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Shelia and Thomas Ch. 02

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Shelia returns home.
1.1k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/09/2007
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Chapter 2 -- Shelia Returns Home

Shelia had made a decision. Tonight she would have her satisfaction. For the first time she was going all out with a man where she would be in control.

Thomas was excited beyond belief. For the first time he looked at what she was wearing. Monica (as he knew her) wore jeans and a sweater. It was a cool night. Her curves made the outfit stunning. Sexy in that casual way real woman are Thomas was breathing fast.

Shelia was getting aroused. She was taking control of the situation and liked the feeling of power. Thomas sat in his chair waiting for her next move. Shelia asked, "I am going to a hotel across the street for the night. Would you like to have a drink at the bar?". Thomas replied, sounding confident to himself, "Yes."

Shelia stood up and walked off. This was the moment for her. If he followed, great, she was in control. If not, nothing lost, for her. For him a sexual experience was gone forever.

Thomas took a moment to realize what was happening and quickly stood up, almost knocking over his chair and quickly stepped up behind her. Shelia kept walking and quickly approached the exit. At the door she looked back and found Tom right behind her. "Perfect!", she thought, and continued out the double doors to her car. Tom followed behind her until she sat in the driver's seat. Tom looked at her for a moment then started around the car to join her from the passenger's seat. Shelia simply started the car and left the parking lot.

Tom was left standing alone, no where near his car. He had a decision to make. Thomas turned back to the mall and made his way through the food court, to another exit. Thomas opened his car door, got in and started his engine. His palms sweaty, heart beating and stomach churning, Thomas made his decision.

Shelia had made her way to the hotel and quickly stepped up to the bar. Introducing herself to the bartender as Monica she started asking for a couple of questions. Getting the responses she wanted, Shelia smiled.

Thomas made a beeline to the hotel across the street. Got out of car and took a deep breath. Could he do this? It seemed too good to be true. He finally decided, "What the hell?". His fantasies would make the night good whether the girl was there or not. Thomas walked into the bar full of confidence.

Shelia watched him enter the hotel bar. Without changing expression, she smiled to herself.

Thomas looked around and when seeing her walked directly to her. Pulling up a stool he sat down, and said hello. Shelia sat there trying to figure what to do next. Thankfully the bartender saved her from doing anything now, Stacey, according to her nametag, asked what he wanted. Thomas ordered a beer, whatever was on tap. Shelia smiled and asked for a gin and tonic. Stacey left to fill the orders.

Shelia continued her studied silence and waited for her drink. Thomas stared at her and ached for her to say anything. Even to be laughed at would allow him to end the night and return home. At the moment Thomas was about to speak Stacey returned with his beer. Thomas picked up the frosty mug and took a long swallow. Giving himself another few moments of the silence that was, at once, powerfully intoxicating and extremely frustrating. Shelia simply waited for her drink.

Stacey returned with a glass serving it to Monica. Taking a small sip Monica closed her eyes and hummed almost too quietly for Thomas to hear, almost. Thomas took another drink of his beer and started to feel its effects. Not a big drinker, it interfered with his fantasizes, even half a beer after his sandwich was making his head swim. Monica took another sip and smiled. Thomas, after hearing the hum before and being almost hypnotized by her smile settled into his stool. Wanting to say something, anything, to keep her interested Thomas opened his mouth at the same instance Stacey returned asking if everything was fine. Thomas turned to look at her and smiled. Stacey looked at his half empty mug and asked if he wanted another. "Sure." he responded. This made Shelia's smile even larger.

Thomas quickly finished his beer and Stacey returned with another. Shelia took another sip of her drink and closed her eyes once more, enjoying the feel of it as the alcohol made its way down her throat. She could feel it as it entered her tummy, warming her from the inside. Her confidence growing.

When Stacy returned, Thomas finished his beer in two more swallows. He started his second beer a bit more slowly then his first. Shelia finished her drink in one gulp. Placed the glass on her cocktail napkin. Stood up and walked out. Thomas turned to follow her, of course staring at her ass the entire way. When she reached the swinging doors to exit Thomas stood up to follow. Stacey placed a hand on his shoulder and asked to him sit back down.

Confused Thomas looked at Stacey. She quickly offered an explanation. "Look. Monica wants you to meet her at her home but she is not quite ready. She asked that you have one more drink. I have her address and will give it you once pay the tabs."

Thomas sat still for a moment then realized one of his fantasies was coming true. He quickly finished the second beer and ordered another. His head went beyond swimming, he was now drunk. Finishing the third mug as quickly as possible. Stacey moved over and collected the empty mug and gave Thomas the total bill for all four drinks. Thomas pulled out his credit card to pay and waited for Stacey to run it through.

Shelia was halfway home by the time Thomas received the bill. She knew Thomas would be drunk and hoped Stacy would take care of situation. Her head was swimming, not from the drink but from the thrill of what she had planned. Arriving at her home she pulled into the driveway and entered her house. She looked around surveying the front room. She lived in a small home with three bedrooms. One her office, one a junk room and the last, her bedroom.

"No time.", she thought. He would be here any moment. Looking at her answering machine there were no messages. Candles she thought. I need to set the mood. Going to her linen closet she starting pulling out what she wanted. Thinking twice, she smiled again...

Meawhile Thomas waited for Monica's address.

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