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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 25

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
33.1k words

Part 25 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, The World Awaits, Chapter 25 (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desire to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors warning: This section contains scenes of incest between sisters.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in mid-2017 to mid-2018. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 25 Playing the Palace, Encore

They got to the entrance and Eldar let the groom know he could put food out for the horses. About that time a rider approached. Traylar's father, "Will the assassins see justice?"

Eldar nodded, "Just as soon as we extract all of the information out of them. Did you have a request?"

He shook his head, "Finish this business. I will get with the Royal Guards tomorrow."

Eldar looked at him, "You could speak with one now if you like, there are a few just inside the door."

He nodded, "Can you send one out to me."

Eldar nodded. He walked in the door and saw the guards," Where is your Captain?"

One of them pointed, "In his office around the corner."

Eldar looked at him, "Show me."

Eldar walked up to the door and this was a Captain he had not met before, "I am Sir Eldar Silvertree. Earlier tonight we discovered the body of a young Blade Singer in the second assassins' home. The father of that Blade Singer is out front. I knew her. Be kind to the father and help him to get his daughter back with as little distress as possible. There will be no open funeral if you catch my meaning."

The Guard Captain sighed and nodded, "I will deal with him."

Eldar nodded, "House Goldensong."

He nodded as he walked for the door. Eldar and his wives headed to their room and to find the guards up there, "Food for three, six bottles of wine."

The guard looked at Eldar, "That is a lot of wine."

Eldar nodded, "A lot of grief to drink through; half of those are for me."

He nodded and sent the request off. Eldar sat down at the table.

Annette came over and started taking off the top of his armor while Charlemagne had started on his boots. He looked at the door and it was open and the Queen entered. He went to stand and she waved him down. "Long day I take it?"

Eldar nodded, "Killing a Grand Master Blade Singer. Then informing a family that a daughter who was a classmate of mine and a rival on the field will never return home. Simply because she did not beat me in a tournament kind of strikes at your gut when you have to do it."

She nodded, "He did something?"

Eldar nodded, "Contracting the assassination of 21 Blade Singers. I returned the 92 rings this evening."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "I told them to send the wine. I just wanted to know what was going on. It was an unusual request so it got flagged to my handmaiden who brought it to my attention. That brings up to 129 rings you have returned; counting the 7 my nephew showed me. He said he gave those to the Master Trainer."

Eldar nodded, "Plus 1 more for the Elf I had to kill. The first time I had to kill an elf. I delivered one of the rings personally, your son and I both knew her; Goldensong. We also found her body; what was left of it."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "Eat first, it is not good to drink on an empty stomach."

He nodded and she stopped and turned back and looked, "You are taking this one pretty hard. Did you have a history?"

Eldar nodded, "A long history on the field and a very brief history off the field socially. What is bothering me is she was killed for not beating me in the tournament. The man lost money. Now you see why I give so much of that away. I do not want that kind of wealth for myself or my children. We will continue with the caches after the mission is done, we hit only 2 today.

Your Captain was talking with the woman's father. Could I get a messenger dispatched to my men in Quatarsia? I need another two full squads with 10 empty wagons to retrieve supplies, I also want Captain New Moon to lead them here if available."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "We can do that given you have probably already filled the wagons you have."

Eldar nodded, "I think so. Including the 4 additional ones, I bought today. House Silvertree is becoming a storage depot."

The Queen chuckled, "The paperwork for all of the disowning hit my desk today; that is a sizable chunk of the family."

Eldar nodded, "They were warned. They ignored it. If I am forced to do it to House Silverbar then I have to be willing to do it to House Silvertree. I am in the process of restoring 6 other branches of the family. All of them disowned for marrying the wrong person."

She looked at Eldar, "I have not seen that paperwork yet."

Eldar smiled, "They want to meet me first. Given the history of the family's attitudes toward them, I can understand their caution and trepidation."

She nodded and walked toward the door. She stopped at the entrance and looked at him again, "When we saw the events of your wedding and all of the changes the Lady of Dreams proposed, it scared the shit out of us. You had so many guards because we did not know if we saw or knew everything. Was the entire thing some elaborate hoax? Were you coming for the crown?

To be some power behind the throne? Then you said something, not a prophecy or demand, a simple statement. 'Trees have to bend; new limbs form, you cannot say the trunk is the tree else you miss the beauty that's the entire tree swaying in the breeze.' I have spent many nights thinking about what has happened and keeps occurring. That simple statement is so eloquent.

Elven families are so focused on a strong and big tree they forget to think about the roots; how much they consume. What room is there for other families? Trimming of a tree to save it. Sometimes it is so rotted you are safer taking the whole thing down. Occasionally the roots are strong enough for the tree to re-emerge; like Silverbar.

You will have more to think about in that regard though you do not know it; like what to do with house Golden Weave. You killed the house patron tonight, word reached me before you even left the Academy.

He would have been brought before me if my guards had found this out instead of a Blade Singer that was obligated to handle the matter. The house would have been destroyed. The fact that as many as 21 houses, probably fewer as some might have more than one victim, I will want your opinion on the matter."

Eldar nodded, "Would you like it now?"

She looked at him, "You have an idea on this? Is this you, or the Gods?"

Eldar chuckled, "Sometimes it is hard to tell. I think in this case it is me. I am all about symbolism. Disown all but the youngest 21 adults. Seize every asset from the disowned except for the clothes on their backs and 21,000 thousand gold pieces each. Take the disowned family name; they are all to be called Gold like they have done to bastard children for centuries. From what is left leave the youngest 21% of the house assets with the rest going to the victim's families.

I would also point out that the book may have more family members called out. I would get a list of all current house Patrons. If their name is in the journal then the discipline against the family should be just as measured. If that patron has had 100 killed then wipe out the house. At any rate; any patron on that list should cost the family 50% of its assets to the victims' families.

If they have no families use it for testing the disenfranchised children for talent. Half of any money collected from this effort should be set aside for those wishing to create a new house and who is in good standing; be they Elf-blooded or Elven. In the case of killing a house patron, the laws are clear but as is the case with House Silverbar, I have shown that sometimes the roots can be saved.

I would get a complete list of the names of the conspirators. If a house is full of rot and causing death then it will give you an indication."

Eldar looked at Charlemagne and Annette, "Do we have any idea as to how many people used their services?

Annette nodded, "Yes, 372 remain spread across twelve families including the Silvertree family.

Only two other names besides the 2 you have already captured are on the list. One was the name of the man that contracted the killing of Yetto's mother, The father of Charlemagne's former husband. He is one of the ones you disowned. The other was a Silvertree woman who had someone killed and then she was killed by the same assassins as the victim. They hired the same assassins to kill each other."

Eldar looked at the Queen, "I would like an arrest warrant issued for the one remaining killer with a Silvertree name, Bring in the eldest and second eldest from that line with him. Hold the paperwork on the assets, I would like a private audience with you and these 2 people. I don't even know their names.

If the second youngest prove themselves to your satisfaction I would like the '50% of that branch assets' rule applied. Else, I will sever the whole branch."

The ladies looked at him before the Queen asked, "Why?"

Eldar nodded, "The father was dead already and could have saved his family but did not by grabbing the sword. The eldest child as the next to inherit the line was given the same choice. I plan on using one of the scrolls I found in that chest, Major illusion, and placing my sword out there for the second eldest to kill himself or herself to save the rest of the family line.

If he or she takes the sword, or in this case the illusion of the sword then they have integrity and they put their family above themselves. I would ask that you take 50% of that branch's assets for compensation instead. If not take it all, the paperwork is on your desk so it is not irreversible at this point.

As to the family, I am sure with 77 billion coming into the coffers, 2 billion from House Silverbar, that the other 50% of this meager family branch could be made up for by the funds coming in from this and House Silverbar."

The Queen looked at Eldar, "You missed House Golden Knife in your count of assets coming into the crown. That was 57 Billion and counting as they go through the magical gear that is safe to sell. That activity is still ongoing. Some of those relics will end up in Royal vaults.

Special needs items, not for everyday use because the costs are too high for some of them or they are just unsafe and we have no means to destroy them. We did not authorize the killing, but we took it as divine direction given what was found there and Moon Blade taking point on the task with Royal Guards.

He got the 7 relics he was sent to get. He said that forge was worth crafting the Gray Blades alone. The other 6 were a bonus if you will."

She paused and sighed, "Yet, you are still giving people a fair shot, but why the illusion?"

Eldar smiled, "If I have learned anything about siblings is that the second child is always out to prove something. They are more conniving or nobler than their siblings. A more noble future is hardly one worth wasting. The others have the option to apply for reinstatement in ten years.

None of the first children had any knowledge if the sword was real or If I would let them take it that far. They assumed I was after blood instead of looking for individual honor."

The Queen nodded, "I can see your logic now, you could summon the sword away in a blink of an eye but you want the eldest to see why he or she is without honor."

Eldar nodded, "Too close to the rot."

She smiled, "You constantly test people."

Eldar nodded, "I am a teacher when people learn then they are ready for the next level, be that an apprentice, or a soldier."

The Queen laughed and she walked out shaking her head. Eldar heard her, "You are so straightforward you are an enigma to court."

Annette slid into his lap and kissed him, "I did not understand why you did that to the eldest; you would have pulled the blade away."

Eldar shook his head, "No, I knew before they walked in the room, they would not touch it. I do not know about this one. I am playing it safe."

She looked at him, "If you had not known?"

He sighed, "I would have brought them in one at a time and pulled it away if they had honor enough to sacrifice themselves for their family. You have not noticed that the premonition stuff has started to dwindle? I feel like I have some say over the direction of things now."

She looked at him, "What about the groom?"

Eldar nodded, "Something I saw. I saw him getting rejected at the Academy in the city and coming to the new Academy. I wanted to make sure he saw the options and worked toward his goal. Most of it with you was educated guessing. I know my wives and their reactions. Just like I know the taste of their pussies."

The server about dropped the food as they caught the last of his comment to Annette. Annette turned red and started to get up. He slid his hand between her legs and held her in place. He started rubbing against her pussy over her clothes. He looked at the server, "Just place that on the table and the extra bottles of wine on the dresser."

The three servers walk around the room the entire time He ran his hand up and over her covered pussy in full view of everyone. Annette, was red-faced and turned on at the same time and said nothing. Charlemagne followed them to the door and locked it. As she turned and started rolling on the floor laughing. Annette started cumming hard.

She was mad but he just kept rubbing her and she was breathing heavier. Then she asked, "Let me get up and take my clothes off."

He held her fast. "Not until you have cum again from being embarrassed in front of the staff while I rubbed your pussy through your pants. Just think back a few minutes and you know I was being bad and kept doing it.

Just to get you to admit you have an exhibition side to yourself, especially after walking into the hallway..." He started rubbing harder and faster. "This morning naked for the guards to see you in all your beautiful...naked...pregnant...glory!"

She finally moaned out and held him as he got her off. She kissed him hard and passionately, "How did you know that, another premonition?"

Eldar chuckled, "Wedding night. You two wanted me to do you in the city on balconies, roofs, anywhere, and everywhere. I paid attention to the details you both give me. Charlemagne may say it but you only smiled and had no protests Now you can get up and get out of those wet pants."

She stood as he smacked her ass, "Wetting your pants like that!"

Mockingly he shook his head at her. Charlemagne got up and pulled her armor and clothes off while he did the same with what remained. She looked at him, "What do you have planned for me?"

Eldar sat down with his legs spread, "Convince me you want me to do something like that to you tonight. You told me you wanted a week off last night."

He poured a glass of wine, checked for poison on all the food on the table, and started eating. She dropped to her knees and started sucking his cock. She stayed away from the sensitive underside. She tried to prolong the experience.

She succeeded in getting him to rock hard without hitting the areas that would bring him off. She did that for about 10 minutes when she started taking the flat of her tongue on the sensitive underside with his cock about halfway in her mouth.

A few seconds later he shot his seed into her waiting mouth. He caught her off guard but she quickly recovered. Annette came over and kissed her sister to get her share. They sat down to eat and he finished his dinner and opened the second bottle of wine. He looked at Charlemagne, "Do you want to one-up your Sister on exhibitionism?"

She smiled, "Yes!"

Eldar looked at Annette, "You want to play it safe, or do you want to go for the follow-up challenge?"

Annette was horny as hell now and she thought hard on the question. Then she looked at him, "Will I be exposed?"

Eldar nodded, "As will your sister."

Annette looked, "She will be exposed at the same time?"

She groaned and then finally said, "Yes, but I might regret this."

Eldar nodded, "So will your sister because once you play the palace, any other place just will not do."

They both laughed. He looked at them, "Finish your wine, you are going to need it."

He walked to the bag and pulled out his two sets of manacles. He looked at Annette, "Come over here and get me prepared to fuck your sister."

She got down on her knees and started working his cock hard.

He looked at Charlemagne, "Open the doors to the balcony."

She looked over at him, "The palace balcony?"

He nodded, "Better than the hall and you called it out as one of the locations you wanted!"

She walked over to the doors and opened them and looked out.

She looked back, "We are 4 floors up!"

He nodded, "Perfect! Now Charlemagne, take a set of those manacles and manacle Annette's hands together."

She asked, "Front or back?"

He smiled, as Annette was close to having him ready, "Front, for now. Then another glass of wine for each of us, Charlemagne."

She started pouring, "You down yours quickly then bring the other two glasses."

She did so. He handed Annette her glass and he downed his and handed it back to Charlemagne. Annette followed their lead. He looked at Annette, "Keep going with your cooled-off mouth."

She smiled and started sucking his cock again. He was good and hard. He backed away. He walked out to the balcony, "Annette you sit here for the moment." He pointed at the corner of the balcony and handed her the second set of manacles. She stayed low and went out onto the Balcony and sat. He pointed at the railing, "Bend over my slutty little wife of mine."

They both giggled and Charlemagne did an exaggerated slow strut to the edge of the balcony and put her hands on the rail.

He looked at her, "I said bend OVER the wall." She moved up until her hips were against the wall and her tits hung down. He slid into her with one stroke as she was soaked from the excitement. He reached around and grabbed her tits and started playing with her nipples. He started long stroking into her. He banged her thighs into the wall on each stroke, she started moaning.

He increased the speed and shortened the strokes. He held her nipples the way she liked. They did this for another 5 minutes then he started to slam forward to the hilt on long strokes to bang against her womb she started to clench up and she moaned out a climax. He grunted out the release of his seed into her. He looked at Annette with her manacled hand and she held the second set, "Get over here."

He stood Charlemagne up. He sat her on the edge. He took the second set from her and looked at Annette, "Take each of Charlemagne's legs and put them on your shoulder but keep your manacles up as they will need to be on her belly, but over her legs."


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