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Shunned Ch. 02

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Victor begins the next phase of his life.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2023
Created 03/16/2022
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"Shunned" is a bit of a slow burn, so please bear that in mind when reading this chapter as well as future installments. If you stick with it, I promise you won't be let down.

Also, please bear in mind that this is a side project for me. I'll be writing new material as I get opportunities to do so, but it might not be out in a consistent manner. I apologize in advance for any delays, but I have every intention of writing this to completion.

On a final note, to keep this stories chapters in a consistent place, they'll all be categorized under Incest, though not every chapter will have incestuous themes.

Thanks for reading.


Three weeks, and I was ready to put my fist through a wall.

My first five choices of school were all busts. Three of them wouldn't even return my calls about my applications. Usually the family name was enough to get some attention, but not now. I was certain my father had something to do with it. Some kind of punishment, likely for not properly bowing and scraping before him during our "meeting."

I had finally gotten word back from the sixth school I'd applied to, but that was vague and unhelpful, and I wasn't about to trust that it'd just work out. So I applied to half a dozen others, scattered across the States. If my father was trying to set up a kind of perimeter, push me out to the edges away from his little harem, then one of them would pan out. I doubted he was trying to stymie me entirely. It wasn't in his nature to offer a deal and then renege on it.

But it was in his nature to control it as much as possible, and that's what he was likely doing here. Growing up, I thought that kind of behavior was particular to him. That he was singular in nature, driven in a way others weren't, controlling in a way most parents were not. I learned quickly at boarding school that most wealthy parents weren't far different from him. Perhaps not as cruel, but certainly willing to pull strings in order to set their child on a course regardless of that child's wishes or needs.

So was my father just another dime-a-dozen control freak? Or something more? Something worse? The scene I stumbled upon in my former home would suggest the latter. Both my mother and my sister told me they had no choice. Did he manipulate them somehow? Force them into sex slavery? What could he have possibly done that would push them to the depravity I witnessed? And Cara... She seemed to outright enjoy it. Had he warped her in some way, or was she like him?

I sighed and stroked my temples, pushing the thoughts out of my mind as I pushed away from the desk. I had just sent yet another email, following up on my application with one of the first schools. I figured it couldn't hurt to remain persistent. I had little else going for me, and my self-imposed solitude lent itself to overthinking my situation and that of my family. I needed to take action of some kind, or I was likely to start going a little stir-crazy.

I stood and walked to the window overlooking the airport. It was dusk, the sun having just set, and I watched the blinking lights of yet another jet take off and head for parts unknown. I rubbed my hands over my face and began to turn back toward the desk when a knock at the door startled me. I walked to the door and peered through the peephole. A younger man, probably about my age, stood on the other side. He was perhaps a few inches shorter than me, black, with close-cropped hair and a bit of a goatee on his chin.


"Vic? Hey, man, open up. It's Tony."

I frowned. The name didn't ring a bell.

"Tony who?"

"Tony Brown. Antonio? C'mon, Vicky, open the damned door."

His identity struck me when he called me "Vicky." Antonio had never gone by a diminutive when I knew him back in middle school. But he was happy to apply them to everyone else, including me. "Vicky" was his favorite nickname for me, and he was literally the only person to ever use it. I opened the door.

"Dude!" He stepped in and opened his arms for a hug. I responded cautiously, almost clumsily, patting his back with one arm as he squeezed his across my back.

"How you been, man?? I heard you were in town, it took way too long to track your ass down, though."

"I'm alright, Antonio. How've you been?"

I gestured toward the seats in the living area and followed him in. He shrugged as he sat down.

"You know, just being an adult. Finally. Going to college and working at the Denny's out on Grant."

I nodded. "Which college?"

He gave me an odd look and shook his head. "What do you mean? There's really only the one. TCC. Not like my ass was going to Yale or something, you know?"

I sighed. "Sorry, man. Wasn't thinking."

"No, it's cool, I figure what with the boarding school and all that's all you guys talk about."

"Well, that and girls." I grinned. "But I figure that's universal."

"It pretty much is. So you in town for long?"

"No. Well, I hope not. Just applying for schools, then I'm out of here."

"Fuck, man," he said as he leaned back. "I wish I could go with your ass. Fucking hate it here."

"I'd invite you along if I could."

He smiled at that, then glanced around the room. "The hell are you doing staying at the Hilton, anyway? Why aren't you back at home?"

I let out a huff of air and stood up. I paced over to the window and looked out for a moment, then turned back to Tony.

"Let's just say my family and I aren't on speaking terms anymore. If we ever really were."

"Huh," he grunted. "That's weird, because it was your sister who told me you were in town, and where to find you."

I raised a brow. "Oh?"

"Yeah, Tabby. She gave me this to pass on to you." He fished in the back pocket of his jeans an stood up to hand me an envelope.

I shook my head and held up my hand to stop him. "Don't bother. I don't want it."

He let his arm drop, watching me for a moment before shrugging and setting the envelope on the table. "Well, I'm not gonna keep it, so you decide what to do with it."

I turned back to the window, watching a passenger jet come in for a landing, the roar of the engines just audible through the glass. The two of us were quiet, an uncomfortable silence that dragged on. Eventually he cleared his throat.

"Well, I just wanted to say hi. See how you been. It's been a long time, and all."

I turned back to him and smiled. "Yeah, it has. I'm glad you're doing alright."

"You, too, man. Anyhow, I gotta split. My shift starts in about 20 minutes. Maybe I'll swing by again, we can do something?"

"I'd like that." I knew he wouldn't. There just wasn't a connection there anymore. We weren't the kids we used to be. Well, I wasn't. He seemed a lot like his old self, but things had changed for me.

I walked him to the door, and we gave one another a hug before he stepped out. Closing the door, I moved back to the sofa and sat, looking at the envelope on the table. I considered opening it, seeing what she had to say, but the fact was that I couldn't imagine anything that would make the situation better. If what she and my mother said was true, that they didn't have a choice, what could she tell me that wouldn't just make everything worse? What did she expect me to do?

I picked up the letter, walked over to the desk, and threw it into the wastebasket. Sitting down at the computer, I began looking at more options for schools.


I'd just finished with my workout a few mornings after Tony's visit. Standing at the counter and drinking a glass of orange juice, there was a rap at the door. I assumed it was housekeeping this early in the day, and opened the door without thinking.

Cara stood on the other side.

The second eldest of my sisters, Cara was the tallest, perhaps in inch or two shy of six feet. Her hair was long and wavy, a kind of soft brown with highlights throughout. Her eyes were a remarkable shade of green, brilliant and intelligent. Cara was also the least curvy of my sisters, lean and supple. I'd seen her tits the day she gave my father a blowjob, and they were firm and high. She had them on full display here, her flowing red dress revealing her cleavage.

She looked at me, full lips pulling up into a smirk as I stood there dumbly staring at her.

"May I come in?"

I finally found my voice, cleared my throat. "You shouldn't be here."

She walked forward regardless, and I stepped aside almost out of instinct as she entered my suite.

"Daddy knows I'm here. He sent me."

Suddenly my senses sharpened, and I glanced down the hall before closing the door behind her.

"What does the old fuck want?"

"Two things: first, he wanted you to know that your application to USC would be approved, and if that's where you're going you'll need to decide whether to live in the dorms or off-campus."

She turned and looked at me, silently waiting. It was clear she was expecting an immediate answer.

"I'll take the dorms."

"Very well. Second, he wanted you to know that he was aware of Tabitha's attempt to reach out to you."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "I had nothing to do with that. I didn't even look at the letter she sent."

"He knows." She reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope. It was clearly the same one I'd thrown away a few days before. "He wants you to know that he approves--"

"I don't give a royal blue fuck what he approves of."

She smirked at me again before walking over to the kitchen counter and setting down her purse.

"He approves, and he's offered you a reward for your obedience." She leaned over the counter, her dress stretching across her firm ass as she laid her upper body across it. She looked back at me, her eyes smoldering. "You can fuck me. Just my ass, though. My pussy belongs to Daddy."

She reached back with both hands and pulled at the hem of her dress. It slid up and over the flesh of her buttocks until it popped back at the top, revealing her bare ass. She wasn't wearing underwear. I stared at her, shocked, unthinking. I could see the glistening folds of her pussy between her legs. She grabbed one cheek with her hand and pulled it apart to show me the jeweled end of a butt plug. "See? I've gotten myself ready for you. I haven't taken a cock in my ass many times, so I needed to... loosen up."

My eyes shifted to hers, and I realized she wasn't just fucking with me. And she clearly wanted it. I walked toward her until I was standing directly behind her, and she pushed her ass back at me. It was then that I realized I had a raging hard-on.

"Ooh," she purred. "Little brother is really 'big' brother. Pull your cock out for me, baby brother. I need it inside me."

I reached forward and slid my fingers into the hair at the back of her head, tangling them and then getting a firm grip. She hissed in pleasure, grinding back at me.

"Yesss," she said. "Do it. Fuck my ass."

I pulled harder, and then yanked her upright. She let out a startled squeak as I spun her to the left and shoved her toward the door. She stumbled, barely catching herself, and whipped around to stare at me wide-eyed.

"Get the fuck out." I grabbed her purse and threw it at her. She caught it, her jaw slack as she took a step back.

"What? I thought-- Don't you want--" she began to speak before I cut her off.

"No, I fucking do not want. The least problem here is that you're my sister, and you coming on to me like a cat in heat is fucking weird and pathetic." I stepped toward her slowly, backing her toward the door. "But to think you can come in here and offer me my father's leftovers, like I'm some fucking pathetic incel that can't get laid on my own and needs to be 'rewarded' with a piece of ass, using a word like 'obedience'..."

She had backed all the way to the door as I closed the last few feet between us, and I could see the fear and confusion in her eyes as I slammed my open palm against the door beside her head.

"That kind of fucking insult I won't put up with. Take your ass back to Daddy dearest and tell him I want no 'rewards' from him." I turned away from her and walked to the kitchen, grabbed my glass of orange juice and finished it with a gulp. I glanced over at her, still standing there in a kind of shock.

"But... He'll punish me..." she said, her tone beseeching.

"I don't give a shit. Get out."

She took one last look at me, reached down to pull her dress back down over her ass, and then let herself out. When the door clicked behind her, I hissed out a breath of relief. I let my eyes unfocus, gazing at nothing, and shook my head.

"What the actual fuck."


When the application for came back approved, just as Cara said it would, I had another moment of relief. I half expected my father to try to punish me again for turning down his "gift." I was just pleased to be moving on from all of this. Los Angeles was about as far as one could get from my family in Pennsylvania without going to university out of the country, and I felt that the distance would allow me to forget everything that came before and embrace my own future.

I chose to take an immediate flight to L.A., electing to spend the few months leading up to the school year in a hotel room there rather than stay in any kind of proximity to my former home. Distance became a motivating reason for my decision-making.

I did not see Tony again, which actually came as a relief. I didn't really know him anymore, so the interaction had been mildly uncomfortable, but more importantly I didn't want him involved with my father's games. He was just an innocent bystander, and he didn't deserve that shit. Honestly, no one did.

The flight to LAX was first class. Whatever he was, my father was not cheap. I was unsure if this was because he wanted to project an aura of wealth, or if he really just did not understand how to be frugal. While I never experienced poverty like many other had, I understood frugality. When you only have a hundred bucks a month to make do with, you learn how to make it stretch. You stop buying name brand toiletries. You take your dates out for burgers, not sushi. You go to the park instead of the movies. My father had never had to deal with even that. He had grown up with wealth.

The only real blessing of my early childhood was that I never wanted for anything. Well, except perhaps my family's love. Growing up, I didn't have to worry about outgrowing my shoes or clothes. They were replaced readily, without fanfare. I was well fed, and the food I ate was healthy and delicious. While I'd had plenty of opportunity for fast food as a kid, things like ramen were completely unknown to me. At least, until I was at boarding school, and learned how to appreciate many less-expensive foods.

So here I was, on a plane to California. I had a bungalow waiting for me there, perhaps a quarter mile from the university. I'd be staying there until August, when I'd be able to move into the dorms. Just under two months until I could get under way with my higher education and perhaps put my childhood completely behind me. I was nervous and excited in equal measures. Boarding school had been a boon to me, though I had resented it bitterly at first. I hoped college would be much the same.

I had trouble getting the images of my family out of my head. I kept thinking back to that original moment just before the shock of realizing who they were. When I stood there and saw those feminine forms and felt myself growing hard. My sisters and my mother were all attractive women. Their bodies each beautiful in their own way. And then I reminded myself who they were there with, and that they were my family, as fucked up as that family was.

I had so few things to keep my attention that I found myself consistently picturing one sister or another in the nude, imagining her moans. I even thought back to the moment Cara leaned over that counter and bared her ass to me. As angry as it made me, I had to admit there was a kind of lurid sensuality to it. I imagine her ass and how it would feel around me, and then was immediately ashamed. I decided to buy a book and download it on my phone to try to keep my thoughts occupied.

It didn't help that it had been months since the last time I had sex. I found myself evaluating every woman I encountered, deciding whether I would fuck her, imagining what she looked like naked, what sounds she would make when I pushed my cock inside her. I was a horny, pent-up teenager, staring at these women with a kind of hunger. I'm fairly sure I looked like some kind of stalker or psycho to some of them. One woman at the airport, caught me looking at her when she raised her eyes from the book she was reading, and I didn't have the wherewithal to look away. She probably thought I was some kind of rapist.

I decided that getting laid would go to the top of the list once I was settled in Los Angeles.

One thing people don't understand about Southern California is how difficult it is to get anywhere. Los Angeles is sprawling, with poor public transportation and ridiculous amounts of traffic. I had noted that my residence was only about 15 miles from LAX. I figured it'd be 20 minutes at most to get there. It was nearly an hour before the cab dropped me off in front of the small, single-story cottage I'd be calling home for the couple of months.

Grabbing my only bag, I opened the wrought-iron gate and walked up the concrete path to the front door. I punched in the code for the keybox, then let myself into the house. For the first time in weeks I found myself genuinely smiling. The house was a throwback, decorated like something out of the 1960s. Retro furniture, shag carpeting, and a lot of Polynesian art. There were small tikis set on a bookshelf, and a few Polynesian masks on the wall above the sofa. There was even an old surfboard mounted above the bar that separated the kitchen from the living area. It was an absolutely trip, and I immediately loved it.

I set up my laptop on the small desk next to the sofa, logged into the wifi, and began reading up on the area. If I was going to be here for the next four years, I needed to know everything a college student could reasonably do. I read up on nearby attractions, planning to visit them as soon as I could. Disneyland? Hell, I'd never been to any Disney park, just to Hersheypark once when I was very young. That shit was definitely happening.

I spent the next few hours just reading everything I could about the area, and then ordered dinner. Once my burgers were dropped off, I sat back down and began reading on USC. I knew the basics, I knew what I wanted to do, but I wanted to know more about extracurricular stuff. Was I going to go Greek life? What were the fraternities here? What were they known for?

What about dating? I was excited for that. I was sure I didn't want to download Tinder or another dating app. I was confident I'd be able to meet girls in class, or at parties. And I preferred that anyways. I wanted to know who I'd be sleeping with, and getting on my phone and swiping right so I could say "let's bang, okay?" always sounded like a special kind of nightmare to me. I knew that was odd considering my difficulty trusting and opening up to girls, but it's just how I felt. Dating apps just weren't for me.

Eventually I realized the house had grown very dark, so I turned off the laptop and made my way to the master bedroom. I flopped face down on the comforter and promptly fell asleep.


It had been six days since I arrived in L.A., and I had started to become familiar with the area. I'd walked the neighborhood I was staying in, and then down to USC itself, wandering the campus, getting the lay of the land. I hadn't spoken with anyone except my food delivery drivers, though I'd traded smiles with a few girls around my age when I was on the campus. I told myself there would be plenty of time to make friends when classes started. Now was time for myself, to get my head on straight, to leave behind the struggles of my past, the family that had forsaken me.


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