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Shelia and Thomas

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Two strangers meet both looking for sex.
1.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/09/2007
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Chapter 1 -- Shelia and Thomas Meet

It was late at night and Shelia was lonely. After dumping her boyfriend two months ago, for cheating, she had finally gotten over the "all men are dogs" theory and wanted to simply have someone appreciate her for her. Not wanting to just meet someone at a bar she had started complaining to her girlfriends about there not being any good men left. With their agreement she sank deeper into her loneliness.

Work was always the same. There was Mark in Marketing, this made her laugh each time she said it out loud, who would hit on her occasionally. In his mid forties and balding, not her type. Of course the mail delivery boy Steve stuttered each time she said hello. This made her smile too. A warm, heart felt smile for such a nice boy, not someone to whom she felt even remotely attracted. Life seemed a simple repeat of each day. Weekends however, were always an option...

Thomas had been looking for someone with whom he could share his sexual fantasizes. He had in mind a "sex buddy" he could explore all his kinky and fetish thoughts. He wanted that perfect woman who was non-judgmental, trustworthy and sexy. One problem, he was too shy to actually approach someone. This caused frustration at first, but Thomas realized the thought of someone was often enough. To get the boost needed, Thomas would go to public places. The mall, movie theaters and restaurants pick a woman and build an entire fantasy around her. Once he got home he would continue the fantasy until he finally found release.

Of course, one day, Thomas saw Shelia.

Shelia had all but given up hope of finding someone to love her. She had tried a one-night stand only to change her mind at the guy's apartment. His disappointment punctuated by cursing and words like "tease" and "slut" and "cunt". Shelia was done with men at after that. Her girlfriends had consoled her. One had even made a pass that was gently, but firmly, rejected. Shelia had found solace in watching romance movies. A public, but simultaneously, private place. A fantasy on screen shared with many other people. Shelia had talked herself into believing this constituted a form of relationship that would not cause the pain of a broken heart.

Thomas spied her when she arrived. He had long ago learned to arrive early, sit up high in the back and watch other patrons as they found their seats. Many a couple choose their place and the woman would go for treats. These were the women Thomas liked. These women were servants doing the man's bidding. Waiting on him. These women were the ones he would control, dominate, and subjugate. The women's husband (for Thomas she must be married) would never know.

Shelia saw him as she picked her chair. A single man was almost always waiting for "his woman" to return with popcorn and drinks. She never failed to be disappointed by that. A couple out to watch a movie seemed to think the girlfriend's place was to serve. Why men could not understand the importance of being together for those wonderful details like buying popcorn and drinks, well, if it had to be explained, he was not worth it.

Shelia sat down. Thomas noticed she was alone immediately. Observing people for so long gave him insight to those who watched alone and those waiting for others. As more people arrived and took their seats the theater became full. Thomas hoped a group would arrive asking the single girl (all single women were girls) to move and possible sit closer to him. It never happened.

The previews started, loud as usually. The movie lights darkened and the movie started.

Two hours later Thomas stood up, stretched and tried to time his departure with that of the girl's. It did not work. She had spotted him and made sure she left before him. In a small way flattered at his attention but more creeped out about the single guy stalking others at the movies.

Shelia ventured into he mall to get a coffee after the movie. Thomas, losing his opportunity to continue his fantasy wandered into the mall food court to try and salvage something to get him off later. He got a drink and sandwich from the deli. Shelia purchased a large coffee from the specialty store and sat down to warm her hands and cool the coffee. Her back was to Thomas.

Thomas was looking for an empty table when he noticed the girl from the movie. His heart beat faster. She was alone. There were no other empty tables he could find. Could he actually sit down with her? This would certainly take his fantasies to the next level. His stomach was churning as he walked closer. He had decided to ask if he could sit at her table. He would do it. His excitement grew as he approached; He focused on what would happen later at home. He realized he was showing his excitement and for a moment slowed, then stopped.

Thomas stood directly behind Shelia.

Thomas was breathing hard. The grip on his drink tightened. Shelia turned around and saw his face flushed. His discomfort was obvious. He looked around for a place to sit and eat his meal. A small pang of sympathy overtook her better judgement and she, Shelia, invited him to sit at her table.

Thomas almost fell down when she spoke. He did a double take and stuttered, "Yes, thank you."

Without saying anything else he sat down across from, as far away as he could and started in on his meal. Shelia was sure he was weird and started rethinking her invitation. With no more conversation he started eating. Thomas was dumbfounded and could not believe his luck. He could not even look up from his sandwich. Shelia realized he was not so much creepy as shy. She decided he was too embarrassed to speak and decided to let him finish his meal without further scrutiny. As he took another bite of his sandwich Shelia said "Have good night" pushed her chair back and started to stand.

Thomas looked up, his fantasy was leaving and he did not want her to. Shelia saw the disappointment on his face and again, sympathy overtook her. Shelia volunteered a name, "I'm Monica.". She remained just apprehensive enough to not provide him her real name.

Thomas answered, "Hello, I'm Tom".

After staring for a moment Shelia sat back down. She continued to stare. Thomas was awestruck. A beautiful woman was spending time with him. His session at home tonight would be great.

Shelia was making a decision. Quickly, before she lost her nerve, she made it. "What are you doing tonight?", she asked.

Thomas was tongue-tied and tried to talk with the last bite of turkey sandwich in his mouth. Coughing he answered "N N Nothing planned". Shelia smiled and Thomas melted. Shelia noticed the flush of his cheeks and knew this man was hers. She had felt this way before but had never used it. At that moment, she knew tonight would be different.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Great start...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
NExt Step?

Please continue to the neaxt step. They both need it for different reasons.

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