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She Wanted to Cheat


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I waited. I knew that as she calmed she would feel my breath on her still open pussy. She didn't need to open her eyes to know I was still there. Her breath stopped being in gasps. The quivering of her belly stopped.

My tongue reached forward and touched her again. Her hands came down to my head and she gasped, "I may die."

"Please don't. I haven't sucked your clit yet."

Her eyes opened and her head came up far enough to look in my eyes. She whispered, "I have wanted you for soooo long. I love you!"

I dove in again, slowly licking, nibbling and sucking my way towards her clit. The total distance between the top of her vagina and her clit couldn't have been an inch. I had to concentrate to avoid bumping the exposed bump until both she and I were ready.

I backed all the way back to her taint and began approaching her clit again from there. Her hands again spread her lips and she spread her legs wide for me. When I changed my focus she twitched her legs and they seemed to want to grip my head. Her belly started quivering again and I stopped. I backed off about an inch and waited.

As I waited I moved her feet onto my back. My hands caressed the length of her nylon covered legs and I both saw and felt her shiver. She moaned from somewhere deep inside herself.

When my hands moved from her feet upwards along the outside of her legs she moaned again and when they moved off her hips and under her blouse she moaned again. My tongue touched her opening and I drank the nectar still slowly flowing out of Kathy. I loved her taste. When my hands bumped the bottom of her bra I made no effort to move the bra off her breasts, I just surrounded the breast filled cups with my hands and squeezed.

My mouth was still moving towards her clit. I felt her pushing down on my back with her feet, lifting her puss for me, presenting her gift to me.

My hands discovered her bra to be a front opening kind. I opened the clasp but didn't move the cups off her breasts. I waited.

I surrounded her clit with my lips, but didn't touch it with my tongue. She was lifting her puss to make me touch her clit. As I said, "Now!" My tongue thrust against her bud and my hands slid under her cups and pinched her bare nipples. I don't know if she heard my muffled word but she did respond to my touching her clit!

Kathy's back arched, she flooded us and she shook as if hit with a mild electric shock. I had trouble keeping my mouth on her open, flowing pussy, but I managed. She took a big breath and shuddered, shook and twitched a few more times.

I let go of her with both hands and mouth. I looked down and saw the paper towels were soaked. Fluids were dripping off the edge of my desk and her butt was in a puddle.

Kathy calmed a bit more and I grabbed a hand full of fresh paper towels. I began clean up. She helped a little. When I pushed to move her hip up so I could wipe the juices off my desk and her butt, she helped. I left two dry towels under her right butt cheek and we did the left.

I helped her sit up. I stepped between her legs and kissed her mouth. Some kisses are promissory notes. Her kiss was a guarantee. She looked down at the floor after we ended the kiss and we both laughed. I said, "Later, lets go where they have a hot tub. Less clean up."

"There's one where I live." She said. We kissed again and then both cleaned up the mess we made. I steadied her more than once.

She said, "No one has ever treated me the way you just treated me."

"Don't complain verbally. Fill out the form for complaints and hand deliver it to my complaint department."

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. Then she said, "My complaint is that it's taken us ten years to kiss! I can't wait years to be in bed with you."

"What happens if Colleen says, "No deal." At two o'clock?" I didn't let her go.

"Then I hope you say, "Too late. You've been after Stan for over a year. Until today Kathy and I never kissed, never held hands and never even talked together about being lovers. You were ready and willing to bed him without talking to me about it. You were willing to cheat! I'm being honest with you. I am going to bed with Kathy and not just once. If you decide our marriage is over, then it is."

"We haven't done it." I said.

"And don't say you have. What we say is that the genie is out of the bottle. Colleen wants Stan and you're Ok with it. Her actions say she's Ok with having Stan as her extra lover, therefore, you having me is also Ok."

"Am I really Ok with her sleeping with Stan?"

"Are you? If she does him and comes back to you, what do you lose?" Kathy asked.

"The key is IF she wants to come back to me."

"She didn't run off to Fisherman's Wharf to live with him for twenty years. She went for five days of conference and four nights of fucking. Even on the plane ride to San Fran she knew she was coming home to you. She even had thoughts about the sex she is going to have with you when she gets home." She paused. We kissed.

She said, "If all the memories you've created together, the life you've shared and share now are less important than access to his dick then having her leave..."

"Might just be for the best! If she wants a fling, a part time lover that's one thing, but if she wants to find a replacement for me that's something else." I glanced at the clock on the wall, "1342". (1:42pm)

We redressed, finished cleaning up and Kathy sprayed an air freshener in my office.

We went out to her desk and played the answering machine. There were three messages. She hit the play button...

"Message number one: came in at 10:44am." The machine said. "Walt? Walt? We need to talk before this goes any farther. Stan's in a session and he's leading the session. I won't be able to talk to him until twelve-thirty. I never wanted you to find out. We haven't slept together yet. Oh God, that sounded lame. I added the word yet, that means I really do want to sleep with him... Oh Honey, what's wrong with me? I do love you! I've been caught in this dilemma for months. I want him and I want you. I don't want anything to hurt our relationship, that's why I didn't want you to know about him." She paused a few seconds and said, "I'll call back at two. Between now and then I'll be thinking about the incredible things you said to me a few minutes ago. I do love you." The machine beeped.

"Message number two: came in at twelve-thirteen p.m." The machine said, "Walt, this is Kevin. We usually have lunch today. I'm getting hungry. I'll wait until twelve-thirty for a call from you then I'm going to Big Bob's BBQ." The machine beeped.

"Message number three: came in at one-thirty-one p.m." The machine said, "This is Caroline. Colleen and Stan went into her room at twelve-forty-two. At twelve-forty-six the cameras recorded them on her bed having missionary sex. I will make admissible DVD's for you and I will send you an informational email with both audio and video within an hour after they leave her room. I don't know if my news is good news to you or bad news, but either way, you now know for sure." The machine beeped.

When we started listening Kathy was standing at her desk and I stood near by, maybe three feet away from her. Sometime during our listening I moved to her and when the third call ended I had my arms around her and her arms around me.

I looked down at her face and asked, "Think your boss would let you take the rest of the day off?"

"Shouldn't you take her call at two?"

"It doesn't matter now what her response is on the phone. She broke the rules of the game we were in. I'm ending the game. If she comes on the phone and lies or says, "No deal" our marriage is over and you and I begin. If she says, "We talked it over and we accept", I'll say great! Enjoy yourselves and get some sleep, too." Either way, we're going to be lovers from now on."

We kissed and while we kissed the phone rang. The machine was not going to answer. A glance at the clock showed "1401". (2:01pm) Kathy hit the button for speaker phone and the button to connect us to the call.

Kathy said, "Mr. Peterson's office."

Colleen said, "This is Colleen. May I speak to Walt please?"

I said, "Hi. Did you speak to Stan?"

"Yes. He's having trouble believing me. You're really Ok with us being lovers?"

"Are you planning to leave me, get a divorce, break up our home and marriage?"

"No! I love you!"

"Then yes, I'm Ok."

"How long have you and Kathy been a thing?" Colleen asked.

"On my side, I haven't allowed myself a serious thought about her as more than a great assistant until this morning. I was in a marriage where the rules said I could only love you. As you know, I play by the rules."

"Kathy has wanted you for a long time." Colleen said. It wasn't a question. Kathy started to respond. I squeezed her a little and she stayed quiet.

"Stan's with you right now isn't he?" I asked.


"Had to hear it directly from me. Wise move. Stan, I'm Ok with you and Colleen being lovers. You have four more days in San Francisco. Enjoy them! Don't embarrass yourselves in public and don't embarrass me in public. You were not as careful in public as you should be from now on. Someone who knows Colleen and was in San Francisco saw you kiss and saw Colleen's hand in your lap. If something like that happens again, I will be forced to take action. Otherwise, I will be seen as a wimp and a cuckold. Understand?"

We heard his tenor voice say, "I understand. We'll be very careful."

"Colleen, we are not going to discuss what the two of you do with your time together. If you go to the Cliff House for dinner, I don't want to hear about it. If you do it in a taxi, I don't want to know about it. I will never share with either of you what Kathy and I do with our time together. Agreed?"

"Yes." Colleen said. I waited.

Finally Stan said, "Agreed."

I said, "I don't know what your plans are, Stan. I'm not sure I need to know, but if you are keeping your affair a secret from your wife I can pretty well guarantee she will find out and when she does she will ruin your life and possibly try to ruin Colleen's life too. She will not find out from me. If you go home and confess and renegotiate the agreements of your marriage, there's a chance you can stay married to her. If you let it go on you'll destroy the trust and when she finds out... I don't need to say more. Oh, one more thing, don't call me at home tonight. We won't be there."

Colleen said, "I am still in shock! We accept the new rules and I love you!"

"Love you too, Bye!" Kathy touched the buttons and we were done. She restarted the answering machine with a new message, "Thank you for calling Mr. Peterson's office. He is in the field assisting others to have a great day. Please leave a message and as soon as logistically possible he'll return your call. Thank you."

I said, "I've got to talk with John. Get ready to go and we're out of here in five." I kissed her cheek and walked down the hall to John's office. John and I had been friends for fifteen years and he'd been my boss for the last six. His assistant waved me into his office.

He motioned me to a chair and finished up his phone call. As the phone went into it's cradle he smiled and asked, "Business or pleasure?"

"You're not my type, John. Too tall. Business. I need the rest of today and tomorrow off."

"Everything Ok at home?"

"Everything at home is fine. I just need some alone time. Colleen's out of town on business and I figured this is a good time to go fishing, unwind, get out and relax."

"Sounds great! Your work can do without you for a couple of days?"

"We're shutting down for the rest of the week so the new ULT-7000 can be installed. My people will be there to watch and learn, but they don't need me."

"Then take the rest of the week! Now, get out of here." We shook hands and as I walked out he said, "Bring back some pictures!" I waved and kept moving.

As Kathy and I walked out of the building I said, "Go home, pack for three days at the beach. I'll be by to pick you up in ninety minutes. We're going down by San Diego and we're going to be lovers."

"We could just stay at my place. I can cook." We were near our cars. Standing in the parking lot beside three hundred windows was not where I wanted to be.

I said, "Let's drive to the Costco off Manhattan Beach Boulevard and go into Carl's. We can talk there. Ok?"

"Of course." She got into her car without my help and I walked to mine thinking about how I had wanted to open the door for her, help her into her car and I wanted to kiss her. It was the first time I'd acknowledged those feelings associated with Kathy.

Two minutes down the freeway my cell rang. I answered, "Pete."

Kathy said, "When I opened my car door I was aware that I really wanted you to do it. I also wanted a kiss. Is it Ok that I tell you?"

"Yes! I wanted to open the door, help you into the car, buckle you in and kiss you. We do have to be careful. "

"I don't need to go away. Going to a hotel means money gone. We have to get there. We have to eat out in restaurants once we get there. If we stay home we can stay naked all day and all night. I really can cook."

"We do have to go to the beach at least once. I told John I was going fishing. I need to come back with a picture or two and a bit of a sun tan."

"We have the rest of today and all day tomorrow. We can drive to the beach tomorrow afternoon. I have a secluded back yard and an elevated deck for sunning."

"John gave us the rest of the week off. I don't need to be anywhere until time to get Colleen on Saturday."

"Oh goodie! Now, what do you like to eat, besides me? I'm going to the market."

"We don't need to go to Carl's. I was going to have this conversation there."

"Go to your house. I know where it is. I'll go to the market and then go to your house. Leave the garage open. I'll pull in. You can put your suitcase in the back while the garage is closed, then we'll go to my home in my car. Ok?"

"Sounds good. I love Mexican food, Cajun food, chicken, BBQ, ocean fish, corn, broccoli, rice, Italian food, and meatloaf."

"I think I knew all that. Ok. I'm off to the market. Bye, Honey!" The connection ended and I found that I was smiling. She called me Honey! I got off the freeway in two exits and went home. I parked in the garage and went inside. I spent a few minutes doing the check of everything just like I would if Colleen and I were leaving for a few days. In the bedroom I changed clothes into weekend casual clothes. I piled some things on the bed. I put fresh underwear, socks, a pair of shorts, a swimsuit, athletic shoes, chinos, my dop kit, three shirts, a jar of body butter and a new package of the KY warming gel. I didn't believe Kathy ever needed any extra lube, but maybe, just for fun...

I got a grocery bag from the kitchen and packed all my stuff in it. We'd be walking from Kathy's car to her front door with groceries. With one more bag of groceries no one would notice the clothes.

I left the bed unmade, went down to the kitchen and opened a diet Coke. It was empty when I heard a car pull into the garage. I opened the door between the kitchen and garage and hit the button to close the garage door. I carried the grocery bag to her silver Volvo and the hatch popped open. She stayed in the car.

There were four bags of groceries in the back. My bag matched them. I put mine in with hers and closed the hatch. "Want a diet coke or a bottle of water?" I asked.

"Sure. Water would be great!" I got our beverages, got the garage opener from my car and got in with her. We kissed and then I hit the opener. We pulled out, closed the garage and drove away. I didn't see another human being until we were blocks away from my neighborhood. I reached over and gently put my hand on her upper thigh.

Kathy looked down at my hand, smiled and then looked at me for a second. "Thank you." She said.

"Kathy, I have to admit I feel like someone who woke up from being in a coma. I feel like there has been a whole world of things going on right in front of me that I didn't see, hear or feel."

Kathy looked at me again and said, "I love having your hand there. I love knowing we're going home and you're staying. Right now I need to concentrate on getting us there. I need to drive, not talk. Just sit back and relax." She drove without speaking the rest of the way to her home. I knew the address to her place, but had never been there. We worked almost directly between our two homes, hers to the north of work and mine to the south. I had assumed she lived in an apartment or a modest home a couple miles from the beach. I was wrong. She drove us into a very nice, upscale neighborhood and hit the button for her garage door opener. I watched the door open for the double slot on a three-car garage.

She stopped the car in the driveway and said, "I grew up in this house. My parents sold it to me before they moved to Arizona. I love this house. Please keep an open mind. I want you to know me and this is a good way for that to happen." She slid her Volvo C30 into the garage and stopped. The button started the doors down and she leaned to me for a kiss.

We carried the five bags inside and unloaded the groceries into her kitchen. The kitchen had been remodeled and was full of light, windows and new or almost new appliances. The windows were all up high. Kathy saw me looking and said, "When we discussed the remodel we decided we wanted the light but not people looking in. These windows let in lots of light but no looky-loos."

"It also gives you more cabinet room. I like it."

By the time everything was put away I had been given a pretty good tour of where things were kept. Kathy took my hand, I took my "luggage" and she led me to the back of the house where her bedroom was waiting. She said, "This used to be Mom and Dad's room. The room that was my room is now my office and library. My sister's old room is across the hall and at the very back. She lives in Seal Beach now and teaches sixth grade."

The door opened and I was introduced to a side of Kathy I'd never imagined existed. Against the far wall stood a massive four-poster bed, covered with a Pendleton Diamond Ranch quilt and pillow cases. Three hand made Native American rugs bracketed the bed. Rustic bedside tables stood beside the bed. Above the head of the bed a large dream catcher hung on the wall. I noticed it hung from the horn of an antelope, out about six or seven inches from the wall, as it should.

"You noticed!" Kathy exclaimed.

I looked at her. "You noticed the dream catcher was hung away from the wall. The woman who made it for me told me that it cannot do its job if the energy flow around it is blocked."

"The horn is from a prong-horn. I grew up in Wyoming. Stepping in here is like going home to Jackson." I wrapped her in my arms and stood looking and feeling as though the Tetons would be out there if I looked out her window.

Kathy whispered to her self, "He likes it!" I squeezed her a little tighter.

However long it was we stood there ended with a shudder. I wasn't sure if it was Kathy's or my own, but it shook us to the present and she asked, "Want the rest of the tour or..." She looked at the bed.

"I want the tour and we need dinner before we unmake the bed. Once we mess up the bed I think it'll be days till it gets made again."

She took my hand and showed me every room. Her office-library was next door to her bedroom. The desktop was a slice of an old tree, raw wood and bark at the edges and shining from lots of either lacquer or urethane. The support for the desk top was a log split in half, probably from the same tree. Under the desk, a woven rag rug. On the walls pictures of elk, moose, a grizzly catching a salmon in his mouth and a big picture of three eagles on a branch just a couple feet above a churning river. I asked, "Is everything but the kitchen imported from Wyoming?"


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