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Shelly Pt. 01-08

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Finding love.
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I've heard all the oompah jokes you know. And then I've heard a lot more of them. It is an occupational hazard for tuba players. And, I know what you are thinking. "A tuba player? Must be some kind of major nerd." Well, I can't speak to the nerd part. I do very much enjoy playing tuba. Just for your information. I am not fat, nor German. I don't sit around and drink beer all day. My build is slightly muscular and I'm not real sure of my heritage. I just want to play the tuba. I played it since Junior High school, all through High School, auditioned at university and majored in tuba. Now it was time for Graduate school. Yes, more tuba. I had worked hard for many years. Got to play lots of great music. The completion was tough. Getting into a major orchestra is almost impossible. I would be rich and famous first.

(Not likely of any of this happening) And just to let you know, girls don't like tuba.

Until Shelly.

I had made it. I was a graduate assistant. There was another, but I didn't know who it was. I would be teaching undergrads and doing flunky stuff for the tuba prof. This way, he could devote himself to "serious" students. What a load of shit. But I had a stipend and a place to live. My degree would be paid for by the university. Hard to complain about that. So, I didn't know who the other Grad-ass was. He was probably some guy just like me. Hopefully we hit it off and can make this work for the next couple of years. The place they had me live in was rather Spartan. But it's not like I was living there forever. Anyway, I didn't have much in the way of possessions. My clothes and a few pieces of ratty furniture. And my Tuba. It cost four times more than my car. Which tells you tubas are expensive and my car is cheap.

The other guy was to move in next door. Chummy, isn't it? I was told we were not to date undergrads and faculty was out of the question. Therefore, I was doomed to two years of loneliness. I wouldn't have much in the way of cash, so it didn't matter. I heard booming and banging next door the next day. He must be there. I thought about going and introducing myself. Nah............ latter. I settled down to some TV, popcorn and a beer or two. There is supposed to be some big faculty meeting tomorrow with all the profs and grad-asses. I worry about all the other shit tomorrow.

The next morning, I was up earlier and making coffee. Nothing fancy mind you. Drip machine my grandmother had given me for graduation from undergrad. A nice big bowl a cereal and I would be ready for the day. I walked across campus. Not many here just yet. The undergrads would arrive in a few more days. There would be some auditions to find out which losers I had to teach. Also, flunky jobs assigned. I couldn't imagine what those might be. But I was sure they were shit.

You know, like cleaning the crap out of the profs mouthpiece or mopping spit up off the floor from his spit valves. I mean he seemed like a nice enough guy. A bit odd. Maybe eccentric is the word. His beard made him look like Methuselah. His tubas were nice though. Yeah, he had several. Some new, some vintage. His main ones were His CC tuba and an F tuba. When I looked at him, the term "Crusty old fart" came to mind. I had heard him play a few things. He had great tone, but I never saw any wizardry in his playing. There must be something though. I would have two lessons a week with him. Guess I'll find out.

The meeting was what I expected. Yes, they are all glad to see us. There was a myriad of introductions. A lot of posturing so you could find out who the important people were. Except for the Grads, it was a geriatric convention. The usual types, I thought to myself. It's going to be a long two years. There was one though. A girl/woman that caught my eye. She introduced herself as Shelly and said that she would be working in the Tuba department. Life just got a lot better. I began to wonder if she was my new neighbor. Could I be that lucky? She sure didn't look nerdy at all. I began to fantasize about her right away. I know, I'm a creep and, I was never very good with girls. I mean I have my opinions and all that. I just keep it to myself and stick to being a wall flower.

The luncheon after the meeting was dreadful. Having to socialize with these people. Lots of talk about the lectures they were doing, the books they were writing, and the important people they knew. So, I'm not famous, don't know anyone famous and haven't written anything except paying monthly bills. Did I mention I play tuba? Oh yeah, forgot I told you that already. Crackers, cheese, raw veggies and some kind of lunch meat. Not a great buffet, but it would give me something in my stomach today. So, no complaints. I noticed men were attracted to Shelly. You know what I mean. They laugh and smile at her. Stuff I have trouble doing. Eventually, I had enough and went to my domicile to brood. At least I didn't have to cook.

The next morning, I arrived and learned I would be sharing a 6' by 10' office with five other grad-asses. Only two desks. You know the old cliché. You have to go outside to change your mind. Well one of them was a bassoon guy. He had to have one desk just for his reed stuff, which took a great deal of his time and space.

I figured I would just get a locker for my stuff. The collection of method books, assorted music and valve oil you need, and a big locker for my tuba. That would work. I didn't see Shelly anywhere. I met with the Tuba prof and soon learned I had several students that needed to be brought up to specs. Great, I thought to myself. I would do what I needed to do, however. Lunch was in the lobby. Machine coffee and machine sandwich, yummy.

The afternoon was a stream of new students and getting them set up. Late afternoon was rehearsal in the wind ensemble. Not too terrible of a day. I was home by six and kicked back to relax. After a while I could hear my neighbor, (Shelly). She wasn't alone either. There seemed to be lots of moaning and bed squeaking. Sounds like they were getting it on. It wasn't bad entertainment, but after about ten minutes, I went to the other side of the apartment. Made me a little depressed. I didn't know anyone that I could even begin to do that with. Oh good, sounds like they might be done. I'll just turn up the TV a bit more. I heard them leave. Back to quiet.

A few hours later, they returned. You could hear them yelling before they were inside. Shelly, (I think it was Shelly) was calling her male companion a

"miserable son of a bitch".

To which he replied,

"Shut up you stupid bitch!"

She screams.

"Admit it you bastard. You were fucking the cute little server in the bathroom. She had cum dripping down her leg and was smiling and touching you after you came back."

He said it once again, only louder.

"Shut up bitch!"

Then there is this loud crash.

"Get out you asshole." She yells.

"Fuck off bitch." He retorts.

Slamming door and then quiet. A moment or so later, there was soft weeping.

I debated about seeing if she was alright. Then thought better of it. An hour or so later, a tap at my door. I wasn't expecting anyone and I open to find a woman with a fat lip. She still had blood on her chin.

She speaks.

"You're Ben, aren't you? The other tuba grad? I need you to do something for me."

I stood there looking at her. She was a mess.

I spoke.

"How about you come in and let's clean you up first."

She did. I got a washrag, wet it and then put some ice in it. Once the blood was gone, I could see she was already bruised.

I spoke.

"You must be Shelly? I saw you in the meeting."

She replies.

"Yes, I am and you must be Ben. I saw you too. I have a favor to ask. Could you cover for me in orchestra until my lip heals? I can't play like this."

When you play a wind instrument, your lips are everything. I didn't ask a lot of questions. I just said yes.

Once she was all cleaned up, she went back to her place. I did listen to see if her "boyfriend" would return. He didn't. So, I got ready for bed. I laid there for some time, just thinking. How do you get into relationship like that? I never had a serious one. Just causal things, occasional sex, nothing major. But how does it come to blows? I don't understand. I rolled over and slept. Somewhere in the middle of the night, my doorbell rings. I put on some jeans and stumble.

There stands Shelly.

"Can I hide here? He is on his way over and I don't want to see him." She pleads.

I step aside. Not long after, a car screeches to a halt out front. There is major pounding on Shelly's door and yelling. This goes on for ten minutes or so. Then the Campus Cops show up. He is told to move on or be arrested.

He yells one last time.

"Fuckin' Bitch!!"

Then the cops follow him away.

Shelly asks.

" Can stay here the rest of the night? I'll sleep on the sofa."

Sure, I say.

Then go back to bed. Strange evening.

I wake up in the morning and wander out to the kitchen to make coffee. I had half forgotten that I had a guest. So yes, I'm standing there in my shorts. I look over to the sofa and there is this leg exposed. It goes all the way up to some pink panties. Sheer enough to see an ass crack. Then she stirred and I turned quickly and became very interested in my coffee machine. I thought perhaps she would go to the bathroom and dress or whatever. Nope, she trudged up to the counter and poured herself a cup. Then turned and leaned against the counter. Not that I was looking, but her shirt was thin enough for me to see pokies. And those legs. The only sad part? The bruise on her face.

"OMG this coffee is good. Hurts my lip though." She spoke.

Totally oblivious to being half naked in front of my half naked. Like it happened every day.

"More coffee?" I asked.

Shelly just held her cup out. Not ever been around a girl like this. She isn't embarrassed or concerned about this at all. Well, I'm going to try and not be concerned as well. It's going to be hard though, in more ways than one.

"Want some breakfast?" I asked. "I have corn flakes."

Her short answer.


Then she went to the bathroom. When she came out, we had our first meal together. Not a red letter event, but cozy. We made small take about our undergrad days. No mention of last night. An interesting beginning to the day. Later she slipped her clothes on, came over to me, gave me a hug and spoke.


Then she was out the door. I got dressed and went to the music building to begin my day. Slaving over undergrads.

I made it through another day. Had several hours in a practice room and then covering for Shelly in orchestra. The conductor raised an eye when he saw me in the back row. There will be some explaining to do. But I would just tell him this was temporary. Shelly had other matters and I agreed to cover. He accepted that. Once rehearsal was finished, I went home. A nice quiet evening and no sound from Shelly's. I hope she was alright. Better get to bed.

I was up early the next day. Went to the kitchen to make coffee. Tap tap tap at my door. I quickly put on some clothes. There stood Shelly. Her face looked a little better.

She spoke.

"Got any coffee?"

In she came and straight to the machine. Just like she lived there. At first it bothered me, then, I thought it was kind of cool. She was dressed today, because I know you are wondering. We shared coffee and corn flakes again. Today we went to the music building together. We each had our students and tasks. Shelly wasn't interested in hanging in the Grad office either. Plus, Bassoon guy had his stuff everywhere and had been joined by Clarinet girl and all her reed stuff. So much baggage.

When we weren't teaching or doing other duties, we hung out in the lobby. I practiced. Shelly wasn't able to play yet. She did poke her head in the practice cubicle to comment on what she heard. Yes, she was listening to me play. We had lobby food for lunch. Shelly was a chatter box today. I just smiled and listened. She functioned as though we had known each other forever. Apparently, she was comfortable with me. I mean let's face it. I've seen her half naked and she's seen me. We share coffee, food and tuba. Not a bad thing. And I'm getting carried away with this. Wishful thinking on my part.

Two weeks pass before Shelly tried to play again. There was some pain involved and muscle tone lost. During those two weeks, I covered her playing responsibilities. Shelly did her own teaching. Quickly I grew to expect a morning tap at my door. Shelly would shuffle in to the counter and the coffee. She supplied coffee as well, so I didn't have to buy it all the time. We settled around a routine of coffee and corn flakes in the morning. Then we would walk to the music building and our respective days. When not teaching or other duties, we practiced. Separately of course. Shelly worked hard at rebuilding her embouchure and technique. My lessons with the tuba prof. were productive. I was gaining insight and tech. He was helpful in developing my tone quality.

Fall break arrived. This meant no classes for a full week. Most opted to go home. I chose to stay and savor the quiet. Shelly had not mentioned her plans. My idea was to sleep in that Saturday morning and do nothing. I was in bed that morning, about half awake. Tap, tap, tap at the door.

"Crap!" I say out loud.

I pull on a pair of gym shorts and go to the door. A robed Shelly walks right past me to the kitchen.

When she gets there, she exclaims.

"Hey there's no coffee!"

She continues to make and watch it brew with an empty cup in her hand. I am amused and annoyed at the same time. Obviously, Shelly didn't leave for home.

There was no discussion until she has the first sip. Then Shelly turns to lean against the counter. She realizes I haven't spoken nor moved.

She adds.

"Oh shit, you were asleep! Want some coffee?"

Shelly pours me a cup. I laugh and get out the cornflakes. We sit and eat. Shelly chatters away about I'm not sure what. I do notice her boobs swinging wildly in her robe when she moves. Also, she constantly keeps trying to hold the robe closed. I am very distracted by this and have to continuously redirect my eyes to her face. Then it happens. I see a nipple. I look away and Shelly covers up again. But it's too late. The bulge has begun. Mercifully, she can't see it. I've got to relax. Shelly rises and gets the coffee. It is brought to the table and our cups are refilled. She leans over and there is the nipple again. I'm very uncomfortable.

Then she announces she is going back to her apartment and,

"thanks for the coffee." I head to the bathroom and take a very cold shower until things go down.

I dressed and headed to the music building. It would be empty and no distractions. Just me, a metronome, a method book and my tuba. About an hour and half passed. I took a break. The lobby was deserted. A bench and cool brick wall to lean against. October was still warm. The wall felt nice. I must have dozed off. Woke with a start and heard tuba from somewhere in the building. Had to be Shelly. I won't disturb her. She seems to be working on the same etudes as me. It was interesting to hear if she struggled with the same passages. I best get back to it.

A few hours more and I've had enough. Back to the apartment. Campus is nice and quiet. Nothing but the breeze and chirping birds. At the apartment, I crack open a beer and step out to the back patio. Imagine my surprise to find a sunbathing Shelly. She's on her stomach and her top is undone. While covering her breasts with one arm, she sits up. Her other hand reaches for my beer.

Shelly takes a long swallow, hands it back and speaks.

"I know you saw my boobs this morning. How about a clear view? I also know you had a hard on."

Then she drops her arm and there they are, exposed to the afternoon sun. I'm staring at them and trying to sip my beer.

"Want a closer look?" she adds.

All I can do is nod my head yes. Shelly takes hold of my belt and pulls me inside.

I acted on some of the thoughts that had been on my mind since meeting Shelly. Our lips met and hers were powerful from years of playing. Tongues used to playing music became entwined. My shirt was removed and I felt her bare breasts against my chest. Both my hands reached inside her bikini bottoms to kneed and squeeze her ass. The bottoms were pushed down and my fingers found her slit. I explored, rubbed and pushed them inside her. Shelly moaned with pleasure. I picked her up and carried her to bed. I put her down and lost the rest of my clothes. A few seconds after, with a condom on, I spread her legs and went inside. Shelly put her hands direct my ass to help develop the particular speed and rhythm she wanted. I didn't mind if it did the job. But the problem for me was that I was too excited. I came too quickly. But I kept moving until Shelly joined me. All in all, it was quick.

Shelly commented.

"Wow that was intense. I want you to suck my tits."

So, I began to do so. Licking, sucking and as the hardened, biting too. Fortunately, I had a short refractory period. We had sex again. I lasted much longer and to Shelly's satisfaction. We rolled around into different positions. Things ended with Shelly sitting on top of me, bouncing. Her boobs moving in rhythm to her bounce. Once we both finished, she stayed on top of me.

Shelly leaned down and looked at me seriously.

"I want Chinese food."

We got up, cleaned up, dressed and went out for food. She had Chicken Lo Mein. I had Beef and Broccoli. We also had a small mountain of eggrolls. Sex had made us hungry.

We finished our meal and headed back to my apartment. TV and the sofa. Shelly was plastered against me. It felt really nice. Shelly felt really nice. Later, she announced she was going to bed. I thought she would go back to her apartment. I didn't want her to go back. Instead, she went to my bathroom. She was in there about five minutes, then appeared naked, made certain I saw her, and went to my bedroom. I jumped up, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and went to find her. Shelly was on her back, legs spread and arms held out to me.

"Make love to me again." She spoke.

We did. This was the first time I spent the entire night with a girl. A new experience for me. I thought it would be awkward. It wasn't. Finding each other in the night, holding, then making love again. Shelly is wonderful.

I woke up and put on gym shorts. Coffee was needed. Shelly followed me and stood behind me, leaning on me as I made coffee. She was handed the first cup. Then we had breakfast. We planned to go to the music building and practice. We each had lessons to prepare for, graduate recitals to plan and pieces to choose. Then there would be the accompanying paperwork and documents. Fall break was over too soon. Teaching, research, practice, lessons and all the other stuff made life busy.

Shelly moved in with me in early November. Our shared income made it easier for us both. We took time to go and watch the University Football games. It was a nice break. When we walked, we held hands. People seemed happy about our relationship.

The holidays arrived. Our parents wanted us to come home. Neither of us wanted to be apart. But we did. Thanksgiving was okay. Christmas break was long. We spoke daily, but it wasn't the same. Finally, a day or so before New Year's, we went back. Campus was dark, snowy and cold. I got there first. It was nice to be "home", but it was empty without Shelly. I know what you're thinking. This happened way too fast. But it felt right.

A few hours later, Shelly arrived. We collided in the middle of the room. Faces and arms entangled. OMG how I had missed her. We sat on the sofa for some time, just holding one another in the darkness. Then we got ready for bed. You know we didn't sleep. It's also a good thing we didn't have any neighbors for the moment. There would about a week before classes. We had nothing to do but each other.

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