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Simon Says Revenge Ch. 08-12 - Finale


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"Do you, Michelle, take this woman, Carly, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Oscar now turned to the handcuffed, blonde cutie.

"I do," Michelle's eyes moistened with tears of her own, though her bare-bottom spanking that she requested just before the wedding might have been a factor for the visibly pregnant bride.

"Then by the power vested in me by the State of Nevada, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss each other," Oscar made both ladies glad that they got married in Las Vegas after all ... and that Oscar was an ordained minister in his spare time.

That kiss ... wow, that kiss was explosive, too. Despite the handcuffs on her wrists, Michelle gave that kiss every bit of tongue and passion that she could, though Carly met her halfway with equal ardor. It was definitely the kiss of two women very much in love with each other. So what if Michelle was polyamorous, bisexual, and also in love with (and submissive to) me, right? If Carly supported Michelle's love affair with me, who else could judge any of us involved in it?

"Now, your turn, studmuffin," Ana announced as she took over as minister this time around.

She couldn't be the minister if she was also the maid of honor, right?

"Now, Simon, Jamie, repeat after me as you exchange your wedding bands, 'With this ring, I thee wed. and take you to be my troth,' Simon first, followed by Jamie," Ana urged us to proceed.

"With this ring, I thee wed. and take you to be my troth," I told Jamie, who surprised me by wearing an actual bridal gown, so unlike her usual tomboyish self ... and actual makeup for once.

Not that she needed it, of course, I thought, as I placed the ring on Jamie's left hand, that of my new, my second wife. The one that would stick, I was sure of it.

"With this ring, I thee wed. and take you to be my troth," Jamie let her voice ooze just enough lust as she slipped my wedding band on my finger.

"Do you, Simon, take this woman, Jamie, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Ana smiled at me with a ghost of a wink as I prepared to recite my wedding vows.

"I do," I grinned from ear to ear, though Jamie was on Cloud Nine herself.

"Do you, Jamie, take this man, Simon, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Ana continued.

"I so fucking do!" Jamie dared to cuss in her sincerity, which made the groomsmen, some of them her boyfriends, chuckle.

Ana in particular had to suppress a giggle at Jamie's use of profanity in her answer. Jamie looked at me and I at her in turn, both of us pleased that we had left out that whole "forsaking all others" bullshit, just as Carly and Michelle had. Jamie was right. Monogamy was a steel trap with painful jaws, while marriage in itself could be a blessing ... with the right sort of spouse. Open or poly marriages were definitely the way to go. I didn't even care whether or not the baby in Jamie's womb was mine or that of her several boyfriends by blood. It was Jamie's baby, so it was mine in my eyes.

"Then by the power vested in me by the State of Nevada, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," Ana licked her lips as she watched me grab Jamie and make out with her like her mouth had buried treasure.

Jamie gave as good she got, too, even whispering, "I wonder if anyone knows that your cum is dripping down Michelle's thighs and stockings while Jorge's is leaking from my ass. Think that any of them have a clue, other than those two and us?"

"Nope, but don't worry ... they'll hear it when I cum in your ass later," I whispered back, making Jamie bite her bottom lip in brazen desire.

"Why wait, baby ... I'm horny and I could use another load up my butt. Still want to do that orgy tonight at Sana's and Pham's? They haven't rescinded the invitation ... it would be one helluva way to spend our wedding night, and Carly and Michelle are already going, as are Ana and Oscar," Jamie encouraged me to reclaim her as she pulled me into the men's room to hike her dress for me and bend over the sink.

"Try and stop me," I told my saucy bride as I took advantage of Jorge's cum that lubricated Jamie's backdoor for my entrance.

"Oh, honey, why would I do that? I got my man now and I want to show everyone what a stud he really is. Plus, I really want to pull a train with each of the fellas. From the sound of it, mine won't be the only gang-bang, either. Every lady present intends to take on every man she can, well, except that Carly won't partake of that ... but Oscar's eager to be gang-banged, too. You'll fuck his tight, twink ass, too, right?" Jamie urged me while I plowed her backfield good and rough and she mooned me with her smooth, pale bottom.

"I only wish that I could send it to Danielle to make her watch me get more action than she ever could while she languishes in prison, but yes, I'll bang his fine, hungry culo," I chuckled as my sadistic side came out to play.

"We should so reverse gang-bang you tonight, so don't be shocked if we slip you some blue pills and put you out to stud. We being Michelle and I, of course, though Pham and Dr. Habib ... and Kenya, will all likely be part. And Yuri's assistant, Julie, too. You recall her, right?" Jamie told me with a heated whisper as I plundered her booty with a vengeance.

"How could I forget? That devil's threesome with her and Yuri the night that the divorce became final ... wow! I wonder which of us put the twins in her. Maybe one each, eh?" I laughed now.

"I guess we'll find out ... or not. Either way, she's quitting so that she can marry him. He's eager to claim both twins as his own for whatever reason. Maybe you can ask him tonight. But then, he's a solid guy, so it's not a big shock and he wants to start a family the right way this time, I think. No more monogamy, fidelity crap! It's good to have back-up sperm and eggs, just in case one spouse is barren, anyway, right?" Jamie asked me as she pushed back vigorously at me, eager for more of my cock up her bum.

"A major reason why I don't care who knocked you up, babe," I told my bride as I kept fucking her butt and enjoying the slimy feel of it from the cum that Jorge left behind.

"Yeah, there will be plenty of chances to knock me up yourself ... breeding me as you should. I hope that one of my daughters will be Jorge's, though, if you don't mind my saying so. I'd love to see what a stunning Latin beauty he and I would make together. Especially once she's eighteen and I can try to lure her into both your bed ... and his," Jamie winked at me in the mirror as I really ravaged her ass.

"Oh, God ... that kind of talk is gonna make me cum faster!" I groaned as I went balls deep inside her tush and damn near erupted.

"How about this, then? I gave my panties to Rodney on the condition that he cums in them so I can put them back on with his load making them ... and me ... a hot mess. Does that make you want to cum even faster inside my asshole? Do it, please ... flood my bowels, honey! I really want to make Jesse eat an anal creampie and he's eager to have yours in particular. Ana really wants to suck your cock straight from my ass, anyway. See them waiting for us?" Jamie pointed to one of her boyfriends and Carly's big sister licking their lips hungrily now.

"He's every bit the cuck that Danielle tried to make of me, ain't he, that Jesse guy?" I teased Jesse while spurting my load up my boss's butthole.

"That he is, but the difference is that he wants to be. You never did, which is why I promised to obey you and I meant it. I'm a tomboy slut, but I'm YOUR tomboy slut. I belong to you and never forget that fact. You own me just as surely as you own Michelle, but in my case, you've owned me for years. You just never realized it.

"This ... me ... my body, it was always yours for the asking and the taking. I just wish that I had told you that fact, since like most men, you were too blind to women's signals to notice. I became your tomboy slut, your fuckmeat, your private property, your personal plaything, the moment that I interviewed you for your first job at the mall. That was when I realized that I had to have you someday ... and that I would.

"I adore my boyfriends, don't get me wrong, but I worship you. I always have. And I always will. That's why I was the secret weapon, me and Michelle to a lesser extent, that she never saw coming. That's why when she pulled that stunt, when she lost you, I jumped at the chance to have you and grabbed with both hands.

"She just thought that I was your boss. She never knew that I was her worst enemy, other than herself," Jamie said as she enjoyed Jesse's thirsty tongue up her crack and I used Ana's hungry mouth.

"I love this, but we still need to go to the reception, you know," I reminded Jamie as we made out again.

"And then to the wedding night orgy at Sana's and Pham's ... and then onto the honeymoon. That's the beauty of Puerto Rico. It's still in America, so you don't need a passport, which is good news for Carly and Ana. I'm glad that we finally opted for San Juan as our destination, dear. What would we do without them, right? Or Oscar, or Michelle, for that matter?" Jamie recalled as we freshened up and headed to the reception holding hands.

So, my first marriage was a bust. In the end, none of my many forms of revenge against Danielle proved to be as great as having my second marriage flourish in the absence of the monogamy trap or any other toxic crap. Well, that and the pics that I sent Danielle in the mail of me and my ladies ... and their baby bumps. In maternity wear. If that wasn't the final reminder of what Danielle had lost when she kidnapped and drugged me, nothing was.

Revenge was bittersweet for sure. Bitter for her ... sweet for me.

Chapter 12

Author's Note: I thought that I was done with this story, to be perfectly frank, especially with the grief I got over the way that I wrote it, the direction that I took, or rather that it took me. I go with the flow of the characters and what they want half the time as well as the path that the inner logic of the story takes me. Some might not be happy, but I can't force myself into a box just to suit them.

Two months later...

"Up to you if you want to do this, babe. Just know that I respect you, either way. And we can be discreet enough at home to protect innocent eyes from seeing what they're not meant to see yet, just as we will with the others," an almost bursting Jamie assured me as we went to the maternity ward of the resident hospital of the women's prison.

"I must. A child's life hangs in the balance, dear. You know that. I can't do that to a child that's kin, no matter who his father might be," I resolved.

I was about to become a father ... to a child whose paternity was still unclear. This could very easily be Ramone's baby, not mine. Ordinarily, I would let his family handle it, but Ramone was my cousin, so he was family, like it or not. It could also be my child, very easily, because it wasn't as if Danielle and I had never been intimate, especially right after the honeymoon. I had decided not to test paternity, because if it were Ramone's, it would be basically an orphan, wouldn't it, and I didn't want to make any baby an orphan.

Unfortunately, this meant that I had to be present for the birth, which was very difficult and damn near killed Danielle before they finally opted for C-section. They put her on bed rest, which had to be easy enough on a hospital bed, even in prison. They weren't going to let her be active now, were they?

The knowledge that the mother had killed the father if it was Ramone's, or else held him hostage for hours if it were mine was still something jarring for everyone. Either way, co-parenting was impossible, particularly with the mother rotting in the state women's penitentiary. By agreeing to support my decision to raise this baby rather than give it up for adoption or something else, Jamie had signed on to be the stepmother, basically the mother, for life. She was already about to have our baby, too, so this was gonna be double duty, though thankfully Michelle, Carly, Ana, and Oscar would help out.

"You're gonna be good with this?" I asked Jamie as we sat in the waiting room, still halfway shocked that even a prison hospital had one of those.

"Are you kidding me? Our baby will have yet another sibling to grow up with, someone who'll always have her back. A big brother. I'm so glad that it's gonna be a boy. When they're all grown up, we can always push them in a certain direction, if you catch my drift," Jamie winked at me.

"Incest?" I whispered back.

"Hell, yes!" Jamie told me under her breath.

"We can pass on our family values, not Danielle's or Betsy's. A child is a blank canvas. I'm tired of society indoctrinating them to be mononormative, heteronormative, etc. Those are society's old-fashioned, traditional values, not ours, are they?" I smiled as we held hands.

"Indeed, and what's more, we can teach them true equality between the sexes, not male or female supremacy. We can teach them to respect themselves too much to let society or bullies or organized religion push them around. The adult stuff will have to wait, of course, but the values, the code, the morals, we can pass on our own principles and beliefs very early," Jamie replied, clearly on the same page as me.

"We can discourage greed, hate, bullying, fear, superstition, narrow minds, fanaticism, etc. We can foster creativity, reason, a love of nature, healthy exercises of the body and mind alike, intellectual curiosity, openness, etc. We can teach them to reject modesty, false humility, piety, and platitudes. We can teach them that sharing is good, while jealousy is no longer necessary in a world with less scarcity.

"We can teach them how to do things. How to build things. How to grow things. How to repair things. How to cook and clean for themselves, so that when it's necessary, they can do so. How to love and accept people ... and animals who are different or strange. We can teach them how to hunt, fish, etc. How to conserve, how to recycle. All that jazz," I continued.

"Speaking of jazz, we can teach them music in all of its glory. Painting, sculpture, drawing, coloring, etc. Let them discover what gifts they might have. Including writing, of course. I really think that we need to move out more to the countryside as we've discussed, away from prying eyes. Just sell it all. What did you think of my idea of moving us all to the northern part of Mexico, where Carly and Ana would never have to fear deportation again?" Jamie brought up that idea again.

"Works for me. I'd love for my children ... our children ... to grow up bilingual, for one thing. As much as I love my country, let's be frank. It doesn't really love us back very well, at least not the Jesus Freaks who tend to be in charge with their accursed 'Judeo-Christian ethic.' Speaking as one whose mother was Jewish and whose father was Catholic, there's no such thing as a damn 'Judeo-Christian ethic.' No matter how much Dennis Prager says otherwise.

"One religion allows divorce, the other doesn't. One has gotten over some of the more rigid and puritanical sexual ethics, at least in the Reform branch. The other hasn't. One tells wives that they're entitled to their husband's sexual favors. The other tells ladies that 'nice girls don't do that' and that sex is only meant for procreation. One not only doesn't proselytize, it makes you ask three times to even join. The other sends people out in droves to tell you that if you don't join it, you'll burn forever in Hell.

"Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now, babe," I blushed a bit there, just as the nurse called on us.

"It's okay, honey. I know my Simon by now," Jamie told me as she took the opportunity to grab my ass for a moment.

"Hey, so this is the baby, huh? I'm glad that you let his mother hold him for at least a little moment. She went through major surgery and lost a lot of blood to have him, after all," I commented as I took the boy from Danielle's hands.

"Yeah, even a convict mama is still a mama. Even a lifer. This was probably her last chance to ever hold or kiss or otherwise touch her baby, and that baby boy needs it, too. It's all on you guys from here. His new mommy will need to hold, hug, nurse, and otherwise bond with him. He'll need lots of love and security growing up," the nurse assured us.

"Oh, he's ... so beautiful! So handsome. Finally, Simon ... at last, we did something good, you and I. Together. Can I name him, please? Can I do that much at least?" Danielle begged us.

"Of course, Danielle. You're the mother. You had the C-section and he's your one child that you'll ever have. You can name, right, baby?" Jamie agreed to it, but nervously checked with me, since I was the father, not wanting to overstep.

"I think that's fair," I nodded.

"Damon ... Michael Avanti. Damon for my grandfather, Michael for my father. I regret how I treated him and I want to make amends with him for that. Giving the baby his name as a middle name is a start, isn't it? I was tempted to say 'Simon Michael Avanti,' but I think that Michelle's already got Simon III on the way, doesn't she? How about it?" Danielle named the eight pound, six ounce newborn.

"And a Simone for my part," Jamie blushed a bit, "Simone Michelle. I just liked how it sounded. Michelle for, well, Michelle."

"Please tell Michelle that I ... I love her. And I hope that someday she'll forgive me, visit me, and we can repair our friendship. I would love that very much. And Simon, I really am sorry for doing what I did to you. It was wrong. There was no excuse for it. I know that now. Too late, but better late than never, I guess. I must confess, believe it or not ... I'm ... still in love with you. I always will be. When I die, I want them to play 'White Flag' by Dido at my funeral. You might not get why now, but you will by then. Listen to it sometime. You'll understand how I feel better then.

"I love you, too, Jamie, for doing this. For raising my boy for me. And for giving my Simon what I failed to give him. A healthy, sane kind of love, not the poisonous mushroom version of it. Thank you for all of that. I'll be happier knowing that, whether you care about my happiness or not. I'll see you guys someday, beyond the grave. Until then, farewell," Danielle said the last thing that she would ever say to me.

"Goodbye, Danielle," I found myself crying in spite of my Schadenfreude, a softer side of me showing even though the coldness and hardness of my heart.

"Goodbye, Danielle. I won, you know, but having won, I can be merciful in my victory," Jamie leaned over to whisper in her ear, "I'll see you in Hell, bitch."

With that, Jamie and I left the maternity ward and headed for the parking lot, where Michelle awaited, very much pregnant herself, behind the wheel of our Jeep. We couldn't pick up the baby yet, of course. That would have to wait for observation. In the meantime, we could child-proof the place and figure out ways to be discreet so that none of our brats saw something that they should never see.

We never had a chance to listen to that song by Dido before Danielle died, just days later, not of complications. It was a suicide, done by hanging herself by her own panties in her cell. She even wrote a note saying, "I'll see you guys in Hell."

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