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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 24


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You have seen my acrobatic moves at the school, so the only real surprise was doing it off of a charging horse. The entire time I was in the air I had sight on the target; never losing sight of him."

Chalius looked at Eldar, "I am glad you are on our side!"

He returned to a more covered position. Morning came. Eldar called out to New Moon, "Assemble our troops to return."

He looked around as wagon after wagon pulled into the road and pointed north. He looked at New Moon, "Have your sergeants lead them out, see if one of the wagons has temporary space for our fallen soldier, and be sure to gather all the saddles and harness as well."

New Moon looked over, "It was all collected last night and was addressed. One of our wizards said you would want first rights to this ring, he said it is a 2nd tier ring of wizardry, off of that Magi." Eldar nodded and put the ring on "Thank you, a lot of good Blade Singer spells are 2nd tier."

He sighed, "We also found these among the dead enemy. I thought you would want them."

He looked at the stack of 7 Blade Singer rings he gave him. Eldar nodded at him. He looked at Apprentice Goldeagle, "As this is your first battle, please hold these rings so we can return them to the council. 7 more spirit Masters. That makes 37 since I left the Academy. I want to let that sink in with you. 5 Masters and 2 Grand Masters went against these men at some point. We lost one man because we came in with arcane force and we used tactics; including the treaty."

He nodded, "Why did that Ogre Magi not attack and try to run?"

Eldar smiled, " He threw one disintegration ray but missed, he was aiming while on the run. We obliterated them from their northern flank and attacked into their northwestern and western flanks. We took out all of the giants quickly.

They were being overrun, He was out of position to be any good for fire support and we outnumbered him 6 to 1 after wasting half of his troops with the group I led. Counting the riders that trailed us toward him. My horse is extremely fast.

He was overpowered. He was hoping to get into cover and go invisible to hide but we kept him in our sight. He tried to cast it at the end but by that point, I was already over him lining up that kill shot. He lost focus when he saw me coming down on him. The path I took had us move to flank him, to block his escape to reinforcements. Also, to report on how bad they were being crushed and our presence being this far out."

Chalius nodded, "Stuff you learn in the field."

Eldar nodded at him, "Hence my offer to you. The humans who watched from the hill were told not to interfere. Orders from their general. What he tells his King is one thing, what we tell his King is another. You ride toward the front of the wagons, we will likely be attacked from the rear."

Eldar looked at Lieutenant New Moon, "Assign two rear scout's same distances as well as two front ones. We will push through until we are back inside our area, move them at one and a half speed. I will cover any wagon damage if needed. Have the men missing mounts find spots with the wagons we are escorting; let them know our archers are second to none."

New Moon smiled and gave the orders, then looked at Eldar with a solemn face, "I am sorry to say the man we lost was one of our Sergeants."

Eldar nodded, "Examine his squad and figure out who the next logical leader would be first. Try to promote from within...hold that. Get with Tranosa when we get back. We had a few surplus sergeants. These soldiers have been blooded in battle regardless. They all know how serious this is for us."

Apprentice Goldeagle looks at Eldar, "Why would a General give his troops that kind of order?"

Eldar looked to him, "Because he sold his soul and no longer supports his King. The King just does not know that yet. Everything goes well our additional troops should arrive just about the time the King's soldiers catch up with us."

He looked at Lieutenant New Moon, "Have 6 archers with bows ready around us." He nodded, "A position of strength and protection."

Eldar nodded, "You are learning quickly."


It was getting close to the end of the day and the rear guard rode forward, "Large force of human soldiers approaching."

Eldar nodded, "I want a line of 6 archers at the rear of this column, with bows ready. We will continue moving until they close. Our additional support should arrive shortly."

Another 5 minutes went by and a lieutenant with two squads arrived.

Eldar nodded to the Lieutenant and he looked over at New Moon, "Let's see how you do as a Captain. Distribute the troops for a possible rear attack, while we continue forward. All of us are moving forward."

New Moon looked a little shocked for a second, then started barking orders out to the other Lieutenants on where to set the men. He did a good job of dispersing the troops and got the additional mounts to his men in wagons to have them available.

New Moon looks at Eldar, "You sure about this?"

Eldar shrugged, "Consider it a trial by fire."

Silver Moon and Charlemagne chuckled at that. Eldar had his bow at the ready and nocked. They were about an hour from the border of the area they were assigned to protect when the troops came up behind them and crested the hill.

Eldar looked to Charlemagne, "Keep the wagons moving forward."

He looked to Captain New Moon, "They are your men, what would you do?"

He barked out for them to spread out and ordered the side guards to come to the back of the column."

Eldar nodded, "Good tactical call."

The humans slowed down when they saw the numbers were not what they had been told. Two riders came shooting forward, ahead of the main group. Eldar's rear-guards had bows at the ready.

They both pulled up as they saw all the bows, one of the men shouted out, "You are ordered to stop in the name of the General."

Eldar yelled back, "Which General?"

The man yells out, "General Travius of his Kings Army."

Eldar smiled to himself, "Please go back and tell your General, I am Commander Eldar Silvertree and I am protecting a member of the Royal Family. In either case, I am not one of his troops to be ordered to do anything. In the second it violates the Elven and Human Alliance Treaty to attempt to stop a Royal Escort. If he wishes to talk, he can come and do it himself."

They continued riding as the riders came to a stop. They looked at each other. One continues to follow while the other went back for guidance.

He got back to the General, "General, one Elf identified himself as this Eldar Silvertree. He called out he was doing a protection detail for a member of the Elven Royal Family. As such he said you have no authority to detain him. If you wish to talk to him you could do it yourself."

The General was furious, "Send riders to get in front of that column and bring it to a halt now!"


The remaining rider from the human Army asked, "What is with all the humans?"

Eldar looked at Captain New Moon, "Captain, explain our purpose and charter to the unidentified rider as to the composition of our mercenary group and our town."

New Moon chuckled because he knew he was being tested, "We are a cross-border protection force between the Elves, Humans, and Dwarves. The town we are building is also multiracial. An offer was extended to these farmers after the second attack in less than a month. Our Commander had a hand in dealing with both encounters.

That offer was to relocate their farms into lands we patrol so they have some security. Our charter allows us to recruit from all 3 races. We have a member of the Royal Family with us. As a precaution, after the last attack, we dispatched additional troops to escort us in. I am a Former Royal Guard and the protection of members of the Royal Family is taken seriously."

The second rider retreated. Eldar looked at the Captain, "Well done. They do not know how much more we can call upon just yet. You kept that close to your vest. Nicely played."

Captain New Moon smiled at the compliment. Captain Silver Moon looked over, "You got an eye for talent."

Eldar smiled, "Especially underutilized talent, how do you think I got my first 3 Captains."

She laughed, "I take it, I am one of those?"

Eldar nodded, "Yes you are Dame Silver Moon. I have a fourth in mind already; the first battle-mage in that role."

Dame Silver Moon nodded, "You are being diverse."

Eldar smiled, "That is why I am looking for 3 captains from the humans and dwarves to give me six over troops."

She nodded, "You picked up some Centaurs as well."

Eldar looked at her, "I want them for special assignments." Eldar saw them transfer the body to one of his wagons and rush him back to the front of the line. Charlemagne came back, "They are approaching faster now."

Eldar nodded, "I can hear them."

He turned to the Captain, "Spread them out further in the rear, they are going to try and go around to stop the wagons."

Charlemagne, "Vision?"

Eldar shook his head, "Hearing."

Charlemagne looks at him, "Powers of observation increasing. Not just eyesight."

The General was frustrated when he saw all the archers move and spread out even further. He had no idea which ones were arcane archers or just regular archers. He growled, "Recall them but spread us out and advance. We may have to attack from behind."

The orders were passed out to the men. They gained some ground but were still well outside of bow range at this point.

Eldar nodded, "The General is confused as to what to do at this point so he is keeping his men in line. He does not know how many of them are arcane archers."

Another 10 minutes and he smiled, "All officers, Sergeants, and archers stop and turn. The rest, keep the wagons moving. Chalius Goldeagle is a priority asset. Protect him as such."

They had just gotten to the dwarven cross-road at this point. He knew that they were well within their area of protection now.

The General slowed up, "Who is this Eldar Silvertree?"

Eldar looked at him, "I am Commander Eldar Silvertree, Grand Master Blade Singer, of the Gray Blades Mercenary company. What do you seek?"

He yelled, "I want you and your men arrested!"

Eldar reached into his bag, "As a General, I would have thought you would have read the Alliance and Defense treaties between the Elves and Humans. Page 287, paragraph 12 governing the protection of a member of the Royal Family in each other's territories. Your men had no authority to stop us.

You have no grounds to try and arrest us. All my archers are at the ready because your men rode upon us last night with weapons drawn. Your men spent the entire battle sitting on their horses while one of my troops died saving farmers along the road we traveled.

That is what will be reported back to the Queen and your Ambassador in our court. It is also the reason we turned our detail around and dispatched riders to bring in extra squads to this detail because you have no control over that section of the road! That will also be reported!"

The General was irritated, "You are in human lands you will surrender now!"

Eldar looked at him, "In accordance with the cross-border treaty, protection of the land we currently occupy, you are under the direction of my Gray Blades! Did the King leave you out of the loop on that? Would you like me to show the paragraphs that cover the formation of a cross-border mercenary protection force? I will be glad to sit down with you at my home and show you what you are missing in your education."

The General started to charge at Eldar, "Archers, target his horse!"

14 arrows that flew into the general's horse were more than enough to send him tumbling to the ground. Eldar got off his horse with his sword drawn over his body. He looked across the field, "Who is second and third in command?"

Two men rode forward slowly. He nodded to them, "Please dismount slowly and walk over here. Note I have enough arcane power here to turn your troops directly into dust, even though that is the last thing either of us wants."

They walked over, "I am going to ask you to repeat a phrase. You repeat it successfully then I will give you further instructions."

Eldar had his foot on the General's right hand as he had lost his sword in the fall and he was partially pinned by his horse. "The phrase is simple, Lord Barimus, leader of our enemies' forces deserves to die. One at a time, please."

They both said the phrase. Eldar looked at the General, "Can you repeat the phrase General, if not in the name of my Queen and your King I am placing you under arrest as a traitor to your people."

The General was being defiant and did not say a word as he knew it would kill him. Eldar sighed, "Captains, please come down and restrain the General. Commander Silvertree, would you take the book I dropped and show the two officers the portion of the treaty I called out."

She grabbed the book and pulled it open, "He read these over 14 years ago and has them memorized."

She flipped the book open and showed them what they were talking about. Eldar started listing off the page numbers and paragraph numbers. All dealing with the cross-border protection forces. He looked at the number 2 now that their general was secured.

Eldar sheathed his sword and walked over to the 2 men, "I will ask, will one of you wish to accompany the General to the Elven Capital for questioning? One of you will have to stay with your troops."

The second looks over, "We were told you were a mass murder in Grand Falls."

Eldar sighed, "I was not in Grand falls when that occurred. Do you think your King would sign up to have a mass murder lead this group? To honor that treaty to have a mass murder in place for, 'protection of your people?'

I was wanted for questioning as they were killed the day after we left the area. They had attacked me and my traveling companions twice while in town. I believe that was already handled through diplomatic channels."

The second sighed, "I will stay with our troops, you will go with them."

The second looks at Eldar, "Why the Elven Capital?"

Eldar nodded, "Fair question, we are a cross-border protection force our charter was issued by the Elven Court. Second, we are, in fact, escorting a member of the Elven Royal Family and he is in violation of that portion of the treaty.

Third, Lord Barimus is the leader of the Orc, Ogre, and Giant army that is amassing. We discovered his name from spies caught within our capital. We use that as a test to find other spies and traitors if you will. Those who are under a geas and cannot utter his name.

Those who wish to do your King harm. Lord Barimus also has my name. I am betting he made contact and was told to capture or kill me, as I am seen as a threat. Please search the general's belongings, you will likely find more than one communication crystal in his possession.

Which crystal does he use to talk with your King if you know it? If one goes to the King please contact him and let him know of the general's detention. All in accordance with our treaties governing the attempted detaining, detention, and attacking of a protection detail guarding a Royal Family member. If he wishes to speak with me, I am willing to talk with him of course."

The second went through the general's gear and found 3 communication crystals. Eldar looked and saw a blue one, "Try that blue one first."

They worked to activate the crystal and a mysterious voice came over the crystal that was very irritated, "Did you kill him, General?"

As the voice turned into an elongated hiss. Eldar said happily, "Lord Barimus! Is that you?! Gods, it has been ages since I heard your voice!"

The voice screamed back, "How do you know that name?"

Eldar sighed, "Some stupid mercenaries who tried to attack me several weeks back used a crystal just like this one and the name Lord Barimus before he tried to initiate the attack on my caravan. I cut off his head for the trouble. No need for you to fret over him.

Now I am trying to decide what to do with the General who just attacked a protection detail with a Royal Family member under its care. I think I will leave that to the Palace to decide what to do. Regardless, one less traitor on the roads."

He screamed, "Who is thisssss?"

Eldar sighed and glared at the stone, "You know damned well who this is as you sent the General to kill me and he failed. You stupid fuck."

The voices hissed back, "Eldar Silvertree the anomaly!"

Eldar played dumb, "I do not know about being an anomaly. I am good at what I do. Let me demonstrate for you."

He grabbed the crystal and threw it in the air, "Mortana." The magic missiles shattered the crystal. He looked at the two officers. "I never gave him my name. I let him guess at it. I knew he had my name already and why. I just let him know he lost an asset that is going to be questioned. Try one of the other two crystals."

The next one went to the King, Eldar held it up in his hand, "Pardon the interruption, Your Majesty. I must ask if you are currently alone?"

He responds, "No, I am not who is this?"

He sighed, "My apologies, Your Majesty. This is Commander Eldar Silvertree of the cross-border protection force. We had an incident out here where one of your officers tried to stop our group. We were in guard duty at that time, for a member of the Elven Royal Family. In accordance with the treaty, we declined his demand.

He then tried to arrest me, and finally attempted to attack me while I was still in charge of that same protection detail. I have detained the officer and in accordance with applicable treaties I will take him to the Elven Palace for questioning."

King Thornlord responded, "Sounds like an uneducated officer who went too far. Please send my apologies to the Royal Family. What is the name of the officer?"

Eldar smiled, "I will give them your apologies. I did pull out the treaty and told him exactly where to look but he refused to listen. The offender is General Travius. His second and third in command are standing here with me at the moment if you would like to give them any directions."

He heard murmurers on the crystal, "I had no idea it was the General. I would prefer he was returned here."

Eldar sighed, "I understand Your Majesty, but that is not something I can decide. That would be an issue for the ambassadors to work through as I am following the treaty and we are currently in our protection zone. We canceled our trip after the Giants, Ogres, and Orcs attacked us on the road. They went against the village of Rambling Rock for a second time.

Some of your troops were unhappy that we interfered in the destruction of a human settlement. 30 men did not engage the enemy but tried to engage us after the fact. They listened when I had my dignitary inform them of who he was."

The King yelled, 'What Orcs and Giants? I was told that the area was all quiet!"

Eldar sighed, "This is the second attack I have witnessed in that area, your officers can talk about the 6 giants 36 orcs, 6 ogre lieutenant, and 1 more Ogre Magi Commander that my men dispatched. We lost one Elf and 3 riding horses in the encounter to save the village with 34 human farmers.

They were the victims of the first attack as well but it was a smaller force the first time. As were we as we were doing Caravan escort duty as you are likely already aware. That force was just 12 of us but one of them was a passenger, the other 2 were humans being attacked by the first giant.

When we aided them in that encounter and then worked to save Rambling Rock. Those 2 mercenaries joined with us after that attack as 4 of their comrades were killed before then.

I can report now that Rambling Rock has been evacuated into lands we oversee to provide additional protection. They reported they were not getting it from your army. Only Caravans got guards. That was what got reported to me, Your Majesty."

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