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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 25


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Made of light blond wood with a high shine on it. The length was 6 inches. He looked at the ladies, "Should be cumming and cumming with this I would think. Annette shook her head, "Not for me but her it would be ideal given what you found."

He got a smile from Charlemagne and they walked past the strap-ons. He stopped and grabbed one from the shelf and showed it to Charlemagne.

She smiled, "It has those little bumps on it like my attachment but is thinner and twelve inches long."

Eldar smiled at her, "Gift Basket."

They both started giggling. They walked upfront with all the stuff. The owner looked at Eldar, "You are the one who warned me about the infertility stuff. I sold it at a slight loss to a vendor in the human lands before they got confiscated. Still a loss, but not a catastrophe. Anything else?"

Eldar nodded, "An adjusting suppressing cock ring with a command word of 'Fika release' it is for a gift basket, newlyweds."

The guy nodded, "Then you might want to see this, it just came in it is 8-inches long, all of them have the same command word and he hands one to Charlemagne and another to Annette, "Fika on and fika off."

They tried the first one. The devices started shaking in their hands, "Some Artificer figured out how to make and mass-produce those things. It will run until touched until the command word is uttered. I will warn you to keep a grip on them because you have to touch them to turn them off; with a finger, not an intimate body part.

One of my assistants insists on trying and evaluating our products before we put them up for sale. She said her clit loved it as did her pussy, but anally she lost her grip and we did not find her for hours and she begged us to get it out of her. It was so far in her we had to get a wizard with telekinesis to come in and help get it out of her.

She was lucky it was an understanding and repeat female customer of the store who happened to be shopping and lent her a hand in getting it out before any permanent damage occurred. The assistant is still out nursing her sore ass for another couple of days, at least according to the cleric, and she is on an all-liquid diet."

Eldar nodded, "Maybe it should contain a warning. 'CAUTION, Not recommend for anal play for any reason can cause permanent and potentially fatal consequences.'"

He looked at the ladies, and they both nodded, He looked at the man, "How much?"

He smiled, "800 each but if you buy 2, I will give them to you for 750 each."

He looked at him, "How many do you have?"

He sighed, "I have 200 in stock."

Eldar nodded, "We will take 154 of them."

The ladies looked at Eldar and Charlemagne gasped, "What do we need so many for?"

Eldar looked at her, "One for each of you, one for the gift basket and how many of our troops are women?"

Charlemagne looked at him, "About 60%. We do not need that many."

He sighed, "You do Commander, with the fertility laws I would think the ladies would like to have an alternative to a partner until they find love. Else we will end up with half of them off on maternity when we need them. We still have more troops to get yet as well."

Charlemagne, looked at the man, "Make it a 180; gifts for the officer or officers' wives as well. They are already pregnant but might enjoy this as well, especially Eagle-eye and her rampant sex drive."

Charlemagne gave him her account number. He pulled the barding out to ensure they had enough room.

The ladies looked at him and Annette asked, "Enchanters row next?"

Eldar nodded, "But we have to be quick. I tell you what, stop by the cloak shop. See if they have one or two. I will take this back with me and you can hang onto my barding until you find the bag, Charlemange. Easier to hold that one item instead of 180 items."

Charlemagne frowned, "Why don't you take the time to put it on."

Eldar smiled at her, "Because I will still have nowhere to place it once we leave and I get back to the stable."

Charlemagne sighed, "Alright, I will take it with me. You take Annette with you in case I am a few minutes late."

Eldar looked at her, "If you are behind, high speed it back."

She nodded and they left the store. They headed back to the palace at a good pace but not breakneck. They had about an hour before the meeting. Enough time to brush down the horses. They took a slow walk back inside while holding hands. They saw Charlemagne headed to the stables. They walked past the guard and he heard a familiar voice, "I thought you guys would never show."

Eldar looked over and extended a hand to Jarron, "How are you doing?"

Jarron smiled, "Worlds better compared to you. Ripped down over half of your house, cut through the center of a man's head to an audience of Grand Masters, 2 more assassins, 10 Moon Blades, and getting knighted. Did I miss anything?"

Eldar shrugged, "You missed all the great sex I have had with my wives, the almost 200 in the mercenary company, all the intelligence we gathered, the discovery of this back way in, and all the great sex with my wives."

He chuckled, "You said great sex twice!"

Eldar nodded, "I have 2 wives."

That got Jarron laughing, "Your company has not arrived yet, your father said they should be here any minute. The rest of the key meeting participants are in the conference room. We will wait here for your team to walk in."

Eldar shrugged, "This will be entertaining as they will be armed to the teeth after the troves we have accessed. You heard about that right?" Jarron shook his head. "I was very generous with the spoils of war and gave 77 billion in coins and gems to the Palace. We are taking the gear. We have another 2 squads in route with wagons to start on the next set of locations."

Jarron shook his head, "Where did this come from?"

Eldar looked at him, "Our assassins private holdings. Think about what you could do with that! You could completely destroy the economy of a kingdom by flooding it with coins and consuming up all the resources right before a war occurs."

Jarron shook his head, "You are always coming up with conspiracies."

Eldar shook his head, "Jarron 142 years, over 7,000 kills. How much would they have had to charge to raise that much coin?"

Jarron nodded as he knew the numbers did not add up, "We can talk about this once we get upstairs."

Charlemagne walked in with the Lieutenant Silver Bow, 2 sergeants, 8 privates, Moon Bow, Moon Blade, and Silver Moon. He looked at Jarron, "What do you think of our efforts so far? They are all in the know."

Jarron nodded, "You know I will probably pull these guys."

Eldar nodded, "Not Silver Moon, Moon Blade, or Moon Bow. They are all Knights to the Queen, 2 would be missed immediately and Silver Moon is my Captain Advisor. Silver Moon has been fighting for years across the world. She would take your job if you took her."

Jarron chuckled, "The others?"

Eldar nodded, "They have been warned of the possibility. I told them I expected you to pull them. I would ask that you do it a squad at a time so we can get the wagons back to our town, we have 4 wagons and another 10 coming."

He shrugged, "With you 3 you should have people."

Eldar shook his head, "I have House business. I will have to rush back with my wives to our town. They agreed to meet there in the next 4 days and it is 2 days by horse at normal speed, almost 4 with all the wagons. This activity will delay our departure. 10 of those have to be loaded yet. I want a squad of them to ride back with us when we go.

The other squad and the Lieutenant can bring the wagons with the last squad. The first squad can keep the gear minus the cloaks. When the others get back, they could do the same. This gives me 18 soldiers in town to work collections. Provided we are all alive."

Jarron nodded, "We can play it that way. Charlemagne can give them directions."

Eldar nodded and they proceeded to the conference room. They had all of the players accounted for. They walked up to the second floor. He walked in and saw 24 elves and a couple of dwarves with large packs. Eldar walked across and toward the dwarves.

He extended his hand to the dwarf in front, "I am Eldar Silvertree. I am glad you could come for this mission. I asked for the dwarven sapper due to your skills. They said they could get 2."

The dwarf looked at Eldar, "You're a little strange for an elf, your eyes are very different."

Eldar nodded, "Nobody would call me a typical Elf. The same could be said for those in your line of work, you are not the typical dwarf. The exception, as not every one of your people can do what you do."

The dwarf chuckled, "You have a wit about you."

Eldar smiled, "I will take that as a compliment, as we will need to keep our wits about us."

That got a chuckle from his companion. While the other dwarf just smiled at his play on words. He looked to the other guests and nodded to the one lady he recognized from the dungeon, "Greetings your Lady. Have you had a chance to visit with the prisoners to confirm everything to your satisfaction?"

She nodded, "Very clever catch, what tipped you to the possibility?"

He reached into his bag, pulled out her spellbook, and set it on the table. "The wizard's spellbook and teleportation circle rules for becoming permanent. A very rare spell in this Age.

If I were this wizard, I would not want to constantly risk life and limb over 14 decades traveling alone to this remote destination. Not when I could step inside of a circle and simply say, 'The journey was exhausting but I am here.' Once I was in front of the leader."

The Lady smiled, "It can save some trouble but we are on a deadline. She is expected to be there tomorrow evening. This means we want to do an early morning strike. 9-10 at a time through the portal, given the size of the crevice we would be able to just get this force inside that area until it is safe to move forward."

Eldar nodded, "We are supporting your efforts, let us know what you need us to do and we will ensure it happens."

She smiled, "I sense great magic in this room."

He nodded, "I have 4 of the oldest active Moon Blades and their current wielders in attendance, we successfully activated 6 others a few days ago."

She nodded, "These 4 we have will make that much of a difference?"

Eldar smiled, "One is of a still active house the other 3 will go to new houses. The Gods have told me who the dead blades are destined to go to. The House will select the fourth blade that is not known to me. I hope they do as the other houses and follow my advice.

Given when war hits, we will have 10-12 of those active on the front. I will have 5 in my rank of 600 at a minimum. They are very inspirational to the Elven people. Especially the one you are holding as it goes to a house known for bards. That will be more active Moon Blades than in 7,000 years, The beginning of the 6th Age."

She walked over with a box, "We would like to return these relics to your people. I hope they aid you as much as you hope they will."

He took the box and set it on the table. He opened it and looked down.

Karti'Ros, "They are all authentic and one is dormant. Activator of swords."

Eldar, "Good to see you have a sense of humor. Like you, I am a means to an end."

Karti'Ros, "If we still captured souls yours would have been a good one to spend 10,000 years talking with. I have not felt this much power in millennia."

Eldar looked to the lady, "Karti'Ros is very pleased with your find."

He closed the box, "Charlemagne, can you store that for now." She smiled and nodded, He returned to the lady, "We have the plan to discuss and also an observation of concern for you as well. Which would you like to discuss first?"

She looked at Eldar, "I would like to hear your observation as they always seem to reveal something."

Eldar nodded, "I wish to start with a general question. Would 5 billion in coins be considered a large treasure trove to a Dragon's lair?"

She walked back a bit and looked at him over the shoulder, "Given our current population it would be excessive."

He nodded, "Lieutenant can you please take the men out for the moment. I would want to know if our dwarven allies should stay for this."

Jarron looked at the lady and he nodded to her. She looked at the dwarves, "Whatever is said coming forth is Dragon Business."

They nodded and Eldar sighed, "We have a standard set of questions when dealing with spies to find out about what assets they have. The two spies we captured had a trove of over 77 billion in coins plus rooms of gear. All catalog and in our possession.

By our, I mean the Gray blades who are also Knights now and the Palace. For 7,000 assassinations that would seem to be excessive."

She turns to the others and then back to Eldar.

Eldar looked at her, "I know you are prevented from interfering in the affairs of the shorter-lived races, but these last 2 spies might have information on these troves in the other kingdoms. They could be taken out of play if you desired or left alone to keep the field balanced.

I wanted to make you aware of them. The caster we have in custody helped in the ritual. Nothing is to say that is not the case for the other caster who is still in play in the human kingdom, last I heard. I realize these 2 targets that we know are out of bounds for you to deal with.

If they are sitting on hordes of this size or larger? Buying up all the resources in the middle of a war? It could be devastating. Especially when you start talking about billions in coins."

The Lady looked at all of them, "Could you all give us a minute to confer in private on this bit of news."

Eldar nodded and walked for the door with the ladies. Jarron and even the Dwarves followed.

The dwarf he talked to earlier chuckled, "You got a set of balls on you too."

Eldar nodded, "Both of my wives are expecting twins so I would agree."

Jarron chuckled. The dwarves rumbled a laugh, "Jarron, He has no idea as to who he's talking with?"

Jarron shook his head, "No he does not and it would not matter as he is this blunt with the King and Queen here."

They closed the door and felt it being magically sealed as the energy emanates from the door.


The Silver Dragon Queen flew into an expletive-filled rant as she looked at the others, "We now know where our robbery occurred and we have no safe way of recovering it!"

She teleported out to the Palace and went to the Gold King's Chamber and removed wards again. He shook his head as she finished and she sealed it off. "You need to find who is putting wards in your chambers!"

He sighed, "I thought you were at a meeting for the Knights."

She nodded, "The champion found us a means of getting us inside to fix this problem. Nothing I wish to go into detail about just yet. We will strike the rogue dragon. He came up with ways to help minimize our exposure as well. The information checked out but we did not ask about our stolen horde from the vault.

Eldar has found 77 Billion and cache locations in the Elven Kingdom, others are likely spread in other Kingdoms. He commented it could be used to crush the economy by buying all of the resources and bring it all down.

Some of that is in the hands of this horde! He is not simply sitting on it, he plans to bring all of their kingdoms down with the spies Eldar has already found and 2 are still in play. All because of exposure issues!"

The Gold King looked over, "We should move to recover it all. It is our treasure."

The Silver Queen sighed, "Then weaken our allies with what their enemy has that we cannot recover? We have to keep the field balanced, recover what we can but I do not have the how of it yet. Elven Champions are known, in the previous Age, for coming up with ideas. I will see what this one says. We may have to write off that theft. Unless you wish to throw the Dragon Accords out the window and move us into War."

The Gold King sighed, "You will have to let them know of the robbery. See if you can work something out that is agreeable. We have little choice at this point, other than full-out war and the Elves are too weak right now to survive that. We know that is where they would attack first. Followed by the Dwarves. As they did in the 5th Age."

The Silver Queen walked over and released the blocker and teleported back.

The Gold King sighed and spoke to himself, "War will come eventually. I hope this champion knows what he is doing."


Eldar looked at the dwarves, "I have talked with her once before and they made certain rules clear to me. I have no idea what she will do with the information. She could be the Queen of them all, it would not matter. I give straight answers and I do not play the typical courtly games. I belong on the battlefield; diplomacy is my father's arena."

Jarron chuckled, "Well at least you know that much about your father, he is the diplomat that you will never be."

Eldar smirked at him, "Attention to orders BLADES!"

He had all my troops looking at him, "Jarron has agreed with me that I am no diplomat. BUT. I am observant. On a recent side mission, Jarron made note of something in the room I was unfamiliar with. I took that to mean it was something that was of interest to him. I was in a shop in the city and I came across the item. I picked Jarron up a gift."

He pulled out the jar of anal beads unwrapped it for him and handed them to Jarron. "For all the times you tell me I am a pain in your ass, may you find some pleasure in those."

He got laughs all the way around. "I am just proving you right. That I am not a diplomat. Oh, I also recovered that book of my mother's we discussed."

He pulled it from his bag, "It will become standard reading material once I have made a few copies of the book."

Jarron was fuming on the inside but had to keep it together. He felt like Eldar was undermining his authority, but then he recalled him starting this particular game by calling him a tool. Jarron had just insulted him in front of these troops and Eldar was ready to top him. Jarron stood trying to find the words as Eldar slid the book back into his bag.

Eldar looked at Jarron, "You want to kill me for being such a pain in the ass, but given what is in your hands you cannot say it. You could call me an asshole but that would draw laughs. So, why don't I leave you an out which is accurate? 'You bastard, I will find a way to pay you back for this.'"

Jarron calmed a bit, and looked at Eldar, "At least your father was not here."

They heard a voice from the back, "Here for what? I just arrived. I am sorry that I was running late; what did I miss?"

The troops all laughed. Eldar looked at the troops, "Let us leave Jarron for a few minutes to talk with my father in semi-privacy while we wait to be invited back in. We will go to the other wing but not down it just enough space."

They went around to the other wing; He looked at his men, "Surround our dwarven friends. I do not know how many people know they are here but the fewer in the know the better."

The dwarves nodded at him, "You must be a mage."

Eldar nodded, "I am a Grand Master Blade Singer."

The dwarf looks at him, "A little young for that are you not?"

Eldar nodded, "I was the only 4-time champion coming out of the Academy. I graduated as a Grand Master Blade Singer. My instructor is now called Master Trainer Yetto and he can graduate any of his apprentices as a Grand Master because of his skill as a teacher."

The Dwarf nodded, "So you got wit, brains, and balls. You good in a fight?"

Eldar nodded, "In my last combat I had to kill another Grand Master in a trial by combat. He died in less than 30 seconds. With half his head on the ground next to both of his severed hands."

The dwarf looked up, "Why half of his head?"

Eldar sighed, "He could watch and see the blade go through him until he couldn't. He hired those 2 assassins to kill Blade Singers. He at least he saw his death coming, knew who was delivering it, and why."


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