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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 25


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She nodded with a big smile, "I like your release command by the way."

Eldar nodded, "We can arrange that easily enough. Your Majesty."

He bowed to her once again and stood behind the door as she left their room. He looked at the ladies, "You two better be happy with what happened. You put me in the middle without talking to me first and I followed your lead."

Charlemagne came up and hugged him, "We might have to look at easing the outside play restrictions. At least for special cases like that."

Eldar nodded, "But who decides? If I am in the field without you?"

They shook their heads and Charlemagne looked at him, "We liked what you did in sharing the first-time experiences."

Eldar smiled, "You got the first to lick out her nether hole and to fuck it. Annette got the first woman to eat her pussy and to have the Queen go face down in your pussy. I got her to take the first orgasm herself. I took the first orgasm on a man's cock in the pussy and nether-hole. I think she had another first that she is having to deal with. Her first affair, on her husband."

They looked at each other. Annette commented, "We had not thought of that."

Eldar shrugged, "I had. He had several affairs with other women, she was due at least one."

Annette looked at Eldar, "Did you fuck her or make love to her."

Eldar sighed, "Both. When the 3 of us were working with her, it was slow, loving, and about getting her pleasure. When I fucked her nether-hole, I was fucking her while she enjoyed the meal that was your pussy."

Charlemagne looked at him, "Good answer this time. Like the first time you made love to Annette even though she did not love you yet you made it about her pleasure."

Eldar shook his head, "Only after you made me go for a record first, on both of you. That was lust."

She nodded, "I will agree with that, but it opened the door to love."

He smiled as he finished getting cleaned up and started to get dressed in fresh clothes. He looked back, "You ladies can get more sleep if you like. I have to go set up a major image and check on a branch of the family."

He kissed them both, "This should not take long if you want to go to that store early then have some food sent up for when I get back. Your choice."

He grabbed a water skin and the scrolls in his bag. He was dressed top to bottom in his armor and cloak.

He looked back at them and sighed, "Forget that last part, get cleaned up, take your time but no playing. Get dressed and look nice. Meet me at the Queen's Audience chamber. We cannot have food delivered here as you cannot hear anyone knock on the door as someone will notice the spell in place so we will have to go out."

They nodded and Annette asked, "What does that do for dinner plans?"

Eldar shook his head, "Nothing, we will have the door open when the food arrives, we can just tell them we put it into place because the Queen wanted a private conversation with us over dinner."

Charlemagne nodded and Annette gave him a wicked grin. He headed out the door and walked down the hall. He wound his way down to the first floor. He got to the Queen's Audience chamber and the guard let him in. The Queen was at her desk with her handmaiden in the room who helped to fix her hair. The handmaiden went 5 shades of red in no time. The Queen waved Eldar forward.

He bowed to her "Good morning, Your Majesty. Sorry to wake you so early for this task but I wanted you to witness this in case any family member attempts to protest being disowned."

The Queen nodded, "You may cast your spell. Our guests are being held in the front waiting room."

He nodded. He pulled his sword and set it up on the table, "This is the first time using this spell and I want to ensure the illusion is as real as possible."

He pulled out the scroll and set up the illusion of the sword on the table. He sheathed his sword and hid it under his cloak. He turned to the Queen, "We are ready, Your Majesty."

She rang a small bell. It sent a message to the Captain of the Guard's desk to know she was ready for the gentleman. The Queen smiled, "The guards have all 3 of them coming so you can address them Eldar if you wish."

He nodded, "Very few words for him, but a few choice words."

A couple of minutes went by and the 3 of them were brought in manacles with no weapons. He looked at the lady and she seemed to be in open revolt to having been detained. She calmed down when she saw the Queen in the room.

Eldar had his cloak closed and looked at the guard, "One second." He looked directly at the Elder, "If I had known this the other day, I would have had you arrested then. You have been arrested for ordering the assassination of another elven citizen based upon the same journal which has condemned the other 2 elders. As such you may go straight to the Dungeon. Would you please remove the shackles from the other two?"

The guard looked to the Queen. She nodded and the guard removed the other two sets of shackles. They stepped forward and bowed to the Queen, "Your Majesty, wanted to see us?"

She nodded, "Only in that Sir Silvertree wanted to see you before I finish these papers in regards to your family holdings."

They looked at Eldar as he spoke, "I gave your father the opportunity to save his family line by simply attempting to claim the family sword." He nodded toward the table. "He refused but he was the only other Silvertree name on the list of thousands of assassinations committed by this pair. He knew an attempt to claim the sword while it had an owner is a death sentence.

The eldest came with all of the other eldest to the home to protest the events of the heads of their branches. I offered them the same deal, they all left instead. The fact remains, that had I known of your father's transgression and it was not against me, I would have taken action then. Your brother, is it?"

She nodded, "Your brother would have been the Elder and you would have been the eldest.

The sword is on the table, the Queen has never seen this before. I wanted her to witness what options I gave the family eldest to save their family branch; albeit without them around. It now falls to you as the rightful eldest to decide if your family branch is worth saving. Your brother is not included in this as he has made his choice."

She steeled herself and held her head down and took a few deep breaths and walked to the table slowly. She reached for the sword with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and looked at the illusionary sword. Which her hand had passed through. Eldar looked at her, "Your brother would say this was not a fair test." He backed her away with the wave of his hand.

"Because he saw me put the sword into the hole on the table..." He placed the sword on the table and returned to where he was standing. "He would have been wrong."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros left hand."

He put the sword into its sheath. "I have drawn my sword on a couple of other occasions in front of the Queen including saving her and the King from spies and assassins. I am granted a certain bit of latitude as a Knight Protector of the Elven people."

He looked at the girl, "You studied at the Academy?"

She nodded.

He smiled, "What area of expertise?"

She finally found a voice, "General Magical study and alchemy. I was told I was not suited to be a battle mage."

He nodded, "So no great skill with the bow or sword?"

She shook her head. He nodded, "For the record, what is your full name."

She had a tear running down her face, "Varina'tesa Silvertree."

Eldar looked at her and asked, "Why did you go for the sword?"

Varina sighed, "I have a younger brother with three children. His only daughter he named after me. I knew the family branch would be fine in his hands. There are a few others I thought deserved a better chance in life but have been held back."

Eldar nodded, "You have not married?"

Varina shook her head, "I refused every offer of marriage my father approved of because I did not love them."

Eldar nodded, "As the Head of House Silvertree you are now the Elder of your branch, your first responsibility is to marry and have children. There is one requirement, you marry for love. The eldest children assumed I was after blood.

I am a Grand Master Blade Singer, you know of our Code of Conduct. I am assuming you have been fed the family line of garbage. About what I am doing to destroy this family that rejected me?"

Varina nodded, "Almost word for word."

Eldar smirked, "A Blade Singers Code of Conduct requires a high degree of honor to keep your abilities. I killed a Grand Master for ordering the assassination of 21 Blade Singers. Following that code. My choice to be a Blade Singer made protecting the Elven people a priority, including the families that rejected me. Both Wood Elves and Moon Elves. I work to prove my honor constantly.

I could not have a family branch that attempted a coup against my wives and I attempt an assassination. I fined and warned them. If one attempted to assassinate me or any of my family I would disown the lot of them. I believe everyone has the right to one second chance in life, especially if they are honorable enough to sacrifice themselves for their family."

He looked to the Queen, "Our deal holds, Your Majesty?"

Queen Goldeagle smiled and nodded, "Normally family branches are stripped of all assets for ordering the assassination of another Elf without the approval of the court; those are for a cause and rare. As such you would have no family assets."

Eldar looked at Varina, "I worked out a deal with the Queen to keep that from happening. The branch will lose 50% of its assets in a gold piece equivalent manner. The House will cover this amount and your branch will either have to provide it back to the House by turning over business or property they are willing to part with or unsuited to manage.

Any outstanding balance is to be paid back over the next 100 years. Your brother as the proper elder would normally only get 10,000 gold pieces instead of 20,000. As he did not sign this agreement himself, and it was done before all the facts were known, I will let him keep the 20,000 gold pieces.

Before anyone gets the idea that I am power hungry or greedy. Would the Queen please tell them how much money from the spoils of war for capturing the spies amounted to, Your Majesty?"

She nodded, "He asked to retain any gear to outfit his mercenary company and offered all coins and gems to the Crown. This occurred after he was Knighted and before he caught these 2 latest assassins. I want to make it very pointedly clear. He did not buy becoming a Knight with money, but honor and service. Service that has included getting us from 4 Active Moon Blades to 10.

Back to the coin value, it has not all been collected as they had troves all over the place but the estimated amount is 77 billion gold pieces worth. He was not required to turn it over to the Kingdom; he chose it. He would have been the wealthiest Elf in the Kingdom once everything was sold."

Eldar nodded, "As head of the house, I am working to do exactly what the coup was doing but with a twist. I am setting up a council of 9, 8 elders, and the sword holder with their proxy filling one spot as I cannot be here when I am working to save the kingdom from a major war.

I will remain head of the house for the next 100 years, then 8 elders would be selected to fill the council based upon the quantity of offspring under that Elder's branch. Again, starting in 100 years. I will select the first 8 Elders. All marriage is now for love and contraception is outlawed. It is time for the Elven people to stop being their own enemy.

This is why the selection process for the council is set that way. They will vote on a new head of Household every century, conducted by the new council Elders for that century if there is a change. The blade holder will be on the council but will never hold house leadership again.

I am only holding the place to get things established. I do not care for house or courtly politics. I am a Grand Master Blade Singer and a leader. I am also the Knight Champion of Corellon Larethian. I delivered the message.

I provided what advice I thought was sound, based on the Gods' directions. My mission in that regard is over. My mission to protect the Elven people is another matter. That will only end when the Gods decide it is my time to die in the protection of the Elven people.

One last thing on the sword for the new Elder. The Gods modified all of the active Moon Blades, they can now only be claimed by offspring of the current wielder. Any questions Elder?"

She sighed, "What do I call you?"

He smiled, "Eldar is fine, I never asked for any title. Only a Grand Master Blade Singer and that is no title."

Virina looks at Eldar, "Eldar, why keep a blade holder from being the head of the household?"

Eldar walked over to her, "Because the sword is not a status symbol but a promise to the elven people to protect them; all of them and not just the house. You cannot do that while focusing on protecting your house first above everything. I leave them on the council to help ensure the family does nothing to endanger the Elven people and by default the house."

She nodded, "I will get word to the members of my branch. I will call a meeting to explain things, what they know versus what the truth is on the matter."

Eldar nodded to her, "How many in your branch?"

She thought for a second, "Over a hundred, I do not have an exact count."

The Queen responds, "You have a 126 in the branch including yourself..."

As she signed the paperwork. "Given the circumstances, Eldar has been more than fair with your family as a whole. I am signing these petitions now and getting this portion of the mess behind you. You all may go."

Eldar bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your time."

She smiles and nodded, "Thank you for this demonstration as I was very concerned about the paperwork and the appeals coming into my office. I can reply to them now with the facts in hand."

He turned and waited for the 2 of them to head for the door, the brother stormed off. While Varina stopped outside the door with her hands still shaking.

Eldar looked at Varina, "I would like to introduce you to Dame Annette and Dame Charlemagne my wives."

Varina looked at him, "You mean lady."

Eldar shook his head, "Each was knighted for their contributions in their efforts to protect the Elven people. They are also both pregnant with twins."

She looked at them and nodded, "Do I call you Dame?"

They chuckle and Eldar answered, "Only if you are in a courtly setting. Banshee and Charlie are their nicknames."

She Looks at Annette, "Why Banshee?"

Charlemagne laughed, "Because when she climaxes it is heard a mile away and has broken wine glasses."

Eldar sighed, "I do not think it is that far. She has only broken 6 in the Palace. I think it depends on the quality of the glass."

Varina laughed, "Sounds like when I find a husband you will have to give lessons."

The ladies giggled and Annette responded, "Hopefully you will find a good husband who will not need lessons. If the need arises, we would have to have a serious discussion on that idea first."

Eldar nodded, "You heard the ladies Varina. I will tell you; some things will turn on one lady and not another. Some require a slower speed, others need to be in control, every woman is different. Sometimes they are all of the above taking and giving control for example. You have to find what works for the two of you, or three if you have another partner."

Virina smirked, "You mean another wife."

Eldar shook his head, "I know of one lady who had a second marriage because her first husband was infertile. She loved another who got her pregnant. In that case, it was two men to the one lady."

Charlemagne entered the conversation, "Have a fertility test conducted on yourself, then on the one you love. Then you can decide if you are to add another which is how it should be. You can work to keep your family name or take his family name. You said you had a brother who could lead this in the future if need be.

The choice is yours. In regards to Eldar, all I will say is there is no way I could handle a second man. Either of us, with him in the mix. He is very good at what he does, must have been all those hours of sword practice."

Eldar smiled, "Let us not forget my memory."

Varina looked at Eldar, "You are nothing like you have been described to be, ruthless and unyielding."

Eldar shook his head, "I have those qualities. I only bring them out when a situation dictates it, like having to kill that Grand Master."

She nodded, "We heard you sliced through the center of the head."

Eldar shook his head, "The blade went through but at a slow burn as he watched until he died. Not like the other Blade Singers, he had assassinated. I gave him a chance for a quicker death, he refused. The other thing to remember is it was a trial by combat and he still died in under 30 seconds."

She looked at him, "I had not heard about the trial by combat, just that you attacked and ruthlessly killed another Grand Master."

Eldar shrugged, "I cannot tell people to keep it accurate. Exaggeration and omissions come with the territory. That is why I keep my own journal of events. The events as they played out from my point of view. People can believe them or not when the time comes."

Eldar looked at the ladies, "Time for a trip to the dungeon. We need to retrieve the manacles."

Annette cut him off, "We already got them. We got contacted because they did not have the release commands so we went down the other day and got them. Time for a ride."

He smiled at them, "Thank you, another item off of our list."

He looked to Varina, "You have a family to talk with and I have wives to wind down from an invigorating morning. We have a strategy meeting to get back for so our time is short."

She nodded, "Thank you for letting me live and for my extended family."

He gripped her chin and smiled at her, "They have an honorable Elder. She will take care of any problem children under her care."

She smiled and nodded as they all walked out of the palace together. She waited on the groom and they walked around to the stables. She called out, "Surely a Knight does not have to fetch his horse?"

Eldar chuckled, "Depends on how much blood loss and loss of life is required to handle a trained War Horse. One that is bound and very particular about who it will allow near it; let alone try to lead it. They are well trained."

He continued walking and the groom had just finished getting her horse. They got into the stall and got the horses saddled up. He looked at the ladies, "Time to stretch their legs and give them some exercise."

Charlemagne laughed, "We will follow you."

Eldar got up on T'suras and got him out of the stall and the ladies are out of the stall. "T'suras Biatus Evanill Aisiaon." They were off like a flash of light and passed Varina as they left the palace grounds and went out of the palace district. They slowed down to a normal rate of speed. They made it to the market district and the small hovel of a shop.

They left the horses outside and headed in and down to the lower level. They walked through the rows of merchandise on display. He stopped at a bin and grabbed a fake cock that was 9 inches long with a slightly curved head and handed it to Charlemagne.

She nodded, "Good choice given the circumstance now we just need several bottles of lube."

Eldar shook his head, "We need to look at the strap-on attachments, get another cock ring, A toy for self-anal play or two and a few extra lubes for the gift package."

They found a thinner 10-inch toy for her that would serve the function of anal play. He gave three of those to the ladies. He went over to where Cook and he found the attachments for a strap-on and he looked around. He found one that looked to be a good three but no more than four fingers around.


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