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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 09


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Something I have been struggling with is listening to the champion, even when the warnings are vague. Those deaths are on my shoulders for not just letting him move off quietly."


Mercian teleported to the main gate, walked out, and teleported to the south side of Quatarsia. He walked up to the pasture and saw the horses. He called out, "I am Mercian Silvertree, my horse and friend Anama'Losgadh died carrying me away from the dying Dragon champions on the field. I require another horse willing to follow her legacy. Fast and nimble in the woods and in the air."

He saw a young dark grey stallion that strolled over. Mercian nodded to him "Wistara'Mika, Whispering Smoke."

Mercian heard, "Interesting name, the same was said about your last horse. She is becoming a legend around here. She called you a poet for the name you gave her, like the one you gave me. Your feelings for our kind were expressed back to us by her, even in her dying moments. She truly loved being there for you."

Mercian smiled, "She is a ledged and my savior from that battle. She was a hero and a true friend that I will miss. Thank you for coming forward to follow in her footsteps."

He saddled him up and put the reigns on and told him what they did.

He sighed, "We get back to house Silvertree. I have a black set that will work well for you. With the same enchantments."

He took him back the way he came.

He teleported to the north gate and rode in, "I am knocking."

Mercian heard, "Welcome home. The door is open."

Mercian teleported in and went into the home. Mercian stripped him of the saddle and reigns. Mercian went to the armory and grabbed a black set and came back out and hooked him up. Mercian looked at him, "Much better."

Mercian heard him chuckle. He turned around and took them out. The guard looked at him, "The party over already?"

Mercian looked at him, "No party."

He looked at Mercian, "They said they would be in the falls."

Mercian sighed, "Did not go that far in. Besides, what am I celebrating, the death of so many or managing to stay alive?"

He looked at Mercian, "They are the younger ones who look up to you."

Mercian sighed, "Alright. You made your point."

He went back inside and rode back to the falls with a crowd of family around young and old.

Mercian ordered up food for his horse and hugged different people and shook hands with some of his uncles and cousins. Mercian looked at the patron's wife, "You can thank the guard for pointing me back here. I came in changed out tack and was on my way out when he stopped me. Best to have it start in the main room if you want to catch me. I will not always come back this far."

She nodded, "Noted." She then hugged him tightly.

Mercian gave them another half an hour spent with the young tossing them into the water to have them swim back and do it again. Mercian looked at the patron who arrived and looked concerned, "I heard you got attacked leaving the district?"

Mercian shook his head, "The crowd did. It was a fireball. It would have done nothing to me but killed 3 small children. I thanked Lucian for boxing me in to avoid the crowd and then smashed the crystal to Overwatch."

He sighed, "I can have the guard relay through here if need be."

Mercian shook his head, "I will break the house crystal if that happens. Tell them when they resurrect those 3 children and apologize to them then I will be in a mood to talk with them. I was given instruction to walk away for a while so that is what I am going to do."

He sighed, "They could not have known."

Mercian sighed, "When a champion sees a danger of a situation and you force them into it the danger occurs. I do not know how else to explain it. You ignore the warning of your champions to your own peril. It is written over and over again in that journal."

He nodded, "Alright, I can see you are agitated about this. Go for a ride."

Mercian nodded, "I will, but agitated is too mild a term. Try fucking pissed off!"

Mercian walked off and got on Wistara'Mika and rode out.

Mercian looked at him as he moved his bow into his hand. "Open the door."

He popped it open and he got to the entranceway. Varus'Nor alerted, "Danger."

He thought, "Spell turning."

Mercian got partially hit by disintegration and the guy who threw it screamed out. Mercian fired two arrows into his knees dropping his invisible body to the ground. Mercian rode over and stepped over him and he was still alive. He manacled his hand together.

He put a little healing into him from a wand to stop him from bleeding out. He came into view and it was one of my Uncle Ferin's children that he helped to send away.

Mercian slapped him awake HARD, "What in the fuck is wrong with you?!"

He looked at Mercian, "Mother went and settled us into a village far to the north and they came and slaughtered the family. I blame you!"

Mercian looked at him, "You slaughtering 3 children at the Palace gate. You knew fire would do nothing to me!"

He looked at Mercian, "Except damage your reputation and open a hole so I could disintegrate you."

Mercian shook his head, "That makes you a hero somehow?! I gave your Mother money and told her to leave the Elven Kingdom! So they would not find her. Blame her for not taking my advice. Now I have to deal with you."

He pulled Varus'Nor and cut his head off and left his body in the street. He took his manacles as the guards rode up with swords drawn. They looked at the state of the body. The one looked at him as he yelled out, "Drop your weapon!"

Mercian looked at him, "Fuck you! This is a disgruntled former family member who killed 3 children at the palace gate earlier and ran. By House Silvertree laws and the sword, I am holding he had to die. I am Duke Mercian Silvertree."

The guard got on a crystal to find out what to do. Mercian sheathed and cleaned his two swords and started riding. He looked at the guard at the house gate, "When they get their act together have them talk with the Patron. Get rid of the body."

Mercian continued riding and they shadowed him to the north gate. One guard behind him signaled them to have Mercian stopped. Mercian looked at the guard, "What is your problem? The two of you sharing a brain?"

He looked at Mercian, "We are taking you in."

Mercian looked at him, "By whose authority?"

He looked at Mercian, "My own."

Mercian pulled out a crystal, "Your Majesty, I have 3 guards attempting to stop me from leaving the city. I had a disgruntled former house member attack me at the palace gate and again at the House Silvertree gate.

The palace gate he threw a fireball and killed 3 children. Knowing it would not hurt me, but wanted to damage my reputation! These guards are upset that I fulfilled my duty with my house Moon Blade and feel their authority exceeds mine."

The King groaned, "You men are attempting to stop the champion of Corellon Larethian. Duke Mercian Silvertree. You are lucky your bodies are not laying on the ground with the day he has had since leaving the palace. You will cease your activity now."

The guard was completely stupid, "How do I know that is the King?"

Mercian looked at the crystal, "Your Majesty, would you contact this guard superior and have him removed from the city guard. He does not have a brain in his head. Standards must be way down for him to even get into the guard. I will wait for this. North gate."

The King chuckled and got on another crystal, "I want the head of the city guard to get to the north gate with a Squad and relive the idiot who is holding Duke Silvertree, our champion from leaving the city. He is refusing to acknowledge MY authority. I don't give a damned who's relative he is! He is out of the City guard and I want whoever brought him into the city guard relieved of duty as well!"

The Head of the City guard looked over, "I will handle it personally." He looked over as one of his captains, "Two guesses at who else will likely be removed from the City guard if it is the idiot I think it is."

The Captain sighed, "I know he is on duty and trying to prove himself, He's my sisters' kid. If it is him."

They got mounted up and rode out.


Mercian soon had another 6 city guards standing there. They stripped him of his gear and weapons and sent him walking. Then he did it to a Captain who rode in with them and sent him walking as well. He kicked the other former guard in the ass all the way back into the city.

Mercian looked at his friend, "Be glad you were not the one with the mouth."

He nodded. Mercian turned and rode out the gate. He used the sword to heal himself up from the disintegrate he took. Then a few more charges from that wand and it ejected. He stuck another into its slot and used a few more.

He thought, "Wistara'Mika, Best speed. Just run until you feel like slowing. Get me away from these fucking idiots!"

Mercian heard him chuckle and they took off and rode through 4 small villages at full speed. A couple of locals tried to slow them down but they could not keep up. As they approached the fifth village he slowed to a walk. Mercian thought, "Enjoy the run?"

He heard Wistara'Mika chuckle, "Anything to get you away from the idiots in the city before you killed them. I wanted to stomp the one to death. His horse is even going back to the heard, said he was too stupid and undeserving.

He refused to listen to her and after I spoke with her about how much of an idiot that rider was. He got the job through the captain that got released from duty, his sister's idiot child.

He told his horse he planned to go home and punch his sister's stupid husband straight in the mouth and then castrate the fools, both of them. To keep their genes out of the gene pool."

Mercian laughed. "That might not be a bad idea."

They rode up to a fountain in the middle of this village and they both drank some water. A woman looked at Mercian, "Looks like you've been running that horse to death."

Mercian smiled, "Elven Warhorse named Wistara'Mika. I told him to run until he felt like slowing down. He chose how long to run."

She looked at Mercian, "Running away from something?"

Mercian nodded, "In a manner of speaking. Idiot guards in the city trying to give me a hard time. 2 attempts on my life. That has been since I woke today."

She shook her head, "Why would someone want to kill you?"

Mercian looked at her, "In his case, his father violated house law. His mother took money from me and took the family away. They were dangerous people who would kill her if she stuck around. I told her to leave the kingdom.

Instead, she went someplace north. All of her family except for one son were slaughtered. He blamed me for giving them a fresh start and her squandering it by becoming a stationary target. He killed 3 children in the first attack."

She looked at Mercian, "What of the uncle?"

Mercian looked at her, "Dead by one of his other sons. Solemn duty to eliminate corruption and his son did it after learning what his father did. Knowing it was a death sentence to his family. Usually, that is disowning. In his case, he accumulated over 130 million in gambling debt to several different locations.

Then robbed my recently deceased ancestor's estate. Then robbed the house armory and impersonated the house Patron and me. All as part of his plan to incriminate us."

She sighed, "Alright I could see that. What about the guy who attacked you?"

Mercian looked at her, "Dead, his first attack was a fireball into a crowd and he killed those 3 children. He knew it would not hurt me. He wanted to hurt my reputation instead. His second was an attempt to disintegrate me."

She nodded, "You keep a stern hold over your family."

Mercian shook his head, "No, I leave them to their own devices. When and if they fall into corruption or criminal activity, I am the enforcer. Not the Patron because of the family Moon Blade. It requires me to remove corruption when found.

Disowning or getting them to volunteer to create a new house are the usual things. Killing is left for strictly vile acts that you cannot recover from. When my Uncle Ferin started impersonating family, he pushed it over the line.

At that time, we could not have paid off his debt if we pooled the funds from 40-100 family members. He would just continue to do it. He was sick and he knew it. Told his wife not to fight it and take the money and to run. I hate those that gamble their children's future away."

She looked at Mercian, "You took no joy in that?"

Mercian sighed, "No. Now the people who kidnapped my mother and killed her because of his actions were another matter. A certain level of satisfaction in bringing that organization down."

She looked at Mercian, "How many?"

He sighed, "80 but 8 escaped my assault. They never saw me. But they left my house alone after that. 3 leaders were picked up by the Royal Guards.

One was killed, one was captured, and 3 were already jailed when I found him. That left 3 unknowns. No idea where they are at, but I destroyed the backbone of that organized criminal organization."

She looked at Mercian, "The King tolerates that kind of justice?"

Mercian looked at her, "There are times when you do not answer to a King in life."

She looked at Mercian, "Like when?"

He smiled, "Who to kiss, who to bed, who to marry, and divine direction."

She laughed, "Did not sound like you wanted to bed or marry them so you act off divine direction?"

Mercian nodded, "At times or instinct."

She shook her head, "How do you know you are not just hearing things?"

Mercian smiled, "Good question, better saved for later."

She looked at Mercian, "Who are you?"

Mercian looked at her, "You really want to know and end this conversation? Or did you want to continue talking?"

She looked at Mercian, "Talk for now. What are you doing out this way?"

Mercian smiled, "Have not traveled this part of the kingdom. I was told to take some time, get laid, and get married. They felt I was getting overly stressed and I could not disagree with them. My life has been in chaos for the last several months."

She smiled, "You are out searching for a wife?"

Mercian smiled and sighed, "Let me say that I am taking the time to try and open my heart. To see if someone can fill that void in my life."

She looked at him, "From the city, in court, but no family colors or insignias?"

Mercian smiled, "Hidden. Makes it easier to go hunting."

She nodded, "You are a fighter or ranger?"

Mercian smiled, "Ranger and more."

She looked at him, "More?"

Mercian nodded, "Also a fully trained battle sorcerer. That is where the scales come into play."

She smiled, "Do the scales go everywhere?"

Mercian laughed, "No. they are not on the palm of my hands."

She smiled, "Now you are playing coy?"

Mercian looked at her, "What about you?"

She smiled, "No scales."

Mercian laughed, "I am talking about training."

She nodded, "A bard of sorts but not academy trained. I enjoy a good story and a good conversation."

Mercian looked at her, "Where can we get food in this village?"

She chuckled, "Too small for an inn or bar. Come with me. You can have a mid-day meal with me."

Mercian followed her with her wash. They walked up to a small home she shared with her mother and father. She looked at them, "He was passing through and seems interesting. He is also mysterious as we have not exchanged names."

Mercian nodded to her mother. She looked at Mercian, "You two may not have exchanged names but I am Gretta Moon Drop. Elf-blooded if you will. My husband is full moon-elf. He would have been disowned if not for the changes in the laws a long time ago making it illegal to disown for a marriage choice."

Mercian nodded, "Marrying for love. That is not always a choice, it is just right."

She smiled at him and nodded, "I like this one, you get many stories out of him?"

She shook her head, "He talks about events in fragments so it is hard to put the story together. I know he is a sorcerer and ranger with a Moon Blade. Spends some time in court and believes he follows some divine or moral direction that sometimes manifests itself in a physical form."

The mother looked at Mercian, "He carries a Moon Blade?"

Mercian nodded, "Yes, do you know what the other is?"

Mercian could feel her searching around and she looked at him, "A vorpal blade. Very dangerous weapon to the wielder and those you fight."

Mercian nodded, "I was trained by the best. How strong are your psionic skills?"

She looked at Mercian, "Fairly strong."

Mercian nodded, "I am immune to mind control and I could sense you poking around."

She laughed, "Alright so you caught me."

Mercian looked at her, "If I showed you something would you promise not to reveal it, even psionically?"

She smiled, "Sure."

Mercian sat down and extended a hand, "Physical contact helps."

She looked at Mercian, "You know something about psionics."

Mercian nodded, "My house Patron is one. He does work for the King on occasion."

She nodded, "Good to know it does not scare him."

She took his hand. He sent her every champion and hero's name from Eldar to Charlus with an image of the great Silvertree on the property. Then the battle over the south end of the province. With the visit from Corellon Larethian. She gasped and looked at him, "That is a lot to take in."

She looked at her daughter, "He is genuine in what he tells you. He has the kind of life you could write books and songs from."

Mercian looked at her, "I am more about getting to know someone. That is harder to do."

She nodded, "True. I can understand that is why you are being evasive about telling her who you are."

The girl looked at her mother, "Now you make it sound like I could know who he is?!"

Her mother simply turned back to the stove. The girl looked at Mercian, "You are a ranger? You go hunting often?"

Mercian sighed, "I tried twice recently. It ended in me having to kill someone or many depending...really."

She looked at him, "What about your last one?"

Mercian sighed, "Ranger, distant relation who felt I took something from her. She hated me and disliked everyone. She had a lot of responsibility she could not handle. She lost her standing in the family because of her actions. She lost her status as a ranger because she cared about nature, but cared nothing for her own people.

She tried to hunt me with poison and weapons that cause disease. I gave her every opportunity to stop her actions. In the end, her brother had a solemn duty to kill her, or I could force her into taking me on using the weapons she had.

I rolled under her swing and removed her head from her shoulders with a scissor cut of both blades. She attacked me many times before that and I never drew my weapons. If I am forced to draw my blades they will die.

I got her to take me on and die in combat so her brother would not have to kill her. He has the same solemn duty for his house. It is or has been instilled into all of the Moon Blades. All 14 of them."

She looked at Mercian, "You feel you are forced to kill?"

Mercian sighed, "I was trained to be deadly enough with a vorpal blade to never come close to hurting myself with it. Moon Blade holders have a solemn promise to protect the elven people."

She smiled, "Did you participate in the recent fight down south?"

Mercian nodded, "Yes."

She looked at Mercian, "You had to have done something heroic to be in court."

Mercian smiled, "You put the pieces together?"

She shook her head, "I am missing a key piece. What was the biggest thing you killed in that fight?"

Mercian smiled, "You really want to know?"

She nodded. Mercian looked at her, "Three champions of the chromatic dragons at the same time."


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