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The Agency

Story Info
Mike finds a job, which may be much more than he expected.
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 25 part series

Updated 10/07/2023
Created 02/01/2021
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Author's notes: This is a work of fiction, hopefully that is not a word you struggle with. It is a story of fictional, consenting adults who enjoy power exchange, lingerie, heels and the like. It's in the transgender/crossdressing category for a reason, if that scares you please back away slowly. For the rest of you, please enjoy!


Sitting in the rather plush waiting area, Mike couldn't help but continually glance over at the office assistant who'd identified herself as Babette. She was above average in height, which was only aided by the 5" mules she wore, had long blond curls that went well past her shoulders, and wore a snug but not tight knit dress that accentuated her curves. Feeling incredibly out of place, Mike sank slightly into the couch wondering why he'd answered the unique help wanted advertisement.

"Because you're broke and need a drastic change!" Mike hissed under his breath.

"She's ready to see you now," Babette said as she slowly sauntered from behind her desk, "follow me please."

Standing quickly, Mike suddenly realized he was sporting a rather uncomfortable bulge. Obviously, he'd been looking over at Babette a bit too much. Following her down the short hall into the office didn't help, Babette's legs crossed ever so slightly as she walked, causing her hips to elegantly sway from side to side. The dress hugged Babette's bottom perfectly showing the very pleasing upside-down heart moving back and forth. Mike shook his head, trying to ignore the trance like gait of the buxom blond.

"Have a seat," Babette instructed, waving Mike into the office, "she will be right with you."

"Uh, thank you." Mike's throat was dry.

Babette was standing in such a way he had to turn sideways to get past her brushing against her chest slightly as he did. Did she wink at him? Her eyes had a certain glimmer to them, yes, it had to be a wink! Mike's surging crotch confirmed it. Now in the office, Mike was overwhelmed with the urge to run. The large wooden desk had a large black office chair behind it. On the opposite side of the room was a good-sized black leather couch with two side chairs and a coffee table, yet in front of the desk was a rather ordinary looking wooden chair. Is that where he was supposed to sit? It seemed so school like. Taking a quick look around, Mike adjusted himself, before lowering himself into the somewhat shorter than normal feeling chair. With his knees now slightly above his hips, Mike had little choice but to sit with his knees together.

In the other room Allie looked at her newest potential charge. The application and following test had given a clear picture of him, but what had helped more was the back door access to his computer. A program, embedded within the application and psychological test, ran the following morning at 4 AM which downloaded pictures, documents and Internet browsing history giving Allie all the information she needed. Mike was one of 15 applicants that week but was the only one who's computer held the correct information she needed to extend him an in person interview. His physical appearance also fit, which was almost more important than the rest. Based on his browsing history she'd selected her outfit today as well. The obvious bulge he was still trying to tame wouldn't get any relief from her.

"Hello Darling!" Allie said entering the room. "Apologies for keeping you waiting."

Mike had wanted to get to his feet to greet her, but the ache in his pants and sight of her made rising quickly an issue. Leaning forward, trying to place his forearm over his crotch, Mike struggled momentarily as he tried to stand.

"Oh no need Sweetie!" Allie said walking confidently forward on what had to be a pair of 5" black patent heels. "I'm not that formal to start!"

"Uh, oh, uh okay." Mike said relieved momentarily at the fact he didn't have to stand.

Allison was barely 5 1/2 feet tall, with long red hair and piercing green eyes. As she approached the chair Mike sat in, he felt decidedly small in her presence. Her firm handshake and demeanor exuded confidence, she was a force to be reckoned with. That and she was stunning! The black pencil skirt she had on accentuated her shapely hips, while the shimmering cream blouse was unbuttoned just enough to show her cleavage. If Mike didn't know better he'd say that she was dressed almost Dominatrix like.

"Now let me grab your file," Allison said as she turned her back to him and bent over the front of her desk, "oh yes, here it is."

Mike couldn't help but stare as Allison bent over the desk revealing the generous slit up the back of her skirt and the back seamed stockings she had on. Her back was arched slightly showing off her rounded bottom, she'd even lifted a foot, pointing her toe as she reached for his paperwork. While it would seem from her movement the paperwork was almost out of reach it was definitely not, the "pose" she held for a few extra seconds was well practiced and on purpose. She wanted him ogling her. When she'd decided he'd had enough she turned quickly, his eyes lingered on her legs as she sat on the edge of her desk, slowly crossing her legs. The height of the chair coupled with the height of the desk she perched on made it seem like she was towering over him, it also made it next to impossible not to have his eyes pulled to her legs or chest. While Mike fought the battle poorly, Allison knew it was only going to make her work easier. This was a well rehearsed routine for her after all.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked, shifting her legs slightly, allowing the stockings to rub while Mike's eyes continued to follow them.

"Yes." Mike's throat was now even drier than when he'd entered the office. He sheepishly looked up at Allison, "Please, yes please."

Leaning slowly over, extending her silken legs outward to counter balance, Allie pushed the button on the phone stealing a quick glimpse of her prey. He had not disappointed, his eyes were again glued to her shapely legs as she pressed the button to call in Babette.

"Babette darling," Allie said while looking at Mike, who again noticed he'd been caught ogling his potential employer, "please bring in two waters."

Mike tried desperately to focus, and was eventually able to regain control of his mind while speaking to Allison, his crotch on the other hand had a mind of its own. Forcing his eyes to remain above her shoulders was a struggle as she dangled a heel from her toe inches away from him. Babette's entrance had not helped, as she'd swayed into the office carrying two small bottles of water on a silver tray. Mike felt as if he were deliberately at crotch height with the teetering Babette. It was almost too much for him, their looks, their perfumes, the heels and stockings. In his pants Mike's cock surged in agreement. He'd never be able to focus in a place like this!

Just as Allie had found out by looking through his computer files, Mike had a love of women's lingerie. Not just an appreciation of it, but he also enjoyed wearing it. He had a small collection, based on the pictures on his computer, and preferred stockings and heels. Mike also frequented adult literature sites focusing on crossdressing and fetish stories. The entire meeting had been set up to make him react, he was the only one who didn't realize it!

"I do believe you'll be an excellent fit here!" Allison exclaimed as she got up from her seat on the desk and walked behind it.

As if the trance had been lifted as soon as Allison had walked behind the desk and Babette had left, Mike shook his head before responding. "Really? That's great!"

"Before you agree," Allie smirked as she leaned forward, "do you want to hear what your job will be?" Suppressing a chuckle at Mike's bewildered look, Allie continued. "Soon my sweet Babette will move on to another part of the agency," she said with a great deal of pride, "and I'll need a replacement."

"You want me to be your secretary?" Mike was more confused than ever, he had zero secretarial experience.

"In a sense, but that's where all the girls here start." Allie paused to let that sink in for a moment. "I run a very specialized placement agency," she continued, "I provide girls to various clients both long and short term, but, as my clients expect a certain level of performance, each of them starts by working for me."

His look was of definite confusion. From experience Allie knew it would take a bit for Mike to fully grasp what was going on. Poor genetic males can really only use one head at a time, and Allie was sure the blood was all still in the one below his belt. Time to send it elsewhere!

"You see darling, I've done my research on you." Her tone had become much more matter of fact. "Fifteen others applied for this position, and you were chosen because not only of your physical characteristics but your more carnal interests."

"What?" Mike was shocked, feeling the blood rushing to his face.

"Last night before bed you read several chapters of a crossdressing husband being cuckolded by his wife," Allison's eyes were seemingly staring into his soul as she spoke, "and you did so wearing a sexy little red nightie and black panties!"

"I did not!" Mike shot back. How could she possibly know that?

"Oh you did," she looked like the Cheshire cat at this point, "and I'm sure you made quite a mess of those panties after." Mike quickly stood, ignoring his still throbbing erection, he needed to run away, now! "Sit down!" Allison commanded.

Obeying for some reason, Mike settled back into the low set chair, feeling even smaller than before. How could she possibly know that? What else did she know? With the click of a remote Mike soon found out as a picture of him wearing black bikinis, corset and stockings appeared in High Definition on a massive screen behind Allison. She clicked the remote, scrolling through several other pictures, each more embarrassing than the last. In spite of it all Mike's cock remained rigid and aching. The slideshow stopped with a picture of mike, with bright red lipstick and purple lingerie, staring into the camera while gliding his tongue up a realistic dildo. He loved the picture because he looked slutty, now he hated it for the same reason!

"What do you want from me?" Mike dejectedly asked barely above a whisper.

"Oh silly girl," Allie paused to see if he would react to being called a girl before continuing, "I don't want a thing from you!" She openly chuckled at his question. "Honestly, you're practically destitute!" Laughing again, Mike suddenly felt even smaller. "You can barely cover your rent, I doubt you'll eat much beyond Ramen noodle the days before your next pitiful paycheck shows up," Allis stood walking around the desk again, now towering over him, "and you have no savings." Crossing her arms, she stared down at him while smirking at his inability to lift his head. "What I am offering is an opportunity."

Mike's head lifted slightly. Had he heard her right? What kind of opportunity?

"Next Thursday Babette will go on a date," Allie stood leaning on one leg, pointing her other toe outward as she spoke, "that evening, not including what I expect to be a rather large gratuity, she will earn enough to cover your rent and utilities for six months!"

"SIX months!" Mike blurted.

"Not including gratuity," Allison emphasized the first word, "and my client is very giving!" His mouth hung open in shock, Allison was confident she had him at this point. "And all you have to do is live out your fantasy!"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, Babette was born a boy." It was a good thing Mike was sitting because he would have fallen over otherwise. "And she too enjoyed a reading list similar to yours," Allie now walked slowly around Mike, lightly dragging her fingers over his slumped shoulders, "she's been working for me for 8 months and is now ready for her first client. Even without that extra bit, she still earns more money than you do!"

Allie walked over to her desk pressing the call button. "Babette, join us again please." Without dropping a beat, she continued to bombard Mike with information. "On top of her salary, Babette enjoys a clothing allowance, and compensation for various sundries." As Babette entered the room Allie waved her over. "Babette, be so kind as to hike up your skirt to your waist please."

"Yes, Ms.!" Babette answered as her hands were already reaching for her dress.

"Look over at her Mike," Allison instructed, "you've already started at her ass today, you can at least look at the front now too!" Mike didn't want to look, but for some reason his head turned anyway. "The panties too muffin."

Watching in amazement, Mike saw the closely shaved and shaped hair of Babette's crotch appear as the black satin bottoms were pushed downward. What shocked him was the appearance of a clear plastic cage much like the one Mike had at home! He couldn't speak as the musk from Babette's crotch filled Mike's nose.

"Thank you, Babette," Allison said softly, "that will be all for now."

Mike was still staring as Babette readjusted herself and exited the room. He could not believe the rather stunning blond he'd gotten excited over was actually a guy! Then the realization hit that Allison wanted to do the same to him! Swallowing hard he turned his attention back to Allison, who'd again perched herself on the edge of her desk.

"Recognize the cage she had on?" Allison asked with a smirk, clicking the remote one more time to show the picture of Mike with his. "It's the same one you bought for yourself a couple months ago." Mike's throat was too dry to swallow but he tried anyway. "I don't need an answer from you today," she said as she slid off the desk pulling him to his feet, "go home and think about it." Taking him by his arm Allison guided Mike down the short hallway back to the foyer and past Babette. "If you want to not worry about money any longer, while living out your wildest fantasies just show up here tomorrow at 9."

Mike finally came out of the trance he was in as Allison brought him to the elevator. She'd taken his arm in hers, assuming the more masculine role, as she'd walked him to the elevator. The reflection of the door showed their stark contrast, in her heels Allison was an inch or two taller than Mike. She not only looked confident, put together and in control but simply beautiful as well. Then, standing next to her, Mike felt he looked slightly sloppy in his dress pants, shirt and tie. He felt out of place dressed as he was and began wondering what he would look like in Allison's outfit. Just then the elevator door opened.

"Tomorrow at 9," she instructed, guiding him inside the elevator, "no need to dress up, we will take care of that when you get here." Stepping into the elevator, Mike turned to face her one more time, "But do bring that cage of yours!"

As the door closed Mike all but collapsed against the back wall of the elevator. His knees had gone weak and his head was spinning so much he was dizzy. The only part of him seemingly under control was his raging hard on! Shoving a hand in his pants pocket, Mike pulled his hard cock to one side, holding it tightly so as not to give away his rather juvenile excitement. He hadn't been as uncontrollably hard as this since junior high!

The train ride home was a blur! Later that night Mike wouldn't remember even getting onto the train or walking into his apartment. What he would remember was quickly shoving his clothing out of the way and furiously masturbating to visions of Babette of all things! Focusing on the sight of her caged manhood held behind the delicate panties and the thin, decidedly un-manly, landing strip above it.

"Ohhh shit!" Mike's eyes fluttered as he came.

Leaning back on the toilet panting, Mike's hand still slowly stroked his cock as semen slowly dried on his abdomen and chest. It was by far the hardest orgasm he'd experienced in quite a while. Waiting until his breathing returned to normal, Mike undressed, stepping into the shower to clean up. While he wasn't overly fuzzy, he looked at his body hair with mild disgust. What was he contemplating? Was he really thinking what he was?

"Fuck it!" He muttered before leaning out from behind the shower curtain to grab his razor.

It took some time, and more than a couple nicks along the way, but when he emerged from the shower Mike was almost completely hairless from the armpits down! Rather than copy Babette's landing strip Mike did his best to fashion a small V above his raging hard on. This time he would have to be patient, his last orgasm had been rushed, now he wanted to really experience it. Running to his bedroom, feeling the air move over his hairless legs and chest for the first time, Mike selected the corset, stockings, 4" heels and bikinis he loved so much.

"Ohhhh myyy!" He cooed as the stockings glided up his freshly shaved legs. "This feels amazing!"

Everything felt better, even the corset felt sexier against his shaved flesh. Lying in the middle of the bed, legs spread, heels digging into the sheets, Mike desperately tried not to orgasm too quickly. Visions of Babette on top of the heightened feeling of her shaved flesh against the soft, silky clothing made holding off almost impossible.

"Oh my GOD!" Mike cried out as he quickly came again barely managing to capture it in his hand to keep it from spraying everywhere.

Mike masturbated once more after dinner, falling asleep still dressed in his lingerie. While sleeping soundly, Mike dreamed not only of Allison and Babette but also living like Babette. Visions of being a sexy, desirable woman, elegantly walking in heels while being looked at lustfully and enviously by men and women alike. In the morning the black panties Mike had on were saturated, there was also a large wet spot on the bed. The decision was obvious, he had 2 hours to get to his new place of employment!

Showering again, Mike managed to refrain from jerking off one last time. It may not be suitable to show up with a sore penis after all. He decided to call in sick to his terrible job, just in case, and by 8:45 was walking through the door to the office.

"Someone's excited to be here!" Babette called from behind her desk causing Mike to immediately look at his crotch. "I was talking about you being early," Babette said as she stood, "silly girl!"

"Oh!" Blushed Mike as he watched Babette approach.

"I'm so glad you said yes," Babette said, giving Mike a warm hug, "you're going to love it here!"

Mike felt like a teenager, unsure of where to put his arms around Babette. He finally managed to hug her back, enjoying her soft moan in her ear. She was several inches taller than him, aided of course by the 5" heels she had on. What he noticed second, after his cock pressing against her body, was that her breasts felt real against his chest. Thinking about her breasts didn't help his cock at all! Today she was wearing a tasteful purple dress with 3/4 sleeves and a hem falling just below mid thigh. Her black stockings and heels with purple piping fit the outfit perfectly.

"I don't know about you," Babette said, taking Mike by the hand to Allison's office, "but the night after my interview I practically rubbed myself raw!" Mike almost choked, confirming Babette's suspicion. "You to huh?" She asked, knocking on the door to Allison's office. "I'd like to say you get less horny," she whispered as she listened for Allison to call them in, "but you really just get used to being really horny all the time!"

"Come in!" Allison called out from her desk.

Mike hesitated slightly, what was he signing himself up for here? Allison sat behind her desk wearing a navy blue women's suit with a plunging white blouse highlighting a pink lace camisole. It was a more professional look than yesterday but still quite stunning.

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