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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 24


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She looked at Eldar, "Closed-door session my chambers?"

Eldar shook his head, "Not yet, Your Majesty, I had one other thing I wished to do. The other 3 active Blade holders who helped to perform this ritual are here. As are 4 of the 6 new blade holders. The other 2 are under my command and working to keep the southern border safe while we are away."

She looked at Eldar, "What are the names of the two left behind?"

Eldar smiled, "Captain New Moon formerly of your Royal Guard and Captain Tranosa Dusk Moon, Your Majesty."

She nodded, "The blade holders who helped with this ritual?"

Eldar called out, "Instructor Moon Bow of the Academy, Master Weaponsmith Moon Blade, and Dame Silver Moon, a Captain adviser to my team. She was knighted by a human King for her services while traveling abroad, Your Majesty."

The Queen called them forward and asked them to take a knee. She looks at Dame Silver Moon first, "Do you have the papers that came with this knighting?"

She nodded and opened a bag at her side and pulled out a tube. She looks to the Queen, "Your Majesty, the language is not common so someone with the known languages spell can read it if you wish."

She nodded and handed it to a man off to the side who read out her long list of accomplishments out loud. The Queen looks down at Dame Silver Moon with a glowing smile, "I dub thee Dame of my court for the pride of service you have shown the world what a strong-willed Elven woman can accomplish." She looks at the two men, "I dub thee Sir Moon Blade and Sir Moon Bow.

Both strong family names in the elven community. I know sir Moon Blade was instrumental in getting 4 of those blades involved or found for this ceremony and the Instructor has an impeccable record with the Academy and his assistance was vital to the performing of this ritual. With the thanks of the King and Queen, you may all rise and return."

The Queen returned to her seat, "We have new Knights and Dames to our court. Welcome them."

There was applause from around the room and more people in attendance than he expected. Eldar saw Master Trainer Yetto in the gallery at this late hour and he nodded to him and he nodded back. She looked at Eldar, "Now the closed-door session. Whom do you need?"

Eldar nodded, "My wives, my father, and your nephew if you so choose, Your Majesty."

She thought for a moment, "As some of these events center on my nephew I would like to have him sit in on this closed session."

The King and Queen rose and everyone bowed as they left. Eldar looked at his father, "How many more titles are going to be hurled upon me?"

Heliar chuckled, "Who can say but I can guess at least one more is coming."

Eldar looked at him, "What are you talking about?"

Heliar smiled, "The Queen and human King are having discussions about you and your efforts and the size of the territory you control. If you keep things going and get your town built you may be getting a higher title, that of a Count or Duke."

Eldar sighed, "Just what I needed. I do not have enough targets on me or us. Let us throw a bigger sign on me saying 'This guy is a troublemaker.'"

Charlemagne and Annette laughed. Heliar looked at his son, "You have already established yourself as someone who shakes things up. Someone who challenges the status quo. There is not much of a bigger sign than what you have already put on yourself."

Eldar nodded, "Thanks for the pep talk, Father!"

Eldar stopped at Master Trainer Yetto and bowed, He looked over, "Apprentice Goldeagle, would you please pass along the rings recovered from this battle."

He nodded and Master Trainer Yetto sighed. Eldar looked at him, "I know you will see those delivered for us."

He nodded at Eldar, "You are making us proud. Do not keep the Queen waiting."

Eldar nodded and they walked down the hall quickly to the Queen's Audience chamber and were shown into the room where the Queen and King waited. The Queen looks at Eldar, "Thank you for looking after my nephew. Now tell me what is going on with our two guests?"

Eldar sighed, "Secure the room please, Your Majesty."

She reached over and activated the crystal. Eldar sighed again, "When we found the spies here, we identified 4 others. These two entered our territory and I had the authority to detain them. Examination by the same group Jarron brought in will confirm this.

The amount of damage that has been done is still open for debate. Lord Barimus, who leads our enemy forces is aware of the capture of these 2. Also, the fact that I am the one who captured them.

There are two remaining that I know of and those two are extremely dangerous assets close to the rulers of the Dwarven and Human Kingdoms. Jarron is aware and is working to neutralize them now; this pushes his timetable as both of our allies are at risk of losing their Kings."

Apprentice Goldeagle was floored, "That is why you had the General chasing us back to your area of responsibility? So, you could seize the spy and take him out of play?"

Eldar nodded, "Yes. Once I had the name, I knew the only way to stop him was to get to even ground with additional troops. We could outcast them and we had better archers and a lot of them. We do not take out our allies. If we had gone without you there would have been dead humans in their military and possibly 2-3 more of mine lost as well.

They only knew of half the troops we had in play so when he showed up and we had doubled in size. Which was reasonable given the threat we had already encountered. He had to rethink his strategy. When I ordered the troops to spread out, I kept him from trying to stop the movement of our group and kept him far from your Nephew who was at the head of the Caravan under guard.

He had to wait for me to stop. I did so once I knew him and his troops were in my area of responsibility. I kept a protection detail on you at all times and away from the showdown with the General. I challenged him with the treaties. That was when he attacked.

He had been ordered to try and kill me by Lord Barimus. That was a stupid move for a General unless he was under a spell compulsion. I found out the mason on my watch list was there. I challenged him with a security question that included Lord Barimus in the phrase. He could not say it without killing himself because of a geas. I took care of the 2 spies in under 2 hours."

Queen Goldeagle sighed, "You uncovered a nightmare for all of our allies did you not?"

Eldar nodded, "I did, but I have to leave it to Jarron to take care of the other two without destroying our alliances. If I am forced to take on Dwarven Royalty I need a way to keep the peace, Your Majesty."

She looks at Eldar, "How bad is this dwarven threat?"

Eldar sighed, "The traitor would be ruling the Dwarven Kingdom bad. Grontic Fire Axe, Your Majesty."

She shook her head, "I did not want to know that."

Eldar sighed, "While I have given you that much the other is the maker of the rings the spies here were using. He is the top mage, the Court Mage next to King Thornlord. I told your husband about him previously but we agreed not to act at that point. This escalation has changed things. That mage could get here and you need to be protected as does the Human King."

She groaned, "I need a few minutes. Wait here."

They waited there and the Queen retreated to her private chamber.


She pulled the 2 crystals and spoke, "I have a Magenta alert."

The 2 Kings got into private areas and secured the rooms quickly. King Fire Axe responded, "Secure Queen Goldeagle."

The Human King responded "Secure as well Queen Goldeagle, I was expecting this communication after speaking with Eldar Silvertree. Shall we set the next alert phrase to Adamantium, It is the Dwarven King's turn."

King Fire Axe chuckled, "The next one will be Magma, though I will consider that one in the future."

Queen Goldeagle made an annotation, "Recorded for my heir, just in case. The Knights identified 4 spies. 2 in each of your Kingdoms. 2 of them were apprehended in Quatarsia. One from each of your Kingdoms. The new Cross Border mercenary company is around 150 strong at last count from my Royal Guard Captain's report. The other two are also still in your lands.

They just made me aware because they are an imminent threat. One is your heir, King Fireaxe, Grontic Fire Axe. The other is the human King's Court Wizard who made the necromancy rings associated with the spies we captured in the Palace. The 2 here were both Drow, but not working for the Drow.

The Dragons seized those 2 so a Dragon being involved is likely. Those 2 spies were captured by the Knights, including Eldar Silvertree leading those efforts. Jarron is working out how to deal with them, but as they are close to you I needed to alert you immediately. There is no doubt that Eldar Silvertree is a Champion to Corellon."

King Thornlord sighed, "The Champion knew of the General being a spy and captured him while working this protection detail. Were you aware he was taking your nephew with him?"

Queen Goldealge sighed a growl, "No, but he was getting some indications from the gods that taking him would save more lives, at least 2-3 more of his troops and the human troops who did not engage on your northern border being destroyed or captured. Not good for our treaties or Alliance."

King Thornlord could be heard dropping a book down, "Alright. He is working to aid us and keep our troops from killing each other by following a spy."

King Fire Axe, "What other spy does he claim to have captured."

Queen Goldeagle sighed, "He is a Mason who came across the border, I do not know the name. Eldar did know it and questioned him before he arrested him. He used a security question that included Lord Barimus in the phrase.

He is the leader of the forces in the Orc Valley and beyond that are building up for this next war. He sits in my dungeon. Normally they would not tell me these things. They would go directly to you through the Knights.

Eldar sees both of them as a threat to me and his Blade Singer Code and personal convictions overrode the rules of the Knights to inform me directly at this point. I chose to inform you both to take precautions.

However, IF a dragon is involved the dragons will not directly interfere because of the treaty until they find a way to take him or her out behind the scenes. I don't have information on that and I would likely get 'Dragon Business' for an answer. As would all of you.

The King confided in me that one of Eldar's wives is psionic and she did the interrogation on the first spy to enable us to capture the second spy in my court. They were both likely under geases and to say that term would kill them. I was not in the loop of that activity until after the fact but it aligns with the security question he is using.

I will assume the Dragons likely did the same thing to avoid any scrying in the dungeon before they took those 2 away, which is a telling sign as far as I am concerned. Also to not trigger any geases. The Silver Dragon Queen did mention she was coming to see those spies at our last meeting so this is moving rather fast. Faster than dragons would do it at least.

In this case, I am glad to have the Champion on our side. He has aided in the removal of 4 spies across our 3 Kingdoms already. We would have to confirm, but the dragons will likely want them directly. They used Knight assets to keep the exposure of the issue low in the Palace."

King Fire Axe growled, "I got the list of the dwarves who went, there was only one Mason. I know who it is. I will want my people to question him. I will switch out my Royal Guards for Paladins after I send my son off to check the fortifications in the deep roads for now to get some distance.

I don't know how many might be loyal to him. I will have my clerics work to divine some answers before arresting him. That Lord Barimus name may come in handy as well. I want confirmation from the Dwarven side before killing my only son."

King Thornlord sighed, "I am sending off a courier to the Mage tower here and buying new magical protection items. I am moving my heir to more secure quarters until this is resolved and keeping her away from us being together, she is not old enough to rule yet.

I will have to have a Royal conclave to address that issue. I would have to get a meeting established or use the one scheduled soon, that is likely the best bet to not arouse suspicions. I will want to speak with Jarron to know when this can be addressed.

Next time you speak with him privately please relay my concerns if he has not already contacted me. This also tells me why your Champion asked if I was alone. He could not tell me directly as I never cleared the damned room. My Court Wizard was sitting right there with your Ambassador during a luncheon.

He played everything off of the treaties and made no mention of the Knights or the fact he was a spy. I should have picked up on that when he asked me if I was secure. That he needed me to be secure. Then again that might have been telling."

King Fire Axe grumbled, "I am still waiting to see if he does more to protect my people. Finding spies and sending information back now seems to be a start."

Queen Goldeagle sighed, "If your son came to my Kingdom he would be forced to engage him and where would that have left our alliance? If Eldar attacked a Royal escort and killed a prince. Else failed and the prince killed him as he was coming to kill me himself? Again his Blade Singer Code comes into play and part of protecting the Elven people is protecting our allies, especially with him in the Knights as well."

King Fire Axe sighed, "Both points are valid. Still, it is not Dwarven lives he has saved in these battles. I am waiting to see that occur. Have you raised his status any?"

Queen Goldeagle smiled, "Silvertree House law makes him a Hereditary Baron because he now holds his Family Moon Blade. The one Heliar carried before it was separated from him by our Elven Goddess the Lady of Dreams. I did Knight him in the court but that was largely symbolic as that is a lower and additional title to his hereditary one.

I have not made him a Count or Duke yet. I think that is premature, but I could see it coming if things keep escalating. True to my word, I will consult all of you before making that decision."

King Fire Axe sighed, "Alright. We will leave that be and wait and see. I will take precautions as well. Thank you for the warning."

Both rules ended their communications to Queen Goldeagle and she sighed, "I hope Eldar knows what he is doing."


About an hour later Queen Goldeagle stepped out. "I have direct private communication with both Kings. I warned them of the threat and that the information is highly reliable. I gave them the name of Lord Barimus for the enemy and they are taking precautions."

Eldar looked at his father, "You want to contact Jarron with this update. If he captures them on behalf of our alliance or as Knights then he is aware the Kings are ready for this?"

He nodded, "It might change his plans, let me get him on the crystal." He called Jarron and brought him up to speed. Jarron wanted to yell at Eldar, "What on earth are you thinking by divulging that information?!"

Eldar sighed, "Conflict between my code of conduct and your directives. Combined with the Queen knighting me as a protector of the Elven people. If the first son gets the same compulsion that the General received? I could be forced into direct conflict with a member of the Dwarven Royal Family. Our treaties would not stop him from passing unmolested through our territory to the Elven Palace.

If I fought and killed him for any reason it would destroy the Alliance. If he killed me then he would not necessarily destroy the alliance until he usurped his father or Killed our Queen! Then you have lost a protector and an ally is in enemy hands or has us at war. Again, a conflict.

The wizard is also a threat because he could assume any form and can teleport here. He is an enchanter to make those rings, my guess is he is also a necromancer. The rings function differently from the polymorph spell as nobody picked them up in the kingdom for 97 years!

Likely based upon some spell research he has done or acquired. Again, a conflict in your directives and my code occurred. I warned you when I signed on if an order ran counter to my Code of Conduct, I will follow my code. The Elven King already knew of the wizard because of the ring, but the time to hold this back has passed."

Jarron sighed, "Alright I at least know the 2 Kings have the information from the Queen so they can make some preparations. Keep Annette at your side to try and neutralize the threats without killing if they show."

Eldar nodded, "I will be staying out of the way of normal channels. I will find an inn we have not stayed at before without the Royal Guard. Between my sword and my wives if I have to take on one of these two while here then we will be enough. We have threat detection. I will change out a spell or two in the process."

Queen Goldeagle shook her head, "No we have a room for you and your wives can use this evening. It prevents divination and teleportation. We shall go and eat together and send others away afterward."

Eldar nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty."

They went off and had dinner together at a miniature celebration. The documents outline the Dame and Knighthood got presented to them in silver cases along with reflecting his hereditary title following the Blade because of current Silvertree house law.

The Queen looked over, "The laws for multiple spouse marriage, marriage for love, and outlawing the sale or creation of infertility devices go into effect in just a few days. We also sent out a warning that existing ones have been failing as we have had over 50 reports concerning the failure of the devices.

We also issued mandatory fertility screening for all marriages so the couples are informed beforehand, marriage for a second partner you love and is fertile is encouraged. Not unlike a Captain, you know, who got married to her second husband yesterday. Private ceremony but as you helped to make it happen, I thought you should know."

Eldar nodded, "I knew if anyone could help her it was you, Your Majesty."

She smiled and they finished dinner. She looked as he started to head outdoors, "Where are you going?"

Eldar smiled, "Our War Horses need to have their gear taken off, brushed, and fed. They will attack anyone who they do not know who tries to handle them, Your Majesty."

She nodded, "Very well, I want a few of my guards out front with you."

He nodded to her as he headed out with his wives close behind.

Eldar had the gear off and brushed down T'suras when his sword alerted him.

Karti'Ros, "Danger is approaching; slowly."

He walked between the horses and got to Annette. He whispered, "Connect."

Annette, "What is it?"

Eldar, "Connect in Charlemagne danger is approaching. Keep working until I can find it."

Charlemagne, "She already did."

He walked out past the end of the wagon and looked back at the guards, "I try to get an hour of sword practice a day."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros is the danger still in the area, or have I moved away from it?"

All while he drew his sword.

Karti'Ros, "It is moving in and out. It is speeding up."

He moved out another 100 feet.

Eldar, "Ladies the danger is following me."

Eldar gave it a few more seconds and then started his practice. Then he started his blade song all while listening because whoever approached was invisible but not silent. He had cast up a mirror image and got four images.

He continued with his song and listened. He heard something approaching behind him. He threw a fireball right at his feet, and he heard the scream right behind him as he swung in the direction of the sound and they had backed off out of his sword range. He listened and heard the mumbling of a spell.


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