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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 24


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He looked at the lady, "I do not know If I should leave it or cut it off."

Eldar sighed, "Charlemagne be as gentle as you can and cut the ring off. It is a malfunctioning anti-fertility clit ring. You will need a cleric to see if she is with a child. That complicates things."

The King piped up, "That man is a disowned Goldeagle. He was caught stealing from the royal treasury over 100 years ago. He was disowned and banished. I do not know the woman."

Eldar sighed, "Another complication. We will be in the next cell going over this stuff and finding out what we can while Annette does her thing. Charlemagne, you can come to give us a hand after the cleric arrives."

He yelled down to one of the guards, "We need a cleric down here and the Queen if she so chooses. As a family matter has arisen."

The guard ran off and they went into an empty cell. He detected magic and determined what was magical and what was not. He separated them. One item of note was a blue communication crystal. He put that into his bag of holding so it was not on the material plane to be accessed.

He looked at the King, "I have destroyed two of those things leading to Lord Barimus in the last few days alone. If it goes to him, I want him to think it is in the ethereal plane."

Journals went back over 142 years listed names and dates of assassinations within the city and Kingdom. At least 50 a year. Eldar looked at the King, "You might want to look at the names, there are over 7,000 names of people being killed and the method used. As she is an elven caster we should find out if she was Academy trained and when?"

Her spellbook was large and thick and contains a few very rare spells in it. The very rare spell that caught his eye was a teleportation circle. He looked at the King, "If she cast this spell on the same location for a year it became permanent. There could be a way into the city not covered by your guards."

He looked for the unusual stuff while the King poured over names and sometimes gasped. The King looked over, "There is a column listing who the customer was, but it is some kind of code." Charlemagne walked in and showed it to Charlemagne, "See if Annette can get the code."

She nodded, "This might take days I do not know how much longer she can do this."

He nodded to the King, "You still have that room off of your office, Your Majesty?" He nodded. "We need to get cloaks around these two and get them to a room like that. We know the dungeon was compromised once there is too much information in her head to let her get killed before we can extract it, Your Majesty."

The King nodded, "They are now the targets for assassination?"

Eldar nodded, "With over 7,000 contract kills anyone who used her services would find her to be a threat."

Eldar looked at Annette and sighed, "Take a break when you get to a good stopping point."

The King calls Eldar back over, "You need to see this Eldar."

He looked at the entry and it was for his grandfather. He looked over at the name. He flipped to the end and found his name, his wives' names, his father, his younger brother along with the King, Queen, and Master Trainer Yetto.

His entry has three hires listed. One was the same as his Grandfather. That name appears next to the Silvertree entries. The King and Queen share the same odd entry that is on his name in addition to the name on his Grandfather. He looked at Annette, "I know you are tired, but I need the names in order on my entry as to who paid to have me killed."

Annette looked at the entry concerning her family. He saw the anger in her eyes and he saw the lady squirming, Annette called out, "Ellirona Silvertree, Gastorma Silvertree, and Lord Barimus."

Eldar looked at the King. "I would like royal arrest warrants issued for Ellirona Silvertree for attempted regicide and Gastorma Silvertree. She needs to be questioned on her knowledge of Lord Barimus. According to this document she killed my grandfather. She was attempting to wipe out my father's line. Tomorrow we are going after the account numbers of where she has hidden the payments."

He looked at the guards, "We need two of your full-length robes with hoods."

Heliar arrived and Eldar asked, "Who is Ellirona Silvertree and Gastorma Silvertree?"

Heliar looks at Eldar, "The first one is a younger sister of mine and the other is a cousin. Both, very vocal about you, why?"

He looked at the assassin in the room, "She is an assassin, Gastorma was listed in the code for wanting to kill me. Ellirona Silvertree has your entire family line. Both sons, my wives, Master Trainer Yetto, and you.

She is also listed for having your father killed. To make it even worse, she hired them to kill the King and Queen. The third name on that list being Lord Barimus. We are moving these 2 to a different location."

Eldar looked through the stack of scrolls and found the one he was looking for. He placed all of the stuff in the chest and locked it. Then sent the chest to the ethereal plane. He took the replica and stuck it into a pouch. He looked to the King, "Those two guards need to be kept isolated. We do not want them to give away any information on the location of the prisoners.

I would suggest that we make them the guards for the two prisoners for the next several days if not weeks. We need the cipher to crack the rest of the names, identify how much information she has on Lord Barimus, find out if she has established any permanent teleportation circles and where they go. I am sure Jarron would love to talk with them about more items of concern.

Especially given the number of names on that list. Father, can we get him on the crystal after I go see the Queen. I was supposed to talk with the patron for House Silver Moon today."

Eldar looked at his wives, "Ready to ride in 30 minutes."

They both nodded as they were pissed. Eldar looked at the King, "I would like the arrest warrants. I want my father to call an emergency meeting of all of the family members. Please send the Royal Guards to collect them an hour after we depart. I will use my troops at the house to hold every one of interest. If you are agreeable, Your Majesty? I do not want them running."

He nodded, "We can make that happen."

Eldar nodded and headed for the stairs, "Ladies please stay with the guards until the prisoners have been covered and moved." Eldar headed to the stairs and went straight to the Queen's Audience Chamber and knocked on the door. Surprisingly the door was open. He saw the Queen with an older Elven woman who had the Silver Moon crest on her gown. He walked in.

He bowed, "My apologies, Your Majesty. We had to get the 2 would-be assassins secured before I could get here."

The Queen looked at Eldar, "There were 2 of them?"

Eldar nodded, "Yes Your Majesty, I was not the only target today, but we can go over that later in your husband's audience chamber when I return in a couple of hours."

He looked to the lady off to the side, "I am Commander Eldar Silvertree, head of the Gray Blades, Patron of House Silvertree, and as of yesterday appointed as Knight Protector to the elven people by the Queen.

I wanted to speak with you because of something I have done within my own house. I wanted to know your thoughts on the matter. I had my father working to reverse the disowning of Silvertree family members on the grounds of a perceived slight in marriage laws.

Marrying a human, a half-elf, or someone they loved obviously. I wanted to get your take on this task as these changes have been requested by Sehanine Moonbow. This was in the presence of Grand Cleric Silver Moon. I wanted to know how House Silver Moon is embracing these changes?"

The patron was caught off guard, "I have not given it much thought. I know the laws are coming into effect but I had not considered looking at those disowned for such acts. That is something I will have to consider."

Eldar nodded, "Your Majesty, would penalizing someone for marrying for love comply with the new laws?"

She looks at Eldar, "No, they would not. They would be counter to the new laws. I will send a message to every house to examine the reasons for disownment and any that deal with marriage should be reversed as soon as possible."

Eldar nodded. He looked over to the head of House Silver Moon, "It was my wedding so of course, I am working to set the example for the other houses. I thought you might want to get a jump on this issue so you look like a supporter of this policy change. This would apply to future marriages as well.

I know a Silver Moon or 2 who are considering a marriage that under old traditions would result in disowning them. I would hope when those people come forward their marriages are embraced and not rejected or disowned."

She nodded, "I get the point. One of my relatives is looking to marry someone the house would not approve of. Likely my daughter as she went with you to that ceremony. You, planning on marrying her?"

Eldar laughed, "No, I am not marrying your daughter. Someone at my wedding who was specifically told by the Lady of Dreams to marry is another matter. You would likely not care for him. However, the King and Queen would approve.

They came to the palace and single-handedly took down a high-level caster assassin and spy in under 30 seconds. The King barely had time to get up from his chair, and the spy was captured and questioned."

Eldar looked at the Queen, "I believe you remember that night fondly, Your Majesty. The day after is when we found out you and the King are expecting a royal birth."

The Queen smiled, "Yes that was one very entertaining night of activity."

The patron looked over, "I will ensure that all incoming news of marriages, be it to other Elf factions or Humans as dictated by the Gods, are well received."

Eldar nodded, "I thank you for your time. I was not expecting to have to deal with 3 assassins in 2 days but I do what I can to protect the Royal Family and the Elven people."

She nodded, "Sounds like you are a busy person."

Eldar chuckled, "Commander of a Mercenary company, building a town, training 2 apprentices, capturing spies and assassins, protection details for members of the Royal Family, Head of House Silvertree, Knight Protector of the elven people, and the Knight Champion of Corellon Larethian. Not to mention 2 wives and 4 children on the way. Each wife is carrying twins.

Busy would be a good word. Speaking of which I have to pick up a couple of Royal arrest warrants that I am taking care of personally. If the two of you would excuse me. I would like to attend to that task, Your Majesty."

The Queen chuckled, "You may take care of those arrests as I am sure if you are taking care of them, they are of significant importance."

Eldar nodded, "VERY significant importance, Your Majesty."

The head of House Silver Moon nodded, "Good luck in your endeavors."

Patron Silver Moon sighed internally, "My daughter is marrying someone I would not approve of and I can do nothing to stop it with these changes short of an assassin, and the champion is killing and capturing assassins left and right. No sense in fighting it this time. That does not mean I have to embrace her choice."

With that taken care of, Eldar headed out front and got his horse armored and saddled. A guard came out with the paperwork and a groomsman brought his father's horse to him.

Eldar looked at his father, "We are making a quick stop in the enchanters' district. If you wish to announce the meeting in 30 minutes to discuss the reallocation of house assets that would be fine. Anyone missing from the meeting is assumed to not care about their assets, we are expecting house leaders and or elders to attend. Including the two names on these warrants."

His father smiled and headed off.

Eldar and the ladies were not far behind him. They overtook him before the gate and headed to the enchanters' district. He walked into the cloak shop and the lady smiled, "You are back early! We finished your order!"

He nodded, "I thank you. I have another request. I would like non-magical cloaks in dark blue with the same design with the colors being a shiny and non-shiny black thread instead of the 2 shades of gray. I would like 200 of those."

She looks at Eldar, "More men doing something special?"

Eldar shook his head, "No, I want them for the burial of fallen members. We lost one of our first members. I wanted something that the family or if no family the company can know of the sacrifices made."

She nodded, "I can get that order ready for you anything else?"

He smiled, "Yes do you have any magical restraints, manacles that would suppress spell casting?"

She thought, "Let me check in the back. You want a set?" He nodded, "Two sets." She nodded and she came back, "They are not cheap 50,000 each. We have 6 sets." He nodded, "That will work, we will take all 6 sets then."

She looks stunned. She ran his account and came back with the manacles. He handed them to the wives, "Two sets for each of us, so we can split the command words."

They giggled. Annette asked, "These for play?"

Eldar shrugged, "We'll see how things go." They headed out with their purchases. As the sales lady laughed at Annette's comment. They got outside and headed to drain the swamp he called House Silvertree. He found his Lieutenant, "Gather all the troops' family conference room immediately!"

She nodded and went to find the sergeants and got things rolling. His troops arrived quicker than expected. Eldar looked at Lieutenant Alirora Silver Bow, "I would like you by the door, I would like the two squads to approach in single file on either side of the table. He handed a stack of cloaks to Charlemagne and a stack to Annette, "Ladies please distribute to these two squads. You will be in this room for the next 1-2 hours.

If after getting your cloak you need a chamber pot now is the time. Before you depart this meeting will be confrontational. When I call out 'BLADES.' I want swords drawn and at the ready. Father, I want you to assign seats. I want our two guests of honor up front next to you. I will be standing behind you with my wives on either side. Put your three non-coup members next. Block off teleportation."

Eldar looked at the group and he saw one human, "What is your name?"

He looks at Eldar, "Private Michael Farmer."

Eldar smiled at him, "I am going to call you out as a psionic, do not dispute it. I doubt it is true but I want to scare the shit out of a couple of family members."

He chuckled, "Yes, Sir."

Thirty minutes went by and family Elders started rolling in. They saw the room surrounded by his guards.

Heliar kept the seat reserved until the special guests arrived. Eldar looked at his father, "Is this everyone?"

He shook his head, "We are missing 2 but they are out of town on business." Heliar hid it but activated a teleport blocker under the table. "You can address them directly."

Eldar looked around, "Everyone, yesterday the Queen made both my wives Dames and appointed me Knight Protector of the Elven people. BLADES! I would like each of you to place your hands on the table please."

He waited for compliance. He called out, "Dames, secure the prisoners."

He yelled out, "This is the only reminder, your hands leave the table you will find a sword in you, and my Lieutenant, Alirora Silver Bow will be watching closely."

Eldar waited for the manacles to be secured. He looked at the two of them, "Do you know why you are in manacles?"

They did not respond. Eldar smirked, "Let us start with Gastorma Silvertree for hiring an assassin to kill me. I told you all what would happen if someone tried to assassinate me or my immediate family! I am going to ask if you had any conspirators in your plot. Any others that helped you finance or knew of the upcoming attempt?"

He looked at Eldar and said nothing.

Eldar looked at Ellirona, "I not only have proof in your attempt on my life, the planned attempt on my wives, my brother, Master trainer Yetto, and my father. The successful attempt on my Grandfather. Let me add to it the hiring of an assassin to kill the King and Queen! Any conspirators you wish to add to the list dealing with attempted Regicide?!"

She sneered at him. He nodded, "Staying silent will not help you. Private Michael Farmer, step forward." He stepped forward. "This man is one of a few psionic members of my company. They will be brought in to dig through your minds until they look like 10-day old mush. For every transgression, every conspirator, and all of your hidden assets. Then they will be set loose on your children. Then your children's children.

Before they are stripped of everything but the clothes on their backs. Just so the rest of you do not think I am bluffing." He threw the documents onto the table. "The two sitting next to the prisoners use one hand and pull one document in front of you and tell the others what they are."

One of them looks up, "This is a Royal arrest warrant, these normally are done by Royal Guards."

Eldar nodded, "They will be arriving shortly, I asked for some time to talk with you. Father, what is the status of the 6 disowned family members."

He clears his throat, "They wish to meet with you next week in the town you are building."

Eldar nodded, "I think we can make that happen but I would like for them to be there in the next 5 days. I will be going back into the field shortly after returning. Anyone who wishes to claim knowledge, feign ignorance, or do these 2 traitorous members of our house wish to say something to expand the blame. I thought I made it clear that another attempt on my life would result in disowning the rest of you. Nobody has anything to say?

While you are thinking that over, a ritual was held a few days ago. That ritual took the Elven kingdom from 4 active Moon Blades to 10. Corellon Larethian appeared at that ritual, the Moon Blades have all been modified. Correcting the corruption. Of particular note was his comment, 'The acorn has fallen from the tree.' The only family members who can claim this blade now are my descendants. Not even my brother can claim the blade."

That got heads turning. "Ten Houses and four village elders all heard this and saw this event. There were 11 guests invited. One man lost his sight, his eyeballs burned out of his head. He tried to view the ceremony but was not invited. Any comments yet?"

All was still silent. Eldar looked at Charlemagne, "How often have you seen me go back on my word?"

Charlemagne shook her head "Never, you always work to keep your promises."

Eldar sighed, "It pains me to do this father, please have the 3 non-coup members stand." Heliar pointed them out and they stood. He looked at them, "You all swear that you had no knowledge of either of these attempts on my life?" One by one they swore and nobody contradicts them. Annette confirmed.

He looked at them, "Please join my lieutenant at the end of the table and keep your hands in front of you. My ladies, please strip Ellirona of all her belongings including her clothes. Guards, and father, please strip Gastorma Including clothes. When you get to shirts just cut them off. The rest of you at the table will be brought up one at a time and stripped of all gear.

Your clothes will be returned to you. Father is to take steps to seize all assets of all the seated members and their families' house accounts and private accounts. All rooms searched. All homes, businesses, and landholdings seized. All family members of these people are disowned. Any that are in the Academy will be allowed to finish. What are the rules governing the seizure of personal accounts?"

Heliar shook his head, "Hard to do without showing fraud."

Eldar nodded, "We will bring in the psionics to show every illegal activity these family members have done and face the appropriate prosecution along with seizure or they can give you access to those accounts.


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