with that?"


"Trust me. Sam is five-eight, a red head and has the best "D" cup chest you've ever put a lip lock on. She's thirty-nine years old and loves wearing jeans."

"Ok. I'm in."

"After we get Colleen clothed?"

"We go home. I cannot, will not, sleep with her again. I've got to go to court. If I stay with her the court could see that as acceptance of her cheating."

"I guess we spend this three-day-weekend moving you."

"Moving me, putting the house on the market, getting a restraining order on Colleen and some other details." I stopped at a gas station and while I filled up I called my lawyer. When the whole thing had started I had set the plan in motion, awaiting only the moment when they got caught.

She answered and I said, "This is Walt. He's been served. I'm about to take some clothes to Colleen and she'll drive home. Can she be served when she gets home?"

"Yes. If you want, I can have a monitor allow her some time to pack and then get out. She can load her car. Give her no cash. Only your joint accounts will be blocked, she can still access her own money."

I parked and carried her fresh clothes into the Laguna Montage Hotel. We were met by hotel security and escorted to their room. A man stood outside her door. I asked, "Out of curiosity, how much did they pay for the room?"

He looked on a card in his hand and said, "Including taxes, seven-hundred, eighty-eight and change."

"I hope it was worth it." I said. The man smiled and unlocked the door. He swung the door open and I looked in. Colleen was in the bed with the fancy sheets pulled up to her chin. She obviously had been crying. The escort didn't enter the room. He let the door swing closed. Colleen looked at Kathy and said, "Did you have to bring her? This is embarrassing enough already."

Kathy was ready to respond but a look from me and she didn't. I tossed Colleen her clothes. I said, "Here are your clothes."

Colleen looked at Kathy and said, "Turn around."

I said, "No. You gave up the right to privacy."

She tossed back the sheet and quickly got dressed. As she dressed Kathy said, "Fine looking woman."

"Yup. Fine looking woman. Too bad, really."

I turned to Colleen and said, "Do you remember the warning I gave you and Stan while you were in San Francisco? I said to Stan, "Someone who knows Colleen and was in San Francisco saw you kiss and saw Colleen's hand in your lap. If something like that happens again, I will be forced to take action. Otherwise, I will be seen as a wimp and a cuckold. Understand?" You both said you understood. Tonight you made me look like a wimp and cuckold. I am forced to take action. Go home. You will be served divorce papers just like Stan was. An officer of the court will allow you access long enough to pack your car. Your joint credit cards no longer work. Since Stan and you both work for the same company they will be served Monday morning. I'm suing them for breaking their own company policy. Stan's wife probably will sue them too. You both probably will be fired."

"You're screwing Kathy and she works for you!"

"You have proof?"

"No, but you said you were."

"Unless you have proof, what I said means nothing. We were discreet. I didn't embarrass you." Colleen watched me open the door to her room and then said, "You said you love me!"

"I do. I was willing to let you have a lover. I loved you often and well even after I knew you were fucking Stan. I set things up so you could have just what you wanted, without cheating, lying or betraying me. But the two of you couldn't be discreet. Those pictures will probably be on the internet by tomorrow. Pictures of my wife naked with someone else." I opened the door but didn't leave. I said, "You have no one to blame for where you are right now except yourself."

We walked to my car in silence. The car door closed and I started the car. When we got on the freeway headed home Kathy asked, "Remember that question?"

"The what's next question?" I asked. She nodded.

I said, "How often do you ladies get together? You know, you, Jenna, Sue, Sarah, Maria and Sam."

"Every few weeks, or when there's a crisis."

"And, they know what's been happening in the last few weeks?"


"How hard would it be to call an emergency meeting for tomorrow evening?"

"Two phone calls right now ought to do it."

"I think it's time to call."

"They will want to know the purpose of the meeting."

"When they get the question, please hand me the phone."

"Is it Ok if we call all of them? I think they'll want to hear what you say from your mouth."

"Call Jenna first, Ok?"

Her speed dial rang at Jenna's five seconds later. Kathy said, "Are you sitting down?" Her phone was on speaker so I heard, "Yes."

"We're calling an emergency meeting of the ladies prayer circle for tomorrow. Can you be at our house by three?"

"Why?" She asked.

I said, "So I can hold each of you in my arms and tell you I love you and then demonstrate to the best of my ability that it's true."

There was a few seconds of silence and Jenna asked, "Colleen left?"

Kathy asked, "Colleen who?" A short answer worth thousands of words.

"Can I come early?"

"Yes." I said. The phone died. Kathy dialed Sue. She asked the question and Sue asked, "Will Walt be there?"

"Yes, he will." Kathy said.

"Then, I'll be there. What can I bring?"

"An overnight bag." I said.

"Oh my God. Walt?"

"Yes. Come ready to hear me tell you I love you." A scream started and the phone suddenly went dead.

Each call went pretty much the same. After the last call Kathy said, "You know they'll all be on my porch when we get there."

"No, they won't. Jenna has a key."

"Jenna is about five miles behind us. The others will be on the porch when we arrive."

"I need a beverage." I went through a McD's and we shared a diet soda. Back on the road Kathy said, "You're sure about this?"

"Should I be afraid? Are three of them heifers? So fat and ugly they scare dogs and children?"

"No. They're nice looking, but they've been hurt."

"Do you love them?"


"Good enough for me. I'll love them too."

Her hand landed on my thigh and stayed there. Four cars were parked in front of Kathy's when we arrived. I opened the garage door and parked inside. When I got out and looked I saw four women walking towards me. They were dressed in nightgowns, lingerie, and a robe made of spider webs.

I said, "Let's get inside before someone calls the police."

The one wearing the lingerie set and heels said, "No worries. I have my shield here someplace."

We got inside quickly anyway and into the living room. I was pushed into the center of the couch. Kathy went off to the bathroom and Jenna joined us. Stopping for a beverage gave her time to almost get here when we did. Neither Jenna or Kathy got a seat on the couch beside me.

The woman beside me, on my right, started to talk. I held up a hand and said, "I think we should wait for Kathy."

A minute of silence lasts a long time when the minute wasn't your idea. Finally Kathy joined us and I said, "I only have one thing I want to say, but I'm sure much more will be said." I looked at each of the women sitting in Kathy's living room. All were good looking women. Not magazine or fashion model looking women, but good looking, healthy and both excited and apprehensive.

"I'll answer any questions any of you have but first let me say a few things. Number one, As I understand things you have followed me for years, through the eyes and interpretation of Kathy. You know that I love her and intend to do so every day and night for the rest of my life." They looked at her and she beamed. "I tell you now that since I met Jenna I can tell you that I love her and intend to do so every day and night for the rest of my life." I asked for this meeting so that I can meet you and tell you the same thing. When Kathy and Jenna explained the circle to me it took a while before I got what I was being offered and what an honor it was to even be considered. After we made the calls tonight Kathy said you would all come tonight. I wondered how best to do this. It's too personal a thing to say to you as a group and have you hear it personally."

Kathy said, "Walt, I have an idea. Go into our bedroom and get undressed. We will draw lots and one at a time we will come to you and you can tell each of us just what you want us to know."

"Thank you. I love how you solve problems." I stood. The red-head asked, "Are we staying the night?" Kathy and Jenna nodded and Kathy said, "Any time."

In the bedroom I undressed and straightened the covers so the bed looked slept in, used, and available. I stood by the door thinking about how my life had changed in a matter of weeks. The doorknob turned and the door slowly opened.

She had driven from her home in a robe, but had left it in her car. She was blond, five foot five or six and almost slender enough to be called skinny. She was wearing nylons, pumps, a garter belt, a thong and a lacy bra. All of them were black. She looked up at my eyes and said, "I'm Sarah."


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