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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 04

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
10.4k words

Part 4 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, Chapter 4, The World Awaits (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in 2017. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 4 Confessions and Revelation

Charlemagne cleared her throat, "Our meeting was not exactly an accident? In fact, your life has been under evaluation since the day you were born. Some of this story is not mine to tell. Let me tell you about my part. I was assigned a mission to pick-up some time-sensitive and highly valuable information and resources from the Elven Capital, but my mission did not end with that.

Part two of my mission was to evaluate you for membership in our organization. We work for no kingdom, but we provide services and some insight to many Kingdoms and organizations across Tildar."

Eldar glared at her, "Finding my journal and then getting me into your bed was a part of that evaluation?"

Charlemagne tried to look as sympathetic as possible. She feared this reaction, "Yes to finding your journal. ONLY so far as working to identify any other organizations that might have attempted direct contact with you. As to me getting you into my bed, that was COMPLETELY against the rules for a candidate for membership.

As the saying goes, 'The heart wants what the heart wants.' Even I did not realize the depth of where that was going until that last night in my wagon. You challenged me to admit what my heart knew, but my mind was not ready to accept. No, that's not right. What my mind did not want everybody else to know, yet I had come to accept that I love you."

Jarron interrupted at this point, "I haven't gotten your full written report yet, what happened in your wagon? Could you explain what is going on?"

Charlemagne mumbled, "Breath, breath, breath."

Then looked straight at Eldar while she talked with Jarron, "Initial verbal report from Grand Master Yetto. The candidate is one of the brightest and most naturally gifted Apprentices he has ever come across or witnessed. He could be a Grand Master in 10 years or sooner if the Academy did not have its restrictions.

He stands not as a 3-time competition champion, the Academy has never had any 3-time champions, at least in the 6th Age. He is the only 4-time champion that exists in the history of the Academy, again in this Age as all records from the 5th Age are incomplete, damaged, or something else happened to them. Regardless, he is the only 4-time champion known to us."

Charlie cleared her throat, "The Academy is frustrated by Grand Master Yetto's methods, student, and his hybrid approach as it flies into the face of Academy tradition and Elven superiority in generating Blade Singer Master's, let alone Grand Masters. The candidate did not know of Grand Master Yetto's involvement in our organization. The candidate did not know that his selection was based upon his merits."

She stared at Eldar, "Eldar was given no special privileges, while the candidates selected for the trial program by the Academy were outside of Grand Master Yetto's full control and the selection was made with the oversight and unanimous approval of the Governing Grand Masters in attendance from the Council.

To have an abomination train an impure bastard was the ideal situation in the Council's eyes, to discredit Grand Master Yetto's methods that allowed him to beat the head of the council during his evaluation for becoming a Grand Master. I know you knew this last part from earlier briefings, but Eldar did not until now. He wished me to pass this along..."

She went over to Jarron's desk and drops a pouch with 10 diamonds.

"Half of the winnings he got from bets placed with other Grand Masters, parents of other students, and other Academy officials. He did not risk that much gold but he got great odds right after the selection process given both Eldar's mixed heritage and Grand Master Yetto's mixed heritage.

As to if he could generate a Champion Blade Singer Apprentice was the initial bet and his method of training. He had bets going with every member of the council after the selection process. Parents came later. He rolled the money forward after Eldar won at the 15th-year trial.

The Academy incorrectly predicted that Traylar'sune Goldensong was the strongest competitor from that year group. Yet they did not expect her or him to win for that tournament.

There were 3 30-year students who they thought would likely be that year's champion for the tournament. He had 4 25 year students in his specific bracket as well to decrease his odds of success. She faced 20 and 25-year students except for the one 30-year who beat her.

Grand Master Yetto felt Eldar drove her to practice her ass off. He checked and she lightened her course load to gain more practice time. At that 15th year trial, Eldar faced all three of the 30-year students. As Grand Master Yetto suspected the bracket had been stacked to ensure Eldar was kept out of the championship round when he reported that Eldar was beating him regularly at that point. Instead, he beat them all."

Eldar interrupted, "You are telling me, Grand Master Yetto knew about this?"

Jarron cut in, "Of course he knew! He met your parents when he was an apprentice to his father. By the way Charlie, how is your step-son?"

Charlie winced and hung her head for a second, "Grand Master Yetto is very proud and in good health. He is taking on another student. A trying prospect given his heritage and getting a good candidate as half of the field was not ready to handle a sword at all from what he told me."

Eldar's mouth hit the floor, "Backup! Grand Master Yetto is your step-son as in the son of your dead husband?"

She held up her hand, "There is more, Yetto was his mother's Maiden name which he took due to his animosity toward his Eleven father's family. They disowned him for marrying a human. His father's name was Jasorosa Silvertree. A distant cousin of your father, of you. I never took his name for the same reason. I kept my family name instead, with his understanding and blessing."

Eldar leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor and shook his head. Jarron interrupted, "Your report now. Might as well do that one verbally too."

She straightened back up, she began, "Initial impression was he was cocky but a charmer, arrogant but humble, chip on his shoulder but not willing to use his family name or Academic record to try and impress. After reviewing his journal, I found out where the chip on his shoulder originated; in the perceived shortcomings of his father."

Eldar interrupted again shouting, "What do you mean PERCEIVED shortcomings?!"

Jarron looked at Eldar, "STAY CALM and let her finish please!"

She looks over, "CONTINUING, perceived shortcomings. He was focused on what he could see and not what was occurring behind the scene. His view was and is understandable. His father's direct contact was non-existent.

Eldar's lack of knowledge of his father's attention and involvement with his instructors in regards to his education. His father allowed him to choose another path as his school informed him he was getting frustrated with his magical skills.

All while he had his desire to live up to his mother's battle prowess. Finding him a Grand Master to train him was a challenge. If Master Yetto had not volunteered to get his Grand Master status to scout for talent for our group, Eldar might not have been here.

At least not as a Blade Singer, as the Academy tried to push him into a Battle Mage role. This has allowed Grand Master Yetto to work as an assessment agent. Scouting at the Academy across disciplines when not actively training Eldar. I have probably overstepped my authority with that much of an explanation but until his father arrives."

Thunk, thunk, thunk, as Eldar banged the back of his head against the wall.

She paused and continued, "Cocky and a charmer because of the way he flirted with me right off the bat not knowing I was 52 years old; I found it flattering. He did not flirt with the other women in the group which I also found flattering. His journal confirmed he was a charmer with his side bet against his top competitor. That is the last of my report on the examination of his journal."

Eldar smiled for that small consideration.

She began yet again, "Starting with observational skills again. I already talked about his last fight at the Academy, but he is always watching his surroundings. He pointed out our city guards were Royal Guards because of the swords they carried. He commented on the fact he knew I was not telling him what was going on but that he trusted us.

He did not push too hard for answers as he respected the authority of the guards who trusted me. Not blind trust. He also observed our mercenaries from a distance and refused to put blind trust in them. Asking everyone in the group to just refer to him as Hunter's apprentice."

She paused to catch her breath. "Which takes us into tactics. Tactically he talked with Hunter and one of the guards concerning his last fight. His observations of his opponent going back over 30 years of competition. His spotting of and exploiting weaknesses she unwittingly developed during the same contest. He then beat Hunter to a kill shot on a quail, and while Eldar had an arrow notched ahead of Hunter he still beat him to it and it is not his primary weapon."

She looked over at Jarron, "Hunter put him through some game hunting basics, what angles to get the best kill shot for game, cleaning an animal while moving as we do on our road trips. We knew he had been away from the Wood Elf village for a long time and hunts at the Academy are not a normal occurrence. His tactics came in handy on a midnight shift while on guard duty with me.

We got charged by a grizzly. Eldar did not panic, got to his feet, and pulled out his sword which became flaming. He grabbed the aggravation of the bear and turned it. This allowed me to get into a flanking position.

More importantly getting the bear into position to ensure those in the camp had a clear line of sight to put in kill shots. He was rewarded with his efforts with several broken ribs, a badly broken arm from the bear's mouth, and several cuts and bruises. He did not have the scars on his face before we left."

She looked back at Eldar, "What Eldar did not know because he was unconscious at the time, was he got the kill shot on the bear. Hunter confirmed that by the burned-out heart from where his sword pierced the bear once it was gutted. He once again observed odd behavior from the mercenary leader.

He requested to switch up our position on a follow-up night after a day-time confrontation where the leader got his horse injured by a rope from our game preparation efforts.

Even after being warned by me at the beginning to stay away from those efforts. This leader moved up the road past the guard position. Eldar went and observed his activity."

Jarron interrupted, "He told me what he heard from them already. I sent investigators to look into that."

She nodded, "He determined they were going to attack. He waited for the leader to turn back around and then warned us of an unknown necromancer in the group. He took on and defeated the mercenary's leader in one-on-one combat before returning to the group to help dispatch two others and 'literally and physically' disarmed one of our opponents which gave us our 2 prisoners."

Jarron stopped her and with a bit of sarcasm, "Alright, let us get to the part where he ends up in your bed?"

She visibly swallowed and it was obvious at this point her mouth was dry, "The first night was after the grizzly attack and while he could not move, I made a few of his dreams come true. Don't ask me how I know, I won't go into that. Anyway, I got him to cum 4 times before he went back to sleep.

Yes, he was injured. I took care of all of the work. I would also note he still pulled his mid-shift watch though nobody expected him to after the beating he took, by the bear not by me! STOP looking at me like that!"

Jarron visibly tried to contain his laughter at that point, while Eldar just sat and watched her hang herself out to dry. "I only bring that up because of our last night together. Yes, we got together a few more times in-between before we picked up the mercenary company. The last night we were together was after the big battle. Our people needed downtime. I set guards and let those go with a wife or in the case of Eagle-eye a tryst.

I told them to go blow off some steam for 2 hours before getting some sleep. I told them if they were not screaming, they were not doing it right. I warned Eagle-eye off of Eldar. I told her I was still breaking him in and he had stamina, famous last words!"

Eldar snickered and sighed. "He challenges me once we were in the wagon. Every-time I came I had to thank each one of the 13 Elven Deities and if he got me to the 14th and any beyond that I would have to scream to the camp that I loved him. He would do the same If I got him to pop off on the 4th one that he loved me."

Jarron was about to start rolling from laughter. Eldar and Charlie could both see Jarron trying to visualize being outside the wagon during this as he leaned back and closed his eyes and chuckled. Charlemagne screamed, "Stop it! I know you are going to hear about this! Might as well be me to tell you. I did not expect him to be able to do it; especially in under 2 hours, but he did!

I won't say how other than he has a very talented tongue, strong determination, and arms. Remember my comment about his calculated risks earlier. We finish 14 and 4 having screamed our love for each other and me thanking every god along the way. He helped me out of the wagon to get food and I couldn't even walk without his support and I am still sore 3 days later and pregnant as well."

Jarron openly laughed now. She rolled her eyes, "When I got up later, I talked with Hunter and we knew that the mission was in trouble. I sent Eldar with the package. THE MISSION STUFF in the bag, NOT the package between his legs. Stop laughing!"

Eldar started laughing at this point. She shook her head, "Alright, I think I have put my foot into my mouth enough already."

Jarron stopped, "What am I going to do with you?"

Eldar stood and told him, "Give me and my future wife 18 hours with food and drink. I will have it sent to our room every 6 hours. I will tell the guy at the front desk. We have a lot to talk about. If you think what we did in 2 hours was impressive, wait until she tells you how we do after 18 hours!"

She looked shocked! Jarron laughed again. Eldar walked over and picked her up and put her over his shoulder and walked out of Jarron's office back toward the inn while she screamed, "Hold on! Wait a MINUTE! PUT ME DOWN!"

They heard Jarron hit the floor in his office as he fell out of his chair still laughing. He walked into the inn. Several people were drinking and some were eating. Charlemagne squirmed. SMACK. Eldar swatted her on the butt, "Stop squirming!"


Jarron got up and fixed his chair. He pulled a communication crystal and activated it."Heliar, you in a secure area?"

He heard him sigh, "Room is secured. The vampiric wife is spending the night at her father's house again. We had another blowout argument. I don't know what to do to deal with her."

Jarron sighed, "First this son of yours. Eldar is a piece of work. He helped to ensure Charlie and her team made it here alive. He arrived 2 days ago as Charlie was in trouble and sent the package ahead with him.

I will get you a full briefing when you get here tomorrow around 2 in the afternoon. That would be best as Charlie's team needs the rest and there are a few surprises your son will likely take up with you.

Flynn and his squad went out and provided cover at your son's request. The escort got ambushed before they met up with Charlie. They then looked to ambush Charlie's team. Again, your son helped to save their collective asses from the information I have now from Charlie and your son.

I will talk with Hunter as well to get his assessment but he seems like a very strong candidate and we need a lot more of those right now. Another attack came in on Charlie's group after Eldar left them. Flynn had intercepted them in time to keep everyone alive.

The other 2 convoys were destroyed, which is 18 of our Knights dead in this transfer alone. We cannot keep losing people like this. I sent teams to confirm it based upon what Eldar reported to me 2 days ago. He still has no idea as to who we are yet. Figured we would go over that with you present."

Heliar'vasius Silvertree sighed, "Fine, we can discuss that tomorrow. I wish Eldar's mother would have relented and married me, I would not have this bitch to deal with daily. My father backed the claiming of Eldar, which surprised me.

It was the only demand she asked from him and he readily agreed to that which was a shock. Once he made that offer with her in the room and gave it to her in writing. She read it over and signed it. She told me it was over, just like that. My father gave me a year-long engagement to spend time with her.

After Eldar was born but that was the best deal I could get from him in delaying the arranged marriage. Elara told me Eldar would carry my name and I would have to live with my family responsibilities. She never told me why. Other than what my cousin suffered from being disowned.

It was not worth the cost and it could be better for Eldar's future. I still felt like she kept something from me. Yet, it was never the same between us after that day in his office. Once she signed the agreement.

Otherwise, my father wanted me to distance myself from her and Eldar. I saw him once to give him that sword he carries after my father died. He said until Eldar was out of the Academy or 100 years old if he did not go to the Academy, I had to keep my distance.

I was allowed one visit in his will to give him that sword. He set that condition on the funds to my son's account for family assets. My wife is unaware of that account, from me at least.

I thought the Academy was a pipe-dream until I saw the agreement after he died and it had Eldar going to the Academy if anything happened to Elara to keep him out of the Silvertree Estates as a child. It was in the agreement she signed.

I had to return home and take care of Silvertree business with both of us being diplomats we often passed in the night until he died. I got the sword to rule over the family as he called it out in his will.

He was not a fan of the Knights either, but he did not stop me from being your diplomatic representative and spy when the time came. With the previous King's insistence and support even. Our Queen still supports that arrangement.

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