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Simon on the Beach Pt. 03

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A sun, sea, and sex story. Lad meets woman - and her lover.
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Part 3 Peter joins the party

"We're being watched," Simon remarked. It came out rather matter of fact as he fucked Daphne. All eyes swivelled to where he was looking, up in the dunes. No question the watcher realised the import of that.

"Show yourself," called Daphne, no longer with a cock in her mouth.

Slowly a man rose. A man of about Simon's father's age dressed in shorts and collared short sleeved shirt. An older man. Daphne beckoned. He had perhaps the option of just leaving. After all the naked people he had been watching had discarded their clothes some way back. He could just have run off, even strolled away into the dunes. Instead, he came forward perhaps drawn by the idea of seeing them closer still. Unhurried but coming down towards them, walking a little stiffly. Well, it was clear he too was stiff -- in his shorts.

Grey haired, a little curling, and with a beard, again rather grey. A tall man and well-tanned.

"I said show yourself," commanded Daphne as the man came closer, indicating he should drop his shorts. She meant 'really show yourself'. An exposure. Rather remarkably he complied almost with alacrity.

"And your shirt." Daphne grinned, "I can see you were enjoying what you were seeing."

That was certainly obvious. The man's penis was no less erect than Simon or Julian's. So very there even before the shirt came off. Three men displaying their manhood in the early sunshine on the beach in a most impressive way. Hard, upright cocks, pointing before them. Sexually excited and naked men, quite unable to hide their arousal.

"Julian, Simon, Daphne and..."


It was surreal. Simon with his penis shining and wet from its recent short sojourn inside Daphne, shaking hands with a complete stranger -- naked and with his own erection -- and then seeing him shaking hands with Julian and Daphne. Hands shaking and turgid penises bobbing up and down with the movement. Not one of them held, all three left to do their own thing. Knobs just wavering around. Until very recently no one but Simon had seen his penis all stiff. Until recently Simon had not seen another -- and now there were two of the upright things there with him. It was clear Peter did not normally expose his cock to the sun. Naked, it was as if he still had pale shorts on, his tan lines above the knees and at his stomach very clear.

"I apologise but it was all so... stimulating. What do I say? So good to see beautiful bodies. Would it be wrong of me to say what beautiful breasts you have, er Daphne?" Peter was visibly relaxing. He was not being criticised for his voyeuring. "I do like your standing nipples and," he looked downwards, "your bush. Your bottom... of course especially with the young man's cock so strongly... well engaged."

There was more of the same. Peter did seem to want to justify his peeking. He said nice things too about Julian and Simon's bodies. It led Daphne to comment about how he was keeping himself in trim. She even asked how old he was and, indeed, he was exactly the same age as Simon's father. It occurred to Simon that the voyeur could have been his father. He was a man too and men have urges. How awful would that have been? What if Daphne, because it was Simon's father, invited him to fuck her too? Sharing a fuck of lovely Daphne with his father -- and Julian. What would his mother have thought?

But Daphne seemed to have drawn the line and was not offering her openings to Peter. Not for his enjoyment and perhaps hers. Not to a complete stranger. She complimented Peter on his penis. How strongly upright it was. How she liked the rather pointed and triangular knob and that his slack, hanging balls looked very full. But she did not invite him to put it to use with her.

"Does it shoot well?" she enquired. "I look forward to seeing that. I like seeing a man cum. I'm sure you'd like to wank some more. Wank for us as we fuck. And then show us." Daphne was presuming the man had been wanking in the dunes. Peter did not demure at the assumption. An invitation to him - would he like to wank to the naked Daphne -- enjoy her charms and then... ejaculate. He just reached down to himself and began moving his foreskin. Had he ever done that before in a group? Simon was seeing a man as old as his father stroking himself. Neither Julian or he were doing that. In keeping with his age his penis did look more -- was 'craggy' the word? Did age thicken the skin and emphasise undulations and ridges, make the veins more prominent and give it a more buttressed and solid look (and perhaps feel) compared to his own rather smooth erection. Did his father wank? A rather awful thought. Was his father's penis like Peter's -- more gnarled and tree trunk like compared to his own smooth sapling? Did that texture, that cragginess make it better for women? More sensation than Daphne was feeling from his smoothness? Did a young cock feel more like a smooth plastic dildo than an older man's cock?

"Now where were we?" asked Daphne. She bent again. "I think, Simon, you'd stuck that young cock in me, hadn't you? Probably Julian's turn but - do it again."

So, Simon did. His smooth young cock sliding easily back into Daphne's sheath, but her eyes were on Peter's cock. Did she really want that inside her -- instead? Did she like the idea of its mature cragginess? Would she, perhaps, enjoy having Simon's father fuck her? Simon looked away from Peter and towards Julian and his own upright penis. Simon did not like to think of that. His dad and him sharing Daphne, his father's perhaps big and craggy cock pulling out of the woman to allow his son to push his youthful penis in. Might they both come inside Daphne, the semen that had part made him mixing with the product of that union's cum. Did fathers and sons sometimes fuck together? And then there was grandad...

So clear Peter was delighting in not only being able to see the fucking and sucking close to, but to almost join in, freely wanking close to them. Walking around them as he did so. Seeing everything but the ejaculations. Simon's performed well up inside Daphne's hot and wet vagina; Julian's all in Daphne's mouth -- and duly swallowed.

"Your turn," said Daphne turning to Peter. "Show us what you've got."

It was not like Simon's first experience. Daphne did not touch Peter, did not wank him off. She was expecting him to just do it. And indeed, they were all watching him. Daphne encouraging him by displaying her sex, all creamy with Simon's work. That did the trick. From the end of Peter's rather triangular shaped knob came sudden spurts of white, projected out and down onto the sand. Simon's eyes upon the erection and shot. All rather surreal. There he was naked and with shrinking penis, his own cum visible on and in Daphne's open sex -- all that remarkable and almost unbelievable - but there too Julian naked and with his penis wet from Daphne's mouth, and moreover a third man, equally naked, but bearded and older freely masturbating and ejaculating right in front of him. Semen pouring out of the man's rather craggy and veined cock, so clearly coming out of its little slit, its eye, out and down onto the sand. Daphne clapped her hands. It was a good performance -- if, thought, Simon that was quite the right term.

Simon turned the corner heading to the supermarket, on an errand for his mother, when he stopped dead. There was the man -- Peter - with his father talking away sitting at a table outside a café. His father beckoned him over. "Coffee, Simon? This is Peter Denny. Haven't seen him for years. Just bumped into him. An old colleague. Peter, this is my boy, Simon. He's been a bit bored this holiday, stuck with us and his sister."

Such relief when Peter did not give any indication whatsoever that he had met Simon before. Or that he had seen Simon being anything but bored! And, of course, Simon said nothing -- least of all about having seen his dad's old colleague's stiff penis erupting and spilling semen all over the hot sand that very morning.

"I did not say anything -- of course," said Peter to Simon after his father had left. Wouldn't dream of it. We keep each other's secrets, eh? You don't tell my wife and I say nothing to your parents. Isn't Daphne lovely? I'd certainly like to have been in your shoes." He smiled, "you were right in her! Not in her shoes at all! And you just met them?"

And Simon told Peter all about the meeting but was a little circuitous around his voyeuring. He did not want to admit he had been up to just the same as Peter.

"I saw them naked and thought it would be rather good to join them. I expected just to walk past and say 'hello'. Fellow nudists and all that, but rather more has happened." It certainly had. He told Peter about his virginity lost in Julian and Daphne's hotel room.

"How lovely for you. I felt privileged just to be able to... well, wank and watch and cum in front of Daphne. And a little strangely, in front of you and Julian too. Still all men together, eh? And the lovely Daphne. I do hope to see her again -- naked and preferably with her legs apart. You are a lucky lad to have got between them."

Lucky indeed. And it was not that long before Simon was lucky again. He had dined with his parents and sister and had a jolly and fun evening with them at a restaurant. He had, though, excused himself saying he wanted a walk to let dinner settle. That was true enough, but he was not disappointed to see Julian and Daphne sitting in the corner of a seafront bar. He probably would not have seen them in their somewhat dark corner had Daphne not been walking back to the table, perhaps after a visit to the 'Ladies.' She beckoned to him, and he sat with them and chatted.

"We were thinking of going back to our room and having a fuck. Would you like to join us? You don't mind Julian? I like the idea of two cocks in me -- in my bed".

"Would I!" exclaimed Simon, perhaps a little too quickly.

"Do you want to feel me? No one can see."

The bar lighting was fairly subdued especially where they were. On the next table a small party of young people laughing and talking. An older couple on the other table close to them. They were looking out towards the lit road, watching the people go by.

"Go on, Simon. A hand up my dress."

So good to reach out and touch Daphne's knee under the table. A bare knee of course. Simon felt acutely conscious of what he was doing. There were people all around! Had he perhaps gone red in the face, already. Was anyone realising? Around him no one seemed to have noticed anything amiss. No curious stares as his hand moved upwards on soft thigh.

"You're not wearing..."

"It's cooler! Have you pants under your shorts?" Simon felt his zip being lowered. "Do you think it would be cooler if your penis were out in the open?"

Simon's hand touched the place where Daphne's thighs joined. Not wearing knickers might well be cooler but there seemed nothing cool about what he was touching. Perhaps the wetness helped. Evaporation perhaps cooling Daphne's swollen and seemingly sexually excited sex. Perhaps. There was certainly 0a lot of moisture, her upper thighs wet with it. It must have trickled onto her dress, perhaps the seat her wetness having soaked through her dress was getting damp.

"Oh, I like that, go on, another finger. Mmmm, like being filled by a cock." Her hand was grasping Simon's erection rather hard and moving it. "You know, Simon, I've got a cock in each hand under that table. Aren't I the lucky girl? I wonder if any other girl here is lucky enough." Daphne looked across to another table. "Do you think she has?"

The girl in question certainly did not have her hands on the table. Might she indeed have the man to her right and the man to her left's cocks in her hands? Did this sort of thing happen often wondered Simon. Did girls often get men's cocks out in restaurants under the tables, perhaps under tablecloths? Were napkins sometimes filled?

"I could wank you both and see who cums first. He who doesn't cum gets to fuck me in my bed. Think of that, Simon, if Julian comes first then you get to fuck me as Julian goes to sleep -- perhaps if we don't make the bed bounce too much. And if you cum first... well that'll be a bit of a shame for you, won't it?" Her hand fell from Simon's cock. "But I want two stiff ones in my bed tonight. Go on, taste me."

Simon brought his fingers out into the light. Not just wet but gooey. His eyes darted about but no one -- other than Julian and Daphne -- seemed to be looking. He licked his fingers.

"Now me," said Daphne, her mouth reaching and sucking hard on his fingers -- just like a cock. "I'll suck your cock like that -- later," her tongue licking her lips in a such a pleasingly sensual manner.

"Dip inside me again, really inside."

Simon complied.

"Deeper. Spread. Am I going to want to be fucked? I want both of these in me. Now let Julian lick your fingers."

Again, the worry about being seen -- seen offering his fingers to Julian and Julian sucking them. Odd!

"Shall we go then?" Her hands withdrawn.

"I can't stand up like this."

Unlikely they could walk out of the bar like that. Just about possible if nobody really looked. Two men and a woman but with both men having upright cocks sticking up out of their shorts. Unlikely, given how the human brain is particularly good at discerning the unusual. Indeed, spotting the tiger hiding in the bushes or the snake in the grass. It was more than likely exposed male genitalia -- snakes indeed - would be spotted!

Daphne impatient to be off but Julian and Simon having some difficulty stowing away that which she had brought out under the table!

They tumbled into the hotel room, clothes going this way and that, all mixed up on the floor. Hands reaching to touch, soft boobs and hard penises. A threesome on the bed in just the moonlight streaming in through the window. A tangle of bodies, penises soon in Daphne's mouth and then vagina. Gloriously sensual by moonlight. A press of naked, sweaty flesh. A delightful, intimate rolling.

Afterwards Simon almost went to sleep. Easy to do in the soft moonlight, easy in the post coital state feeling relaxed and even rather tired. He though, was able to shake himself fully awake, realising if he slept, he would probably sleep until morning and have some explaining to do when getting back to his parents. He disentangled himself and stood looking down at the bed, at the monochrome nakedness of Daphne and Julian. Julian's penis lying soft against his body, no doubt as wet as Simon's and similarly dribbling. Daphne more curled up and he could not see where her legs joined at the front, still less see what would surely be leaking from her. Julian and his 'loads' all deposited. They had both done that. It had been lovely, really, really good. A deep and long orgasm for him, thrusting as hard as he could between Daphne's legs. A wonderful release. His third ever fuck.

A little difficulty finding the right clothes on the floor. It would have been a little odd walking home all tucked up in Daphne's knickers! Simon let himself out. The others were fast asleep.

It was perhaps inevitable. Peter was not going to want to miss seeing Daphne naked again. Nor was he going to want to miss letting her see his penis all erect a second time. Not at all surprising he would appear again. What Simon had not expected was how it would happen.

Daphne and Julian went off sightseeing the next day, so Simon rather had that to himself. A little surprised at the end of the day to find his parents had guests for dinner -- Peter and his wife! That was a strange meal, for Simon. Even stranger going for a nighttime swim with them all after dinner especially when Peter swam up to him in the dark and mentioned how much more fun it would be swimming with Daphne. He even used the term 'skinny dipping'. About how much fun it would be in the darkness to leave clothes behind and run down to the sea -- with Daphne.

And what a coincidence. For just as they were getting ready to go back, Simon espied Daphne and Julian coming down from the lit street onto the dark beach. He was not the only one.

"Your friends," whispered Peter to Simon, and then rather louder, "I think Simon and I'll stay a little longer, the sea is just perfect."

It certainly was, and off went Simon's parents and Peter's wife back for coffee, leaving the two of them on the beach.

"I wonder if they are planning a swim?"

The night was dark, but Peter and Simon had got used to the dark and were able to discern the shadowy figures of Daphne and Simon and greet them.

"Oh, you've been swimming. We haven't brought our things," said Julian.

"Do we need them?" asked Daphne.

Not really. It was dark. They were all adults. Julian and Daphne did not really need swimming costumes. Underwear or nothing would certainly do.

"Are you going to take those off too?"

Simon felt a hand touching his swimming trunks. Was Daphne touching Peter as well? Of course, he complied, and Peter did the same. Clear Daphne had taken all her clothes off. Her words confirming that. Lovely for Simon to know she was naked next to him. The idea certainly sexual and, as Simon removed his trunks, his young erection pumped easily up. A hand again touching him but not on the hip, right upon his penis. Not just touching but grasping and stroking a little. A super feeling there in the darkness. Daphne's hand fondling. Fingertips tapping. Fingers moving his skin. Was the same happening to Peter? Had he too erected in the darkness. His old cock doing just what Simon's young cock was doing? Again, the thought, he could almost have been there with his father. Daphne's hand not only upon Simon's hardness but his father's erect penis as well!

"Are we all ready for a swim? Better remember where our things are!" They were just about visible in the dark, Daphne's white knickers on the top.

Yes, indeed. Potential for great embarrassment if they were not found.

Were the other men erect in the dark as they ran to the sea and splashed into it? Simon most certainly was.

Strangely better swimming completely naked. Nothing obstructing, and exciting to know one's companions are too. Keeping fairly close together and not going too far out. Finding oneself touching others with hands or feet.

They came out, back onto the sand, looking for their clothes. They knew roughly and a hint of white -- Daphne's knickers -- guided them.

They stood talking quietly. "We'd better be getting back. Simon's parents, and my wife will be wondering..." a sharp intake of breath from Peter. "Oh, that's nice, Daphne. May I?"

Daphne's voice, "You may. I'll guide you. Tell us all what you feel."

So dark. Simon really could see very little. But he could certainly feel a hand closing around his penis, stroking it, moving his skin. It was so good to hear Peter's voice.

"Your hand -- so good. I can feel, your hair, yes, your curls. So soft, springy. May I?"

"You may."

Was Peter's finger tracing the little valley down to between Daphne's legs? That was what Simon would have done. Indeed, had done. He knew just what he would do. So exciting for Peter to not only have Daphne stroking him but being permitted to touch. The differences in ages considerable. Of course, no question it was Peter's fingers upon Daphne but was it actually Daphne's fingers on Peter? It occurred to Simon that Daphne and Julian might be playing a little game in the dark. A giggle no doubt but he had a bit of a suspicion about Julian. The thought Julian had a certain interest in penises. It was a feeling he had. Simon's hand reached down and felt up from the hand holding his penis. It was certainly Daphne's arm, her left arm. But that would mean her right had guided Peter's hand to her sex. She only had two arms and two hands. There was not a third to hold Peter's cock. So, the third must be Julian's! Could they keep the pretence up in the darkness? And what of Julian's cock? Was Daphne now stroking that?


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