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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 09


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He nodded, Mercian went out, "Security activate. walls up! Deactivate." Mercian teleported back to the fourth floor.


The Dragon Council was in an emergency session as Glimmer and this new champion stood there. The champion shook his head at the council, "I am just as surprised by the elves response as you are. Our system and those assets flying patrols are seeing those dragons.

You just finished reestablishing an Alliance with the elves. Now you are attempting to get the Capital to escape in the middle of a full-blown battle. The decision is yours on how you wish to proceed."


Mercian called out "Activate." He laid out the other display. "Right Eye, Display 3, grid 50 ground level. Thirty feet depth and expand it!"

He pointed to the King, "That is the Drow first wave. I recommend having Strong Oak Deploy back inside of his shield and turn on the force wall generator."

The King nodded, "Where will they go?"

Mercian looked at him, "Capital Main gate!"

The King sighed, "What does this buy us?"

Mercian looked at him, "Wild elves and druids. They will not engage unless they are invaded. They are being invaded. Forces, not ours that can help to reduce the threat. Once we get them bottled up, we have them drop teleport on Quatarsia and move his forces to the other side of the wall. They come up behind the drow and we have them pinned between Force wall, our Arcane casters and archers at the gate and druids boxing them in.

Turn on lighthouse beams north and south while we are at it. Leave 3 and 7 off, for now. That keeps them boxed in and our 'Dragon allies' from escaping north while this fight is going on. Overwatch keeps turning on shields and security in all shelters every minute. I cannot see from here where they may have sent many half-dragon forces."

It took another 3 hours before the dragons got back with King Goldeagle, "We have 500 dragons inbound. Can you drop your Lighthouse now?"

Mercian looked at the King and shook his head, "We can as soon as those other dragons are out of the air. At least most of them. Have them attack their three villages. Draw them back toward you and away from the beams. That will slow or stop ground troops and the dragons will have to respond by engaging you."

They spend the next 12 hours getting their dragons into certain beams to be able to release the dragon homeland but their dragon troops were locked in with them effectively. Mercian thought, "Is it time for me to engage them myself? Some guidance would be appreciated."

Mercian got an answer an hour later from Corellon Larethian, "Go champion and survive this."

Mercian looked at the King, "I am headed out there. I got direction, Your Majesty."

He nodded. Mercian looked over, "Tell the Dragon King between beams 6 and 7 low to the ground his forces could exit from the shield weapon that does not damage them or restrict their movement, Your Majesty"

King Goldeagle nodded, "Might save us some goodwill." Mercian mounted up. "Stay alive my friend."

Mercian took her out, "Deactivate. He went down and then teleported outside the north gate shield wall. "Activate." He teleported above Lighthouse.

He went down through the beam where dragons were leaving by the hundreds. He started lobbing shots into the throng of chromatic dragons who got cut off by the beam weapon. Four hand-held shield weapon bolts went off and cut through the group. That caused them to disengage 6 metallics that they had on the ground. He launched another set from inside the shield. More of the metallic made it into the safe zone for the dragons and the drow were not pursuing them.

He went down and started healing up the dragons and firing off those crossbows every few minutes. He burned through 3 wands on the metallics and they were well enough to fly out of the area. They flew out of the weapon area. He went inside the battle zone and teleported up.

He started launching round after round at the dragons from the top of the shield. Mercian heard a deafening roar. Mercian pulled out a crystal, "Left Eye, Relay! We have not 1 or 2, but 3 dragon champions on the field!"

Mercian teleported up and away from them. He let his non-detection down for just a second but it was enough. He had those 3 coming towards him.

He reloaded one of the crossbows and pulled out the rod of expansion and dove between the three villages.

He fired off back to back force webs. He only needed to snag one. He slowed all three of them. He did it again as he closed in toward the ground. One started falling and he shot a hand-held force field weapon into him. Mercian teleported them to the edge of the big weapon. He put the rod away and slowed two more dragons in the area before he fired weapons at the two other champions still in the air. He rode through the shield weapon area.

Mercian took to the Air. Mercian heard Anama'Losgadh, "I am not going to make it."

He started healing his horse up as fast as he could.

He called out, "BRACE!!!" Into the Overwatch crystals.

He made it through the field and teleported them to the north gate. Anama'Losgadh fell over dead.

He rolled away. She got hit by those drow bolts. He counted 5 holes. He pulled the saddle and reigns. "Thank you, my friend. You saved my life and many elven lives. You were a true hero today."

He disintegrated her body. "Deactivate." He teleported down as the first shockwaves hit.

Mercian teleported into the fourth floor "Activate" Mercian walked into the shelter when the worst of the shock waves hit. They continued for an hour as their forces squeezed them at the gate. He thought, "Thank you Charlus for leaving us the weapons to do this."

Mercian looked at the map and the three villages were gone along with the land in-between them. The King came over, "Three dragon champions?"

Mercian nodded, "I dropped my non-detection long enough for them to know I was a champion. I got them to crash or come down there and got out before they exploded from the hand-held forcefield weapons. I stayed out of range of the drow until the end and my horse got hit by 5 of those bolts, at least. I healed her as fast as I could but as soon as I teleported to the north gate. She just fell over dead.

They got to her heart. She kept flying to get me clear of the blast area. They have a massive crater to go back into. There was a black, shadow, and a hybrid of the two. That is why they sacrificed their drow champion. They had 3 more! Can we pull up the crystal for the Dragon Council?"

He nodded, Mercian called out, "You there, Your Majesty?" Mercian heard him and Glimmer in the background.

He spoke, "We thought you might have just died given the explosions we saw."

Mercian shook his head, "Only Anama'Losgadh, my Elven Warhorse died after getting me out of there. 3 dragon champions appeared, a black, shadow, and a hybrid. How in the fuck did they get three champions? I don't know, but they were dragon champions!"

The crystal went dead. He heard Corellon Larethian behind him, "We know how they got three. Bahamut is talking with his people now."

Mercian turned and he called out, "Remain standing everyone. You still have fighting going on."

Mercian nodded.

He looked at Mercian, "Tiamat, Task, and Null. Normally only Task or Tiamat would send a champion but the significant losses to the chromatics and lack of undead dragons being thwarted by the Metallic dragons and the elves, in particular, caused the three of them to try a massive strike together.

Especially after being contacted by the rouge Gold dragons who had started the experiments over again. Bahamut was not happy with his worshiper's initial response. Their champion fell in the battle to non-champions. Those killer bolts the drow were using were from draconic necromancy provided by Null.

It kept him from making a final request to destroy his amulet. Not that it would have done anything but killed more Metallics. The ones you saved at the bottom. You helped to free 176 metallic dragons with your shield weapon escape. Your patience and strategy kept this day from being far worse. We did not see 3 of their champions on the field.

Bahamut will be talking with other dragon Gods about putting another champion on the field the next time. The dragons are moving but only another 10 miles away toward the western mountains. They were considering a hundred miles and beyond those mountains. Bahamut wants them close but that gives all room to expand.

Your cousin was not totally wrong. We have a lot of people we just need to invest in expanding over the areas we have captured. Charlus's plan to expand Overwatch would have come in handy to support that if King Goldeagle had listened all those years ago. That would have pacified some of her concerns... not all of them.

Your Cousin, the former Duchess's approach and method were wrong. She is undergoing reeducation. She will return to try and get it right but not as a ranger and not for a few hundred years."

Mercian nodded. Corellon Larethian looked at Mercian, "A dwarven champion has come onto the field and will help to deal with the orcs and ogres who are coming. Hopefully, this one is better than the last, fortunately, Moradin, the dwarven God had stripped him of champion abilities after he got captured in one of those rings. Else the damage underground would have been catastrophic to his people when you killed him in the throne room.

They will request some aerial and magical support which will happen but my champion needs to stop for a bit and start a family. Spend time examining the holes in your defenses.

Your exit for the metallics saved a lot of dragon lives and they will know of it. You helped to save 6 with healing, but many others got out from there before and after you arrived. You will be needed again when facing off with the giants, humans, the blues, greens, and white dragons. Reds are coming in with the orcs and ogres.

The loss of the dwarven leadership they had control over will hurt their cause. The goal of taking out the dwarven sappers achieved, because of all the damage they were doing before the Alliance came down.

The dwarves will be back at the table soon. Your question for your horse, Anama'Losgadh has passed on and was happy to have you as her friend. She does want you to get laid though."

This caused the people in the room to break into an open laugher. Mercian sighed, "She will be hard to replace. Those drow weapons are going to be a problem?"

He shook his head, "They may reappear but like your hand crossbows, they are tied to an enchanter who died and thus they have less than a year of life left to them. I should go. That will allow you to get back to work."

Mercian nodded, "Getting laid."

The room erupted in laughter again. As quickly as he appeared, he disappeared. They spent the next 2 days cleaning up from the mess. Duke Strong Oak fell in battle. His son assumed the blade and the title. He did not care for his Aunt either.

Mercian slept almost an entire day from sheer exhaustion after everyone else had gotten sleep. He awoke, prayed, showered, dressed, and ate alone. He had his tack in hand when a page came to the door of the war room. He cleared his throat, "The King wishes to see you in the throne room."

Mercian nodded. He took his tack with him and his display. He stored it away while he carried his saddle. He walked down to the line and stopped. He bowed to the King, "You requested my presence, Your Majesty."

He nodded, "Yes, we lost over 34,254 elves as some are bordering on death still. 157 centaurs who were warned of the coming conflict by you.

The Dragons lost 283 in the fight. Then there are the lost elven war horses. Over 1,000 fell in this battle including yours." Mercian nodded. "The majority of the fighting lasted less than a day. A massively bloody day. They planned 3 or more days of destruction over our area.

Your strategy helped to end this quickly. I was fit to be tied when you disobeyed my order to return to the palace. Telling me, 'Not Yet.' But you were watching it all unfold and sending directions back to save lives. Then you came to the palace until redirected back to the field by the Gods.

Saving and healing up 6 dragons who were fighting to get out of the combat zone and another 170+ who made it out through that hole without need of healing from you.

Others had moved further out awaiting direction. They escaped out that way later. Then you went in. The lone aerial elven rider, taking out more of the enemy dragons. Then 3 dragon champions came on the field.

You drove them into the ground into those villages and escaped the blast you created. It left a massive hole out there in the plains. I am learning like a lot of my predecessors that you have to listen to your champions and give them a wide berth when they say 'no' for a reason."

Mercian smiled and nodded, "Your Majesty, I could not do that initial launch of our defenses from back here. I had to time it right even with the crystal information being relayed. For me, it was feeling the flow of the battle like a raging river.

We built dams and sent them where we wanted them. We chose the ground to fight upon. We saved those woods, most of them, that my cousin the former Dutchess fretted over."

He nodded, "Best estimates put the dead drow, driders, and chromatic dragons collectively over 100,000 and possibly double that as we have no idea as to how much of their force had yet to emerge before the collapse. Like your ancestors, you are a credit to your House and the name Silvertree. Take a knee."

He sighed and took a knee, "I have medals for heroism and tactical excellence. From the dragons and from me. I am also making you a Duke with a hereditary title."

Mercian looked up, "Your Majesty, hereditary titles have had a problem in the past, Your Majesty. Charlus was completely against them for a reason."

He nodded, "Which is why this is not tied to your house but to the blade of House Silvertree. The Blade of heroes. Like I am doing with House Strong Oak.

The other Branch if you will of Eldar Silvertree. I am not making you a field marshal yet, though you are well suited for the job."

Mercian nodded, "Divine direction for me to go and get laid and start a family, Your Majesty?"

He nodded while the court laughed. "It will come as you have already earned it. You need to find a balance in your life that a wife and children will bring to you."

Mercian nodded, "You announcing your plans to get married, Your Majesty?"

The room chuckled and the King sighed, "I suppose I should work on taking that advice as well. Rise champion, Duke, and friend."

Mercian bowed to the King as the room erupted into applause, He thought, "Varus'Nor you have a title tied to you and a new name as the Blade of Champions. Don't let your hilt go swelling too much. I still need to grip you."

He heard him laugh, "The wielder is the one who earns the title. I just judge who the wielder should be. I help to guide them."

Mercian thought back, "I know I have been a bit dismissive in your advice on family and I will at least try."

Mercian heard him sigh, "Then you will succeed."

Mercian walked away as King Goldeagle dismissed him. He was met by Duke Strong Oak and Patron Silvertree. The Duke looked at him, "Thank you for protecting the Duchy. I watched those exchanges with the 'shrew.'

It took everything I had to not bust up laughing when you said that. My father was saddened by her death but was glad you took the task from him. Giving her the appearance of a chance. I was two rows back but I saw how you moved and she stood no chance."

Mercian looked at him, "My off-hand weapon is vorpal. Charlus used it and now I do. He trained me in my two-weapon fighting. I hoped to save a lot of the woods in the process, the wild elves lost a section of the forest because of our shields. We should send in seeds from the Silvertrees to help them regrow. That would be fair.

I have it on good authority she will return eventually but not as a ranger. To try and live a good life. Keep up on the projects you have going with my Patron. We want to keep our people happy. Our enchanters and your militias. They took a beating from what I understand."

He nodded, "Almost half of each militia was lost. The underwhelming gear had been noted in my report back. The fact that my father was working on that with your house at the time and it went back to my Aunt not using her resources."

Mercian nodded, "Do not forget to get Silvertree seeds when replanting your own forests that were damaged. There are still out there because of the pastures and farms. I look forward to hunting with you my cousin."

He chuckled, "I am not much of a hunter but I do go on occasion."

Mercian smiled, "You are a Duke over a Duchy on the front line of most conflicts over the last 2,000 years. You will always be hunting."

He nodded. Patron Silvertree looked at him, "Your mother would be proud. You made them pay."

Mercian nodded, "Now I just have to find a woman who is not interested in the title, money, fame, prestige, or any of that other crap and simply can love me. Not an easy task. First another horse, she is going to be hard to replace. It pained me to lose her."

He nodded. Mercian walked out and teleported to the palace gate and there was a crowd gathered. Mercian looked at the guard, "What is going on?"

He pointed, "You!"

He got on a crystal, "Overwatch can I get teleport access out of the palace district?"

He heard Lucian laugh, "I was told to deny it and to put an additional teleport blocker into the eyes for at least two days or until you get laid."

He sighed. He looked at the guards, "Don't tell me, no assistance allowed."

He nodded, "Not much."

Mercian went to the gate to a cheering crowd. He stepped through and Varus'Nor alerted, "Danger!"

Mercian teleported out with eight of the crowd. He pulled his crystal, "Overwatch, I got a danger alert as soon as I left the palace district. I teleported out with eight people from the crowd. Anything reported?"

She sighed, "A fireball went off at the gate. Several severely wounded. The guards could not get to the culprit because of the bodies. Mercian teleported back to the gate with the eight he had with him. Mercian went in and started healing the injured. In the crowd. Mercian found 3 dead children in the crowd.

Mercian sighed, "Overwatch you have casualties, 3 children. Thanks, you for boxing me in. Thanks for failing to listen to a champion once again!"

He slammed the crystal down and shattered it. He walked away from the crowd.


Lucian looked at the shattered crystal in her hand and groaned out, "Fuck!"

She contacted the King, "The champion was attacked coming out of the Palace district. He asked for us to drop teleport and we blocked him as instructed, we now have 3 dead children at the gate. He had teleported out before the fireball struck. The one who threw it was invisible and that went away after he or she teleported away. The champion is pissed and destroyed the crystal to me."

King Goldeagle groaned as he was still in open court, "Keep me posted. This is likely only the beginning of something new. Get me names of the dead and we will work some form of restitution, this is my fault for making that call. I should not have blocked him in like that, especially if he saw something wrong.

Be more fluid when dealing with his requests in the future. Regardless of the direction, I give you. Get that blocker out, I don't need him shutting down Alliance Overwatch over the fact we kept him out of it. That was a bad call."

He thought to himself and then spoke to the court, "Forcing him into the crowds might have been the right thing to do for the morale of the Elven people, but he tried to avoid it. We failed to listen to the champion and it cost lives.


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