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Shelly Pt. 01-08


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It was cold. The end of December and into January. The wind howled and the snowflakes whirled about you. The wind would come of the large nearby lake and go right thru you. Inside was the place to be. Shelly and I were inseparable. We were together 24/7. The only reason we would leave was for food. Well coffee too. Just so you know, we didn't have sex all the time. There was some of that you know. Mostly we just spent the time with each other.

It got to be Saturday. Classes would begin Monday. We decided to prepare a feast. Braving the wicked cold, we went shopping. Pasta, Italian bread, olives, pasta sauce, onions, and whatever we wanted for a salad. We even splurged on some red wine. The afternoon, we began to prepare the food. Both of us worked on it. There was wine and talk and a lot of loving on the other. That was my favorite part. Shelly dressed very sexy. Her blouse unbuttoned all but one. Her breasts free inside, to be touched. She would rub against me and bite my neck, lick my ear and kiss me like no other had ever done. In turn, I would do the same for her. It was an exceptional time.

The food was gone and we were full. The last of the wine in glasses. We were both very relaxed. There was some heavy making out on the sofa. Shelly stood. Her clothes made a pile on the floor. I was told to stand and add mine to hers.

Then she pushed my down on the sofa and said.

"I'm gonna sit on you."

Her knees went to either side of my hips and she lowered herself on to my waiting erection. Shelly went very slow, sometimes not moving at all. Just surrounding me with her. This went on for approximately twenty minutes. Then she wanted more.

"Help me bounce on you." She requested.

I did so, grabbing her ass. This felt so good. I don't know why I did it? But I smacked her ass with my right hand. She squeaked loudly. Shelly's eyes got really big.

Then she said.

"Do that again."

She bounced harder and faster now. She was incredibly wet.

"Spank me again."

Smack went my hand. Her eyes glazed over in orgasm and her juices ran on to my thighs. Shelly's body shook. Then, when she was ready, she moved on me with reckless abandon. She was so turned on and it made me so as well. It was the strongest thing I had ever experienced. We both stayed on the sofa, breathing like we just ran for miles.

"What made you smack my ass?" Shelly asked.

(We were still naked on the sofa.) I thought about it for a second.

"I don't know? Did you like it?" I replied.

"Yeah, it really turned me on." She speaks.

"I have to get up now. My legs are cramping." Shelly added.

So, I helped her up and we went to the kitchen to find something to drink. We kept looking at the other as though it was the first time we had seen each other and become enamored. I was unable to keep my hands off her.

She spoke.

"Ben, I'm still really worked up. I want you again. How soon can do it?"

Now just the fact that she said this already had me going. When someone wants you like this, it is very cool. It is also something I had never experienced. Shelly begins alternately kissing me and laughing. She also starts pumping me to help me along. Well, it didn't take very long before we were in bed and at it again. And yes, I did smack her ass again. Shelly wanted doggie style. She also kept looking back at me while we had sex. We were both very excited.

We collapsed on the bed, sweaty and tired, but very satisfied. The bedroom smelled strongly of sex. We briefly discussed showering. Instead, we fell asleep sweaty and reeking of sex. I loved it. We had nothing to do that Sunday. Sleeping late was a luxury we relished. The coffee machine called to us both and we answered. But it was a leisurely morning. We took a shower, (together), and lounged about. We did small things, cleaning the apartment and doing laundry. It is still curious to me to find panties in our clean laundry. Or seeing Shelly's bras hanging in the bathroom. She has threatened to take me shopping. Apparently, some of my clothes need replaced. But I must say, I like the life we have.

Monday found us up early. We had our morning routine and then bundled up for the brisk walk to the music building. Not many there yet. We found some time to go to practice rooms and warm up for the day. Shelly in her room, me in mine. Scales, arpeggios and assorted other musical tidbits. Profs and students began to appear. There was the usual discussion about break and how things went. The talk of spring semester classes.

Shelly and I had discussed research and possible recital pieces. We agreed to pool our talents on the research, but not to perform the same pieces for our recitals. There would be long discussion with our tuba prof. about the best repertoire. Once this was done, finding a suitable pianist. This is not a cheap process. A good accompanist is worth it as it makes your life easier. There would be countless hours in the library, looking for articles, dissertations and analysis. Interlibrary loan, ordering copies and buying music. As you may see, it is an involved process. Shelly and I working together would make things easier, I think. Another set of eyes and perspective is valuable.

The cold winter months progressed. Each and every person on campus was looking forward to Spring break. You heard constant discussion of what they were going to do, the places they were going to go and the parties that would ensue. I was never able to afford such luxuries. Shelly and I had talked about our plans. We had both made good progress in the last few months. Pieces of music had been chosen and the research was going well. There were mountains of books, papers and dissertations stacked in our apartment.

The Tuba prof had made and approved music for our recitals next year. Now it was a matter of bringing everything together. We both had plenty of time. But, back to spring break. We were going to take a hiatus from everything. Then spend our time together. This in mind, we made food and drink purchases and began to stockpile for our week. Going out would only be for fun.

The week before break was both intense and relieving. The closer it got, the fewer people on campus. The students were less and less interested in anything but leaving. Many had a faraway look. Even the Profs were cancelling classes and leaving before the week was over. By Thursday night, the place was a ghost town. I had been putting in an intense practice session. Shelly was in the building somewhere doing the same. The mind, the fingers and the lips had had it. I decided I would go find Shelly. It wouldn't be difficult, just listen for the tuba. I followed the sound. She was getting tired, I could tell by the tone quality. I peeked in the window. Shelly still held her F tuba, but her eyes were closed and her head against the wall. Yeah, she was burnt out.

I tapped on the door and entered. Shelly's eyes opened and she turned towards me. A smile on her face. The tuba was taken from her and gently placed on the carpeted floor.

"Stand up." I spoke.

Shelly's brow wrinkled. But she did and I took her seat.

"Sit in my lap with your back towards me." I asked her.

Now she smiled again and did as I asked. I reached up to rub her shoulders and neck. They were knotted and tight. I put some pressure on her muscles and squeezed. Shelly let out an audible groan. Her back also got some heavy duty massaging. Slowly, she was relaxing and turning into putty. Shelly stood suddenly and turned to straddle my lap. Her arms went round my neck and she kissed me hard. My arms went around her as well.

"Help me put my stuff away and let's go home." Shelly whispered.

With that, she was up and we did just as she wanted. It was still pretty cold outside. But we moved quickly. Hand in hand the entire way.

I have been around musicians most of my life. Many are very enthusiastic folk. They feel things deeply and when they are moved, it is all encompassing. Shelly is like this. The door was shut and locked. Our coats placed in the closet. Then Shelly tackled me and we fell to the floor. It was as though she was going to devour me. Deep enthusiastic kisses and searching hands for us both. Shelly pulled off my t-shirt and sat up to begin removing her own shirt. Both were tossed aside and she reached to undo her bra. As soon as it was off, breasts were forced into my mouth. I sucked greedily. All the while, Shelly rubbed her crouch against mine.

Abruptly she rolled off me and spoke.

"Get those fucking pants off."

While I did so, she removed hers as well. I was hard as steel. Shelly rolled back on top off me and we resumed our passion. Now, I hate to be the practical one. But we were about to engage in unprotected sex. A pregnancy at this time in our lives would have been extremely challenging.

So, I said.

"Shelly, we need a condom."

She hesitated just a moment and knew I was right.

Then Shelly answered.

"No, I don't want to stop for it."

Then she flipped into a 69 position and took me full in her mouth. Her slit was lowered to my waiting mouth and tongue. We recommenced our desire for each other. It was though we were starving for one another. Shelly was deep throating me and my head was swimming. I had both her ass cheeks in my hands. Yes, I smacked her ass a few times and she became wetter still. I redoubled my efforts. Then Shelly sat up a little and her body shuttered. This for a couple of moments. She had cum very hard.

Then in a throaty growl, she said.

"Give it to me. I want it."

The head of my cock went in her mouth and she pumped me with one hand. I didn't last very long and gave her all I had. Not one drop came out of her mouth. She collapsed then.

We were drenched with sweat.

Shelly added.

"You should start carrying condoms all the time Ben. But that was really good. Let's get into bed and do it there."

So, up from the floor to the bed. I may have had an orgasm, but I wasn't ready to stop. I licked and kissed Shelly everywhere. Rolling nipples in my fingers and exploring her dripping slit with my fingers. Periodically, spanking her ass. I was ready in no time. Condom in place and serious intense sex to follow. It was the best sex ever. At least for me. I'm sure Shelly liked it also. We passed out and went to sleep. There should be an appearance at the music building tomorrow. Just in case someone showed up for a lesson.

Shelly, Part Four

I confess, I was a bit sore in the morning. Must have been using muscles that I had not before. There was no bothering with gym shorts. I plodded naked into the kitchen. Coffee preparation has begun. Shelly shuffled in not long after. She had made a bathroom stop and was naked as well. I am tapped on the shoulder. I turned to her waiting lips and embrace. The coffee can wait a few more moments. There is nothing like holding a naked girl next to you. The coffee finished gurgling. Time for the cups to come out. Neither of us moved, but stood next to the counter and each other, consuming coffee.

Shelly announced.

"I'm hitting the shower."

But refilled her cup before going. I relished the view of her walking across the room. I will follow soon. We needed to dress for the day and get to the music building. Even if no one showed up. We did our jobs.

Dressed and bundled, we trudged across campus. It was eerily quiet. No traffic, no students, no nothing. Just the wind and our footsteps. The appointed time came and went. No students appeared. So, we did what was next. We went to practice rooms. I was having a particularly difficult time with the Hindemith Tuba sonata. This in conjunction with the fact that I didn't really want to be doing this, added to my frustration. You just can't give up when it's hard though. I slowed down the metronome and began again. Down to half speed and then up, one click at a time. If I could play it five times without screwing up, I would move the dial. Yes, I know. It's boring and time consuming. This works for me.

Shelly knocked on the door.

"Want some lunch?" She speaks.

It was noon already. We splurged and went to a little Chinese place near campus. A nice break. Most of our discussion was musical.

An hour and a half later, we returned to the music building. We both spent time in practice. I felt as though I was making some progress.

About midafternoon, the custodial staff came around. They wanted the building empty so they could strip and wax floors. They were nice about it. Also, the music building would be closed for the week. No entry. Shelly and I loaded up our tubas and music. I have a backpack for mine. Shelly has a case with rollers for hers. It was a sunny afternoon that shed a little warmth. We took our time heading to the apartment. You don't run with tubas.

It was nice to be home. Yes, I called it home. It was home for me because of Shelly. I had very strong feelings about her. Ones that I would need to express soon. But the tubas were in the door. No one else was in the apartment building. This means we could practice at home. I suggested we order pizza for our evening meal. Shelly thought it a good idea. The order was made. A supreme with extra cheese and it would be here in about 30 minutes.

Shelly says.

"I'm gonna go change."

She disappeared into the bedroom. I was left to await the pizza. The pizza guy did show. Apparently, they were shorthanded as all the students had taken off for the week. But with all the students gone, they shouldn't have been that busy. The aroma of pizza filled the room.

So, I shouted.

"Shelly, the pizza is here."

The bedroom door opened and there stood Shelly. She was dressed in the thin T-shirt and sheer pink panties I had first seen her in. But tonight, she had done her hair and makeup. Shelly looks hot! And I forgot what I was doing. She pads over to me with painted fingernails, toenails and bare feet.

"Like it?" Was all she said.

I stood there. Like an idiot. Staring at her with a pizza in my hands. Shelly lifts the lid and takes a slice and speaks.

"If you're gonna stand there with your mouth hanging open, you should put some pizza in it."

Then she turned and wiggled sheer pink panties as she sauntered away.

"Bring the pizza Ben." She said from the table.

"And grab something for us to drink." Shelly added.

I am still speechless from her display. Dumbly, I stop to get something out of the fridge for us to drink and stumble to the table.

"Sit Ben and eat." Shelly laughs.

I do. But I am getting over the shock of her. Now, I'm just horny and want her very badly.

So I move to Shelly and she says.

"Slow down big boy, we got all night. You're gonna need all your strength."

Now I'm the one laughing. We have a nice meal of pizza and soft drinks. No more teasing from Shelly.

I gobble down pizza with gusto. I'm hungry and on multiple levels. But Shelly takes all this in with a leisurely pace and wicked grin. Of course, she knows what she does to me. Shelly is in the mood to play and it seems she has a plan. I should just go with it.

"Come on." She speaks.

"Let's go to bed."

Shelly stays in her t-shirt and panties. I am ordered to remove my clothes and I'm already excited and hard.

She speaks.

"Bring that over here and let me inspect it."

Shelly's fingers roam lightly over my throbbing member and testicles. She has the lightest touch.

"Rub it on my tits." She murmurs.

I begin to remove her shirt.

"Nope, leave it on. Rub me through the shirt."

I climb over Shelly and press my cock on her tits. It feels great but isn't what I want. Shelly pulls up her shirt and I have skin access. I delight in watching as I massage her breasts with my cock. Tension is increased as Shelly grips me with one hand. I am pulled towards her mouth. The tip is taken in and sucked hard. My mind is swimming.

"Move down now and rub your cock on my pussy thru my panties. I want you to make me really soaking wet." Shelly asks.

I begin to do so and the panties are warm as she is. I glide up and down her. Moisture starts to seep through the material. We play this way for several moments. Finally, Shelly is absolutely soaked. My tip is drenched in her honey. While I have been doing this, she has been tweaking and rolling her nipples with her hands.

"Get a condom on." She speaks.

I do.

"Now push my panties to the side and fuck me."

I reach with my fingers to push her underwear over. My fingers are coated with her.

I slide in easily and the edge of her panties rub against me each time I move in and out of her. I will cum soon at this rate. Shelly reaches one of her hands down to rub her clit with me inside her. She is going to cum soon. I can feel her contract around me. Shelly then inserts one of her fingers inside her with me. We move in rhythm and I explode in her. I want to stop. Shelly will have none of that.

"Keep fucking me." She growls.

I remain hard and continue. Then something happens that I have never experienced. I cum again after just a few seconds. Shelly does as well. I have to rest and fall next to her.

"Get your rest. I'm not done with you Ben."

Shelly rolls out of bed and walks to the bathroom.

When she returns, she is naked. Shelly crawls up to lay on top of me. Her face to mine.

"That was really good for me. I think it was for you too." She speaks.

I stupidly nod my head yes. I haven't moved yet. Shelly moves down to look at my shrinking cock and used condom. She just shakes her head and begins to remove it. I am gooey and sticky. The condom is tossed in the trash.

"We have to clean you up." Shelly comments.

She returns to the bathroom and returns with a warm washrag. Gently, I am cleaned up. My wits return. I roll Shelly on to her back, pin her arms to the bed. I kiss her face and suck her tits. I move all over her upper body. Keeping pinned under me. She fights it a little, but then let's me do as I wish. Using my refractory time to good use, I lick my way down to her swollen pussy. It receives soft kisses and licks. Shelly gives me the most exquisite pleasures. I want to return in kind. There is delight for me in causing her to orgasm, to see goosebumps erupt on her skin, to hear the moans and expressions of pleasure. They are a kind of music for me. I suppose it is how I think of things. In terms of music.

Spring break was this for us. Our tubas were there, so we practiced. Shelly had found some tuba duets and we played them over and over. We made love many times during the week and spent much of it naked. Pleasure and orgasms were given and received in abundance. And as always, we got up in the morning for our coffee. I imagine it was one of my favorite times. Coffee with Shelly.

But the week ended as it should and we went back to the real world as it stood for us. Now it was a mad dash to the end of the semester. There were students to prepare for recitals, lessons and classes of our own to attend. This in conjunction with the research we were both doing. But at the end of the day, we went home together. There was some discussion about the summer months. There would be nothing for us to do at the university, and no pay.

Shelly and I talked of going to our parents homes for the duration. I have to tell you honestly, I didn't want that. Shelly didn't either. We both began to look for summer jobs in the area. We knew they would pay much, but we could stay together.

Shelly wrangled a job at the University library. Her off moments could be spent continuing our research. Plus, it wouldn't be a taxing job. I would be working for the grounds crew at the university. Once more, not a high paying job. It would keep us in the apartment and with one another. Something we had not discussed. What will happen at the end of next year? Our Master's degrees would be earned. What of us then? The thoughts about this concerned me greatly. I was certain I had found the love of my life. But what about Shelly?

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