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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 24

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
53.4k words

Part 24 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, The World Awaits, Chapter 24 (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desire to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors warning: This section contains scenes of incest between sisters.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in mid-2017 to mid-2018. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 24 To Catch the Spies

They got back to the village and Eldar mounted up and the ladies looked at him, "Where are you going?"

He smiled, "To check on our troop, I did say I would be doing that."

He started riding back to the falls and the two of them joined him. They rode through the Wood Elf village to the sound of moaning. The Wood Elf who tried to watch the ceremony was laid out.

Healers looked over him but his eyes had been burned from his skull. They did not stop as there was nothing, nothing they could say or do that would help. They got to the main road as the sun rose. They continued as the activity started to pick up. He asked Annette, "Where will we find Greentree and the surveyors?"

She pointed, "They should be out working the farms. Where the laborers are already clearing out rocks for the foundations. The first corrals are up over there and by the barn."

Eldar nodded, "They're going to need to fence off the back section behind the farms for a pasture that the horses can graze in."


The Lady of Dreams looked at Corellon and pointed, "The expansion in the treaties allows us to watch over those lands. Especially if they are unoccupied but claimed by our allies."

Corellon nodded, "Send the visions to my Champion. Let Eldar look at the possible permutations. All 30 of them and he will decide a course of action or surprise us."


The word 'farms' sent another premonition his way. One that would cost lives one way or the other. He looked at 2 different scenarios as he changed the make-up of his troops and finally decided what he wanted to do in seconds.


The Lady of Dreams looked at Corellon, "I sent him the first 2 do or do not and he turned it into 200 different permutations. I stopped. As he has settled on a course from the first 2. It was not one of the other 28 I was going to send him. It is quite a clever idea that reduced the losses considerably. All by adding one Apprentice Blade Singer to the group and using the treaties."


Eldar looked over at Charlemagne, "Can you grab New Moon and have him get his 2 squads. Tiger and Silver Moon as well. Chalius Goldeagle would be a welcomed addition to this trip. In fact, he would find it quite educational. I think we will go and see some farmers today. I want those arcane archers for this."

Charlemagne looks at him, "They are almost a day's ride out by horse?"

Eldar nodded, "Yes they are, but I have one of those feelings that cannot be ignored."

Charlemagne looked over, "Then I am coming too."

Eldar nodded, "I figured as much, Annette has too much going on."

It took almost an hour to get everyone assembled, He looked at New Moon, "We need to work on that timing, we could have been overrun in an hour."

Chalius Goldeagle was at his side and he nodded to him. Eldar knew he would be key in this escapade.

New Moon nodded, "We will work on that."

Eldar moved out setting the pace with Goldeagle that was at 17 bodies, "I want 2 scouts one on either side of the road to get ahead of the group. At least 100 feet off to the side and 200 feet ahead."

Dame Silver Moon inquired, "Where are we going?"

Eldar glared, "We are going to check on Jessup and his farmers. I think we might encounter some of our human counterparts and there will be enemy trouble. Combat from another incursion into this area. Apprentice Goldeagle stays near me at all times."

The day went by and the scouts changed out a few times and a few hours after the sun went down they had 2 Half-Moons in the sky.

They got an alert from one of the scouts. Eldar rode toward him. "I saw 6 giants, 36 orcs, 6 ogre lieutenants, and an Ogre Magi, likely a commander. Further back of the group. All on foot."

Eldar looked out in the distance, he saw some human troops off on the far hill who were not engaging as this group started to approach the previously embattled town. They were all on horseback and the orcs and ogres paid no mind to them as they were clear as day under the moonlight.

Eldar looked at New Moon, "Deploy your men! Silver Moon, Tiger, and Goldeagle with me. Split the archers. 2 with me, 1 with you Charlemagne. Go in kill any laying on the ground the archers fail to take down. My group, we have an Ogre Magi to dispatch. As we ride by thin out that herd if you got fireballs ready."

They rode by at a distance along the northern edge headed toward the Ogre Magi. They obliterated a good portion of the forces, even dropping 3 of the Ogre lieutenants and 3 of the Giants that were closest to them.

They had the 2 Arcane archers trailing them in his group They sent fireballs and ray spells through the arrows they fired. They took out another 2 giants and several groups of orcs. The Ogre Magi wasted no time in his attempt to retreat but he was on foot. He cast one disintegration ray while running, aimed at Eldar but T'Suras had sidestepped the incoming ray quickly. Eldar called out "Mortana."

The missiles went flying into the back of the Ogre Magi and they knew it was not shielded yet. The other two Blade Singers followed suit. Eldar called out, "Biatus Evanill Aisiaon."

He hopped onto his saddle as the Ogre Magi got a shield up to protect himself from those missiles and arrows. Eldar left the other riders behind as his spellcraft was working overtime watching this Ogre. All while the Magi ran away from the fight.

Eldar, "Karti'Ros left hand Moon Fire on!"

The Magi started casting again. Eldar knew from spellcraft it was an invisibility spell he was working to get off. Doing that while trying to run made it very difficult to succeed.

Eldar saw everything in slow motion. He launched forward off of his saddle. He did a spinning end-over-end leap into the air. He spun like a top. He drove his blade right through the opening of the Ogre Magi's collarbone and straight into its black heart. He rolled past his body at normal speed. He looked to the others, "Help the troops! We have them surrounded now!"

Eldar thought out, "Karti'Ros left hand."

As he recalled his sword, "T'suras Unta Filarna," He grabbed the saddle horn with his right hand as T'suras sped past. He got his left foot into the stirrup and his leg over and charged back into the battle. "T'Suras, Biatus Evanill Aisiaon." They shot forward and caught up with the others. He glanced over at the humans who had still not engaged.

He looked down the field and the others were ahead and wasting any enemy looking to retreat. The front line of his forces met them halfway through the field of the hordes' corpses. Eldar yelled out, "Lieutenant strip and search the dead, get the bodies collected for burning. Get healers to those who need it, the Magi is down and dead."

He looked over and he saw 30 humans riding in, "Captain and Apprentice with me. Weapons at the ready. Lieutenant gather those not occupied and have them center on me."

He pulled up at the edge of the carnage to give his men and women time to get collected as the force from the human military approach.

The leader of this group ordered, "Drop your weapons!"

Eldar yelled back, "You have no authority to make that request."

The soldier pulled up, "What do you know of my authority Elf? You should not even be here!"

Eldar looked at him, "If we had not been, that town would have been destroyed while you sat and petted your horses. Regardless you have no authority over us under the terms of our Alliance Treaty."

He snarled, "You are a part of that new Mercenary group. Aren't you? You are out of your area."

Eldar nodded, "I am Commander Eldar Silvertree of The Gray Blades, Grand Master Blade Singer and my reasons for being out of that area are not your concern. What is your rank soldier?"

He looked over, "I am a Sergeant."

Eldar looked back at him, "Well Sergeant! You have 2 Commanders, a Captain, a Lieutenant, 2 sergeants, and a cross-section of men and women from human to elven with different capabilities standing before you. The one you should be concerned about is the Apprentice who is not a part of my mercenary group. I have him riding at my side. Apprentice, introduce yourself to the Sergeant."

Chalius looked knowingly at Eldar, this was why he wanted him along. He knew this treaty very well as he had to know them all. He looked at the Sergeant, "I'm Apprentice Blade Singer Chalius'Vesa Goldeagle, nephew of the Queen of the Elven Empire."

Eldar looked back at the Sergeant, "As required by our Alliance Treaty you have been informed, we have a dignitary with us. We are serving as his protection detail. Our business is our own and you have no authority to attempt to detain us. Now turn around and report back to your Lieutenant.

When he or one of your superiors arrives on site, I will report your cowardice in front of the enemy. This attack and the size of the attack will be reported back to the Elven Queen upon our return. Given your inability to secure your roads, I will make recommendations to her. You are dismissed, Sergeant!"

The humans looked at their Sergeant. The Sergeant was clueless on how to respond so he finally sheathed his sword and moved off with his men. Eldar looked at Apprentice Goldeagle, "Thank you for riding along. How are our troops? Lieutenant New Moon?"

He sighed, "One dead, two wounded and three riding horses lost."

Eldar nodded, "Bring our dead back with us. Officers with me, you too Apprentice."

He rode into town and he saw a bunch of farmers with pitchforks as he sheathed his sword, "Any injured?"

The farmers looked at them and one spoke, "You stopped them before they got to us. Have I seen you before?"

Eldar nodded, "I came through with a group and we took down another smaller group like this but not before they got to your town. You had any other attacks besides the two?"

He shook his head, "No! Just the 2 attacks. That looked to be a massacre waiting to happen!"

Eldar nodded, "Where is Jessup? I spoke with him last time."

The guy shook his head, "He went to Grand Falls to file a complaint about the attack and has not returned as of yet."

Eldar nodded, "How long for you to gather your families and what seeds you can? I want to take you someplace safer. I was hoping you would have time to get your crops in."

The guy nodded, "We got about half of them in since the last attack we started figuring better to half of something than half of nothing."

Eldar nodded, "How soon can you start planting again, Not here but in general?"

He shrugged, "We would be starting right after these crops came in. The climate allows us to grow pretty much year-round if we have enough water."

Eldar looked him over, "I asked Jessup for your time to hear me out when I came back. We have set up a cross-border protection force covering 400 square miles further north. Part of that is, or should I say will soon be, farmable land. We are looking for farmers. Twenty acre lots, I have them clearing rocks out of 24 of those now to work building foundations.

We have around 150+ troops patrolling this area. A new inn, general store, blacksmith, leathersmith, and sawmill are all under construction. We have well over 300 laborers working to make this happen. I have been busy since the last time I saw you all."

The guy nodded, "So what are you offering?"

Eldar shook his head, "One thing you are not getting is protection. You are getting taxed on land you cannot farm because it is filled with rocks. You have 12 farms here; we are clearing land for 24 farm lots. If you can plant it and want a second farm lot for your children you have the option.

I suspect that we will have company from the human military that stood by and watched this near massacre. While one of my men died to protect you. The question is not what do we have to offer, it is what do you have to lose? Who do you trust at this time? The Elf off to my left is the nephew of the Queen of the Elven Empire.

We are amassing a force that will be multiracial and 600 strong when we finish. Talk it over with the others. We leave at first light if you wish to join us. We will be waiting for the human commander to arrive. If you do decide to leave. Leave a message for Jessup to head north to safety."

He pulled the men together. He looked at Charlemagne, "I hate losing 1 of our own but they would have turned to us after this village. It was a better one here than 34 here and another 7 when it got to us, not counting the horses. 3 for 52."

Charlemagne, "So 1 life for 41."

He nodded, "4 lives for 86 with our horses, more for their horses. Preemptive strike. I bet you can guess who the general is in this region. It will take him several hours to get here most likely."

Eldar looked at the Lieutenant, "Send your two fastest riders with extra horses, get two more squads, another lieutenant, two additional clerics, and replacement mounts with a wagon for our wounded soldiers. They will meet us on the road.

Have them moving at one and a half time outbound. Return at double time. To hell with wagon damage just get them here at riding speed with an extra pair of horses. All casters and archers, get your rest and recover your spells. When we pull out, we may need them all. Once the casters have rested, then the others can get a few hours in."

He headed over to one of the burned-out buildings and threw down his bedroll and Charlemagne curled up next to me. "What if we are attacked?"

Eldar smiled, "My sword will warn me if that happens."

They curled up and got some sleep.


The thunder of horses woke many in the camp as Sergeant Frost had double-timed the 30 men through the camp and rode up to the command tent. The Sergeant saluted Captain Fontar out front, "We need to see the General immediately."

The Captain sighed, "He's asleep, what is so important. Sergeant."

He sighed, "We spotted a force of 6 giants, 36 orcs, 6 ogre lieutenants, and an Ogre Magi headed into Rambling Rock."

The Captain sighed, "We are under orders not to engage. I feel sorry for the town but the General has his orders and they make no sense to me. It is not my job to question those orders."

The Sergeant shook his head, "The force was obliterated by a group of 16-17, mostly elves with some humans, arcane heavy, including arcane archers and battlemages. I believe they had at least 2 Blade Singers as well, maybe more. Including one who said he was Commander Eldar Silvertree of the Gray Blades Mercenary company, Grand Master Blade Singer.

I tried to detain them but the other Blade Singer identified himself as Apprentice Blade Singer Chalius'Vesa Goldeagle, Nephew of the Queen of the Elven Empire. This Commander called upon the Alliance Treaty. He said we did not have the authority to detain them as they were escorting an Elven Dignitary.

Told us their business was their own. He told me to report back. The more I thought about it, given what they just did to that horde, They lost only 1 man to a giant. I reasoned we did not stand a chance if they unleashed arcane power upon us. I thought it was better to report back to you."

The Captain shrugged, "He would be correct if they had a member of the Royal Family then by Treaty you could not detain them. The General did not give orders to prevent the enemy from being attacked, just to monitor. You have monitored and reported back. I will inform the General when he wakes up in a few hours."

The Sergeant nodded, "He threatened to report us for cowardice for not engaging."

The Captain groaned, "Go get some rest."

The Sergeant went off with his men and brushed down his horse and looked to get some sack time.

Captain Fontar waited about 2 hours and sighed, "Fuck it, he will want to know."

He walked into the command tent and woke the general early which could be just as much trouble as the General did not want to be woken early unless they were directly under attack, yet another order. He reported the information to him from the Sergeant. General Travius looked up, "How many men can we get ready to ride in the next hour?"

He sighed, "The men that came back rode in at double-time. Their horses are useless, that town is a good 6-7 hours at normal riding pace. We could get 60 men together quickly."

He nodded, "Saddle my horse, get my second and third in command out of their bunks and on their horses. I will be out momentarily."

The General secured his area from eavesdropping and used the Crystal, "Great Lord, My men observed your horde and did not engage. However, 16-17 mostly elves did engage and obliterated your force, they lost one man in the attack. I have 60 riders getting ready to go after them. We are a good 6-7 hours by horse from the town at a normal pace, we can be there in just over 3-4 hours. If they have left we can pursue them."

Lord Barrimus asked, "Who led this force, why did your men not kill them?"

The General sighed, "Great Lord, you gave the order to observe, not to engage. I was not expecting there to be another force to contend with. Getting them to attack the King's allies would be a difficult point to sell right now as you asked me to stay hidden. Especially when they had a member of the Royal Family with them. A Blade Singer, nephew to the Queen. They were led by a Commander Eldar Silvertree."

Lord Barrimus roared out, "I want you to kill this Eldar Silvertree, he was wanted for suspicion of mass murder in Grand Falls. I don't care about your exposure. Abandon your unit after this is done and report to me when you succeed. I will give you my failure of a son's job in leading this horde if you succeed in killing this one fucking elf!"

General Travius smiled, "Yes, Great Lord. I am leaving now." The crystal went silent.

The general went out and mounted up. "Eldar Silvertree is a wanted Elf. Mass murder in Grand Falls."

One of the Privates commented, "I remember hearing about that General. Killed off the Underhill Gang is the rumor."

The General smiled inside. "I need 2 scouts moving now, double time. The Rest, column of 6 behind me. Double time."


Eldar changed up a few spells when he awoke, just in case. He finished studying and relieved the non-casters while he asked Apprentice Goldeagle to remain undercover. He complied but he asked questions, "How in the hell did you do that move to take down the Ogre Magi?"

Eldar looked at him, "It felt like time slowed down. I could see exactly when I needed to jump. Focused right up till the point of impact and then everything returned to normal. I do not know if it is my eyes or the sword but something.

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